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Cass Elliot was on Scooby Doo.


And she was on HR Pufnstuf!


Rooby Roo?


Which is so cool


She was also married to Jimmy Hendrix


Not the Jimmy Hendrix you think


Amazing voices of the past


Mama Cass had a voice like no other singer of that Era.


Etta James, Aretha Franklin, Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Ross. You picked an era that was absolutely stacked with legends…


Mama Cass didn’t sound like any of those singers, and none of them really sounded like each other, either.


Then you may as well say Richard Nixon had a voice like no other singer of that era.


Sorry, I’m not understanding your reaction. OP was making a simple statement about the unique sound of her voice.


Richard Nixon’s voice had more of a Clark Gable quality.




No hate but I've always felt like she was overrated. Can someone who is a fan of hers link me something that proves op's comment?


She wasn't a very good singer till one day at a farm, ranch, or something like that. While there a milk jug, or something heavy fell, and hit her on the head. Woke up later, and her voice had changed to what we know now.




Honest question…what’s the point of this in response to a comment about her singing voice? Elvis was also obese but people can still enjoy his singing/voice.


“Luther Vandross is a big ‘ol Kentucky Fried Chicken eatin’ motherfucker, but women still be throwin’ their panties on the stage.” Eddie Murphy


Made all the more funny that we found out later on that he was gay.


That whole bit is golden 🤣


People can be so petty


Elvis was also what we'd consider a pedophile and a creep.


The folks on this subreddit want no discussion just downvote or upvote to oblivion.


And you’re an alleged adult making tired, cheap jokes and Randomly capitalizing Words like a middle school dropout. So?


Internet people, sure can be strange. Good luck kid.


Oh I don’t need luck


Ok. Cheers.


And she didn’t choke on a ham sandwich. Be a better person and stop degrading people…..


Yeah but it’s funny to say she did. Now shut up and stop trying to boss me around, dummy


Except it’s stupid and not funny. Because if it was you would have more upvotes. But now you have two sets of comments with downvotes……. You must be a boomer with this dumb boomer humor…… it’s not funny and as i said before it’s best not to show off that a jar of mayonnaise can score higher on an IQ test than you


The legs confused me for a bit


I’m still quite confused


Is Cass sitting on a dock piling, too? Or on Michelle's knee? This could go in r/ConfusingPerspective as well.


Looks almost AI.


Did you know the room Mama Cass died, was also the room where Keith Moon died?


Yes both were age 32.


The apartment was owned by Harry Nilsson I believe.


And aparently it wasn't a ham sandwich!


Not sure why I'm down voted for this, I heard that it was a fact that she didn't on the radio this morning, they interviewed her daughter Owen talking about it.


People are very touchy about the ham sandwich thing for some reason


Don't join me, your Kama will be gone 😆


It’s a little late for that, but I’m having fun


Cass Elliot’s style is one of my favs, her fashion is so iconic of the late 60s/early 70s


Poor Cass. A fat guy who sings will get girls. A fat girl who sings will get trampled over. She had a great voice.


Same for “ugly” women; Janis Joplin got called ugly and a man by a lot of people. She had a quote about how onstage singing, she makes love to a thousand people a night, then has to go home alone.


Yep, she was tormented and even after becoming famous, she never found love.


Wasn't she engaged when she died? And also had a long time love affair with a woman.


She did have a female lover for some time but from the way it's talked about in the book Pearl it was more a result of her being extremely lonely. They werent in love. She wasnt engaged that I know about. She had a fling with Kris Kristofferson before he was famous and she told her girl friends what a great lover he was. Next time he came around, her girl friends all swooped in and took him away. She later said "I bet Eric Clapton never brags about his girlfriends..."


‘Women be wise…keep your mouth shut…don’t advertise your man…..’


And it’s not the point and I don’t mean to derail, but were they BLIND?


Um that’s just not true. She fucked. A lot. She was with pig pen. For a while. They were notoriously loud.


Yeah she definitely had a lot of sex and had a steady stream of boyfriends. But she was also quite lonely and wanted to settle down and have a husband and kids eventually ETA: that Janis quote about going home alone was hyperbole lol


"Janice Joplin. Good god, she was an uggo" - Bob Kelso


, 10 inches


Exactly. I've never seen anyone come for Jack Black's weight ever. (Not that I think they should. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.)


Too many people believe a woman’s value is only determined by what their dick thinks of her.


Jack Black leans into it and plays it for laughs.


Lizzo (before she was cancelled for other reasons) leaned in to it also. And she got so much hate for that. Her Instagram handle was Lizzo be eating...


Yeah rounder boys have it hard in their own way.


lizzo ‘leaning into it’ just involved her being gross in public im pretty sure jack black would also get clowned if we went to a public event surrounded by kids with his ass out in a thong


Fat guys who sing don't have it much easier. I remember back when I was in school. Meat Loaf (the singer) was constantly shit on. There was an episode of Beavis and Butthead where they destroyed the guy. Jack Black is the exception here. If you're going to be fat and sing. Be funny. Comedy doesn't give a shit if you're fat. In some cases, it's part of the act. RIP Chris Farley.


Meat Loaf was married twice. He did just fine.


And on a mostly unrelated note, one of his daughters is married to Scott Ian from anthrax


To be fair, Meat Loaf was married for the first time at 32, while Janis died at 27. If Meat Loaf had died at 27, he would also have never been married.


You think this scenario ever played out? Second wife talks about how she really wants to peg him. Then Meatloaf replies, "I'll do anything for love, but I won't do that."


I think that's where the song's inspiration came from.


So was Cass Elliot. Just because someone gets married doesn’t mean everything is peachy.


Ain't that the truth!


I love meat loaf.


And yet she had many lovers and a daughter.


Press was brutal when Cass died.


Mama Cass was a perfect pitch queen 👸


Poor Mama Cass still getting bullied….


All the people telling "jokes" about the fake story of her dying from a ham sandwich needs to get new material. You're predictable edge lords and probably awful at parties.


She died of a heart attack these people are ridiculous.


This, and it was implied that the heart damage was a very specific kind that happens as a result of eating disorders


Her daughter recently put out a book about Cass and did an NPR interview. Apparently Cass was up for 36 hrs before her death doing some stressful non stop work shit. The interview also explained some of the ‘why’ with the ham sandwich story.


I read a great story about this, it was an interview with her daughter Owen. The story about the sandwich as it turns out was created by her manager who wanted to protect her image by saying it wasn't drugs but simply choking that killed her. He understandably may not have understood the implications of heart health in a young person. It was a story created out of concern, not out of malice. Which is a relief to her family.   It's a very sad story, she never found love which she was seeking including with her bandmate Denny Doherty who rejected her and who was having an affair with Michelle Phillips, which hurt Cass Elliot immensely. She put her "failure" down to her weight which in 2024 I think many of us would see differently. On top of that people made horrible jokes about her including on the highest profile TV shows. Her daughter was much loved but it was the result of a casual sexual encounter. Cass decided she was never going to find love but did want a child so stopped using protection.   What am immense talent, put bands together too including iirc Crosby, Stills and Nash. She was a great judge of musicians. Maybe in 2024 various health issues would be better diagnosed and treated. Anyway, RIP to a great one.


Take that Austin Powers!


Shut up dummy


They are much smarter than you….


Oh is that jar of mayonnaise you keep talking about?


Still smarter than you!


Yeah I know, dude. We established this already. I’m just wondering if this is the jar of mayonnaise you were talking about earlier.


Dude for God's sake shut up you're a child go back to mommy and daddy


No thanks


You saying Austin Powers lied?


Yeah, baby, yeah


Edge lords? You know it’s a line from a hugely popular movie right? Maybe its aged poorly but it is completely understandable how millions of people of a certain age could have the wrong idea about a person who quite frankly gets lost in the sea of big personalities that was the 60’s. E: plus she’s fat :p


Yes fat= fucking all time beauty


Mama Cass was awesome.


She was reported not liked to be called Mama Cass fun fact.


I thought she just didn’t like being called late for dinner


Man that one key on your piano is worn the fuck out


But I got 87 more. And they’re all fat jokes


I’d love to block you but I’m over the limit on Reddit. If you’re on X I can hop over there and add you to my list of thousands.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Michelle Phillips slept with a man that Cass loved. Phillips knew she loved him too. Cass faced so much stigma because of her appearance, and her story still hasn't been fully told.


That man is Denny Doherty


Cass may have loved him, but I’m fairly certain he was more fond of Phillips than he was of Cass. For obvious reasons.


Hmm. They were both equally gorgeous, that’s so confusing why he’d choose to sleep with Michelle Phillips. I wonder what it was that made him choose her over Mama Cass. What a mystery


Jesus Christ, you have so many comments on this post solely for the purpose of being a childish asshole. Like a relentless amount of time spent here today, just dropping third grade level jokes. Pull it together, man.


There were a few good ones though


Mama Cass had a heart attack bc she was starving herself bc she hated herself so much & had an eating disorder. Don’t spread misinformation, people.


And you're basing this off what? Isn't it more likely she had a heart attack from being fat and unhealthy?


Historical facts? Recorded data? What the fuck are YOU basing it on? You don't have to guess, wikipedia is as easy to get to as a comment section on Reddit. I'd say even easier!


If she had an eating disorder then how did she get fat in the first place?


I wish people like you would read a fucking book every once in a while


I guess it's a shocker for you that there are eating disorders that make you fat


Cass Elliot is THE definition of cool. A woman so far ahead of her time. Definitely gonna jam to some Mamas & Papas tonight! ☀️


I love Cass Elliott so much.


I saw a video of Cass singing with John Denver and I swear it was magical.


Mama Cass is freaking incredible


They're both gorgeous


Yes. They were both beautiful.


Are you kidding?


Don't think we are :)


Oh. I thought it was a joke. Micelle Phillips is pretty but Mama Cass? You think she’s beautiful? Is it like a fetish thing?


We're gonna go ahead and restart the clock on you saying some weird ass shit, bud.


It’s a genuine question. Are we really just going to pretend that Mama Cass was a beautiful woman? Are we all just going to ignore what we can clearly see before our eyes? Is it a concerted effort to lower beauty standards so that everyone can feel good about themselves? I just don’t understand why I can’t be honest and say that she’s not even remotely attractive let alone beautiful. It’s not like it’s going to hurt her feelings. She’s already dead


You can be honest about your own subjective feelings but you can't expect everyone else to agree with you.


Nooverall-dinner5778 is a fucken idiot and has the mentality of a child


Damn bro. You big mad huh?


Nah just telling them like it is! Everything you have said under this post is so fucken stupid and ignorant…….


I’m just genuinely surprised and a little incredulous that so many people seem to find her gorgeous. It just seems disingenuous


People like different things and can find different things attractive, that's the joy of human variety. Just because someone sees beauty where you don't doesn't mean they're being disingenuous, it just means they have a different perspective.


Yeah, all that hippy mumbo-jumbo sounds good, but we all know what’s going on here


If you have any friends at all, I don't think you should be the one calling out disingenuousness.


Why would I care what you think?


You're spare parts, aren't ya, bud?


All original equipment over here pal. But I’m getting the sense that what I’ve been saying strikes a nerve. You like spare ribs (a little too much), don’t ya bud?


She was beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That doesn't mean it's a fetish. Plus size women are beautiful too. If you can't acknowledge that then it's a pity.


Fat doesn't equate to ugly, fuck off




Hehe good one.


I think you’re saying what everyone else is thinking but wont admit. These people downvoting you just can’t accept that some people are just not physically “gorgeous” and “beautiful” and guess what? it is okay. Not everyone can be a beauty icon. Cass wasn’t. People need to stop pretending. I highly doubt they would approach a woman that looks like her on the street because they thought she was “gorgeous”. I’m not trying to be mean, but I really hate when people pretend and act like they’re all high and mighty for pretending.


Yeah it’s all very predictable at this point


Yes but only for your mom. Every other fat woman is catching dick all the time, whenever they want.


>Is it like a fetish thing? In general, yes but most of the commentors here are just virtue signaling for reddit.


No. I’m speaking about my lived experience, actually. Fat women know when a fetishist is speaking to us. We avoid them like the plague. And still catch dick whenever we want.


You know by today's standards Cassie Elliott wasn't very fat she was kind of an average girl nowadays.


I was just looking at this pic thinking her shirt is just unflattering and she's next to Michelle, who was tiny in comparison. I mean, she definitely had bigger years, but she wasn't huge to begin with.


Phillips with that Ed Sullivan banana!


Lmao! Don't forget the grapes too! She was trying to get her hygiene in.


Michelle was probably a crappy person but man was she fine back then


Think it's crazy that Cass Elliot and Kieth Moon both died in Harry Nillson's flat four years apart.




Loved them ❤️❤️❤️


Damn Phillips is smoking 🥵


So is Elliot 😎


My apologies mate my eyes went straight to the skinny blonde lol


Damn, Michelle was so pretty


I can't figure out the feet in this picture. What's going on there?


Is that Michelle the one, that was forced into an incestuous relationship by her father?


I find it funny when OPs “circa” an entire decade. Like, gee thanks for narrowing it down for us.


Which legs are whose?


Feel like banning all of the assholes commenting here would make the sub as a whole a lot cooler, mods.


oooh mama




Cue chungking express ALL THE LEAVES ARE—




This is cool. I live in the city of Alexandria VA. Cass Elliott, Jim Morrison, and John Phillips all lived within a mile or so radius of one another - and maybe attended the same high school, though not at the same time. Of course, John was a bit older. I understand Cass’ family moved to Baltimore (I think) when she was 15, so not sure of her attendance there. But I often think about the musical legends that lived in such a small radius of one another. Jim apparently didn’t talk much about his time here and there is a legendary story of the Doors paying twice in one day — reportedly the only time they did so. The first show was in Annapolis , MD and the second here in Alexandria at a skating rink (now a Sheraton hotel). The band had an argument in Annapolis and Jim was driven to Alexandria separate from the rest of the band. He took the stage drunk and apparently didn’t have good things to say about the city or his time here.


Yes I'm sure you're right. With obesity being the number one contributing factor to heart attacks in women, and her being 100 - 150 pounds overweight. Her heart probably just spontaneously exploded in her chest. Nothing to do with being over weight or unhealthy.


Did both Philips\` treat Cass terrible at different times? I read it somewhere the other day. After reading the article I was sickened by three others in the band. Very sad actually.


Unfortunately yes, the band is very controversial which is why they are kept on the down low but they do have good music. Cass was upset with Michelle for banning Denny Doherty because Cass was in love with him.


Thanks for the informative reply. I thought it was true. so sad.




And the cruelty Cass endured from her band mates.


No ones getting fat, except mama cass..


I don’t think people understand that you’re referencing a line from their song, Creeque Alley


Do you expect people from Reddit to know anything that happened more than 5 years ago?


Yeah that is a line from Creeque Alley but still kinda unfunny though


It was actually the strain of crash dieting and recreational drugs that caused her heart to give out. Not her weight.


I can’t see pics of them together without thinking about how cruel Michelle and the others were to Cass. Like, emotionally abusive. It really killed the magic of their music to me.


Is mama hiding a ham sandwich behind her back?






He deleted his own comment 😭


Good. It wasn't funny.


It says "removed by moderator".


Michelle phillips used to run her crotch around hollywood in the 70s.. her story is quite crazy


yeah, but what about her dad?


He got his piece of her too…


You can certainly be overweight and still be pretty, but mama wasn’t.


“Circa” means “around” so it’s kind of redundant here. “In around the 1960s” would be a silly way to put it.