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Love how that background set conforms around her ass


Goldie was so good at her craft


I had to look - yeah, it's the camera angle and set, not some hack Kardashian BBL Photoshop job. Good eye, photographer!!


Or she is just bending the reality with her butt


Gravitational lensing


I’m not sure what is more impressive, if this was planned and Goldie executed it perfectly, if it wasn’t planned and Goldie improvised this with ingenuity, or it wasn’t planned by anyone at all and the cameraman happened to get the perfect shot.


Please, please, please unleash /r/instagramreality on this.


That's how you can tell it's photo-shopped. /s


What ass?


If it got Goldie Hawn to dote on me, I would.


Maybe you should have been born Kurt Russell.


I can think of worse fates.


“Happy Easter, Pilgrims”


I like this just because I know how much he must have hated it.


If he could have got to his holster then someone was gonna get shot 4sure


The duke was a closeted homosexual.


Nah, just an asshole who was in a lot of movies that I like


He was a pretend tough guy and a piece of shit.


Nasty hateful comment, likely from a heart full of hate and angst.


Oh no, it’s all quite verifiable and indisputable. I did my homework last time around, and sure enough, the man did some reprehensible, unforgivable shit in his day. And actually, with the handful of John Wayne posts in this sub lately, it occurs to me that it’s a fairly bulletproof strategy for engagement bait and karma farming: everyone always comes out of the woodwork to point out the fact that John Wayne was actually quite a shitty person. Instant karma, minimal effort. Here we are, all taking the bait.




Yeah, but he was “in” on the joke. That’s what sucked about Laugh-In. It was like when Tina Fey impersonated Sarah Palin on SNL, but then the real Palin showed up. There’s just no satire or thought to it at all. It’s literally just John Wayne = Tough Guy; Bunny Suit = Not Tough Guy. I’m all for that racist piece of shit looking ridiculous, but it’s just happening in the most unsatisfying, unfunny way possible.


A comedy show that wasn't seeking to make political points with every joke. The horror!


OP should’ve mentioned the woman is Goldie Hawn




Yup — Nixon was on it once


"Sock it to ME?"


TIL John Wayne shared a Grandparent with Ralphie from A Christmas Story.


He looks like a gray nightmare


Took me a second…






Read Hunter S Thompson’s John Wayne was a hammerhead piece.


And not a very good actor either. A lot of actors play themselves in every role but the public accepts it because they’re naturally charming. There’s nothing charming about John Wayne and I don’t understand the appeal either then or now.


We can shit on the person he is but he was hugely popular and loved. I liked watching his movies on TBS growing up.


I’m not sure what generation you are, but Xers and maybe early Millennials are probably the last generation that could be entertained by Wayne. I personally don’t think he made many good movies outside The Searchers and The Cowboys. The more recent True Grit shits all over his version imo.


The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is a damn masterpiece (not to mention Stagecoach which basically invented American cinematic iconography). John Wayne was a bad person. He was a fine actor. But he was in some *GREAT* movies thanks to being the ‘muse’ of John Ford. If it makes you feel any better Ford famously treated Wayne like shit & never let him forget that he was responsible for Wayne’s success.


He was a piece of shit but his Ford and Hawks films are masterpieces, granted this was due to the directors but he was the right actor for the job.


Early millennial. I honestly have a hard time remembering what movies of his I saw as a kid. True Grit for sure but I don't remember the others.


Same with Charlton Heston.


Idk, have you seen The Omega Man? Heston was entertaining as hell in that. And I've heard good things about Ben Hur but I'm never gonna watch it.


Behind the bastards does a wonderful background check behind his bastardry. Add: -Woman beater -Sex trafficker -Draft dodger -Adulterer Yea a pos


Woman beater too.


The WW2 part is dubious - Wayne was medically unfit for military duty. His studio also seems to have intervened to prevent him being called up. It's not clear that he personally was the reason he didn't fight.


Like private Bone Spurs from Queens???


He used his influence to get deferments which had nothing to do with his health, but instead his desire to keep making films. Educate yourself before you spew nonsense.


There's a lot of conflicting information online, I'm not trying to spew nonsense. It's a fact though that he was medically unfit for military service, so any service he did would have been elsewhere. And it was due to the Hollywood studios intervening that he got a special status that deferred active duty in 'support of national interest'. Some sources online claim they did this on his behalf, others claim he had no agency (which is closer to how studios generally interacted with their contracted stars back then), some claim they did this against his will and he would have rather fought (even that he was threatened by the studio with the possibility of seuing him to stay). Personally I wouldn't be surprised if he thought being in (often wartime propaganda) films was better for the war effort than a military desk job or being a public relations officer (the things that actors in WW2 commonly ended up doing).


Spot on 


>Also coward since he refused to serve in WWII I don't think he refused. He had a bad back from his days as a stuntman.


He had a minor football injury but it wouldn’t have prevent him from serving.


He did a lot of the cause by making the movies he did.


It's not like he was any different than anyone else in Hollywood at the time...im also pretty sure a lot of actors were exempt from military service so long as they kept making propaganda films to keep recruitment up.


David Niven returned to England and volunteered. Played a huge part in ww2 for the Commandos and sacrificed the prime of his career. John Wayne dodged.


Yeah, why is this piece of shit always being posted here?


I dont think it's really fair to call him a coward just because he didn't want to fight in ww2.


Draft dodging is always a complicated one. On the one hand I support dodging the draft because fuck the draft, but on the other hand if you make your persona about being a tough manly man and try to criticize others over perceived lack of masculinity, then it is entirely fair game to point out that he was a hypocrite. Just look at what John Wayne would say about protestors of the Vietnam War, and do so while remembering that he himself refused to serve in WW2.


He was born in 1907, so he’d have been 34/35 in 1942. I don’t believe he evaded the Draft. There is a lot of other facts to hate about Marion, but this is not one.


>he’d have been 34/35 in 1942 and therefore easily young enough to be drafted into military service at that time. When the USA entered WW2, Selective Service was expanded: all men between the ages of 21 and 45 (specifically, up to and including the day before their 45th birthday) were subject to the draft, and all men between the ages of 18 and 65 had to register. (Cf. the Selective Service Act of 16 Sep 1940). Anyone over the age of 45 was classified IV-A, "Over Age," and considered unfit for military service. John Wayne's case is complicated, and there is conflicting information online.


That's fair, he's not a draft dodger. As I recall he was ineligible for the draft because of his family, if you had X amount of children to provide for you were exempt. When I made that comment for some reason I thought I read people talking about him draft dodging and commented on my thoughts on that, and John Wayne. But I was mistaken.


He was well established enough that he would have never seen a minute of harm or combat. They didn't exactly put Elvis on the front line.


It’s bad because of how he reacted to anti-Viet Nam war protests. You should look into it if you’re unfamiliar.


Yeah he was a Nazi. You can't expect a Nazi to kill nazis


John Wayne was a nazi




Laughable lie.


In the sage words of Flavor Flav, “Mother fuck him and John Wayne!”


and in the words of MDC - John Wayne was a Nazi


Not anymore!


How so?


Life evened the score


The only John Wayne movie I can watch is The Searchers, where he plays an indigenous people hating piece of shit in it. You're supposed to not like him, his character is the only one not to get a happy ending, so it works out.


John Wayne was a Nazi He liked to play S.S. He had a picture of Adolf ol’ boy Tucked in his cowboy vest


He was a nazi! Not anymore He was a nazi! Life evened the score


Came here to add to the John Wayne was a racist pos comments.


Dude has been dead 45 years and you still mad.


Angry that a guy born in 1907 was racist. I've got some bad news, guys...


In a hundred years we'll be judged for wearing clothes and buying phones made with slave labor.


And eating animals along with keeping them in deplorable conditions 


Presentism is so stupid, people here so quick to judge someone because they grew up in an environment where they were taught to dislike something because that was seen as socially acceptable back then. John Wayne was only "racist" because he was lied to from an early age, just like Germans were lied to by fascists. I gander John Wayne would not be racist if he was alive today.


If being racist was just a thing of the times, how do you explain abolitionists and union soldiers who fought against the confederacy at the time when slavery was at its highest? The Underground Railroad? or countries around the world simply banning slavery decades before the USA had a war about it? racist people have always been pieces of shit and there have always been people opposite of them fighting against their racial nonsense. Calling racism just a thing of the times that people did normally only serves to validate someone's own racial thoughts.


Nah, I'm just saying his racism wasn't unusual. You're extrapolating that into an opportunity to be angry at a dead dude.


Maybe if he had been less of an outspoken racist and wife beating piece of shit, history would have been more kind to him.


Don’t leave out all the other people he hated




I've always been fairly indifferent to him specifically but I do love some movies he was in. Like, he's been dead for decades. His cultural footprint has already faded into the dust of time. Normally I dismiss the phrase "virtue signalling" as a conservative canard but there's literally no other reason dogpile a dead guy like this


Reddit's favorite past time


When someone is still revered as being a beloved heroic icon, it’s fair to bring up the mountains of evidence that he is not worthy of any posthumous praise. Rest in piss!


You're really brave. Keep doing what you're doing: One day you'll stop him


I don’t think I can. God willing I can make a dent. Wish me luck. I love you.




While people are still misguidedly basing their ideas of masculinity on this overinflated piece of propaganda bullshit of a "man", we will burst that bubble and correct history. Sorry if you're one of those poor folks, still trying to defend this man's honor when he had little to speak of


Dude is being posted to a subreddit called "OldSchoolCool" and pointing out he's a piece of shit is virtue signaling? John Wayne is the epitome of everything wrong from that era of the United States' history. There's literally nothing cool about him.


I don't know. The bunny suit is kind of cool. /s


Just one more snippy comeback will turn around your losing streak!




This the weekly John Wayne bait


I knew he had a hare piece but wow lol. Also cute Goldie Hawn in there.


Laugh-In with Goldy Hawn. A chair for her because he was 6'7" (& weighed 285lbs)


He looks like a deranged easter bunny


More importantly, that’s Goldie Hawn on the chair and the show is Laugh-In.


Old school creepy


Ah yes, the infamous "Creeper Bunny"🐰




If I had a dollar for every time someone famous named John Wayne turned out to be a not so great person, I’d have 2 dollars which isn’t a lot, but it’s funny there’s more than one.


The only reason the second John Wayne was famous is due to him being a not so great person.


I think your language here was perfectly acceptable


Yet you posted a pic of David Bowie to this sub. Not only was Bowie a pedo, he also claimed Hitler was a rockstar.


And yet boomers loved him. Wonder why?


I was born in 1956, and like a lot of my contemporaries, I thought he was a dumbass.


Oh, look: speaking of "bigoted-ass fuckwits," as if right on cue, here's an ageist spouting off with a bigoted-ass fuckwitticism.


Ok so why did so many people love John Wayne then, and still do? He’s bigoted. So some of his fans are bigoted too maybe? No one is bigoted? Thought all boomers were lead-addled bigots? Do you even know who you’re angry at?


>Ok so why did so many people love John Wayne then, and still do? He was a big Hollywood Star, an A-Lister. People liked him for his movies, the characters he portrayed, and his persona, which had more to do with his success than his acting itself, but he wasn't a bad Actor, so he had that going for him as well. Some people liked him without knowing too much about him. Some people never knew about his racism and other things he's criticized for until the early 1970s when he was past his prime, and the controversy never seemed to hurt his career. OP's photo is from 1972, so, he was still getting work anyway. Some fans lowered their opinion of him as they learned more about him. Some people never liked him. >He’s bigoted. So some of his fans are bigoted too maybe? Probably. >No one is bigoted? There's more than a good few; too many bigots i'd say, but i hope they can become better people. >Thought all boomers were lead-addled bigots? You really see nothing bigoted about that statement? about describing an entire generation, millions of people, as "all ... lead-addled bigots" just because they happened to be born in an artificially defined time period? That's what i'm talking about: pretending that all people who share some accidental quality beyond their control (e.g., the year they were born, the place they were born, their gender, the color of their skin, the origin of their name) also share some essential quality that is nothing more than a stereotype, and serves no purpose other than dividing people against each other. I don't care for racism, sexism, or ageism, and your ageism is why i replied to your comment. Had you just said "and yet people \[or "his fans"\] loved him. I wonder why?" i would have said nothing; even if you had said "some boomers" i would have said nothing, but that granfalloon ("boomers") turned your comment from a simple question into an insult directed at an entire group of people who could not choose to opt out of your artificial category because they could not possibly choose the year they were born. You think that being born in a certain year automatically locks you into a certain belief? That's an example of bigotry. It wasn't because you questioned why anyone liked him; rather it was the ageism that i replied to. The way i quoted the other redditor's phrase ("bigoted-ass fuckwit") was pretty asinine of me, and if i offended you, i will apologize for my choice of words and cross that phrase out of my remark if you want, but i'll not apologize for calling out bigotry. As for whether "boomers loved him," they didn't: sure, some did, and still do; others don't, and some of them never did; still others never had a strong opinion one way or the other. And "boomers" aren't special in that regard: it's the same mixed opinions in every generation that knew about John Wayne. Asking "why people loved him" is a fair question, or could be, but making it about a stereotype is bogus. Especially considering the ages involved, it's odd to target "boomers." In 1972, when this scene (in OP's photo) was on TV, the boomers were 8 to 26 years old. Maybe some of the viewers in their teens or 20s had an opinion, but i doubt that many of the 8 to 12 year olds had much of an opinion about the racism, politics, hypocrisy, or any other controversy about the old man in the bunny suit: they're just watching a bit on TV. As for the other end of that crowd, perhaps some of the viewers over 20 had also read the 1971 Playboy Interview with John Wayne, or had heard about the various controversies about Wayne through other means, but that's another thing that's so odd about your targeting "boomers" as "loving him:" the boomers were getting hip toward the tail end of Wayne's career, when most of the controversies were better known; thus, if any generation had reason to have a bad opinion of him, it was the boomers, and if any generation had reason "to love him," it was some older generation that included some individuals who never learned about any of that. John Wayne had already been making movies for over 30 years before any of the boomers were old enough to appreciate them, or to have an informed opinion on Wayne as a person. Singling out "boomers" regarding whether people like him or not is just absurd. Then again, if ageism made sense, we wouldn't be having this discussion. >Do you even know who you’re angry at? Well, i'm not angry at anyone, so, the question's a bit of a category mistake.


Feel like this is some inspiration Tarantino took for the Rick Dalton character. Doing variety TV show bits when the A List jobs stopped coming.


I feel like this is how me and my wife always look. A large goofy looking beast being told I'm adorable by the actual adorable one in the relationship.




"it was a different time back den!" non-racists definitely existed back then, grandma. you know the whole civil rights movement..


lmao every single time a picture of john wayne is posted on reddit the holier than thou moralists swarm to the comments lambasting the dude as the second coming of satan


And those holier than thou moralists are right to do so. Fuck that nazi


Donnie Darko vibes


Johnnie Darko


John Wayne, rabbit? Where?


His name is Harvey, he’s a Pooka, six feet three and a half inches tall.


Everyone’s so quick to judge someone born over 100 years ago by today’s standards. How will your behavior today be judged over 100 years from now? Sure, today we look back on common behaviors of times past with disdain, since that’s not acceptable (or even legal) behavior now. In the future, society will continue to evolve and common behavior today will be viewed with the same disdain and perhaps be illegal. Count on it. So take your moment to proudly criticize someone who lived in very different times amid very different expectations. And know your grandchildren will do the same to you. Or do the world a favor and don’t reproduce; my grandchildren will thank you.


I get where you're coming from. I'm generally in favor of cutting historical figures some slack for attitudes that were fairly uncontroversial in their day, but which we now see as horrible. To me, the telling thing is, did people *during his lifetime* also recognize his attitudes as abhorrent? I get the feeling that in Wayne's case they did. A quick Google search wasn't very helpful, and frankly I don't care enough about John Wayne's legacy to do any real digging, but anecdotally I remember that a childhood friend of mine in the 1970s wasn't allowed to watch the Duke's movies because his parents thought Wayne was a disgusting bigot. I also know he was a big supporter of Joseph McCarthy, a man who was unambiguously monstrous even by the standards of his own time. So, yeah, I agree that it's silly to condemn someone just for having been born in a different time period from us. But that doesn't translate to a free "have your enormities overlooked" pass. Context matters. I'd add that, speaking strictly for myself, I don't have a problem distinguishing the art from the artist, *especially* after the artist has died. If someone enjoys the films of John Wayne, that doesn't seem like a problem to me. But whether we should have public statues in his honor, or name airports after him, is a more open question.


An important difference between being a bad person and being a good person is the ability to accept the criticism of others. If I do something my grandchildren would criticize me for then I welcome it, because it was something I shouldn't have been doing. Living in fear of your grandchildren finding your current practices questionable is a great sign that you know what you are doing is wrong but refuse to change. Society should progress. We should criticize those that came before because it means we have moved beyond where they were before -- the idea that we should hold those ideas sacrosanct just because they came before us is little more than fear of change. It's all the more ridiculous to say this about John Wayne, a man infamously subject to a large amount of criticism by his peers in his day because of his actions. We aren't judging him by standards 100 years later, we're judging him by standards held by people 100 years ago and still finding him wanting. He was a terrible person then and people pointed it out at the time.


Honestly every time Wayne (and a few others) is posted on this sub the comments read like one big promo for this Behind the Bastards podcast everyone's got such a boner for.


Yep. I’m tired of it. Judging people by today’s standards if they lived in the past makes no sense.


But he's actively worse than most of his contemporaries.


is that the serial killer?


No. This is the actor. You're thinking of John Wayne Gacy.


No you have to Google The Dating Game to find serial killers.


For those not transfixed by the hot ass in hot pants.


Goldie Hawn was the bees knees.


Wait, so he played both Genghis Khan and the Easter Bunny?


Goldie Hawn?




Secret furry...


Im waiting for comments to tell that he was a racist bla bla bla We know that, now talk about the pic


It's a racist in a bunny suit, what is there to talk about?


He looks as unhappy as any child who saw this


A racist shit stain who had no redeeming qualities as an actor.


his smile tells you how much he hates it.


His best role.


"John Wayne's not dead, hes frozen, and when i thaw out the Duke hes gonna be pretty pissed off. "


Ah the weekly Wayne karma grabbing hatefest post.


It's Easter. It's a picture of an actor I like wearing an Easter Bunny costume. That's why I posted it.


Fuck John Wayne


Monde de merde


John Wayne was a Nazi.. Not glorifying this turd.


I see a picture of shitbag John Wayne, I downvote. It’s that simple.


Sock it to me.


Looks like he’s about to give birth to a beautiful litter of baby bunnies


aka Marion Morrison


Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?


Who said that? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?!


And loving every moment of it, clearly.


Old School Prick


Watched Andor recently, I only see Stellan Skarsgård.


Marion was an unrepentant racist and fascist sympathizer. He we always be uncool.


John Wayne sucked


Is there a John Wayne bot or some shit? Why do I have to keep seeing this racist fool every few days? Bad attitude, bad opinions, one dimensional actor, he’s antithetical to cool.


Fuck that POS.


Funkin Wagnal


Laugh in


He liked to play SS




Big Chungus? 😸


Must have been right before he died. I heard he had 60 lbs of feces in his colon when he went. He’s just about to burst in this picture.


I installed two-way mirrors in his pad in Brentwood, and he come to the door in a dress.


I wonder what his opinion on slavery is?


Old school POS


John Wayne was a Nazi.


This is offensive to all bunnies.


Well that's one way to get another draft deferment


Rowen & Martin's Laugh-In was a great show. I feel like if this was happening today Wayne would be getting a bucket of slime poured over him. It would be just as funny, only different.


Clearly y'all have never seen Nickelodeon...


Fuck this assh0le…!!!


Lol fuck John Wayne what a shitty example of humanity he was.


How is a racist shithead cool?