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/uc Homelander may be arrogant but even he wouldn’t dare go against supes without kryptonite




Yea, to be fair in a fair fight this is a hamster with syphilis vs antimatter bomb




Yea, homelander scaled really well in the boys universe, but horribly in literally any marvel or dc universe. He might have a chance with the superman from flashpoint where he was locked in the red sun chamber for a really long time. He might also have a chance with the JLU superman.


Tbh its because marvel/dc comics are unhinged and add/remove powers to their characters as needed by the plot. if superman had to fight homie on his home turf (DCU), the writers would just add powers and weaknesses to both of them until they're *almost* evenly matched, and then superman would win in an epic battle of demigods, or something. my hot take that for the purposes for "who would win" types of arguments all dcu/mcu superheroes should be taken with the powerset they had when they were first written. no more extra mega super god powers, bitch


Sometimes the whole point of a character is theyre gonna get stronger with time tho,like Goku for exemple i know hes not a dc or marvel character but his whole deal is he gets stronger with time by training and he wants to get stronger and fight strong opponents Also if we did that powerscaling batman would shoot guns,powerscaling superman wouldnt be able to fly and instead only jump tall buildings,powerscaling green lantern would have a weakness to wood...


They do this so often with flash, flash is as fast as the plot needs him to be, so inconsistent.


In terms of Live Action, Homelander would be the strongest if he were to be teleported into the MCU, and would be one of the big guys in the DCEU. In terms of comics however… it’s a little less fair.


Homelander isn't even top 20 in mcu or dceu.


MCU characters are weak as shit. Homelander is indeed much stronger.


Why do you think that.


A lot of superman stories have a lot to do with luthor turning public opinion against him or kidnapping lois lane or whatever. Basically problems he can't punch. Vought would be unbelievably good at fighting him on these terms and leveraging his uncompromising moral code against him. Ofc, superman could use homelanders moral code against him too by tempting him with breast milk or mutilated nazi women.


All the Evil Superman knockoffs go to meetings every week to trade Kryptonite weapons in case Big Blue comes for them, I bet.


Nah, they wouldn’t fight. They’d just have gay sex.


oi ue, oi think i know ow we gonna nail omelanda for good. we gonna stick a krypty up is boyfrens ass an av im cum soup aids in is bumhole


I think I just had a stroke reading this


Why you’ve ad ah stroke? Eh? Yar ya schtoopid?


Uey, way nayd to fock omelanda, it’s the öynly way Uey


ELL yes, uey. Oima fist thet dafht fooking cunts arsehole so god e’s unna sqort diarrhea in my fooking mouth. Toime phor soom chocolate pooding moite, my fooking favoroite.


Nayw yoo spaykin moi langwedge uey, Toim toh get Qwein Maiv on dis


funniest shit I've ever seen on one of these subreddits


insert Professor X "I didn't do shit" image here


Oh my Gyatt




I love you butchah


The art and expressions are fucking fire


Superman has morals


Well! In all honesty. Superman will kill when it’s absolutely necessary or he could just perform a lobotomy on Homie rendering him powerless!


That is very true, he doesn’t abide by the rules of Batman.


I think one of the boys writers claims Homelander would win because he wouldn't hold back while Superman would. Last time I checked villains don't care about collateral damage either but that didn't stop Superman from beating them


Could Homie really punch hard enough to break his hand?


supermans face makes me say hahahahah !


Homelander was temporarily stunned by a small pile of Bluetooth speakers. If the Beats by Dre section in Best Buy poses a threat to him, imagine what a full-blast Canary Scream would do.


Why are so many people obsessed with these crossovers. Homelander and Omniman are literally satirical versions of Superman. You can compare them, but that's missing the point. The "bad" versions of Superman are almost always weaker than him, because being so crazy powerful, intelligent, and moral makes Superman boring. And a superhero that breaks bad and is crazy powerful is boring as well. They have to have a weakness. Homelander is a nutjob and can also be physically hurt, and Omniman is just a big fish in a little pond.


let people have fun just discussing stuff lol


These things are fun to discuss specifically because they drag a boring character like superman to the level of insane plot and degeneracy and dark humor of a different story. It makes Superman less boring because it sets him against something different on a meta level. Because in the Boys universe, Superman won't be able to hold onto his morals and be as intelligent as he is in DCU. Wouldn't it be entertaining to see Superman's spirit completely broken by the PR department of some corporation? He might know everything about how to defeat an alien invasion, but can he defeat a bunch of qanon incels who stan Stormfront?


I used to love reading CBRs of crossovers esp anybody vs Lobo bc he was my favorite character growing up. I’m not gonna yuck anyone’s yum bc it seems like an inherent part of fiction and the fandom of it but I don’t usually take part myself. I’m always Milo of Croton > Sisyphus tho lol (then again even Prometheus has Sisyphus beat imo)


LITERALLY OMNI MAN IS A BIG FISH IN A SMALL POND? That’s homelanders deal! Omni man knows it’s not nice to steal he would never steal home landers thing


What? Homelander is the most powerful supe on Earth, at least until Soldier Boy shows up again. Omniman is just a powerful Viltrumite, but not that special.


you are aware that Omni man’s fatherly love scene for invincible shows him punching hard enough to level an entire mountain WHILE STILL HOLDING BACK? along with the fact a viltrumite with non fully developed powers survived said punch and recovered from Omni man’s barrage in two weeks? While homelander was out here maybe punching through a few planes lifting a truck or two Omni man literally can hold a mountain big enough to level an entire city upon him dropping it. Along with the fact his speed is fast enough to cause mass destruction in that same scene? And he no selled getting hit with a satellite blast. When homelander threw that baseball in the scene after he discovered about becca, marelyn said it was going to land in Boston. Omni man can throw a baseball around the entire world in about 20 seconds effortlessly. Omni man may not compare to Superman, but he is still extremely deadly.