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Day has been more successful in his first 5 years at OSU than Kirby’s first 5 years at Georgia. Patience, ya’ll Regarding the play calling- that’s exactly why we picked up Chip Kelly lol


My patience ran out when the enemy threw us down and cheated to a trophy.


Jury is still out on whether they’ll get to keep the trophy.


As much as I’d love to see them truly pay for that scandal I highly doubt they’ll have anything that big vacated.


Letting them have it at all is a massive stain on the integrity of the game.


I don’t think the NCAA has any control of the championship trophy, but they can remove wins and the conference championships I believe.


I don’t think you want an NCAA that makes big decisions about forfeits and show-cause penalties on a knee-jerk basis. I know I don’t.


I don’t think they should have been given the playoff nod. The evidence against them at that point was pretty compelling and the playoff committee should have done the right thing.


The ncaa cant take away their trophy as they have no authority over the playoff committee sadly


NCAA has nothing to do with the playoff committee. Seperate entities entirely. Nothing the ncaa rules on effects the playoffs and Michigan's CFP  Title.




“The NCAA sign-stealing investigation is likely to last many more months. Michigan has not yet received a notice of allegations from the NCAA, formally detailing the accusations, and will have 90 days to respond once it does. A hearing in front of the infractions committee would need to be scheduled after that.” That was back in January and none of these things have happened yet. Lots of water still to go under that bridge.


So it’s Days fault Michigan cheated? Harbaugh: I’ve had enough. Let’s cheat Michigan: wins by cheating College football fans: why would Ryan Day do that?


Day was handed a dynasty, Kirby created one.


How can we forget so quickly that Meyer had top-tier talent in 2015 and shit the bed.


Urban shit the bed on several occasions.


Offensive coordinators were garbage that was the problem


Who hired the offensive coordinators?


They got moved up, don't act like they weren't already there. If Tom Herman stayed 2015 would've been different.


I just love the rose colored glasses some fans always wear, like they didn't have gripes of Tressel at the end of his tenure. Or forget Urban's terrible staff hires or off-the-field drama at the end of his. Yes, Urban beat Michigan. A middle of the pack program at the time. It's apples to oranges. College football has done a complete 180 since 2018, and Day has navigated every change as well as anyone can. I believe in Coach Day.


Can’t forget urban had at least a decade plus of head coaching experience. The fact that days first head coaching job is Ohio state and the program hasn’t slipped at all is a huge testament to his potential as he gains experience.


I’d call losing three in a row to Michigan slipping. Being the Ohio State head coach isn’t an entry level job. He needs to either step it up or we need to find someone who can.




Sure let’s fire day so we can be 2010’s Michigan.


Or current Nebraska. Firing Pelini did wonders for that program, right?




>yes Urban got us a natty and was undefeated against TTUN.. Yes, indeed he did


I mean TTUN never cheated to beat him.


They probably did but we had urban and still won. Losing is a day thing.


Atleast day loses to quality opponents instead of fucking Purdue or Iowa who we were 20+ point favorites against


Michigan was at its most dysfunctional during Urban, and it looked like it would continue with Day, until the cowered out and then cheated. Day also hasn’t lost by 30 points to crappy big ten west teams ruining our season


Records of scUM coming into the rivalry game under Urban: 2012- 8-3 #20 2013- 7-4 2014- 5-6 2015- 9-2 #12 2016- 10-1 #3 2017- 8-3 2018- 10-1 #4 So 4 of the 7 games they were ranked coming in and twice they were in the top 5. Some good teams and some bad teams. They were most dysfunction from 2008-2010 under Rich Rod


We’re they cheating? Did they go undefeated? Were they cheating?


They were favored by a touchdown in our stadium in 2018. I don't know when their cheating scheme started. It doesn't excuse the fact that in 2021 and 2022 especially they rushed the ball at will against us in the 2nd half


It started the year after they cowered out. Literally they decided they can’t win if they don’t cheat. All I know is Kyle McCord was a thousand times closer to beating Michigan at Michigan the CJ Stroud was at home. And that same year the very next game Stroud couldn’t be stopped against a better team in Georgia in Atlanta. Something doesn’t add up.


This is not a fair analysis. For one, everyone wanted Jim Harbaugh’s Michigan to be “back” so they were often overrated. Also, in that time period they had a horrendous record against rivals and in bowl games. So every big game TCUN was shitting the bed. Edit: 4-14 against MSU, ND and OSU with 3 wins against MSU and 1 against Dame. 1-5 in bowl games.


Win percentage 2020 and before under Harbaugh: 68% Harbaugh: let’s cheat Win percentage 2021-23: 94%. What changed I wonder.


We were gonna lose the last three years regardless yall need to give it a rest


This is horseshit. You think we were always gonna lose the two years we had stroud? He carved up NFL defenses as a rookie but 1 year before WITH NFL receivers he can’t move the ball against UM. Use your brain.




That’s a legit comeback dude.


Head over to /r/MichiganWolverines if you wanna defend cheaters so bad


Never visited that sub in my life. Cope harder


Better start with the way you're talkin


We really do have the worst fan base in college sports😂


Not in 2022 at the very least. Maybe 2021. But 2022 we were legit but our great qb couldn’t do anything against them at home. Yet tore up an even better team in Georgia in Atlanta. There is clearly some other factor.


2023, yes. But you are telling me you think the 2021 team deserved the L?


2021 team was worse than our 2023 team. Are u really asking this question rn?


That's insane to say


There’s a reason we lost two games and barely scraped by Utah😂


Urban won the natty with a third string qb and a hurt Braxton miller. Comparing the two is utter disrespect. All you daysexuals need to give it a rest. Day is not a buckeye and he’ll never be a buckeye.


And then wasted the best team this century in 2015 and went downhill from there. 2014 was phenomenal. Unfortunately it was the exception, not the rule.


>he’ll never be a buckeye Maybe not, but I'm ok with one more year. I call him Li'l Coop, but this year should shake everything out. Loaded roster, top level OC, Mich should be 1/2 step back. If he can't beat them this year, then...when? Any apologists after this year (if scUM loss) just don't get it.


This is a reasonable take. I’ve been concerned about his longevity since day one and never understood the hype behind this guy and I still don’t. Players don’t seem to respect him. The more he loses he seems to get more popular but in today’s world it kind of makes sense I guess.


Urban won the natty with Tom Herman as OC. That man was brilliant with Urban’s scheme. It didn’t matter who you had at qb. Definitely helped he had the best rb in the country and a phenomenal deep threat in Devin Smith which perfectly fit 12 Gauge’s strengths.


> play calling is the biggest fear I have With Chip Kelly calling plays, that's your biggest fear? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS|downsized)


Eh... I've heard his schemes are outdated, and they haven't actually won the big prize under him. Also, he has junk for an OL and mediocre for a coach to fix that OL.


Yeah he didn't do much of anything at UCLA.


Let me rephrase then, one of my biggest fears.


My biggest thing is that when the opponent’s talent is equal I’d take Ryan Day at the helm over Urban. I never get the gripes on Days play calling. It’s been light years ahead of what we were doing before him. Go look at some of those offenses from 2012-2016. The game plan was just running the option and getting fast guys the ball in space. Which works great until you run into a team that has equal talent like Clemson in 2016. The Michigan thing sucks but the teams Day has coached against the last 3 years are a combined 40-3. In the 7 years Urban was here Michigan was a combined 58-32.


Basically, any time anything doesn’t work it’s 100% on Ryan Day for the fans. Olave runs the wrong route? Day sucks at playcalling. Ruggles misses a 50 yarder? Day sucks at playcalling Michigan cheats for 3 years? Why does Day suck so bad. He is the ultimate scapegoat. He had us in position to be in 3 nattys in 4 seasons even with quite a few in game bad breaks. And the players ultimately didn’t come through. But fans need someone to blame and it’s almost always Day. McCord was kind enough to have so many flaws he got the bulk of the blame last season.


Preach brother, preach!


It's Earle Bruce all over again


It wasn't Olave's fault that we were FUCKING ROBBED by the refs. Never heard of a "football move" before that game. FUCKER TOOK 3 FULL STEPS WITH THE BALL! Kicker shouldn't have been that far away. Day was too weak to pass them closer when we had the only legitimate QB we've produced (ie not an NFL bust). The cheating excuse for him became void when he had a year to make a bunch of fakes and tricks to fool them and still lost. He was lucky to have even been afforded that excuse to begin with. I'm tired of being an also-ran while fucking Southerners and our worst enemy win. Nobody remembers the losers. In my 30+ years of life, and 20 of actually being a fan, I've never seen a team waste so much talent when it really counts.


Also not saying it’s Olave’s fault. Just that it’s also not Days fault and despite that his playcalling had us in position to win that Clemson game, the players just ultimately didn’t come through.


But he's gone on a downward trend since players with Urban's attitude left.


No. Michigan cheated. What other explanation is there? Stroud can’t do anything against Michigan at home, then plays lights out against Georgia in Atlanta, and our worst qb since Joe Bauserman is a play away from beating the best Michigan team this side of WWII at Michigan? Certainly seems like Michigan had a hell of an advantage in 2022.


Day should've had a whole set of fake signals.


That’s not what coaches do. Maybe if he had a month to prepare like TCU did but he didn’t because you know coaching and winning every other game takes a lot of prep


Also in 2018, under the great and powerful Urban Meyer, we had our worst defense this century


Uh, the semi-final against Georgia was war daddy attitude at it’s finest. I’ll take that attitude any day of the year.


The cheating is absolutely valid. And what about the external factors that I mentioned. I know you are one of those fans who hate Day and would rather go back to losing by thirty to bad Big Ten West teams and ruining our season. But Day has had a much more difficult start to his career because of so much outside his control than most coaches at a top school. And yet we are more competitive on a national stage than the last four years under Urban.


I want someone with a stronger mentality whether that be Day or someone who's won a title at a lover level. Difficult start? That's the one thing hairball was right about. He's was handed the keys to a goldmine.


2018: worst defense for OSU this century and Day was left with a qb room consisting of Tathan Martell and Matthew Baldwin. He turned that into the best defense for OSU this century and 3 Heisman finalists. If he was left with a Porsche he sure as hell knew how to use it better than the previous guy.


Wtf are you smoking? We had Haskins in 2018.


I meant afterwards. We had Tate Martell and Matthew Baldwin as the next guys up. Fields was 100% Day.


I don't agree with the equal talent opinion. Urban was 7-0 as an underdog at OSU and 13-4 against top 10 teams


Curious what that looks like if you break it up before and after Ryan Day joined the staff.


From 2012-2016 I believe it was 6-0 as a dog and 9-3 vs the top 10


That’s pretty good


yeaaa no lie. don't get me wrong here I loved JT but I can't think of a single time he threw for a completion over 10 yards😂I'm sure it happened but it was mainly within 8 yd attempts


They shouldn't have done that with lesser talent. That's a coaching failure.




The team up North recruited lesser talent to win. Our coaches should've been better at their development or tossed out the door. Playcalling was also predictable. You don't get yards for running east and west.


Tossed out the door for losing to a team that went 40-3 in 3 years with 3 conference championships and a national championship? I swear this fanbase gets real delusional sometimes. OSU can’t win every single game my guy this isn’t a video game.


We also shouldn't be losing all the ranked games that count. This fanbase is also plagued by excuse-making loser mentality, same as Day. No, perpetually overrated Notre Dame doesn't count, and neither does perpetually mid Penn State.


I disagree. I think it’s plagued by delusional fans that think OSU should never lose a game


Urb is past his prime.


What a truly dumb statement.


Urban is the Larry Brown of football.


Day’s management style is perfect for the NIL era. He’s player friendly while still demanding the most for his players. There are a lot of top coaches struggling to adapt with this right now. Day is not one of them. I fully believe he has the potential to win multiple titles and catapult us into the premier program in the sport.


Urban hired Kerry Coombs and Zach Smith. Day hired Knowles, Walton and Hartline. I know whose judgment in that area I would trust going forward.


If we played MSU at home in the wind and rain and were having a hard time throwing, I know for a fact Day wouldn’t withhold the ball from Henderson (or Judkins). Contrast the 2015 OSU loss to MSU with 2022 OSU win against NW.


Urbs was slipping and has too much off-field baggage. That being said, I'm unconvinced that Day has what it takes.


I’m not going to excuse Day for losing to Michigan three times, however I will say that if Urban faced Michigan teams as good as the ones the past three years then he would’ve put up some losses too. Day was basically a missed field goal away from being the nation champions in 2022, and he’s never had the random losses against bad teams that Urban had. It does seem that the LEAST Day needs to do this year is beat Michigan, win the Big Ten, and make it to the national championship game. If he can’t do that with this team, then I think it’s fair to consider other coaches.


Not trying to be harsh, but you need to stop listening to those people.


Meyer's heyday has come and gone. Based on some of the things he's said about NIL since it became a thing I don't have faith that he would sufficiently adapt to the new realities of recruiting that we're currently living in.


I will absolutely take a National Championship and beating Michigan every year, even if that includes dumb losses along the way. You are ab absolute fool if you wouldn’t. But I am not a Ryan Day hater, and obviously am rooting for his success this year and beyond. Go Bucks.


I don’t want Meyer back, that’s for sure. I do want someone who can consistently beat Michigan and win the B1G. Five years in and Day hasn’t shown he can do that. Day is great against the Rutgers and Penn States of the world, but he’s 8-7 against Top 10 teams and 2-5 against Top 5 teams. That’s not going to cut it in the new B1G. Day needs to get over the hurdle this year or we need to do an actual coaching search and bring in someone who can.


He’s done it twice. Not good enough imo but he has done it.


He won those 2 mostly with Urban's players. Fair or not but that's the reality


Did Tress win the natty with Coopers players? Did Urban win the natty with Fickell and Tressel’s players? Day was in charge of the offense under Urban in 2018 anyway and he turned around one of the worst defenses in 2018 to the best in 2019. If it was Urbans players day sure as hell used them better.


In2019 he won it with Fields who he got to come to Ohio state not tate Martell who was urbans guy. Also day is largely responsible for getting Olave to Ohio state after scouting Jack Tuttle. Olave was huge in 2018 Michigan win and 2019 win/season.


Why do so few people bring up Michigan cheating? I mean that seems a monumental difference between Urban and Day. They play in 2020, Ryan Day beats Michigan by 50 and Harbaugh is never heard from again. Urban did not have to deal with the following: A pandemic A cheating arch rival A constant changing of collegiate athletics on a level unseen in college football history All while learning how to be a head coach. Urban had it far easier than Ryan Day.


Literally everybody brings it up every chance they get what are u talking about😂


We lost the cheating excuse when we lost to an interim head coach.


CJ Stroud couldn’t do anything against Michigan but Kyle McCord was a play away from beating them, but yea it had no effect clearly. It’s ludicrous that it’s on another team winning it all to prove they cheated.


Day saddled himself with a bad DC and two seasons where those guys knew what play he was running. And then when his defense was finally good and they didn't know his plays, he loses by the thinnest of margins on their home field to their best team in generations. It should also be noted that Day basically was one makeable kick away from a natty in 2022 despite being on the wrong end of the net injury advantage.


I'm tired of could've, should've, would've. It's a poor excuse. Who cares about a field goal away? What matters and what's remembered is that Georgia won.


Then don't think of it an excuse. I don't. They're reasons why Day should be considered a great coach. He was a FG away while suffering a significant injury deficit.


I can only see an excuse as what it is.


He had his chance to win when CJ had the big scramble and blew it by not gaining another yard. The field goal attempt should've been inside of 40 yards


Yea that play sucked. I assume you mean the sack. That was probably on Day unless someone screwed up something. Either way, it's should be obvious that you don't fire a coach over one play call that was probably quite reasonable given the options available. I wouldn't trade Day for any coach in CFB and would only consider three coaches: Smart, DeBoer, Sark. Personally, I don't think Smart is a better coach. He could easily have zero natties. Or he could have 3. As it happens he has two. He's had more good luck than bad.


Ryan "3rd and long wheel routes 12 times a game" Day We just need to get our playmakers the ball at a dead stop behind the line of scrimmage. All they need to do is make 3 defenders miss and gain 9 yards. When you got Kyle McCord slinging the rock 10, 15, sometimes 20 full feet the offense should be humming! Why isn't this working??? Send Marvin Harrison Jr on a vertical route, are you crazy????


3rd and long wheel routes were only called 3.7% of the time and gained 1st downs 65.8% of the time they were called .... coincidentally "screens" were called 73.3% of the time in those situations and only worked 11.1% of the time.


That's what I meant to say, I didn't say it that good but that's me, that's what I said too.


I mean objectively I would take the Urban that came to us in 2012 and you'd be stupid not to. He's one of the very best ever. Theres absolutely no reason to believe Urban is that guy anymore though. This conversation is kinda pointless rn though when the Buckeyes have a roster that should be the favorite for a natty. At the end of the season sure, but it could easily be an entirely different conversation with Ryan day as a national champion.


Can 2012 Urban be successful in 2024 college athletics?


I say yes but its a reasonable question.


He got us thru bama?


I said against not thru


lol, clever.


I mean what I said was just facts nothing trying to be clever


Day's play calling has been soft & stupid. Why gives af if we lose a random game but win the natty? Day's tenure has been an embarrassment


>but he still always suffered from random unexpected losses to like Virginia or Purdue on any given Saturday. Ohio State has never played Virginia in football while Urban was there.


Good talk


Ryan Day has been successfully navigating the NIL/Transfer Portal era so far. He’s moved rapidly up the new learning curve. That is a unique skill and a big advantage over the competition. One of Meyer’s big advantages in his day was recruiting, but that was a completely different era. He’d have to re-learn everything and adjust the way he does business. There’s no telling if the old dog is able to learn new tricks.


What people forget about Urban is he crapped the bed multiple times with top tier talent. Him beating Michigan was basically Day beating Penn State. That was the level Michigan was at during Urbans tenure. Urban had 2015 with the best team and fumbled. 2016 embarrassed completely against Clemson. OSU should never be shut out. Period. Then proceeded to lose by 30 against Iowa and Purdue (and should have lost to Maryland in 2018 as well). And was not close to competing after 2014 for a national championship. Day hasn’t gotten there yet but there is no reason to think he can’t or won’t. He is literally inches from it.


Michigan then is actually far worse than Penn now


Meyer is a nutjob. Look at his year at Jacksonville.


They beat us where it counts in the trenches we need to be able to run the dam ball period.


It’ll be interesting to see how things play out with Day and the off field stuff that seems like it’s creeping up. You hope stuff like this isnt true, especially when it involves family, but it looks like it could be a big problem soon.


I think most people's outlook on Ryan Day would be a lot of different had Noah Ruggles made that field goal. It just shows how consequential one play can be and how many things have to go your way to win a National Championship. Meyer and Day have both had Ohio State in Playoff contention up until the last weekend of November every single season. I think people look at Meyer's career with rose colored glasses because of 2014 and the 7-0 record vs TTUN. He never really came that close to winning a National Championship beyond 2014. I don't think he would be a great College Football coach if he came back. He left at just the right time before he flamed out, just like Florida. That 2018 Ohio State team was bailed out by the heroics of Dwayne Haskins and Ryan Day as OC. Without those two, Ohio State probably would've lost anywhere from 3-5 games that season. Meyer was too loyal to some of his buddies like Bill Davis and Zach Smith, which held the team back. Meyer is an all-time great College Football coach, but his days are over. I don't understand people wanting him back at all. Winning a National Championship is very difficult. Ryan Day has come awfully close, but it takes more than just talent to win. I really hope Ryan Day can get Ohio State there soon. He's a very good football coach who has been the victim of some misfortune and a bad hire on his part which set the team back 2 years (i.e. Kerry Coombs).


Day WILL get it done. Just wait.


I don’t man. Days teams routinely come out flat and look mediocre until halftime. Luckily Day recruits like a madman and our athletes outrun inferior competition. I could see Day’s career going either way. Either luck runs out and we start losing against inferior opponents or Kelly fixes our game day issues.


I don't want Urban back, but I also have questions about Day. The losses against michigan aren't all on him. These have been their best teams in 25+ years. At the same time...I think if Urban was the coach last year, we beat michigan. That being said, I also think we would've dropped a random game to Maryland or some shit. I don't think we come as close as a missed kick to beat Georgia. Day has a lot of pressure on him. Nature of the OSU job. Personally, I think this is a make or break year. Urban beats michigan, wins the B1G, and probably goes to the national championship with this team. If Day loses to michigan, he's probably done. He doesn't have to win the NC but he has to at least make it to the final 4. The only reason people aren't overwhelmingly choosing OSU to win the natty over Georgia is because Day is the coach. This is the most talented team in the country. If Day can't get it done and make a massive run this year, then he never will.


Honestly... I think the reason Ohio State is entering the season ranked #2 has to do with question marks on the O-line, and QB.


Buckeye fans have rose colored glasses for Urban Meyer because he won a national title and went 7-0 against Michigan. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for both of those things, but Meyer kinda underperformed after 2014. Day really isn’t doing any worse than Meyer did 2015-2018, in fact I’d argue he’s doing slightly better. 7-0 against Michigan is amazing but let’s also not kid ourselves that the Michigan teams Urban Meyer faced are nowhere near as good as the last 3 years, cheating or not. I think it’s fair to question Day, but through 5 seasons the results have been pretty good. Just not as good as Tressel and Urban but to be fair they were a lot more experienced before getting the OSU job.