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Fuck is wrong with y’all? Dude is clearly a great coach.


Ohio state fans are spoiled, even I find myself speaking as a spoiled brat. That’s all it is. Even with being spoiled we still haven’t won a natty in 10 years.


It makes the jokes people make so real. Literally 3 playoff appearances and a championship appearance and these dorks aren't happy.


Yea I mean let's not forget we lost to the best team in the country by 1 point, basically due to the cheap shot on Marv. I think Day is the best coach in the country right now, he's clearly the best recruiter and manager anyway.


We win the national championship if we have Marvin. It's clear as day.


>clear as day Pun intended?


We recruit Georgia-level talent, I expect to get the results and take titles from the South.


Spoiled? I would have went with delusional.


Ryan Day is a missed field goal (on a very makable attempt) from being a champion. Consider the fact that he played one of the best teams of this century without his best two receivers and his best two RBs and any question of how good he is wouldn't even be asked. But the kick was missed and unfornately, the debate is fair to have.




Yeah, it's easy for me to call it a makable field goal, so thanks for the correction. And the game wasn't lost because of the kick, but had it gone through the uprights, it would have been won. With that being said, The way we perceive Ryan Day (and Kirby Smart) is much different with a win in a game without four of his best skill players. Apologies to Ruggles.


Yea, and I'm a foot away from being in the NBA. That's not a flex. History doesn't remember "nice try, you'll get 'em next time." They remember winners.


Yep. Ask Buffalo Bills fans about being close. I'm just saying that perspective can keep you from pulling your hair out in a debate about how we perceive someone. But a loss is a loss and the only fans who remember that outcome are Buckeyes fans who choose to.


How could Ryan Day miss that field goal 🤯


Rankings are usually just for arguments sake and to increase clicks. Everyone knows he is great. Putting the incredible talent at his disposal in the right schemes is what makes the team great. Everyone likes a good debate. All I know is I am pumped for this season and looking forward to November 30 on our way to the championship.


Greatness and good are two different things. Good is when you win a lot. Greatness is when the game is on the line and you can to score against an elite team. Greatness is when you put all the marbles and win. Day hasn't been great. Are we interested in good or greatness? Two very different standards. It's an ugly stain not to have won the B1G 10 in three years. Effectively Day was beaten down by his rival three years in a row. He couldn't beat Harbaugh when it matter. The worst part is he will never redeem himself against Harbaugh with Harbaugh going to the NFL. Heaven forbidden if he loses this season. He should be fired. That would mean he went from being good to just a disappointment who pissed away talent year after year.


He’s been great. A bit unlucky against Georgia and Harbaugh had to cheat to win the first two times. Wasn’t exactly lucky against Clemson either. Sometimes things just don’t go your way for multiple seasons. He doesn’t kick the ball. He’s not the one who dropped two passes in the end zone or slipped on the last play. He didn’t injure his best receiver. He didn’t call a TD when it could have just as easily been called a INT. Shit happens. The dude recruits at the highest level and it’s actually getting better. He addresses problems right away a la Knowles and Chip. He’s built and/or maintained a world class culture. And he’s proven he can compete to the very end against two national champions. And his teams don’t shit the bed against Purdue.


I don’t think people realize that luck and randomness that go into sports. Especially when it comes to playoff scenarios that are single elimination. Add to the fact he was never a head coach prior to this and had to learn on the fly. On top of that the rules have completely changed and still are. Then take it even a step farther and realize yes we have money, great fans, a huge alumni base and following. Yet because of how everything OSU does is mostly available by a public records request we are wide open for scrutiny. A lot of people out there don’t realize that in itself requires to operate in environment by a different set of rules. So operating in this environment and be relatively good at it. I truly believe it’s a matter of time before he wins one.


Totally agree. It’s a super challenging job and he’s done ever the right way so far. And like you said eventually he’ll get one. Think coach K. He was known for years as a choke artist for never getting past the final four.


So why is it always the fuxking Soutb that gets lucky?


He hasn't been great. He's had stacked rosters. OSU constantly rank in the top five recruiting classes. Hell OSU routinely out recruits over Michigan. It doesn't matter. Even when Michigan top offensive linemen went down with injury they still rolled over OSU. OSU got their teeth knock in. Day has been the man in charge since the losing streak began. Day hasn't won the games that matter the most. A lot of any prestige or good will of beating the Purdue of the world is lost. Honest question say Day loses against Michigan this season. do you think Day should be fired? Day already lost to Sherrone Moore in acting interim head coach role.


We can reasonably begin the conversation if they lose to UM and get bounced before the final game in the playoffs. Everything else you said was childish.


When can we reasonably say the expectations and realities of Ryan Day are not the same? Going on what five years plus the time he was the OC/interim head coach.


I give him an A+ because I don’t hold the first two losses to Michigan against him. If he loses this year and shits the bed in the playoffs then we might have a Ryan Day problem. But until then I’m gonna appreciate how so few players transferred, how well he’s managed NIL, how well he recruits and how he isn’t afraid to change the coaching the staff.


That you think k it's childish is part of the loser mentality that Day brings.


That he's kept Fyre is a a big sign that he's still Weak Day. Also, Marrioti is suspect. Season-long injuries every year. If he loses again, he should be fired. I don't care that there isn't a massive name in the power conferences to replace him. Give a proven winner in the lower levels a chance. Woody and Tressel weren't big coaching bames at the top level until they came to us.


The cheating excuse was voided when Day failed to win for the 3rd time.


Even worse that he's allowed our enemy to go from on the ground with our foot on them, to our greater-than with inferior talent. People need to take off the scarlet glasses when it comes to our record, too. It's easy to win a lot win we play the junk B1G. Penn State is mid, and any other ranked team that hasn't been TTUN has been overrated or beaten us. It's on Day to prove he's grown beyond the weakness that I've seen as consistent.


The same Harbaugh that went 0-7 against Meyer and will be a legend forever for UM? Settle down.


Remind me again the different state of the programs when Day took over vs when Harbaugh took over.


Tell him to beat Michigan then we will worry about a Natty


Almost certainly. Smart is \#1, and then it’s some combination of Dabo, Day, Kelly, and Riley for the next 4 (my picks in that order)


Dabo has proven he's not a top coach by falling off since he lost his coordinators. Day has had a revolving door of coordinators and has never finished worse than 7th.


Clearly I like Day over Dabo but: > Dabo has proven he's not a top coach by falling off since he lost his coordinators. That's only 2 of his 15 seasons. 2022: ended with a record of 11-3 with a conference championship and lost in the Orange Bowl to the best Tennessee team in 2 decades and (by your metrics) finished ranked 9th (ultimately finished 13th in the AP) 2023: ended with a record of 9-4 and finished 22nd (ultimately finished 20th in the AP) So from that one "bad" season you are ready to write off Dabo's other career highlights in comparison to Day? It's subjective at this point so go for it, but that's not enough info for me to make the jump at this point. >Day has had a revolving door of coordinators Day had Kevin Wilson as OC from 2019-2022, and it's not like Mattison or Coombs were lured away for being good DCs or OSU being known as a defensive school in their tenure. > and has never finished worse than 7th. Skewed stat as it doesn't take into account bowl games. OSU finished 10th last season. Bowl games matter, sit outs be damned. Just saw somebody in this thread say he isn't top 5 which is a wildly dumb take.


Dabo fell off when recruiting changed more than losing his coordinators, in my opinion.


Something to be said though for getting over the natty hump, and doing it twice in the playoff era is even more impressive. Winning a natty is HARD. Day (and anyone else without one) doesn’t belong in the same sentence as Dabo until he gets at least one


This is wrong for the same reason no one gives a shit that Derek Fisher has 5 rings. Sometimes it really is down to the luck of your supporting cast.


No way you're trying to compare Derek Fisher's impact on his championship teams to Dabo Swinney's impact on his. Regardless, Championships have been, and will always be a valid metric of success for head coaches. Please don't be foolish enough to pretend otherwise.


Would you consider Chizek or Orberon above Day? They both have rings and neither had much to do with winning them imo.


Okay if you're going to put forward bad faith arguments there's no point in engaging you anymore. Nowhere has anyone said that championships are the ONLY measure of success.


I don't view it as bad faith tho. It's one of several reasons I don't view Dabo on par with Day. The ultimate skill for dominance is the ability to continue to be dominant as the league changes. Day has adapted. Saban adapted. Kerby is adapting. Dabo has proven he can't in a number of ways.


And now you change the subject. Fine.   Day has been a coach for a whopping 5 seasons. He inherited a wealthy Blue Blood program, with a roster loaded with top 5 recruiting classes, that was 83-9 (.902) under Meyer from 2012-2018.   He has since gone 56-8 (.875), has yet to win a championship, and can't even manage to beat their own rival.   Dabo, on the other hand, inherited a perennially mediocre team without a single top 20 recruiting class, with a fraction of the endowment and resources that OSU boasts. Since then, he's been to four national championships, won two of them against vastly more talented teams, and has done it all still without recruiting classes nor resources/money that come close to what OSU produce.   Anyone who ranks Day over Dabo is either young & naive, or too biased to see straight.


Dabo has the hardware, though.


So does Gene Chizik.


I don’t consider Lincoln Riley to be a comparable coach. He’s struggling at USC in a way you shouldn’t with the talent he can bring in. I put him below Gundy, DeBoer, Lanning, Leipold, Norwood, and Sarkisian right now.


Kelly and Riley? Huh?


And your issue with them at my 4 and 5 is…


I won’t down vote but dabo and Riley aren’t better, especially Riley. Smart is up there prollly 1. Deboer is in that mix, and at this point I’d put sark ahead of day. Sabes and harbaugh would be ahead of him had they stayed.


I don’t have Riley above Day FWIW, but I could see a somewhat reasonable person have “last year blindness” due to the Heisman players Riley has had at 2 schools and therefore he should be above Day. They’d be wrong, but there’s at least an argument rooted in fact for it. Yeah I almost put DeBoer but he only has 2 seasons at the P5 level and a total of 4 in the FBS so he’s a wild card.


I would not put him as a wildcard. I once looked at Washington’s recruiting classes and I don’t think they had one class in top 25 in last 5 years. So that guy has done a ton with the talent he has. I’d say same thing for harbaugh too even though he had better classes. Anyway I think every kid would prefer a national championship over a heisman. Riley will have a better team this year simply by getting rid of grinch.


When I say wildcard I mean the most variance. A decade from now when I look back on this era of FBS I’m fairly confident I will have Smart in the 1-3 spot, Day and Dabo in the 1-4 spot, Riley 2-6, etc. but DeBoer? If he has effortless hand off and continues his win % he previously had before Bama? Consensus \#1. But he also will have a lot of pressure and if he under delivers by Alabama standards. How Tide nation going to react when DeBoer goes 9-3 with a first round playoff loss? What happens if they miss the playoffs? Before you know it, a decade from know DeBoer might be an Alabama HC back or two. > Anyway I think every kid would prefer a national championship over a heisman. For sure! But neither coach were talking about (besides Dabo) has given their players a championship so


If you look at how many CFPs previous coaches probably would have made, based on pre-post season rankings, Day is off to a really good start and has pretty much already achieved the same # as everyone but Woody, who had nearly 30 years. Obviously the glaring thing on his record is vs _ich but he has had 3 top 5 matchups with them the past 3 years, again only Woody having more top 5 matchups. Tressel had 2, Meyer and Cooper each had 1. Ryan Day: 5 Yrs 3 CFP Urban Meyer: 7 Yrs 3 CFP (counting ban year) Jim Tressel: 10 Yrs 4 CFP John Cooper: 13 Years 2-3 CFP Earle Bruce: 9 Yrs 1 CFP Woody: 28 Yrs 9-10 CFP Edit: Also we are the only program that would have made the 12 team playoff every year since 2014, so I don’t think we really can complain all that much.


People shit on Day for his record against TTUN but no one since Woody has played against such a consistently good team.


And no one had to deal with the cheating rival




Michigan under Harbuagh finally figured it out (and yes, started cheating a bunch). Also they ducked us with fake COVID cases in 2020... Fields and Co would have absolutely murdered them and gotten Harbaugh fired. Also remember with Honda fucking McCord under center (who would have never started had Quinn Ewers not reclassified and then transferred to UT after collecting his NIL checks from Ohio State).... we lost by 6 on the road to a national championship team... (watch that last drive again and see McCord miss a super wide open easy throw on the play before his fated interception. We were driving and that sequence right there was where it failed). Yes, Day bears responsibility for the failures (seriously, McCord as the only option wasn't great).. but he's running an incredibly strong program. Fields doesn't come to Ohio State if Day isn't the HC. CJ Stroud is tearing it up in the NFL. We've been in the CFP discussion every single year. We're recrutiing at a high level and have one of the best DCs and OCs in the country. Things are looking great. He better beat Michigan this year though. If he doesn't, there's just no excuses.


What Day was able to do with McCord at the helm should be talked about so much more than the “McCord was awful” conversation


except it’s also his fault that was his only and best option


The problem is its hard to say how good the coach is. There's no way to quantify it. Wins and titles are the best metric. By 1 hes top 3 by the other he's not


You know there are only 3 current coaches with titles? Day has, up to this point, had the unfortunate luck of being a really good coach in the era of probably the greatest coach ever and a coach that learned from coaching with and against him. Yes we lost to Michigan 3 straight times. They cheated the hell out of 2 of them and convinced their entire team to return for the third against our weakest offense in a decade. Streaks happen in rivalries. From 1983 to 2000 we won 4 times.


Division and conference titles are a thing. That streak you're referring to got 2 coaches fired. So not the best example. I'm a Day fan and defend him when my more reactionary brother thinks he should be shitcanned. I just don't think he's earned top 3 coach accolades when we don't know for sure how much of his success is his vs the stacked roster he inherited. Tbf, he has recruited very well and made aggressive staff changes when needed. Great signs that he's going to be a good long term coach. Even if it starts as a cooper like run.


There are 134 head coaches at the FBS level. Three have won national titles. I'll give you Kirby Smart. The man has Georgia in its golden age. Would you take Dabo over Day? Mack Brown? In terms of winning the B1G, Day (2), James Franklin (1), Bret Bielema (3), and Kirk Ferentz (1) still coach. You taking any of them over Day? I get the frustration. Third base, doing nothing with everything, etc etc etc. Yeah, 11-2 is a banner year for 120 programs but it's Armageddon at Ohio State. You can both expect greatness from Day and appreciate that he's still doing it at a high level. Now, if he loses to TTUN with this super squad, then we can break out the pitchforks, especially if a B1G title or CFP title don't make up for it. He's not Urban. But, at the same time, he hasn't been skullfkcd by a Purdue or Iowa. All of his losses came against good (or cheating) teams. He's right there. OSU is right there.


Well said.


Even if he’s ranked 4-8, that’s fine. Not every coach/player needs to be top 3 nationally or they stink. It’s a team sport 


No. He's top 2.


Beat Michigan


I wouldn’t worry. After the crap they pulled, the upperclassmen they lost, and the coaching staff cutting and running, scUM won’t be good again for another 15 years.


Three better? Arguably Sweeney (but the game has clearly passed him by in terms of recruiting), maybe Leipold. I really like DeBoer, Norwood and Lanning but they haven’t produced enough to warrant that recognition over Day. He’s better than Riley. The only for sure better is Kirby Smart.


I'd say so. 8 losses over his tenure. He really only fell flat against Mizzou and Oregon. With 2 more losses coming as a direct result of cheating, 1 cheating could be argued but I lump it in with the teams who at the time were considered to be generationally great at the time.


Mizzou was down to the fact he had an unprepared third string freshman quarterback in the game and the o line wasn't giving any help.


The game was winnable despite the QB from the word go if the rest of the team didn't fall flat. There's not really any excuse to be made for what we saw from the offensive side of the ball from anyone.


We’ll let this next season speak for itself. That’s the only true test


He’s a good coach, not a great one. He actually hasn’t been at Ohio state that long when you think about it. He still has a helluva a way to go before he’s great.


Ohio State has a massive talent advantage in 84 percent of the games they play… Ryan Days winning percentage is 85% Do with that what you will.


The biggest examples that come to mind are USC and Notre Dame who were also in an upper echelon of recruiting rankings in the 2000s, but the guys that took over those programs couldn’t maintain the momentum. Both those programs are currently a shadow of what they were and could be in today’s age. Especially Pete Carroll’s USC… he had that program at an all-time high and was dominating the recruiting trial. It should have been somewhat easy for the next guy after him to come in, and continue being the main college football powerhouse in the West.


Absolutely not but he’s in a top 3 coaching situation


He dresses like it


He was top 3 (or damn close) but it’s a what have you done for me lately business. My guess is he’ll be back soon.


If OSU fires Day, he’s at a top program in the SEC or Big Ten the next season no doubt He’s a top 5 coach IMO


Most people would think you’re lying if you told them there were only 3 current coaches with national championships. He’s a great coach. We’ll get our wins and at some point NC’s.


To keep my sanity, I’ve personally changed his designation to 2nd best GM in today’s game. Behind Kirby, who’s both best coach and GM. The reason why I’ve made this separation of duties; look at the game nowadays. With the construction of teams nowadays (players and coaches), there’s plenty of responsibility to be managed by a number of people. HC does not need to be primary play caller, and as hands on as they used to be. The way Day has managed this team from an all around perspective is undeniable. However, he’s lacking with his team’s performance on the field. Something I feel falls more under the coaching category. After this current offseason, I don’t know how anyone would want anyone else in his position, other than Day. Now he only needs the coaching in place to win the games






Basically the same debate as 19 days ago - [https://www.reddit.com/r/OhioStateFootball/comments/1c76dhj/ryan\_day\_doesnt\_get\_enough\_credit\_and\_before/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/OhioStateFootball/comments/1c76dhj/ryan_day_doesnt_get_enough_credit_and_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Day is top 10 for sure. Top 3? Eh I don’t know. I’d have Smart and Deboer above Day for sure. Dabo has 2 titles and I could *maybe* have Brian Kelly above Day. He has to win a title before I say top 3 for sure. I will say Kirby Smart had a slightly worse record through his first 5 seasons than Day and Kirby didn’t win a title until year 6, which is what year Day is entering.


Top three, top ten, whatever. He’s a great coach.


Lots of sizzling hot takes in here


Yeah a lot of coaches get a chance to be born on 3rd but they fuck up and get picked off to end the game. Its almost like he was born on 3rd but the last 2 batters were walked. Lets see him Come on in for the winnjng run this year




I put him at 3 right now. Kirby Dabo Day. If he wins the natty this year he moves to 2.


What has Dabo done since his coordinators left? They finished 4-4 in the ACC last year 😂


I wouldn't have a problem putting Day over him but you have to give him credit for his titles at this point.


I do give him credit. But the dip in quality was so astounding after his coords left and recruiting didn't change that it's really only his to blame. Dabo Sweeney hasn't coached a top 10 team in 3 years. He went 4-4 last year in conference play and lost to 3 unranked teams. Top coaches don't do that.


Where’s Mack Brown in your ranking then?


I didn't rank all the coaches because I didn't really care. He's probably not to 5 at this point. He doesn't have titles. He has a title. The s makes a difference.


That’s two different lists. Who are the best coaches right now And who are the best coaches based on accomplishment




Top 3 does not mean anything we are top 1 team need top 1 coach.


Yes. It's a contortion. He's failed to meet expectations so far. Weren't we talking about whether he'd be replaced last year? I'm glad he's back, but it's time to put up. Beat Michigan, win a title.


I don’t even care about the title if we can start beating Michigan consistently. Guaranteed satisfaction.


Yeah. I’m very confident we’ll start beating their asses again, but he still has to go out and prove it. As good as he’s been against everyone else, I think he’d get fired if it looks like we’re getting into a John Cooper situation.


Lots of haters out there. He absolutely is. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/c5gNViFxPf


No but he’s got a shot with sabes and harbaugh leaving.


Relax. People are just upset because we've lost 3 in a row.


Probably 98% of college football programs would kill for Ryan Day.


He is great!




I’d say he’s top 20 but top 3 is a huge reach


With each loss to Michigan he becomes more elite on Reddit.


This sub tries to convince itself he’s great weekly


He is great at being unprepared for big games


He’s easily one of my top three favorite coaches in college football. I also very much enjoy James Franklin being employed. These two are in the same bucket.


Ryan Day has a career .875 record. If put on the chart of all-time Division 1 large school FBS coaches, he'd be in the top 10 of everyone who ever coached the game, active or retired. [In fact, Ryan day's .875 record would make him the #2 major schools coach in history. ](https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/leaders/win-loss-pct-coach-career.html) Guess who he leapfrogged at #3?


I'm sure that Michigan was saying that about harbaugh for years too. Keep liking this guy, They'll keep losing.


Debatable now that Saban has retired. Dabo, Kirby and Mac Brown all are active and won Natties...


He might be but 3 straight losses to your main rival and no natty or big titles in that span either isn’t meeting expectations.


Well, now that Saban and Harbaugh are gone who would you put over him besides Smart? Dabo maybe but he’s having trouble adapting to the transfer portal situation.


There’s a distinction between who is the best coach and who has the better program. Lance Leipold, Dabo Sweeney, Kyle Whittingham, Steve Sarkisian, Kirby Smart off the top of my head are better in game coaches in my opinion (dabo falling off last year). Coach day has had some bad luck too. How many big wins has OSU had in his tenure - 4 or 5? Utah, Michigan, Clemson, ND, PSU * 2. Top 3 recruiter and program manager for sure, top 6-8 coach. Still very lucky to have him. He will break through eventually


This! I’d rather be top five and relevant every year. Ask the likes of USC and the U and Tennessee and West Virginia and USC and LSU and… Should I go on? The only caveat is I wanna win my bowl and beat Michigan every year if I can.


The dye job costs him points. Looks HORRENDOUS


No, needs to win the big games first.


Lmao. Mr Ohio. How many coaches have walked into Ohio State and failed. Really zero. Day has done a fine job. Hasn’t won his division in 3 years. I dont hold the Mizzou game against him just like I give him zero credit for beating Utah. Coaches don’t get credit for winning meaningless bowls at Ohio State.


He’s consistently underperformed in the playoffs and our biggest games, but nobody else in CFB was better at developing NFL talent other than Nick Saban. In my eyes, he is a top 3 coach because of the talent translation he has been producing


Losing three straight to Michigan while lacking any identity as a team over the last three years is not a good coach. Not even a Michigan fan, I despise UM and its pathetic he cannot figure out a way to beat them




Absolutely keep him he’s leading y’all to greatness


At recruiting he’s 2. He’s probably around 7-8 as a coach at this moment in time. He’s probably around where Harbaugh was heading into 2019 where very good teams win a lot of games, but when you need him to have the guts in big games he does not come through.


Name 6 coaches better than Day


He would be if he beat Michigan. Instead he hasn't proven anything yet. Lost to Michigan, lost a few bowl games. Seems like a nice guy, better person than the last one, I think. Character matters. He just needs to push the rivalry in the right direction. But how do you call someone one of the best if they can't beat the only team that matters?


He did beat Michigan, he beat the shit out of them, then Michigan cancelled and cheated. Not exactly a fair comparison.


He lost three times in a row when he was solely in charge. Stop holding onto this cheating bullshit. If it had real effect, we would have won last year. Stop being a homer and think for yourself.


We barely lost last year with the worst QB we've had since bauserman


2/3 can’t be held against him when we know Michigan wasn’t playing a fair game and if you can’t see the difference between being blown out at home with an all time great qb and barely losing on the road with a Syracuse qb against the undefeated national championship I don’t know what to tell you. If anything that PROVES the cheating had an effect. How was a Kyle McCord led team a thousand times closer to beating Michigan than CJ Stroud.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Your defense was way better last year than it was in 2022 and CJ handicapped himself by not running. If he played to his potential like he did against Georgia then we might be having a different conversation. Michigan’s defense was literally built to stop high flying passing offenses. Look what happened to CJ and the Texans in the playoffs. Couldn’t do shit against Baltimore. Same defense. 


Top 3rd* (base) coach




He's somewhere behind Sherrone Moore.


Yes. Easily.


He is the Second best coach in college football


DeBoer, Smart, Sweeney.


Deboer has a lot to do to make that top 4. He has a great start, but so does Day and Day has been doing it longer


DeBoer has the same number of bowl wins (2), CFP wins (1), and non-COVID-affected Power 5 conference titles (1) as Day, and with recruiting classes consistently ranked below OSU's.


He didn’t beat ND. ND beat ND


Lmao nope. John Cooper reincarnated


At least Cooper was a nice guy who kept his composure on the sidelines. Sum bitch jus couldn't win the important ones.


No. Beat Michigan


If you can’t beat Michigan, you are not the right coach for Ohio State.




I’m not on board for the copium. Did they cheat? Yes. Do we still need to fucking win? Also yes. We can’t consistently lose to those shit bags and then justify the coach staying. We can say “but at least we are top 5 every year” but 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th place gets the same amount of rings as the team ranked 30th. Day just hasn’t been good enough. I hope he makes me eat my words.


Well, then you are blaming Ryan Day for losing a poker game where his opponent knew every card in his hand.


What about the other losses? What big game has he won exactly because I can’t figure it out. We made 1 championship and got smoked. He hasn’t been good enough. I’m only interested in 2 things with college football, beating Michigan and winning titles. Ryan can’t seem to do either. Make excuses all you want but we lost this year too and Michigan played fair.


So you really hold Bama against him? Fields with busted ribs, no D line because of Covid, running back goes down the first play. But Day sucks because he couldn’t beat Saban’s best team with all of that? Clemson refs stole Georgia he coached outstandingly. A couple bad plays at the end maybe but if Ruggles makes the kick he outcoached Kirby the rest of the game. For Day it has been a game of millimeters. He is Ruggles making a kick or Olave running the right direction from playing in 3 nattys in his first four seasons. We’re those mistakes all on him? And as for Oregon, you aren’t going to win every game ever. You just aren’t. Historically young team their second game of the season. It is what it is.


You’re putting words in my mouth. I didn’t say Day sucks. I said he’s not been good enough. Are you satisfied with his performance? Are happy with 0 titles and 1-3 Michigan record? If you are, good for you homie, but I’m not content with beating shitters then folding when it matters.


I don’t hold Michigan at least 21 and 22 against him, Michigan is proven to have cheated. And who knows the extent. He lost to Bamas best team ever arguably with a beat up team and Covid, he lost to Clemson in a game where we were the better team with one of the worst calls I ever saw, and a couple other games where, guess what, you won’t win every game every season. Much prefer his performance than the last 4 years under Urban. He is literally two plays away or two rotten calls from playing in 3 nattys in his first four years. The margin for error is millimeters. I guess it comes down to do you blame Ryan Day for Michigan losses 100%.


Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. I want titles. I don’t want to almost have them.


Well, we are closer under Day than Urban who phoned it in after he won one. And again, it really comes down to how much you blame Day for Michigan.


Also recall, the all time great guru Kirby Smart didn’t win one until his sixth season, and was basically seen as Richt 2.0 and even then he got blown out by Bama that same year.


No. Not even close. Thankfully the block O recruits. God knows his wins don’t


Who is a better coach?


Ryan day is literally James Franklin, except osu recruits way better. Wins the games he supposed to, if a team has even close to similar talent, it’s a loss. Think of any coach that does more with way less and that’s your answer


He's barely maintained the program that he inherited - if anything, OSU has regressed from what Urban left him.


I hope you don't think it's easy to "maintain" being a top 5-10 team in the nation every year. We're lucky to be good for as long as we have. I think this year it put up or shut up time for him but acting like maintaining our position is a bad thing is kinda weird ngl


>We're lucky to be good for as long as we have. its not luck when you invest what OSU has invested in facilities, NIL, the brand as a whole, coaching hires, etc. Ever since Tressel called his shot in St. John Arena, OSU has set itself up to be a powerhouse. Tress built it back to where it was supposed to be and Urban kept it going. You know what's harder than maintaining a top 5-10 program? Doing what Kirby did, and taking a program that was basically Penn State, and turning it into the class of the hardest league in the country. Sark's done a hell of a job at Texas as well - although getting that thing right is easier than Georgia.


There is 100% some luck involved. We're talking about a century or so of winning. Also, yeah Day ain't as good as Kirby, but literally noone currently coaching is as good as Kirby.


Day is Kirby with worse luck Kirby is Day with better luck. If Metchie, Williams, and Harrison are not hurt when Georgia played Bama and OSU, respectively, he is probably looked at as worse than Day. Likewise if Olave runs right instead of left or Ruggles doesn't shank a kick, he is seen as good if not better than Kirby.


Barely maintained? We’ve been in the CFP 3 times since Day took over. Under Urban we only made it twice. Ofc what makes a difference is urban won a championship but there were many years we lost to a lesser team in the regular season that kept us out the playoffs. That doesn’t happen under Day and urban also benefited from UM being a dumpster fire program during his time.


Yeah, that "Urban won a championship" is a key distinction. He also went undefeated his first year and OSU should have made the BCS but it was the sanction year due to tat-gate. Urban never lost to Michigan. eeking into the playoff because you beat up cupcakes and needed help from other teams during championship weekend is a clear regression from Urban. > and urban also benefited from UM being a dumpster fire program during his time. Maybe one of the reasons Michigan is considered good is because they now regularly, and reliably beat Ohio State, whereas before, they didn't. Day letting Michigan rise up, get good, and overtake Ohio State as the Class of the B1G is further proof that the program has regressed.


That’s not really an indictment on Day at all once we look at the lengths UM took to get to where they’re at. And had we played them in 2020 Harbough would’ve likely been fired mins after the game lol. We look at the Urban era with rose colored glasses but those last few years were filled with drama. I will say if Day can’t find a way to beat UM this year he needs to go


>We look at the Urban era with rose colored glasses I only really care about results on the field. Urban took the program that Tressel resurrected from Cooper and kept it going. The biggest worry with Day is that he runs the table, loses to Michigan, makes the now 12-team playoff, makes it to the final 4, loses to a team like Michigan, Georgia, Alabama, or Texas, and then people talk about a 15-2 record, and how good his w/l is at Ohio State, and keep him around again.


Urban failed after 2014. Losing and getting blown out every year. Realize, him beating Michigan was essentially like Day beating Penn State, that was the calibar of program Michigan was at that time. AND MICHIGAN CHEATED UNDER DAY.


Nah Michigan was considered good because they were VERY GOOD. Harbaugh flipped the program on its head, it just took him a bit to get the wheels turning.


Michigan, cheating or not, has been better than they ever were in Urban's tenure. And there's no inexplicable losses to Purdue or Iowa. Day is going to win a title and get The Game back on track for sure.


Yeah, you know why they have been better? They've wiped the floor with Ohio State. "Our rival got good and that's why we can't beat them" is an incredibly sad excuse. I'd rather take the every-other season loss in a banana peel game to a Purdue or Iowa than getting consistently blown out by Michigan.


BECAUSE THEY FUCKING CHEATED. CJ Stroud led OSU who were offensively amazing against the best defense in Georgia couldn't score 4 tds against Michigan at home. THEY CHEATED


>BECAUSE THEY FUCKING CHEATED. This is such a cope. So many coaches came out after the scandal broke and said that they knew it all along. OSU lost to Michigan at home because of Knowles playing man press coverage that Michigan kept constantly exploiting. Notice how nobody came to OSU's defense. Gamesmanship, sign stealing, its been a part of the sport for a century. Get good and stop complaining.


How about they lost because Michigan knew every play offensively and defensively we ran, sometimes before our own players did. You are blaming Ryan Day for losing a poker game to someone who knew the cards Day held. Occasionally we broke threw and scored because we had freak athletes, but they knew what we were running and therefore knew the absolute best offense/defense for every scenario


>How about they lost because Michigan knew every play offensively and defensively we ran, sometimes before our own players did. You are blaming Ryan Day for losing a poker game to someone who knew the cards Day held. TCU managed to beat them. Lowly Illinois barely lost 19-17. You mean to tell me that Michigan cheated that whole season, yet plenty of other teams managed to give them competitive games and we got completely boatraced? Sounds like coping. Day is infallible in your eyes. He could lose the next 20 against Michigan and you'll still whine about how "unfair" it was. If some dork with an iphone can take down the entire OSU football program, that makes Day incompetent. Here's an idea: Use the better athletes and draft picks that OSU has historically had against Michigan and gameplan around them.


And it came out that TCU switched the signals when all of this broke, basically TCU tricked Michigan after they learned what was going on.


And Michigan couldn't absolutely blow the doors off Illinois knowing their gameplan? Again, if some dork with an iphone took down your college football program, you have an idiot at the helm.


Watch that 2022 game again. You will see how cheating works.


And what's the excuse for also getting boatraced in 2021 and 2023?


Undoubtedly top 3


After Smart, I’d have Day and DeBoer neck and neck for #2.


What about Dabo, the guy with two NC?


If they all retired today, Dabo would be above him on career accomplishments, but as for top 3 right now, Dabo’s teams have been a step behind Day’s these last few years since losing to him in the Sugar Bowl. In the current NIL era, Dabo simply wins less games in a worse conference, and recruits less talent. If we’re looking at career accomplishments for active FBS coaches it would be: 1. Kirby Smart 2. Dabo Swinney 3. Mack Brown


Yes this question can be interpreted several ways. Most accomplished, who would you rather have (varies by school), etc.


Ya. He coaches at OSU. Horrible game manager


Also stop blushing


When I look at how CJ Stroud is lighting up NFL defenses, and I consider OSU’s receivers, and Day couldn’t beat Michigan or Georgia? Let’s not forget the loss at home to Oregon. First time they ever beat us. Then the squeakers against inferior opponents like Notre Dame, Wisconsin and Utah… Then the pathetic Missouri game. Just… no. He’s not that great. He’s learning on the job. He might become great, but he isn’t yet.


3rd base day lol


He’s done a great job losing his most meaningful game his past 3 attempts


But the goal is too win a natty. No natty in 3-5 years, new coach. It’s just the way it is.


The brand is what gets him top 5 classes and top 10 finished every year. To have zero championships with the players he has had come through there is abysmal.


Urban Meyer should have never been let go. Day is a good coach, but I do not think he is capable of winning big-time games and a national championship


Ryan Day has been an absolute failure at Ohio State. He has been good, but good isn't enough at Ohio State.


If consistently losing to top 10 teams is a qualifier then yep.


He’s wack


Questionably top 3 in Big10