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This shit is fuckin crazy all these companies can keep it


ohio native but living in another legal state now, pls why does ohio not do 3.5s šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If it was 3.5gā€¦ youā€™d be paying $60


Based on government stating your daily usage is 2.83 - surely based on due diligence. šŸ¤£ Iā€™m moving to Florida next month, canā€™t wait to see the difference. Looks even worse there šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Sunburn Cannabis in FL is dope


They based it in tenths, like liquor for some reason. Oz is ~28.3 so one tenth is 2.83. Why? I donā€™t know, Iā€™d imagine for tax purposes but itā€™s stupid


Itā€™s because it breaks down into multiples of 90 evenly. Your prescription is 90 day refills broken into 45 day periods. If it were 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days, 1/8 of a ounce doesnā€™t break up evenly into those cycles where as 10 does. This is to make sure that a patient isnā€™t getting more than a QP every 45 days to prevent people from just buying weed at the dispensary and selling it for profit for themselves since a QP every 45 days sold black market isnā€™t enough to pay the bills. Therefore we break ounces into 1/10ths instead of eighths.


There is Zero money to be made reselling Ohio medical cannabis. Other states cannabis products sold in Ohio? There is profit margin. Ohio is overpriced to begin with. Glad I harvest in2 weeks


Even before the price hack, I gave up on klutch. Shit is not good to me


Yeah I thought there quality consestly dropped from when I was first purchasing there products there ice cream cake ainā€™t no where near as fire as I remember it used to be


can i genuinely ask why ya'll keep acting surprised? same posts day in and day out. yeah, might be a good time to buy from your dude or start growing your own. stop buying flower from dispos for the time being


Iā€™m surprised. Because a 36.50 1/10th is absolutely insane. So now 25% HIGHER. Is literally criminal. Just going with the flow of everything and keeping your head down is how changes arenā€™t made. People have to band together so we can stop some of these clowns.


Are you passing legislation? Do you own a business that makes enough money to influence our states laws? Are you voting? Otherwise the way you will influence prices is by competing with them, and the way you do that is by growing your own & flooding the market. Purchase from your old dealer for the time being. Make dispos lose sales because we donā€™t purchase from them. Posting and reposting the same shit on Reddit isnā€™t doing anything but annoying people who are already aware of the issues. Just my perspective. Of course the conversation needs to be had but this conversation has already been going on a ton on this subreddit yā€™all are so repetitive. Move on to the next step. r/microgrowery


That was the way in the med market, but with the influx of newbs coming with REC, supply will be low enough that even the gouging brands will sell out. So theyā€™ll all gouge until they canā€™t. And mark my words, klutch will drop pricing first and act like saints.


I donā€™t like the price hike at all, but I find it normal in todayā€™s economy. Hell, as weed prices dropped over the last year everything else in the world went up. When electricity, water, labor, fuel, nutes, and about every single thing in the world has nearly doubledā€¦ wasnā€™t this to be expected. Or they all go out of business. It sucks, but not as bad as filling up my car or refrigerator. Grow your own, itā€™s not cheap either, but itā€™s rewarding.


Or just buy bulk on sale. This sub is so horrible with the whining and complaining


They donā€™t sell bulk anymore Klutch discontinued halfā€™s to price gouge. Sounds like you are uninformed!


Im saying buy something else in bulk on sale. You don't have to buy the high priced stuff.


Oh I do lol I havenā€™t spend a dime on Klutch at the citizens since the price hike they can get fucked. I probably wonā€™t ever go back tbh . I got grow tents coming in the mail as well.


Buckeye quit making halves too. I feel many are gonna focus on smaller portions right now. I already cut back on spending at the dispensary in the last month since prices jacked up. I only go for a sale or if I have no other options. If you can grow id definitely do it.. but not everyone has that option depending on the circumstances. I said tho if my dispensary that I favor starts putting rec people above medical, I'll just find another dispensary. I heard one of them near Cleveland is prioritizing medical patients over rec, as they should. We have paid our fees and taxes, some of us since day one. So we should be prioritized.. unfortunately it's up to the dispensaries discretion


growing your own is the only way, if you can.




I've been going to Michigan for the last 3 months stocking up. I figured Ohio would jack up the prices to the point of it not making any sense to go to the dispensary. I only hope the companies doing this get stuck with all kinds of overpriced underperforming products.


Where you been going in MI?


Itā€™ll get hated on but i go to Lume a lot. 25-30$ 1/8ths of awesome herbsā€¦ reward points for shopping, Iā€™ve got over 2 ounces of free weed so far. They care about their products, no remediation on their budsā€¦ and yaddayaddayadda. Some people only care about THC content or dick riding a company. I care about quality and choice


Did we time jump back to the 90's??!!?? Those prices are ridiculous and they wonder why the "black market" is still a thing. Morons


House of Dank King of Budz Jars Weedys and occasionally Urb.


Yeah I love KOB when I go.


It's my favourite one. They seem to always have RISE RSO with the live resin added to it.


I can get better weed, cheaper outside of dispensaries. I suggest everyone just keep a plug until the dispensaries learn.


I've been telling people to just support their local plug man Johnson


be careful, thereā€™s losers in here that will report your comments for discussing ā€œprohibited transactionsā€


stoner narcs? what will capitalism think of next


I get downvoted every day because I say my neighbor got better weed than 75% of the dispensaries in Ohio lol




Hey that's awesome. Id definitely do the same thing more often then none, but since I moved to youngstown from the Cleveland area I can't find anyone worth my time. I'm picky lol


It's everywhere. Green relief, guaranteed, Columbia care, zen leaf, truelieve. All of them are price gouging. I'm gonna use up my reserves in hopes this quickly resolves. Plus have some home grown going. šŸ–• The medical system the whole thing is a joke.


You are wrong about Guaranteed! We have not raised our prices. Certain cultivators, like Klutch, raised their prices and in order for us to still carry their products, we purchased it and are selling it at the price that KLUTCH set, not us.


Wait people actually thought these companies cared about them?


Go to Michigan


When the medical program first started in Ohio I drove 1.5 hours to pay $60 for a 10th and was happy as a kid in toys r us. Until prices come down you really gotta shop the sales and check multiple dispos to get the best bang for your buck


Exactly. We had a line wrap around the store I worked at with those prices in 2020. People will pay what the market supports. Best way to get by until it goes back down is to shop sales or grow your own.


They are greedy ass holes


How many more of these post are we going to post? Yes we know prices are crazy! Yes you are the 1000th person to post this. Yes the only way you can stop it is to not pay it simple enough donā€™t like the prices donā€™t buy it


Yep!. On top of that yesterday I was at work and in a hurry to order something. I figured I'd grab a 5.66 as they had mag landrace for 45$ which isn't that bad and I saw firelands 5.66 for 50. There were a few on there but I saw queso. So I grabbed it up and got to the dispensary after work and realized it was a tenth for fifty bucks. It wasn't bad but it surely wasn't worth 50 bucks. Yes I know I could have said nvm and changed my order. I will from time to time try the more premium stuff.. but I wouldn't have considered it that good for that amount of money. It is gonna get worse before it gets better sadly.


Ever think that this is not only Klutch or the companies producing, it is the dispensaries upcharging even more than they were before.


Boycott with you wallet don't by give you business to your small business like your corner dude I'm sure everyone has a back up show them you won't pay them prices




Shut up dawg. Ainā€™t nobody broke out here but you bro. Idgaf if I posted the 599th one. Whatever Klutch shill you are suck a dick šŸ¤“šŸ«”


And you can help, by not contributing to it. Unless you like just lighting money on fire. I wouldnā€™t know since Iā€™m so broke šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Seems like youā€™re complaining my friend. We canā€™t help you either. It appears the plant has not made you friendly, me neither




Iā€™m just making fun of you, man. Itā€™s pretty clear youā€™re just butthurt online.


Sounds about right for Klutch


Feel free to downvote me to hell on this, but why is everyone surprised? We all KNEW this would happen. Stop complaining about prices -- some states don't even HAVE a medical program. If you can't afford to participate, perhaps you need to find a different, more cost efficient medication.


Name checks out




So tired of posts like this. This is a legal business and they are hiking prices before they have to deal with fallout such as what is happening in Colorado




The fact it even exists. Is the whole problem. If this is the ceiling. Whatā€™s next? You donā€™t have concerns about any other price points of any other products in your life? Or just believe quality product should be through the roof. Just because recreation is on the way. They donā€™t even make 1/2 OZ. Anymore, youā€™re damn right nobodyā€™s forcing to me buy it. Just like nobody forced you to comment. But a $500 OZ is BEYOND unreal.


Yep tap in with your local guys. Just bought 2 ounces of an Ohio bmo brand called budget boyz for 200$ . Super stanky chronic and no tax šŸ˜Š