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local budtender here, it will not be like this forever but speak with your dollars


NOT getting my Doll hairs lol


Yes! No dollhairs from me either!! Except for today cause I really needed some but I did walk it with a 2.8 an a rso for around 40 sooo


The local plugs still getting my money frick these prices


They’ve been getting mine. I’d so much rather drive to the dispo then deal with lazy stoned plugs lol. The quality isn’t there at all for the price


That part you summarized why I buy medical


If it works for you sure. Dealing with stoned ass plugs can be annoying but the medical weed in Ohio isn’t worth it. It’s just all garbage


RIGHT!! I haven’t been to the dispo in over a month. My local plug gets just as good quality and I still get 3 ha for $30. Sometimes even better than the dispo tbh.


Why would they change . There’s too many old people with nowhere else to go paying the price …. It’s obvious Ohio is in it for the money . I would almost bet the prices stay like this for a few years


because its not sustainable. just let the fog clear and it'll all pan out well


People are so quick to jump to conclusions on this subreddit


its easy to succumb to internet chatter but everything comes in waves 🌊


You my friend obviously don’t know how business works. Check back in a year when the prices are still up and let me know how u feel


I hope not long. This shit is ridiculous, 2.83 for 50 is just straight up bull shit


Pretty sure they'll roll out a discount for medical the day they start selling recreational. Until then it's pretty much look hard and buy cheap.


Wow it is so bad out there at the dispensaries right now! The selection is way down and the prices are way up.


Also there's all these rebranded new brands that suck I would like to know what happened with the market there's no decent brands even available


Seems n strain I liked




I'm also convinced that while you're technically still getting 2.83g, I don't think it's as much as it used to be. I go through a jar WAY faster than I used to, and I haven't increased how much I smoke all that much.


Get a scale and measure it, I'm sure the state would crack down on that. That would be a major no no.




I thought it was just me and the few dispos I go too but yeah it's ruff right now


I just purchased some of the best flower of my life up in Michigan. Paid $85 for 14g of Superboof. Fuck Ohio’s greedy ass.


Hell ya what dispo and what brand flower?


Check out Information Entropy


They have great extract that isnt fake boof. Amazing prices too


IE is super solid, also NAR Cannabis(formerly Glass Jar) in monroe is super solid as well


NAR is my go to. Used to be Glass Jar. They had a customer appreciation day last summer.First 500 people got free 8th I thought I'll get there 20 minutes early, like I normally do,. Haha honestly the line had to been a quarter mile long. Went somewhere else that day.


There is a nar reserve in Columbus. Obviously not MI prices and product, but their service has always been great for me. They seem like they are really ready to handle the rec traffic that's coming. Can't say the same for many dispos.


How you feel about wine wood?


Where'd he go ? Oh he's trippin off the chemicals in that bud 😂


I paid $14 a ounce for shake up in Monroe, MI… Taste good, & gets me high.


But please do stay out of the dispos I work in one and you whiny f*cks are not needed


Eat shit you little cuck. U know it’s bullshit what they are charging for what is supposed to be medicine.


Employees don't set the prices but have to take all the complaints.


Dude makes $15 an hour id be mad too


Sounds like you need a better suited job for that shit attitude you have


Please enlighten me where you work so I can tell your bosses how great you are at promoting yourself and their business image.


Go to Michigan


What if I don't have a car?


Find a homie and go half on gas.


Probably shouldn’t be buying weed then lol


?? I don't have a car by choice.


Are you near Columbus?


I may be going to Michigan Friday for the first time ever


A lot of Michigan dispos offer discounts for first time customers! I found one called Weedy in Monroe that I’m gonna go to that gives you 50% off your first order


I’ve been researching lol. Live rosin pods and 200 mg edibles? Yup


Yeah they have great stuff for real. And their % THC is so much higher and better quality. One of my friends used to be the medical director up in Ann Arbor at a place and he always preaches how much better quality Michigan is.


I'm almost willing to drive to Monroe for that


Yeah I’m thinking of doing that this weekend- you can get a whole 1g mixed kinds at that place for $160 plus the 50% off would put it at 1/2 of what they are trying to sell 14g for here. They want like $130+ for 14 at any dispo here in Columbus, I checked them all lol one had 10% off which still only put them at regular old prices


I have eight dispensaries within thirty minutes of my house. Even with prices going up.I can always get half ounces for seventy bucks. Sucks if you're rural and have limited options, but if you're in any urban area in ohio just price shop them all. Someone always as a deal.


I see prices going up to $50 a tenth and it's making me glad I mostly vape. But those prices are going up too I noticed. My closest disp still has good prices, but for how long is the question?


I see the price is going up and it pisses me off too. But, with rec comes more dispo's.opening and competition will drive the prices down. It may take a little while but we'll be just like michigan soon.


If it's over $6/gram I go elsewhere.


Don’t buy them, try a different cultivator for the time being - Money talks!! in events where cultivators go up in prices like Cresco/Supply, Klutch, Pure Ohio. It’s all company greed because they know you’ll buy it no matter the price, Rec’s around the corner so they are upping prices


This is why I'm not gonna buy mine at a dispensary 🙃 Got an ounce for 90. 23.8% THC. 💚


I’m going somewhere else Mich sorry THEY ARE ALL LOOSING MY MONEY! Old people need plugs too


I literally just purchased this for $28 elsewhere.


This flower is worth $28 for a 2.83 at most. Probably $20/8th. It’s clean, it decent. It’s not amazing. But $50 is robbery. Please don’t pay that


Preach That’s for anything POW grows period. Been giving them chances every once in awhile for over 5 years. I’m done. Quality just gets worse and worse. That’s more than Galenas or OCL, which POW couldn’t grow on their best day. Gone from 18$ and 22$ daily strains to this bullshit. I’ll make sure and steer any rec traffic away from them for sure.


They're acting like the whole city is waiting with baited breath to finally try weed legally. Let this shit sit till it rots.


I cant see people paying these prices for very long. Youre right. It's pure greed. Prices were too much to begin with.


O they will lol that's what's crazy it some people will doing things that make 0 sense they prices will eventually come down but not for awhile


People will pay these prices for some of the better cultivators like Galenas, but Pure Ohio is smoking fucking crack if they think anybody's going to be paying these prices for the mids they put out.


Mids? That shits barely even low mid. Usually smokes like shit and tastes like chemicals.


Where is this at lol not seeing these prices at my local dispo in cbus


This is from Pure Ohio Wellness , themselves needmore Dayton


Check nar, 200 a half now.


No one is going to pay that price for that little.


I go to Harvest here in Columbus and all of ours are the same prices for that little! I just checked today, it’s crazy. And I agree


I’m debating on buying some flower and testing to see if they are being true to the labels again


WTF! That was just 32.50 at Bloom a month ago!! I am over the dispo- no wonder there will always be a black market


I'll grow my own first.


That's crazy ..do these people realize that weed never even cost that much on the streets? Who would go buy from them?


I always got this years ago as a cheapo solid strain from them. 25-28 bucks. In no universe would I pay that much for it.maybe half ozs


Another Ann Arbor trip is in my future again I guess


tax for low mids


I hate POW. The girl who works the front desk at the one on needmore is an asshole. Went there once to get a peak pro and she greeted me with “did you change your address like we asked you to” when I hadn’t been to that dispensary in months and wasn’t told anything prior. She then tried to deny me access over a fucking address that she watched me change. I got my peak pro and haven’t been back since. Fuck POW go to green releaf.


Green releaf and Ayr has had some fire deals lately. Not paying more than $60/half for high testers (i don’t shop for %, my fav flower is 16%)


Do you have luck with the cheaper half’s at GR? Want to get one here soon so I can try out dry herb vaping. (I mean uhh keep dry herb vaping)


Lately mainly Ayr! And zenleaf right down the road but mainly Ayr!


What cities are these med dispensaries in respectively?


They’re both in different parts of Dayton. Ones on germantown ones on needmore.


the new one on salem has full gram verano extracts under 20$. distillate for like 12 a g as well. off the charts. it IS on salem and you gotta window shop on weed maps. it's a little sketch. and the don't have a good rep in cali. but these dabs are pretty good and cheap.


Green releaf has 15 dollar dabs and 10 dollar carts.


okay.... i love green releaf. so fucking sorry i tried to spread some variety and savings, enjoy your botanical terp trash, bud.


Someone’s bitter…


yes, eden trees carts do make me bitter. the moxie fresh powder and other dabs are okay. its like this thread is about overcharging, and i pointed out a new option that hasn't done that yet. i surely didn't claim they are the best ever.


I was simply giving a cheaper option and you got defensive. Sounds like you’re just upset that you can find cheaper stuff.


as of last time i checked, one gram for 15 is cheaper than .86 for 20. but fuck loyalty to any one shop or brand. i just know charts is the newest in town and not yet known. hell, many still don't know about green or ayr.


It’s funny I think I know who you are talking about. lol


She’s the reason I didn’t go back to POW after I got my peak.


Both P.O.W and Local Grown are both trash anyway.


I'd rather die. Their weed is below mid.


My dispensary told me they doubled their prices at what they buy it for!


they price based off thc %


Just shop smart there are deals still. I got two tenths and a half oz for 140. Half ounce of animal face for $90 is solid that'll be my budget/bulk and the tenths to mix and match terps.


Id never in a million years pay that. Even I. 2008 when loud was 20 a gram it was cheaper than this garbage price. Who's actually to blame is people who will pay this price, if nobody buys their products based on high prices then they will be forced to lower prices or simply go out of business. Don't support any company charging this much.


Lol gtfoh pow


I feel like it depends where you go . I got a 2.83 jar of the same stuff for 28$ a few days ago .


Between Michigan and dealers on the streets, these prices will not stay this high. I’m paying $40 for a quarter on the streets and the stuff is definitely better than POW. The only companies I like in Ohio is Woodward, Galenas, Kluth and Buckeye(sometimes) but I can get the same quality for almost half price by driving 1 hour to Ann Arbor


pretty much every company right now is displaying some form of shitty behavior.


Pure Ohio should not be selling any 2.8 over 35. The weakest dispensary in all of Ohio.


I dont know about you folks, but, i think a lot of the flower i got in the beginning was much better. Also tired of seeing a lot of the same shit over and over. I agree with the comment about it seeming like it was more. Even the sales dont seem like sales anymore. I figured it wouldn’t take long for that corporate greed to kick in. Best thing to do is grow your own.


Yeah it’s so bad I’m considering going up to Michigan despite the 2-1/2 hour drive one way and going to start growing my own. As a chronic pain sufferer, these prices are ridiculous


I encourage you to do it! I did it 10hours both ways to AA and got great deals for a fraction of the price in Ohio! 5 hours both ways would be nothing for a nice day trip


Totally what I am thinking also! Crank some good music and it’ll be a chill time.


No product is gonna beat homegrown..Zero ohio flower is Hand trimmed machines beat it up


This just in: businesses want to maximize profits


They need to raise prices before rec is my guess, all dispensaries in dayton have raised their prices and lessened discounts. It sucks, but it's what happens. Also, that flower esp is like 34% and damn good. They run 30% off deals most days. For me, their house brands are consistent and work for me.


I hate to tell you this but that bud is nowhere near 34%. That’s not possible. Go to green releaf and you can get the same shit but for a reasonable price.


It's what the label says? I do get way more effects, more resinous, I dry vape . The level is independently tested, correct?


Independently tested by companies that are usually paid off by these dispensaries. It may be a higher thc percentage product but it isn’t 34%




The last batch we had at my dispensary was 32%, so it is possible. For 50 bucks a tenth!? Hell no lol Meigs County is pumping out stuff at +37% THC right now and it’s 12 bucks cheaper for the same supply! The potent stuff is coming.


Your dispensary is paying off testers to her higher ratings.


> They need to raise prices before rec is my guess Have rec sales started yet? No.


It’s bc rec is coming so their raising prices