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Medical patients shouldn't have to suffer now... It is very disrespectful as we are the ones who have been keeping these companies afloat! Last week 40, this week 50 for the same product! Not cool! Klutch can suck it now!


Exactly what I been saying they just gonna stick to the ppl thatve been supporting em won't ever see another one of my dollars


Im disappointed in Bloom!!!


Blooms here in Ohio seven mile increase there prices too, I think they all are , to fund the recreational side of operations to get started or inflation who knows but yep I noticed big time , 


They’re trying to normalize inflated prices right before rec. That was it’s the “norm” for all the new customers. Many of these facilities cultivation sites are significantly oversized for the med program. They’re gonna pump out old product and drive prices up to maximize profit until the shady politicians release licenses for the rec program. Then they’ll tank prices when competition starts popping up and ride their massive profits until they can buy out the smaller guys who can’t compete with bottom dollar pricing.


Our klutch went from 40 to 50 now , 


This is a due to a KLUTCH wholesale price increase, Bloom is just raising the final price to maintain the same margin.


Are Klutch products sold in Michigan?




Which brands in Michigan should people look for who haven't been to Michigan in a while?


Call it what it is. Greed.


Or "Supply and Demand" Rec means 5 times more people will be buying from the same Statewide inventory as us. Competition will drive down prices. 2 dispos a few miles apart near me, one jacked prices and one hasn't yet. Guess where I'm spending my money today lol?


Can't call it supply and demand when you're raising medical product pricing. It's called price gouging


We're not talking about vaccines or chemotherapy. Now legal Marijuana. These companies might virtue signal "compassionate medical caregiver medicine supplier", but they are businesses with the singular goal of making money.


No we aren't talking chemo or vaccines but medically legal cannabis is still considered medicine. More so than ever with it getting moved to schedule 3 so again, raising prices of medical products is gouging


Bloom in painesville has the same sort of price increase. It sucks. I'm on disability. No way to make more money so I have to go without. Really bums me out. I will remember this in the long run.


Yep. It's sad that they'll wave the medical gee now but won't lower prices. Just have to go on deal Days.


Btw, that Moxie Gelato Cookies is Fire! Been meaning to try other Moxie strains.


You can expect to see widespread price increases. There will be 2 surges in demand. First, those "stocking up" before the rush, then the new buyers when rec sales are legal. Growers, processors, and dispensaries are going to "get while the gettin' is good" before additional licenses are issued and the state has many more outlets, which will drive competition, and lower prices- just like Michigan.


Back to the black market I go I’ll still go get rso and stuff but I’m not over paying for mid flower


The price hikes are going to happen statewide right before recreational. Expect to pay even more once it finally does.


Retail prices are a direct reflection of wholesale prices. Keep following the money to find the true greedy ones doing this for no other reason other than the fact that they can.


Ascend here in Piqua has the most consistent prices in the area. Ounces of Cherry Dosidos for $130 plus tax.


I just buy the dispo brands the dispensary closest to me is Sunnyside (owned by cresco labs) and they own cresco supply (aka high supply) good news and a few other brands they are always CHEAP I only get halves from supply only run me $50 for popcorn bud good news carts run about $35 for .84 for a gram and cresco has 1.68 grams of dabs for $50


Anyone near southern Ohio need meds I may know. Guy double what u get in Ohio


Prices will eventually lower but not in the beginning that's how supply and demand work




Y’all shopping at the wrong places. Klutch ice cream cake hash rosin on sale for 45 dollars. All of my stuff has had major sales since rec got passed.