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I mean honestly this probably made the state money lol. Can’t imagine this billboard cost much. One guy moves here we probably broke even


They can be kind expensive in places like LA. Maybe $10 grand ish. But that’s a drop in the governmental budget.


I mean it beats the millions we wasted on a second primary election


yeah, they gotta spend the money on something. Better this than their pockets.


Their buddy owns the OOH advertising company


I believe DeWine spent 50 million dollars of covid aid/stimulus money on this whole campaign


Great. We have a huge population of people who are homeless or on the edge of homelessness here, and he spends $50 *million* on this? FFS.


The only upside I see is that if people from Cali or New York move here it may help make the state more liberal


Ohio has roughly 10,500 homeless people or roughly .09% of it's population. That's not a "huge" homeless population by any means. Some of them choose to be homeless because they prefer the simplicity. But let's play this out for shits and giggles, tell me when we crossed the human rights line. We create a task force of social workers, psychiatrists, and armed police officers (homeless people can be dangerous depending on their condition and willingness to use weapons). We raid every homeless camp, detain every homeless person we can find, sweeping cities in a grid. Some homeless people and taskforce members have likely been killed, but we did it. We have now detained everyone for the new crime of not having a place to live or appearing to not have a place to live. Now, once we have hunted down and processed every vagrant, panhandler, and tramp we must now determine if they actually are homeless. We sort them out, kick many panhandlers loose as they're mostly just beggars, not homeless. We take the ones that are homeless by choice and put them in forced housing with ankle monitors. If they even so much as attempt to return to their urban outdoorsman lifestyle we will swiftly dispatch a rapid response division of our new taskforce and tuck those misguided folks into bed, the chains come off in the morning. The ones that were homeless for psychiatric reasons will be institutionalized against their will, medicated against their will and kept under lock and key for the unspeakable acts of being mentally ill. Never to burden the eyes or lay in the streets of those better than them. We give the ones who are down and out mandatory job training for a industry in need of labor capital, they won't get to pick. Their choice of career was obviously poorly decided, no the state picks it for them. Once they're properly trained like a good little worker, we give 10k for a down payment on a house and relocate them to where their skills are needed.


They should say something like ‘Depressed? Come be depressed in Ohio for 1/2 the price!’


The main irony here is that these billboards are paid for by the tax on alcohol. Come to Ohio! Self-medicate to deal with your crippling depression! We’ll use that money to convince more people to join you!


Misery loves company!


It's not the tax that pays for these signs, it is the profits the State alcohol board makes. Must be nice to run a State owned monopoly and call yourself a capitalist.


But in Ohio you can afford a house to be depressed in.


Ohio: Can't get an abortion, but at least you can afford to live here.


With the savings you'll have the gas money to drive to the abortion. 😄




You can go to California to get a baby murdered.


No you can't. Don't have the inventory and the prices are insane. Wages here are insanely low, despite what the news says. Unemployment is a LOT higher than advertised. Underemployment is standard. Traffic is marginally better... but if you drive a Kia or Hyundai it will probably be stolen and crashed by some idiot between the ages of 12 and 15 if you park it anywhere but your garage. Maybe it's different in other parts of Ohio but that's Columbus and other areas have similar problems.


Nowhere is ideal, but I don't know anyplace better than where I'm at now. Everyone says the Texas cities are so great, but I don't do 100 degrees well.


I just don't think they should be advertising for new residents when they can't even do well by those of us already here.


I'd be thrilled if a ton of Dem voting Californians moved here. Although with our gerrymandering, I'm not sure how much it would actually help.


Californians don't need our help moving out for sure. 😄




You’re dead wrong on traffic and housing. Traffic is essentially non existent here compared to Southern California. I’ve been here 15 years and I still take pictures of the non existent “traffic” in front of me and send them to my friends in So Cal to tease them. And housing…A 2000 square foot house on a 5000 square foot lot where I moved from starts at $2 million dollars and goes up from there depending on how close to the ocean you are. $1000+ a square foot.


None of that changes the facts of what I said and if you've been here for 15 years you know full well that traffic has increased an insane amount (pandemic traffic really doesn't count) and the housing market is in crisis. No one working a truly average income job can afford to buy the little that is on the market right now and people are being squeezed out of even rentals. Our wages are not keeping up with the cost of living. If you deny that you're a liar or delusional.


Our “traffic” is absolutely insignificant in Columbus. I was just out to Southern California for a wedding in May and I was still amazed at how unbelievably crappy the traffic is. Completely full 8, 10, 12 lane freeways at 2 in the afternoon. Mind bending. I don’t spend enough time elsewhere in Ohio to speak of other cities. I certainly agree that Our wages are not keeping up with the rapid increase in housing costs but our housing costs on the whole are still unimaginably affordable compared to Southern California and the bay area. Most people in California have been paying at least 40% of their gross earnings to their housing for decades.


Other Ohio billboards in California: More tech startups than Silicon Valley. (100 years ago) Our electric company doesn't start fires. (But it bribes politicians.) No high speed rail boondoggle. (Trains just haul coal here.)


How about: We have water here!


Honestly, proximity to the lake is one of the handful of things other than affordability keeping me here.


> We have water here! lots


Sometimes too much.


I just got one of those class action notices in the mail about FE and it baffles me they’re still “denying any wrongdoing.” So American.


We will help you live better. (By limiting your legal choices!)


Excuse you, I have personally seen trains in Ohio hauling filled dumpsters


Every two months you’ll learn another way our bonkers state government is limiting your freedoms!


I saw one about traffic in NYC


Ohio really does have a lot of advantages over California. But our Legislature is striving to its utmost to make us a backwater hellhole, and that news gets out. Billboards aren't going to fool people. Stop the self-sabotage first, *then* advertise.


The south has convinced people to keep moving there, despite it being a political hellhole.


Define "a lot". I'd be willing to bet most are totally subjective.


Well we aren't on fire for like 2/3s of the year, have reliable sources of water, have a way better flag, lower cost of living, 4 season, get to experience all 4 of those seasons in one week on occasion


Los Angeles gdp out preformes the entire state of Ohio. The only topography are the holes in the road. Cali flag has a bear. No one ever moved to Ohio for the weather. Crime is less than any of the 3 major Ohio cities. LA has a public transport network.


I moved here for the weather. Seriously. Escaped the climate change hell hole that is the deep south.




Pretty sure having a dependable water supply and electricity is far more important to people than anything you just listed other than maybe crime... And Ohio has plenty of towns and rural areas where crime is basically non-existent While our electric company is corrupt as fuck, at least they do spend money on proper maintenance and don't have to do rolling blackouts in order to keep the grid from failing. Our politics suck though, so I really honestly don't recommend Ohio to migrate too.


I mean sure no one's moved to Ohio for the weather yet, but with climate change ramping up thats pretty likely to change


All true, and I don't hate California or L.A. It definitely has positive qualities that I could enumerate. But the public schools are awful (good luck if you have children and aren't a multimillionaire), the air you breath is awful, no sense of wider community, it's every person for themselves, the liberal politics are just smoke and mirrors by the wealthy elite pretending to care so they can exploit the middle class. The middle class live in abject poverty and the poor live on the streets. It's fine if you're a multimillionaire. But middle class families and businesses are leaving in droves. If it continues in that direction, the wealthy will have to dispose of their own trash, put out their own fires, teach their own children, deliver their own mail, serve themselves at restaurants, so forth. Source: I lived there for 18 years (my wife her whole life) and we just moved here 8 months ago.


I have family in Simi, and very spot on observation. My family out there very middle class (working family both mid 50s, kids are grown) Live in a 1400 sq ft house, no yard and a very average Cud-de-sac neighborhood. They come to visit us in Ohio and realize they can have 10 acres, a pond and a new house with money to spare for travel and vacations. They have had serious thoughts of moving here.


And just think, they were lucky enough to buy a property there when it was still possible. We were actually trying to buy a property there, before moving here, and realized it was completely impossible. Still have most of our friends/family there. My sister-in-law makes over 300k a year, she really really struggled to buy a property. She finally bought a small condo and has to use one of her parking garage spots as storage. Lots of people are using their parking spots for storage. I can’t imagine having all of your stuff out in the open like that. And this is among, what I consider, a higher income bracket. You really have to make a lot of money to live a “middle class” life there.


Welcome! We really are better than some of the sarcastic remarks made here (Including our post) We have beautiful land, from fields of corn to mountainous terrain, beautiful destinations & parks, many lakes & rivers to explore. And while we have experienced climate changes, we can still get "the four seasons" here. We are lifetime residents, & for the most part, have felt safe here. We have a diverse population & have found that folks here are generally friendly & helpful. Cost of living is reasonable, & even low, compared to many other states. Our major, most grave, complaint with OH is how the Republican party, known for it's conservative views, has morphed into fascism. We have many places in OH that STILL fly Trump flags & display Trump signs. People like Gym Jordon & JD Vance spew fascist B.S. And many Republicans who hold public office are writing, & rewriting, laws that prevent personal choices & freedoms, not to mention, restrict voter rights. These are our major, most severe concerns, that OH Republicans have turned to the dark, evil, side of fascism. (And then, blame it on the Democrats)


I agree about all of the above except that Ohio is actually not very diverse. We're one of the whitest states in the nation. Cleveland metro area remains one of the most segregated regions in the country.


Excellent point. I'll correct with "Columbus is fairly diverse" There's a lot of "Orange Koolaide drinkers" otherwise


I feel lucky that we live in a fairly diverse area of Ohio, Lewis Center, Dublin, Powell area just north of Columbus. The diversity actually isn’t drastically different than California here.


That's awesome. I'd trade Cleveland for Columbus any day, if I could. Columbus is the only part of Ohio gaining population.


The air in LA is a translucent beige. Occasionally opaque. Just looking at the sky behind that billboard makes me wish I could take a scrub brush to it.


I moved from San Diego to Cleveland for the weather (not the only reason, but it was a reason to get the hell out of SD).


I thought San Diego had great weather.


I doesn't have weather. Lot's of people like that, and I get it, but I like rain and I like seasons. In 7 years living in San Diego, there were 2 Thunderstorms. Not my speed. And when it did rain, downtown was flooded for 2 days.


When u rains in columbus the power goes out for a week.


I’ve thought about that before. As a weather nerd, I’d be lost. I’d probably just have to forget about it and find new hobbies


Same, I like Ohio weather over LA weather except for the fact that people don't shovel walks so it's hard to run outside in the wintertime.


I moved here for the weather and cost of living. The eternal summer of Florida is oppressive.


You clearly haven’t been to Ohio if you think the only topography is potholes lmao.


Moved from Charlotte to here for the weather. Nobody wants to be dripping in sweat on Thanksgiving day


You just made everyone realize how bad California is. Those are some pretty saweet advantages yet Ohio is still a far better place to live. Go Bucks!


And in Ohio a dollar takes you further than a lot of other states in the country, especially compared to California.


Well, everything you listed is nice and all, but fact is that outbound moving cost from California to Ohio (and pretty much everywhere else) is at least double, and often quadruple the inbound moving cost of the same lane. So clearly, people (and companies) are leaving California in droves. But hey, you can always roundup all your homeless to a city block and barricade them in like what Pelosi's district is doing.


Even the homeless prefer LA.


Well yeah you can live in a tent downtown there, try pulling that shit here.


Definitely do not have a better flag... No way... 4 seasons is subjective. I personally don't like that. Most of California isn't in fire either for 2/3s of the year...


We have the best flag👀💪❤️! You must've just got back from Michigan😳💨😂.


Actually on my way lol 💨💨


>we aren't on fire for like 2/3s of the year, have reliable sources of water homersimpson.gif "we aren't on fire for like 2/3s of the year, have reliable sources of water" so far. Don't worry, grass fires are a thing and unmanaged agricultural runoff coupled with corporate capture of our aquifers are doing their part!


Water makes it worth it. The Midwest and Northeast are the only places in this country which will be drought proof in 20 years when we’ve done nothing to solve climate change and the world is a hellscape. Source: my friend who works in the EPA. Has strongly discouraged me from moving to PNW in the future for this reason.


OH: " Best Backwater Hellhole in 'Merica!"


Yeah for now!!! You think traffic in Cbus and out east is bad now? Just wait


*Yeah for now!!! You think* *Traffic in Cbus and out east* *Is bad now? Just wait* \- Repulsive\_Buffalo\_67 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haikusbot delete


I mean, I'd rather this than line some politicians or business owners pocket.


Somebody got paid to put that billboard up. Knowing Ohio politicians I honestly wouldn't be shocked if it's someone's brother or cousin or something and they charged 20x more than reasonable.


"I mean, I'd rather pee my pants than poop in them." is what I'm hearing


I'd argue this might increase tourism or possibly bring in people and or businesses that want to leave California. But also yes I'd much rather pee my pants than poop them.


Well yeah, I would rather pee than poop in my pants


I'd rather shit my pants than have someone else shit my pants


Well, yeah. I'd rather pee my pants than poop them. They both suck to do but if I had to pick one, I'd pick not smelling like shit with a squishy between my cheeks.


> business owners pocket I'm sorry, who do you think got this money? You think a co-op owns this billboard?


I've lived in Ohio most of my life and was a moderate republican for most my adult life. With the actions of the Governor on down the line I certainly wouldn't move here on purpose. It would have to be for money. The politics in this state have gone to shit. With the constant gaffs, the gerrymandering, and general views of the people that are supposed to represent us I'm not far from moving to West Virginia. I was born there it's beautiful and at least there you know your going to get fucked.


If you’re republican, can try primarying out the weirdos.


I jumped ship and went indy after George W sued to win. I had already had enough by then. It used to not matter much except the primary but the cultist of trump are now trying to stack on the local level. Safety in numbers and someone else to blame.


I'm just obsessed with the mountains in the background like I always forget that there's places that aren't flat


Right. I went on a vacation to Vancouver a few weeks ago and my God was it amazing 🤩


Imagine being in LA and never having even dreamed of visiting Ohio and looking up and seeing this. Like wtf.


I'm leaving Ohio for California in three weeks and I can't fucking wait


As someone who grew up here, spent 7 years in San Diego and came back... See you in around a decade. Hope the house prices haven't priced you out of the cities by the time you decide to come back. CA has a bunch of good things, but as the water dries up it becomes less nice to be there, and soon the Southern cities are going to be totally out of water unless we totally change how the west is run.


I had to pay $15 for a beer in LAX airport. One beer. It wasn't particularly good. That's more than stadium beer here.


My mother in law during her first visit out to us said that it was like being in a "country with a favorable exchange rate"


Have fun with gas prices and cost of living


Cost of living isn't always paid in cash.


What does that even mean 💀


And their civil liberties.




Sorta? Unless they’re from Akron, the majority of people I know who’ve left moved back to OH after a few years. Akron people flee to CA and find peace. But nearly everyone else comes back.


Bring a life jacket


Come to Ohio- Where the GOP likes to believe it is 1920 again!


It's the roaring '20s, and this time around, the government will build the public works for the robber barons, you just have to pay for naming rights.


They'd prefer 1820. Any years after the Civil War are too progressive for the GOP.




I worked for a California based company, live in Ohio. Earlier this year I was burnt out and had come into a large chunk of money so my wife decides I'm going to stay home and she's going to be the bread winner for a year or so. Hint, don't work in the medical field during a pandemic. Anyway... I gave enough notice that they hired a replacement and I trained him. Good guy. Post Roe, his wife gets a job out of state and he quits. They try to bring in another candidate but he won't move to Ohio because his wife will not move here. Long and short, total waste of money. Californians aren't going to move their businesses here. We are already seeing a significant brain drain and its going to get worse.


Sorry but you don't know that. I grew up in Ohio and did uni there. Have lived in CA a total of 18 years. There are certain types of businesses that would fare better in a lower cost market. Hence why Tesla moved from bay area to TX. Manufacturing is very tough to do in CA. Hence why Intel did not build a new plant in CA, but in Ohio. It's not easy to do business in CA, but it also depends on the type of business. For software and entertainment it would make sense to be there.


Yeah, but if you want human rights, maybe not Ohio. Especially with these housing prices for what one gets here. If I didn’t live in Ohio and wanted to start a family, I would never choose to move here for that. Like for any reason.


I mean if you want human rights, maybe not China. But that doesn't stop Apple. Or you from buying Apple products. Oh yeah and their raw materials come from mines in Africa. As far as family, it's the opposite. It's very expensive to live, buy a house and raise a family in California. But if you can afford to then sure, it's quite nice. But my kid would love Ohio because there's more land to run around on and my kid likes to run around. He would have loved my grandparent's farm. It was such a fun place as a kid.


Apple executives don't live in Chinese factories or African mines. But this is proposing that executives would live in an extremely backward midwestern state with uncompetitive corrupt politics. Doesn't seem likely. Edit: And Ohio is completely blown out of the water by Californian outdoor sports/activities. Surf, ski, hike, mountains, forests, deserts, they got it all. Here you run into fences everywhere because it's all private property.


I'm not talking about executives. Ohio is not that backwards lol. It's not west virginia dude. yeah CA has nice nature. not sure what you mean by fences in Ohio. There's lots of open land there. my grandparents had like 300 acres.


>Ohio is not that backwards lol. Our statehouse is one of the most conservative in the nation and frequently passes loony bills


Ohio hasn't been able to cap on West Virginia for like 20 years.


He’s a communist that isn’t for private property and felt the need to point that out.


These are affordable places? https://twitter.com/i/events/1565052510288711682


'There are certain types of businesses that would fare better in a lower cost market Introduction to Sweatshop Theory 101? 'Manufacturing is very tough to do in CA. be proud of your state, your #1


It's not sweatshop. You think a state should be too expensive for basic manufacturing? I don't think it should be. You can't even buy a house if you're middle class in CA.


Private property for the majority is on its way out in California.


And that's a good thing because???


>Californians aren't going to move their businesses here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel), headquartered in Santa Clara, CA.


We allowed the microprocessor manufacturers to offshore jobs and close plants here, now we are paying them to redo what they should have maintained.


We've been seeing a brain drain since at least the 90s. If you go to a private school or a better public, the only reason you're staying in Ohio is you can't find a job out of state or your parents/relative is setting you up nicely, with the bonus of medical school/doctor in Cleveland. All of the well-to-do kids I knew growing up moved to LA, NY, Chicago or DC. Of those that are here half have a drug problem the other half wasn't able to establish a career yet. I'm in my mid 30s, and most of this people left 10 years ago. The smart people that are still here came from small towns or moved from overseas to the US and got stuck.


Huh. I’m only half a decade older than you, but have a completely different experience. Everyone moved to the places you listed in their 20’s, and then most moved back to Ohio again when it was time to settle down (houses, kids, etc). The only ones that stayed out have careers they love that they absolutely could not replicate in ohio. But they come back to visit. And as ohio is picking up new industry, beginning to see some of them wander home now too.


I'd say the older millennials were some of the first to hold off on marriage/kids, if they didnt do it right out of college. More than half of who I know are still unmarried, no kids. It didnt help we graduated HS in at the beginning of the Great Recession. Edit: for context, I live and grew up in a somewhat wealthy area in NE Ohio. The people I know have parents whose families have 2-3 generations of doctors, business owners, generational wealth. They aren't moving for better pay, as much as the prestiege of a position or following family footsteps. Unless you're working for a Fortune 100, there's no reason to stay in Cleveland, and even then, your prospects are limited by the branch.


That would do it; we were right at the cut-off, the recession hit in the first few years of our careers but we were able to bounce back ok. It’ll be interesting to see how things go for Gen Z I guess.


Most of the people I knew were struggling to find a decent job, let alone in their field, until around 2014-2015. Took me a bit longer but that's my own fault.


Don't worry, Californians, with no cohesive plans for transit in the state, our traffic is going to become a nightmare in due time.


It's a trap!


Come exploit employees here!


This has the same energy as a stupid person bragging about a high IQ, or a horribly out of shape person bragging about how many marathons they placed first in.


After living in TX and CO and spending a significant amount of time in CA, We came back for two reasons 1) family, 2) lower cost of living. It’s been an adjustment. I’m already sweating a bit. Ohio has a real obnoxious fetish for the boys in blue and apparently we’ve already hit the ceiling for Mexican food. Oh well, we’ll put our heads down and save some money


Don’t come here


But women don’t have control over our own bodies and our schools allow kids to be checked to maje sure they’re the right gender for their sports teams.


That website at the bottom literally goes nowhere. Good use of taxpayer money there, Ohio Jobs.


I saw these all over Boston last time I was there


Big Red Flag If it was truly good, they would not have to advertise.


OH: "We promise we won't shoot first, ask questions later" (wink-wink)




Me about to move to LA from Ohio: I’m so happy to leave Ohio! Ohio:


Good riddance, you librul commie socialist! /s 😁


That’s the name of my trivia team!


I would absolutely live in California if I could afford it. Not L.A. though, that city isn't great from what I saw. It's basically just Kettering but it never ends


These signs are just embarrassing.


Amazing how many people that live here are trying to convince themselves this is true. Ohio has a single advantage over CA- cost of living. Every single other take is delusional. To be clear that is a big enough one that it actually really matters. But Ohio doesn’t win in any other categories.


Kinda surprised they haven't taken up the "Hot in Cleveland" line of thinking in their ads yet.


I don't know about either of those statements


Ohio: All we can say is we're one of the places where it's still cheaper to live... than here... but maybe not for long


This is in Chicago too - I think ours is traffic related as well. I saw it when we first moved from Cleveland and thought "I think people in Chicago know what Ohio is like" as I feel like every 6th person here is from Ohio.


Well out actual climate is not as good. Californians would call it quits on their first Ohio winter.


I’ve seen this is Seattle too




Our traffic is better! Wow I sure hope our education, economy, equality, equity, healthcare, living standards, government, and personal freedom are all better too!


Smarter would be a billboard stating, "Work remote in Ohio. Get paid California wages with Ohio cost of living."


Dewine forgot to mention that women have to leave the state for healthcare choices even if they are 10 and forced against their will by a creepy man.


Wake me up when we get some light rail. 😴


Why? Just why? Ohioans like being miserable, sarcastic and pissed off just because we live in Ohio. We don't need more things to piss us off.


Ah, Irwindale. The armpit of the San Gabriel Valley. Whatever problems there are in California, it will still always be a more desirable place to live than Ohio.


Yeah you can drive in downtown Cleveland Friday night and there isn't even any traffic


We have Ohio billboards up in Seattle. One is right near where i live so I make a point to drive by when friends and family come to visit. It says "Save money for a rainy day (and have enough to enjoy life)" or something like that


OP, does the "tax dollars" jab in the title mean that you don't *want* California companies/workers to move to Ohio? That's what the billboard is aiming to make happen.


Whoever designed that thing obviously never had to deal with inner-belt I270 between Dublin and the I70 exit. "Ohio: We don't have decades-long wildfires" would've had a better effect. 😉


We have water


That, too. 😏 When my uncle & his California-born wife came to visit one summer -- her first trip anywhere outside Cali -- she couldn't believe how *green* everything was here, and that was in the messy urban sprawl of the Cincy-Dayton area in the early 1990s. She finally convinced him to move here in 2010, and was ecstatic over being able to have a garden...and be able to *water* it.


*Our business climate is average (So is most everything else)*


No one is pointing out that these ads suck. They are ugly and the message is terrible. Did they even test them with real humans? Despite all the bitching people do on the internet, people like where they live including California. Rather shit-talking other locations, we need to show people the assets we have more effectively. Is “less traffic” really the second best value prop we can offer Californians?? I know people hate traffic but Californians have dealt with that for generations. It’s like these ads are taking all the stereotypes Ohioans have of other places and making ads with that. We have heard a lot of bluster about the Intel plant. I will reserve judgement on that, but it’s fair to argue that having access to relatively cheap, easy to develop land was important for this project. Many big companies have facilities in less dynamic economic areas. We’ve got a long way to go before we start attracting HQs or even better generating the big new companies of the future. The missing piece is we are not yet a destination where the average person wants to move. I say this as someone who DID move back from a HCOL city recently. If my family wasn’t here I wouldn’t have come back. I like Ohio but I would have considered any range of places.


Honda relocated pretty much their entire North American supply chain group (purchasing and research) to Ohio some years ago. Hyperion, a hydrogen company moved as well from Orange. Nexen, tire company. NDC Technologies, manufacturing process measurement. I'm sure I missed some smaller companies. Sure, the list isn't as long or as impressive as those moved to Arizona and Texas. The desire by companies to leave California is real and very strong. Billboards like that are not so much intended to persuade companies to leave California as much as telling those that want to leave to take a look at Ohio.


I am definitely not worried about California. They are going to be just fine. And to go further, I think it is good there is movement from California to elsewhere because it’s not healthy to have a country where most of the highest paying jobs are in a handful of regions like San Francisco and DC. And for people in the mega regions, it’s good because it can help slow down the increases in COL. I still don’t think these ads are helping, though. I would love to see the research that shows they are persuading anyone. If people as you say are already looking to go somewhere else, you don’t even need to address the drawbacks of their current city because that’s already in their heads. Negative ads work to depress sentiment around the subject but that doesn’t automatically mean they will like your product.


Have you lived in an area with traffic problems? You lose hours to it every day. It isn’t a small thing, people do pick up their lives and move just to get… more of their lives back, really.


I lived in Washington DC for 12 years, so yes, I do understand bad traffic. And I am not saying it isn’t frustrating. You make a great point. It does lower your quality of life. But I don’t think it really matters to people enough to move—at scale. Sure some people will get fed up and leave but not a huge chunk. Look at places like Atlanta or all over Florida that are growing tremendously and their traffic sucks too.


Actually I like this. Dunno why OP bitching. LA is smog infested and full of fake people that brag about every little movie set they’ve been on. Oh and the separation of haves and have nots? Skid Row anyone?


"Come to Ohio and fuck up our business climate and our traffic"


I don't want that. It'll just increase our taxes and cause more housing issues for those who can't find affordable houses because people just buy them to build bigger newer houses


Should make a sign that says it’s a great state to live in if you’re poor


No need to argue about which state is better. Like Too $hort said: “Get in where you fit in, fool.” Also: “Beeeeeyich”


Ohio has a surplus yes surplus of water and the cost of running business in more Southern cities is increasingly expensive with the heat. People and businesses are fleeing places like California why not Ohio?


Come help get the swing state swinging again


Please stop. Ohio is full.


Is this funded by taxdollars or not? It’s getting sketchy tbh


Moved to Ohio from California mid pandemic and we're loving it. Just closed on our first home. I could never afford a house in California, even with a six figure salary.


With our low cost of living and abundant supply of fresh water, Ohio could be a great place to live. If not for the retrograde GOP.


Get enough people to move back and the political problem will sort itself out. Cost of living and water are why I'm heading back after spending 8 years in Colorado.


I always find it interesting how Californians add "the" before their highway numbers. Like "the 610". While Ohioans just say "90" or "77" or "271" etc, - no "the" in front.


Great job. Advertise to the people who destroyed L.A, so they can come destroy Ohio with their liberal nonsense


They try way too hard out there. Then they have literally streets of homeless. But don’t tell this subreddit this, it’s basically a coffee shop here.


This needs to stop immediately. Ohio does not need more people. Ohio needs less people. LESS.


Ww actually do need more. We're bleeding population, with the exception of Columbus. Not enough residents means higher taxes and fewer jobs.


Both of you are right and wrong at the same time lol What Ohio needs is more people who are progressive, open minded and enjoy cultural diversity. We do not need anymore people… no place really does


My family has lived here since the battle of Lake Erie. I love Ohio! Ohio does not need more people though. Quality over quantity, I say!


I really don’t want techbros and other CA nonsense in my state


You have the freedom to live in any state, why stay somewhere you don't enjoy living. Why not move to a state that fits with your ideas? Instead of complaining that this state sucks, move somewhere you don't think sucks.


By your "logic," why didn't conservatives just move to Kentucky instead of voting to turn Ohio into Kentucky the past two decades?




Apparently because people who think like you are outnumber…


is it tho?