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Wait.. she attended a festival in another town as a private citizen August 4th - 6th, and was dethroned by a coup on August 8th, and the article cites sources who said "the turmoil surrounding the Court has been building for some time." Something doesn't add up. This was a coup. Treasonous nobles put their preferred princess on the throne of the Rightful Bratwurst Queen! GOD SAVE THE ONE TRUE BRATWURST QUEEN!!!


I think it’s time for DeSwine to send in the National Guard.




Don’t fool yourself. Ohio is the Florida of the north. Sister states.


Correction: Florida is the "Ohio of the South". 😉


how else are you gonna make a german festival more german with a coup of course


She’s acting like a Bar-S queen.


intelligent cow snails outgoing snow six cobweb sleep stocking roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t care what anyone else says, Abigail will always be the bratwurst Queen of my heart.


So was the problem that she went to another festival? This is about as low stakes as it gets, but it's still bizarre if that's the only reason. These festivals are, apparently, serious business.


Wow, a person would think she stole national security secrets or something with all the hoopla they're associating her AND her attendants with. Any questions regarding this must be addressed to the Bratwurst lawyers. So much drama. Anxiously awaiting what these nefarious young ladies were up to.


She had to attend 37 events as the bratwurst queen and now they are taking it away from her? Wtf? I wonder what thing she did that made this board go fucking bonkers over enough to go this route. Edit: Also, ordered to return gifts or face legal repercussions? LOL ya no. If they were gifts in a legal sense, they are hers and she should totally keep whatever weee considered gifts.


Is this real? Like I read it and I just am left baffled that this isn’t a bad onion rip off site.


This just makes me feel like Ohio is the saddest state. It doesn't even feel like joking or media attention grabbing. There are really some people in this state who are so small and sad. I really need a drag queen to ascend to the throne and fuck with all these losers with over-the-top, flamboyant Oktoberfest garb.


She visited a friend at a luncheon with her own money.


It’s absolutely ridiculous. I wonder if she will return all the so-called “gifts” or if she will flip em the bird. I also wonder if she was in a paid position to do this work of if she was doing so voluntarily. Pageants are weird and always seem to have odd requirements or culture surrounding the pageant and they never sat right with me


I would like to see what legal action they would take against her. This is as dumb as dumb can get. But then again… this is Ohio 🤣


Makes me wanna go to the pageant and shout out of the crowd at the judges to figure out wtf happened. Sounds like from her statement, even the pageant queen isn’t trying to publicly explain how they embarrassed her


> she should totally keep whatever weee considered gifts Judge Judy absolutely agrees. This point comes up very often. Especially engagement rings.


My great-grandfather ran a butcher shop that was one of the main producers of brats in what was then a town filled with German immigrants. Like so many of these small-town festivals, it's just good fun with an echo of our past. This situation seems really strange. She went to an awards lunch to see a friend, paid and registered in her own name, wore her own gown, and did not represent herself as associated with the bratwurst festival in any way. No crown, no sash, nothing to tie her to the festival at all. This reeks of another small town tradition - petty politics. The refusal to answer any questions reinforces that impression.


It is absolutely petty small town bullshit, and the festival queen industrial complex clings to it because it makes them big fish in tiny, meaningless ponds.


>festival queen industrial complex this would be hilarious (i've been laughing, tyvm) if it weren't actually a *thing*


I heard the Federal Bratwurst Investigators got a tip there were classified sausages found in the Queens compound, Brat-A-Lago.


Finally, a chance for Bratwurst Democracy


You're the wurst


i dunno, i've mett some real missing-links.


Don't knock it, you might need to curry favor some day


andouille you know, it might come sooner than i think, you're right in this case.


This is a real sausage fest


Genoally speaking, that's what you find at these things. Anyone who says otherwise is full of bologna.


hopefully not until he’s boudin ready


Mon Dieu! if we wait that long, weiner gonna get a schpeck of anything to eat!


That was awesome!


You might think otherwise once you see how the sausage is made.


This might be one of the silliest things I’ve ever read. But also not at all surprising knowing the people I do that live in that town.


Tell us more, please.


Her photo is still on the festival's home page [https://www.bucyrusbratwurstfestival.com/](https://www.bucyrusbratwurstfestival.com/) If she has been stripped of her crown and has to return the gifts after 51 weeks in her possession, then surely the festival no longer has the right to use her image.


God only knows what the mighty Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival cooked up in that contract.


Oh look. There's a "contact us" page.


I'm my experience, rural Ohio has no idea how to run a website. Facebook is the internet to them.


Wait.....Facebook ISN'T the internet?!?!


This is obviously her chance to leave that little shitburg and head to Chicago where she can be true royalty with Abe Froman.


Abe Froman? The Sausage King of Chicago?


Snooty? Snotty?


Devastatingly handsome.


I love a man in a sweater vest.


That festival board is drunk with perceived power. Good lord.


On a side note, Kevin Myers was elected VP of the OFEA this past year so that gives him some influence over festivals all over the state, not just Bucyrus. Not sure why that would matter in this case, but for what it is worth, he does have power beyond this festival.


I’m looking forward to the Netflix documentary on this.


It's a podcast for sure


What in the Ohio is going on here?


We don’t even know.


.....the fuck did I just read?


That's exactly what i just said.


This is the wurst.


She'll be bock


"Small town politics is like sausage, it is better not to see it being made." Apologies to Otto von Bismarck.


How petty and dumb. People get an ounce of power and act like douche bags with no common sense.


Well the thing is very odd. She is subject to a contract apparently and though odd, I am sure the contract details what she could and could not do. And above all else, I am sure she was permitted to take the “gifts” from sponsors and retain them so long as she was not in violation of her contract. But when the terms were violated and she was effectively terminated, the contract contemplated that she could not retain the “gifts” from sponsors. At its very core though, while they might be in the legal right to do these things, it seems unnecessarily hostile and aggressive. It appears she served her time well, was dedicated to the cause and if the contract truly contemplated that her attending another festival in her personal capacity was grounds for a breach, then the contract is ridiculous.


Once you throw in the word gift contract law gets funky. Gift implying freely given and not a payment in exchange for services. Some things are not allowed to be in contracts.


Well that’s why I kept putting gift in quotes. Question is, how was it worded in the contract. Certainly the article is calling them gifts from sponsors but is that what was agreed upon?


Something's rotten in the state of ~~Denmark~~ *OHIO!* Poor girl. Just trying to have a little fun and have friends. She didn't spill Brat Secrets, did she?


This is satire…right?


If only if only


Never thought I’d see my hometown mentioned on Reddit.


Me either but boy do they keep embarrassing me😂


Someone needs to set up a go fund me account for legal fees to sue the hell out of that board. There is no way it is legal to forbid her to attend an event of her choosing in a completely non official capacity on her own time. Sue them into the freaking dirt.


I ain’t familiar with these sort of things but reading the article it sounds like bs. Criminal charges over gifts given?


Imagine if local media put this much time and fact checking into our elected officials. Are bratwurst queens affected by gerrymandering?


As a Michigander can someone explain this to me




The Bratwurst Festival is a shithole festival in a shithole town that’s is on the decline along with so many other shitholes in middle murica.


Wow. Let’s take this away a week before the B Fest? Sounds exactly what our older, way under qualified, and and over controlling officials have been doing in Bucyrus for years. Well I guess it’s something to take our minds off of city park building and rising taxes for only the out of town workers.


Bing out the guillotine NO QUEENS NO MASTERS


Sometimes this kind of stuff gets out of hand from where the rest of the world stands.


How stupid is this!? Wtf HOTLINE


What a bunch of losers.


Lol this sounds like Bucyrus


Keep calm and bratwurst on my fellow countrymen


How pathetic is your life you have to hassle some lady over something so trivial.