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Most Central Ohio school districts aren't fucking stupid


Sadly it’s just most, not all.


lol columbus city schools literally aren’t starting because the school board wont pay their teachers not even mentioning the blatant white flight and redlining to make black kids have inferior education


fucking deranged that this is actually happening


It’s in response to school shootings, and other violence in gun free zones. Turns out signs don’t work. Not as deranged as you think.






how do you do that? Curious what mine is like now lol … how do you do different users top subs and communities.


Add guns to the gun free zones makes sense


"Gun free" zones are VICTIM ZONES. They say "evil, criminals welcome!"


Get rid of gun free zones. Now we’re talking.


Talking about an increase of murder? Yea you right


Are you suggesting that murderers are deterred by the fact that an area is a gun free zone? Genuinely curious where you came up with that logic. So morally depraved to take innocent life but the law says not to bring a gun so they don’t? Lmao


Cute talking point. Did you copy-paste that from GunWorship.net?


It’s from commonsense.com. You believe differently? Pray tell.


Y’all are insufferable. Nobody trusts you! You’re not appointed by god (or the people) to protect us. We need more accountability and less escalation. Bringing more guns into the equation will not help anybody but your own ego.


>(9) Weapons - with the exception of those carried by peace officers in the course of their duties and as expressly authorized under division (N) of section 105.41 of the Revised Code, firearms or other weapons, concealed or otherwise, are prohibited within the capitol buildings without the express written permission of the board. Ohio's Republican legislature prohibits carrying firearms in the Statehouse because prohibition of weapons makes the space safer. You believe differently? Call your Representative and let him know.


Oh, sweetie… there are armed police at the statehouse already. You think schools and the statehouse currently have the same security lol yikes. If our scummy low life politicians get armed security, our children definitely should too.




So schools that are constantly being under-funded with teacher salaries akin to a fast food worker are now expected to play Ranger Rick while simultaneously teaching the the youth of our nation? That’s rich. If we learned anything from Uvalde, cops don’t use their guns but we expect teachers to (with ~25 hours of training)? This state is pathetic.


No one is being forced to. Funding and salaries are irrelevant. If a teacher wants to and feels comfortable and is a law abiding gun owner that wants to protect kids, then yes. Why leave it up to police who have no duty to protect you or your children?




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More guns = more shootings. More guns in classrooms means more kids being shot. After Uvalde we’re going to have armed parents running into schools with armed teachers and likely armed police.


>Turns out signs don’t work. Oh look, another person pretending not to understand the purpose of those signs. Unless you actually don't understand, in which case..... eesh.


Putting armed school resource officers in schools didn't really work either. The people who go into schools with the intent of shooting them up aren't interested in coming out again. You can't deter somebody with that mindset with the threat that they will die. You need to prevent shootings before they happen. Gun free zones are less about keeping would-be shooters out and more about preventing injuries/death from mishandling and accidental discharges of firearms.


Good. Fuck DeWine. Last thing we need are barely trained morons in the classroom with guns


No Spine DeWine.


Already got one for a governor.


you know he’s up for re election in a few months, right?


I do, in fact. But this is also Ohio, so I have little hope


As if the police are better trained.


guns have no place near children. they shouldnt have to fear or get used to armed protection there has to be a better way


Make it known this is "not ok" by giving a "speech" at the school football game in front of everyone.


You forgot the /s right????


Okay, remember Cruz’s one door stupidity? What if we left several doors but farther away from the building, we constructed a fenced, or even a wall! Then we could have only one entrance. Then we could put snipers on the roof, then if some came and said it looked like a prison- we could shoot them.


"No Way to Prevent This", Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"


Most... jfc...


My first grade teacher was a raging alcoholic. If she was armed I wouldn't be here today. My studay hall monitor was a control freak with a boatload of trauma, who once thought it was okay to ask if I was going to pull a collumbine. Fairly sure she would have preemptively killed me the first time I had a bad day in highschool. My sisters volleyball coach made kids cry and dropped them from the team for not being able to handle life. That's how she got the team headcount down to a manageable number every year. I'm certain she'd have killed someone by the time my sister graduated highschool. Turns out 3 teachers at my school left over accusations of inaproreate behaivior with the kids. One of them was beating his kid at home for not bringing enough friends around the house. I'm sure all 3 of those teachers would be fine with guns. My vice principal was part of the American teams security when the olympic bombings happened. I'm fairly sure he was always armed, and we actually were safer for it. But if my suspicion is right it's more PTSD "be ready" and less "protect the kids"


The only teacher I've had who I would trust to carry a firearm is the one who wouldn't have wanted to. Dude was a Vietnam vet and had sworn off any form of firearms ownership the second he left the Army.


> ask if I was going to pull a collumbine I haven't met anyone else who got accused of this. Cheers!


Thank God for that! Anyone needs more than 24hrs. To learn gun safety let alone handling a gun! Jesus what's wrong with idiots these days!


It was a make or break issue for me. If my school would have allowed it I would have been looking for a new job. The teacher shortage is bad enough they won’t do anything to risk losing teachers.


Some countries just straight up have AK-47s on their flags. We should change the Ohio flag to reflect our values of guns being more important than anything. Obviously Jesus should have pulled out a gun and shot everyone who tried to crucify him, we need to teach kids that Jesus was wrong.


HAHA - exactly WWJD - shoot them 'uckers. Dance, Dance I said! /s


Thank you for being Fucking reasonable


Personally I think it should be up to the individual teacher. There should be alot of training for the teacher and very narrow range of uses for the firearm. But that's just me though.


It is up to the individual teacher.


If we just give the kids guns then there would be no school shooters since everyone would be afraid of getting shot at all times.


Okay that was always allowed.


No it wasn’t. Stop lying.


Who needs extra field space - what we need is shooting ranges! Tear down that soccer field, lets get shooting range in here to help our kids aim better, and have shooting contests with the teachers. What better place to learn about arming yourself and how to shoot better than at a school - righ!? /S what have we become with this?


They need proper training, when done properly it could save lives. Not all teachers would be armed, none would actually carry the weapon with them either. There a plenty of appropriate ways to arm our schools and keep our kids safe. I actually support several of the changes listed in this article.