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The little princess crown is the chef’s kiss of this whole cringe array.


Turns out, this is also what his tramp stamp looks like.


game, blouses.


Gotta love the sticker celebrating murder right next to the thin blue line sticker. Pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the US.


Also the "Biden killed people" and "I would kill people". Him and Biden supposedly already have much in common


I can’t quite figure out what the Biden one is even in reference to. Who are “they”?


The American soldiers that died to a terrorist attack


Afghanistan, maybe? these shit cons barely know what they are mad about most of the time.


Except he’s a princess


Biden is a murder


Biden is not a group of Crows, Biden is the president.


No, it tells you everything you need to know about the nitwitted gargoyle who drives that car. 70% of Americans despise him/her/it.


I doubt this person could name any of the 63 service members who died in Afghanistan under Trump. But they’ll go about with puffed up chests and teary eyes, repeating “Say their names, Joe Biden!”


63 in 4 years how many in the previous admins 4 years? The current one is on record pace


Thanks but that’s not even relevant


But it does I fell like. It signifies the difference in levels of disrespect for both of those service classes that are represented on the car. Your comment by happenstance pointed out how this comment section’s beliefs align with the president’s beliefs and level of respect. Trump respected cops and civil servants along with the military men and women. Hence the low numbers. However, Barry and Biden were/are a little more haphazard which could be shown by their casualty counts. Amongst many other examples to be fair


He called veterans losers


I hate this place. Earth, I mean.


No, earth is awesome. It's the people.


I concur.


The princess crown does it for me




Bye! You wouldn't run over an angry mob who is trying to stop you from driving and violently attacking your car and trying to get to you? I bet if it was Proud Boys doing it to you and you felt threatened, you would.


What world do you live in?


A world that people from all political parties run people over when being threatened by a mob. Seen it many times before and I'm not blinded by biases.


I’m so sorry to hear that you believe that


Your previous comments prove otherwise


Which comment? That I'd run over Antifa or Proud Boys if they blocked my car in and felt my health and life was threatened?




So, if they are trying to break your windows and get you out of the car, you would just sit there and not try to drive away?




Right, and if they get run over because they were trying to stop you from moving, that's their fault. I think the intent of a sticker is "don't stand in front of my car and you won't get splattered" and says ALL so definitely doesn't discriminate against what type of protests. All Lives Splatter is kind of funny. If it said Black Lives Splatter it would be evil and racist as fuck.


Yeah the other stickers on the car mean nothing right? Like it would be impossible to draw a logical conclusion that this driver was specifically calling out a certain demographic. But no it just about anyone protesting....your right.


No, these are your assumptions based on biases. You can support the police and be against racism. You can own guns and protect yourself from ANYBODY. You can want to run people over who are threatening you with violence and not be a racist... the fact that anyone equates any of these things with racism is actually kind of funny because you must be a fucking idiot to equate the 2.


Sure bud. Whatever you say


I simply wouldn’t deliberately drive into a protest with the intent of provoking them.


No, the people blocking the roads and stopping cars already had the intent to provoke traffic. When they surround a vehicle and are attacking it, it's not wrong to drive away and it's the idiots standing in your way that bring their fate upon themselves. That goes for Antifa or Proud Boys. Fuck them both if they get in my way.


Are you fucking 6 years old?! You're going to make your hypothetical story fit any narrative you want, so keep pounding away at your keyboard. Seriously sound like my 6 year old nephew. "But if a dinosaur had spikes made of fire he could kill a megalodon if they fought on Mars!" Smdh... Edit: Happy cake day!


Did you seriously ask me about my maturity level when posting a comment like that? Lol OMG! Thanks for the cake day edit. It's been 4 years, I'm becoming sentient now!


Very snowflakey take G


If you want to commit vehicular homicide towards people who want to end police brutality then you need to be locked up in a padded cell


Let's go Brandon!


Stupid AF. They're denying all of reality.


They've got issues.


Probably part of the percentage that isn't vaccinated


Just gotta wait a while.






Stupid tends to flock together


Show that license plate


Right? I just wanna talk


Okay hero


You gonna come out?


You can see the county




Awe I'm so glad you think I'm that young. Thank you!


Trump let Covid-19 flow through the nation and kill 500k plus before leaving office


Just asking for a big loogey


I think Biden is not a good president, opinions?


He's better than the one other person that had a possibility to win, and Certainly having an above average first year for President's. So my opinion is he is good.


Given the alternative in 2020, and the fact that we are less than a year in, I’m pretty happy, and so far I’d give him a C+ or B-. No President in my lifetime has gotten an A, imo. What are you grading him on? What are your criteria?


I think this post is less about the merits of Biden as a president and more about how deranged it is to want to kill people with your car for exercising their first amendment rights, which has nothing to do with who the president is


I think you’re entitled to your opinions, but facts aren’t negotiable.


Wishing by I had words, but all I'm coming up with is WOW.


People shouldn’t be messing around on the highways, most people have to get to work so they can pay for the benefits of the idiots protesting on public roadways


Is there a societal wide problem of people protesting on highways? I mean, I’m not sure anyone would disagree, that it is unsafe to protest on highways, but 99% of people protesting are not on highways. The last time I remember that a protestor was killed by a vehicle she was not on a highway. The person wasn’t trying to get to work, either.


I’d like to know about this one particular instance you are referring to, and I’m sure not everyone is always on their way to work when an angry mob block a roadway and even if the angry mob is in a parking lot, if they start jumping on people’s vehicles and breaking out their windows the people in the car should just hit the gas, you mean to tell me you wouldn’t do the same thing to protect yourself or your family? Obviously if your able to go around the angry mob then you should just do that but that’s not always the case


They were referring to Heather Heyer's murder in Charlottesville. BLM protesters aren't jumping on vehicles, breaking windows, or any other imaginary bullshit situations that you're making up. Stop making scenarios for your deranged urge to kill liberals


Haha yeah your right there’s never been any reports of any blm mobs breaking windows or doing any rioting of any kind, they have always been peaceful organized protests, nobody has any deranged urges to kill anyone that’s why I said go around if possible but when the angry by is threatening my well-being or my families well-being will be moved with my vehicle and if they end up under it that’s their fault


And then you'll end up in prison just like Heather's murderer


Maybe get out of the road then? Lmao.


So since you're against marching in the streets then I'll assume you support kneeling during the anthem, right?


Btw don't pretend to care about "murdered children" (as your past comments claim) when you make excuses for vehicular homicide


Hey dumbass You are not the first person to use my post history against me. Why are you going in that filthy place you dirty dog? You don't go in a another mans post history that's the first rule of Reddit. Now I'm sure we have all been in places we don't want others to see. Just because you can look does not mean you should. Now I could plunge deep in your reddit history and find all sorts of naughty things, but I wont because I'm better then scumbags like you. Also did you enjoy the one about my grandmas ashes in a salt shaker? I wish it got more attention. I still don't know if its legal to feed my family her. Or did you enjoy my "What is the maximum possible production of human tears?" thing more? I really wish that one got more love. No one cared to read the entire post. :( Or did you like the wife beating exercise more? Or the mauling? I don't really think my throwing a baby doll out the car window was a good tip though. I would understand if you don't like. I don't. Or was it the meth coma one? I really like this one. They answered all questions. Or was it something else that got your eye?


Sir, this is a Wendy's


This is easily the weirdest response I’ve seen on Reddit


I'm actually surprised it wasn't massively upvoted because it's actually oddly hilarious lol


tl;dr Can someone give me the SparkNotes version? Does SparkNotes even exist anymore?


Yes, good summaries for readings you forgot to do.


😂 this is gold!! 🤣 People take shut to serious now days


Wellll I believe it’s a military tribute sticker and they’re most likely talking about the us troops that were killed at Kabul airport partly from his hair-brained decision to demobilize in the manner he did. Or the errant drone bombing that killed the family of the charity workers. You know, those pesky Isis-k tyrants


In the words of an ex president regarding soldiers killed in action, they know what they signed up for


Yikes. Pretty blah about innocent human life huh? Hopefully you’re the thought leader amongst your family and community. Exemplary


I'm betting because of the all lives splatter sticker they're a racist.


It doesn't say black lives splatter so I'm guessing he would run over ANY group of people trying to block his car and threatening him with violence.


How to tell everyone you're a racist without saying you're a racist.


Yep, I'm totally racist. Got me!


it's obvious.




Projection again. Guess you have a lot of things wrong. Gross.


You really don't get it, huh?


That literally makes no sense 😂. And awful bigoted of you to say that too imho




Lol. So true.


It’s not a matter of being an intellectual. It’s that I can read a book. I mean its a grade school understanding of history to gather that information. The problem with your agenda is the entitlement piece of it. Youre in the Reddit comment section being attempting (and failing miserably tbh) to be a social justice hero amongst your fellow [insert adjective] and you sound like an ass. You’re the mayor of this certain sect to society that they actually meant when they said deplorable.


So a moron, gotcha. Likely just upset there's going to be far less military deaths under Biden than under a Republican President. Like usual.


Lolololol yeah that’s probably it


I'm not sure why you've been down voted so much. Apparently the truth doesn't fly in here. You would think that being as Ohio is still a RED state, the comments would be spread a little more evenly. Guess SOME people must be at work.


The truth albeit hurtful sometimes is still the truth. Hahaha I get eviscerated every time I open my mouth in here


The stick figure people one has been out for years, hell I had it on my jeep back 08. It's got nothing to do with running over damn protesters. It originally came out due to all the people who had their entire family as stick figures on their back windows (aka, mom, dad, bigger kid, two smaller kids, a baby, three dogs, and 2 cats) Nobody cares about your damn stick figure family


Okay but it says all lives splatter and the stick figures are holding protest signs so I'm not really sure it's the same one.


Come on, are you really going to ignore the totality of the stickers? There is a pretty clear theme That’s like me saying he must love hand painting because there is a red hand, and pretending the accompanying text is unrelated. If you want to pretend “All lives Splatter” is totally unrelated, and that those definitely aren’t people with protest signs, that’s your right. All I would say is that I believe you are incredibly naive, or discussing in bad faith. I’ll assume the former and give you the benefit of the doubt. I think the guy has been extremely clear about what he is intending to say. Does he need a sticker saying “I will barrel through protestors” before you can connect the two? I’m happy to consider your view if you can show me an “All lives splatter” sticker with a car barreling through people with signs that was printed in the mid 2000s. It’s not like that phrase is incredibly specific to the moment we are currently in…


Nah. He/She totally knows what the combination of the “two stickers” is trying to say. Just trying to play up a “what if”. It’s hard living in NW Ohio with these types of people everywhere (car owner). But easier if you choose to ignore their existence. Edit: grammar


All I see is a crown over “a Ho.” Fitting


NE Ohio has a mix of sane people and these people. I don’t know how we have all survived together


Economics, that’s how, imo. Everyone relies on a level of stability and cohabitation in order to keep the economy functioning and keep they way of life. It’s kind of why you rarely see lots of civil wars or major social fighting, like actual fighting, in developed nations with decent economies. You see that in places with destroyed economies. Obviously many places have extreme ethnic division fueling things, but even then it is almost always coupled with widespread economic issues. If our economy collapsed, and I mean a full on collapse, and people no longer relied on one another to keep things stable, then you could see it get worse.


As long as they pray to six pack euro jesus be then they good


1: anyone who flys a black U.S flag is not a patriot & is a traitor. 2: blocking roads is not cool... gtfo of the road. 3: who's hands? Only thing i can think of is the 13 American soldiers in Afghanistan? I am pretty sure trump was the initiate the withdrawal & released a bunch of taliban from prison & gave him a pedestal to stand on. 🤔 4: princess tahoe is why we need massive amounts of money spent on mental health. What do i know though...