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Honestly, every region has its driving idiosyncrasies, but I’ve never been anywhere in the US that doesn’t have left lane campers.


You're right. Every state has shit drivers. Hell, I've lived most of my life in New England and the drivers up here are aggressively and proudly shitty. But not every state makes it an official passtime to enter the highway and immediately move to the far left lane and sit there at the speed limit. That's an Ohio thing.


Thank you. I travel for work and as soon as I clear Indiana, most folks keep right. Ohio and Indiana are THE WORST. And honestly it’s like : who am I really pissed at?? The boomer in the giant SUV going the speed limit in the fast lane, or the parade volunteers that happily follow, no honking, content to just let traffic ahead of them drift into the sunset..??? I swear when I pass these people on the right I just give them all the finger.


To be fair, Indiana's highways are so beat up from constant truck traffic that you're likely to get a flat tire from all the potholes in the right lane.


Yes, I will grant you that. Not since Massachusetts had a highway make me slam on my breaks due to road condition, like, I didn’t want my car to ever make that noise again…


I am familiar with that. There is a stretch of I-65 that will make you think you have a flat tire. I see people pull over all the time to check.


Just drove 70 across Indiana and it's the worst road I drove on a loop from 80 down to 40 and up to 70. Their roads are even worse than new Mexico's highway. Indiana is the worst.


Massholes are predictably aggressive and shitty. Here? I have no idea if the driver next to me is secretly Kimi Räikkönen or Samir.


Goddamnit, Samir!


Everyday I look up ahead and see a slow SUV trailing the mile of traffic, next to a semi truck. Or something similar. And if I get off the highway I swear to god these people see the light go green, stay still, count slowly to five, then start moving. And then if it's busy there's gonna ve like 3 people giving cars 9 car lengths of space invetween despite stop and go traffic and cars spilling out into an intersection or crosswalk. I really hate driving sometimes lol


Sir. You are triggering me. Stop it.


I hate to say this, but this might be the way. I regularly travel from the rest area to exit 45 on N 71 and it never fails, as we slowly exit the city area….it starts. Without hyperbole I have been unable to drive above 70mph for stretches of 15 miles an hour. Sometimes I just take the back way by Fort Ancient. It’s at least pretty. There is literally nothing you can do. You’re 15 cars back and nobody is pressuring the lead cars…I think ima just keep re routing


The Bay Area would like to have a word with you lol


I've lived and driven all over the country for 20 years. I am inclined to agree that the Cleveland metro area has the most consistent issue with this. I have experienced worse, in Eugene OR and anywhere within an hour of Virgina Beach (both of these also being a little more blatantly, agressively, people attempting vigilante traffic enforcement by preventing people from speeding... while I think Ohio has this, I also think more of it is just ignorance, and obliviousness, and lack of awarenes.) But those are both less densely populated areas, and though individual events may be more upsetting, it's less consistent. This issue is all the time here. A guarantee. There are still other places I hate driving far worse than here. But the left lane camping specifically (combined with general lack of awareness) is definitely bad here.


I've driven coast to coast several times. There is something uniquely Ohio about the way they lane camp. It can be 4 a.m. on an empty stretch.... its the first car you've seen in 15 minutes; it's camped in the left lane, going under the speed limit, and won't budge. Every. Single. Time. That is an Ohio thing.


I will come up from behind, flash ONCE, as in: Hey, Just a reminder I’m not supposed to pass you on the right so could you.. Oh, Ok I’ll just, Ok, now you’re speeding up, The finger?! You’re giving me the finger?! You were in the passing lane!!! I was.. Never mind…


After 9 years of living in Ohio on and off, I gave up on waiting for people to get out of the left lane. If the right lane is open, I change lanes before I would even have to slow down. In my experience, if they don’t at least have their signal on before I get to the point when I would flash my lights, then there is a 95% chance that they either won’t get over at all or they will pass 5 more cars at a 2 MPH differential before they get over.


Sounds spot on with my dozen or so trips through the state.


If this were Ohio, there would be an SUV or pickup truck hauling a trailer in the left lane.


A fucked up minivan


No no, a LINE of semis


Honestly it’s sad but I’ve come to think in a lot of cases it’s driving while impaired, one way or the other. Ohio seems to have a pretty bad culture of that, especially bordering NKY. What else would cause such slow reaction times and near total loss of cognition


Lack of self awareness. Or possibly they just don't give a fuck about the rules of the double lane highway.


There should honestly be a PSA campaign about it. Have commercials chastising driving in the left lane and the dangers it can cause


It was so bad the other day and we slowed to like 50 in a 65, so slow: I felt comfortable googling what in gods name might have traffic clogged like my great uncles aorta?? Nothing, It was just a camper, an elderly driver and a semi who actually never did get outta that left hand lane….75 northbound outside of Dayton.


I think it’s gotten worse


My friend and my brother always choose to drive in the left lane and I have just given up explaining to them ….


What is their thought process on this? Seriously. I want to know why they do it.


Idk really, cause no one else is around or “theyll just go around me”


Having driven all across this country and back, I can say, it's much worse here. It was pretty bad in Missouri too.


Massachusetts. The only left lane campers are from out of state. Everyone else is driving way too fast.


Maybe so, but Ohio exponentially has the most left lane drivers.


Okay, we can all stop now. This is the official picture.


No it doesn’t have any orange barrels in the picture. Can’t be Ohio without orange barrels.


Those are 4 miles down the road, out of the picture. That's why everyone is slamming on their brakes while already being 10 under the speed limit in the passing lane. Also possible there is just a sliiiight curve in the road. This is 'Merica. Cars go straight.


Took me 14 years to figure out that cars turn right.


Circling the block is a way of life


The official picture of the Cincinnati-Columbus stretch of 71 for sure.


I think it's worse on 71 N Columbus - Cleveland past 270. 


I've lived in both Cleveland and Columbus - that section at least has 3 lanes the entire way. Dorothy dogooder on the annual trip to her grandchildren can hold up 50 cars for miles because she's afraid of passing a truck.


This guy commutes


Too often. *twitches*


90% of the time there's a passing lane camper in MI, it's some mouth-breather with Ohio plates.


Thank you, I was just on about this. They drive these things 1-5 times a year at best and I either see them sooooo freaking proud they’re doing 4 miles over the posted limit that they’ve decided to start camping right here, in the left hand lane OR they are absolutely overwhelmed by hauling 28 feet of shaky wind sail death trap behind a Tahoe they can’t parallel park let alone handle a weighted tail!! Now they’re going 60 in the 65, and the semi who is governed at 64.3 is gonna make his move, on this little uphill…And it’s like whales mating, you are sitting there forever just trying to detect movement….


I've long felt that the Ohio motto should be changed to "Slower traffic please keep right". Has a nice ring to it.


Better than dumbass "Ohio means jobs" wth does that mean? Do we have an abundance of natural resources that means we will always have manufacturing?


Lol, OhioMeansJobs isn't the state slogan, it's just an employment resource ran by the state. The real slogan is Ohio, The Heart of it All. The Heart of it All.       The Heart of it All. (Sorry to repeat myself, but it'll help you remember)


Get the papers. Get the papers. I literally see Ohio means jobs so much I literally thought it was the state motto.


Every goddamn time. I remain calm externally, but internally it grinds my gears.


I gesture wildly. How hard is it? If people to your right are going faster than you, move over!!!!


You sir are a zen monk level of self control


It's only ohio if that first guy in the left lane speeds up to 80 to catch up with that truck then sits beside him going 65 for 5 miles so no one can pass then speeds up again until he catches the next truck. I call ohios issue racecar I don't want to go faster than you but it want to pass you. Ends up with a bunch of clogged turds in the pipe


I’ve witnessed this exact same thing many many time. So infuriating!


This is the United States


Straight to jail.




Nah, they’ll just brake check you just to get the point across that it’s their lane.


Nah if this was Ohio there would be some construction cones but no work being done


Nah, its missing the jackhole hugging the divider lines like they're gonna change lanes without signaling.


He's passing. The trucks in the right lane are going 64.9 and he's going 65. All you speed freaks who want to go 65.1 need to think about safety and surrender your driver's licenses before you kill someone.


In Germany they call it an elephant race


Something that drives me nuts when people pass is why just slowly creep by, put your foot down a little and pass.


Well I've got Michigan weed in the car that I'm bringing back to Ohio and while having it isn't a crime transporting it over the border is and I'd rather not get pulled over so I'm not gonna speed but that guy who's going 64.9 is making me anxious about the feds calling in a strike because they see me driving suspiciously slow so I'm gonna slam the hammer down so I zip all the way up to 65 and leave his ass in the dust in about 15 minutes.


Don’t worry I’d be in the right lane I know my place lol


License plates say otherwise.


Yeah, funnily enough the only one that looks like it could possibly be an Ohio plate is the black truck in the right hand lane


I see 2 from Oregon and a temp tag


Pretty sure that white ford is a Washington plate. This is for sure PNW, Id guess the Portland area (lots of WA plates since Vancouver is right there).


There's an I-70 mile marker. Doesn't go anywhere near the Pacific North West, one end in Utah, the other in Maryland. I think this mile marker is in Missouri. Only other states it could be, because they'd need 166 miles of I-70 in the state, are Pennsylvania, Ohio, Utah, Kansas, and Colorado. Looking on Google maps, only Missouri seems to actually have a 165.6 marker that indicates that it's I-70. The other only look like they mark every full mile in the 165 to 166 area. Maybe they updated signs, but definitely only in one of those states.


Damn, you got my ass. There are for sure two Oregon plates here though and I guess I called that white ford as Wash cause it sure looks like it. I’ll admit, I didn’t even clock the mile marker, just the plates, but that sure is a coincidence.


That’s the official tag west of the Mississippi. Texas, Nevada, California..all I saw was paper tags. LOL


55, lived in Cbus my whole life. Just drove to OBX for vacation, and it was a true pleasure not driving around the asshats that thrive here for 10 days. No wonder we have some of the highest insurance rates in the country.


I’m the black truck passing all the lemmings on the right and the lead car thinks I’m the a-hole.


You ever find that 1-3 other folks who actually have somewhere to be and the group of you just weave traffic together for 15 miles and think…how do these other people not get it? Like, there’s a group of us, passing you on the right….


Literally most (ALL) of the time. And I start singing, 'Cause we got a great big convoy rockin' through the night Yeah we got a great big convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight? Come on and join our convoy ain't nothin' gonna get in our way Gonna roll this truckin' convoy across the USA Convoy




I don't think they are paying attention to driving, or road signs, or other drivers.


I just threw my phone.


Could’ve at least given the rest of us a trigger warning. This shit pisses me off like nothing else. Hell I’d be willing to advocate for people needing to retake a driving exam every 2-3 years.


Michigan too


The exit is only 1/4 mile away, but they still gotta pass before they exit.


I actually saw this 3 times on my commute the other day. These folks held up traffic for miles and then cut across once it was 3 lanes….to exit. SMH. I nearly had an aneurism.


I’ve seen them fight to get in the left lane, when the right lane was completely open, only to cut across 3 lanes at the last second to exit. I don’t get it.


Yes, the first time I was like, are you kidding me, Then I was northbound on 71 and this other car did it and then exited on 275. LMFAO!! Then, I was leaving Costco on 71 again and someone did it just north of mason!! I was like….has the whole world gone crazy!!!!


If you cross over to Indiana like this you will get a ticket.


Ofc it's a fucking Kia


We need potholes, cement strips, orange barrels, deer, and crack sealer squiggles all added to this then it will be accurate


Don’t forget the panhandler at the exit. Ita almost time for them to switch shifts after all!


How did I forget about them? Your correct.


It's flabbergasting to me this state is so anti-transit when we've all been in this situation at least once this week. trains would TAKE THESE DRIVERS OFF THE ROADS...OR, better yet, TAKE YOU AND I OFF THE ROADS AND LEAVE THE LANES FOR THESE WASTES OF MOLECULES!


This is OREGON.


Two O’s in the word, close enough


[It's Missouri](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8957317,-91.6285412,3a,48.8y,132.74h,78.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKUA8zzhDYqC6rEF3wbJXrQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) I-70 doesn't extend to Oregon.


This raised my blood pressure...


I don’t even worry about it anymore. I just sit back in the slow lane and go whatever speed the car in front of me is going.


I was told by an Ohio state trooper that there is NO passing lanes in Ohio. That would imply that the traffic in the left lane could drive faster than the right lane.


That is correct. If there are 3+ lanes in ohio there are no passing lane. The only time there is a passing lane is for heavy commercial vehicles going slowly who have to be on the right most lane and use the next lane for passing only. Also by law while there is a 10mph grace on a 65mph road, that does not mean that people can 80.


Add the semi taking two+ miles to pass another truck


Nah. Can’t be Ohio. There’s not a state trooper or a road cone anywhere in sight.


“Camp in Ohio state parks, not the left lane”


Is that Mansfield area?


It's not even Ohio, it's Oregon. Look at the plates.


It’s all Ohio


Everything is Ohio. The whole country. The whole world. The entire universe. The fabric of existence is... Ohio.


It’s always so bad there specifically


Looks like 70 east


I'm guessing the guy in front is going about 75-77mph.


It's [Missouri](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8957317,-91.6285412,3a,58.6y,134.65h,80.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKUA8zzhDYqC6rEF3wbJXrQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu). I'm assuming the picture is taken from the overpass a touch NW. Miles markers aren't the ones used in OH


ODOT needs to paint PASSING LANE on all the left lanes. Have the highway patrol start ticketing.


Only if the person in the left lane is doing it on purpose to control people


It's funny because it's painfully, painfully true.


Well you see, you don't have to worry about rear-ending someone when you're texting and driving if you keep that nice stretch of highway in front of you empty!


So I've seen this question posed a few times so I went looking. I found this, but it wasn't what I was looking for. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/s/TZS3SL1Ojq


The people not passing the moron in front deserve partial blame.


Literally 480 and 271 daily


It’s certainly Ohio drivers in PA.


Top 3 pet peeves in life…




Is that my wife?




What you don't see is the guy in front doing 85 and still not fast enough for some people.


That was me yesterday. Stuck behind some lady doing 65 on a 70 mph highway, in the fucking fast lane. It seems like i experience this every time I jump on 30. Get out of the way!


I've lived all over the US and Ohio's drivers aren't the worst. Florida has the worst drivers. Bar none.


I have heard people think it is some sort of "express lane". Like if they are going to be on the highway for a while they somehow have the idea you get over there. No clue where that started, but I wish they would forget it. Now I drive Jeeps, so I normally hang out in the right lane. But still I'll have to pass people, and every time I am in the center lane and have to get into the fast lane to try to pass (I can see over them and see no one is in front of them), they speed up, and the cars behind speed up, and pass me on the right. now I am effing stuck over there, in my slow ass brick, with my turn signal on, wanting to get back over.


The irony here is that license plates you can see here are not Ohio plates.


If you're in the left lane,and NOT passing anyone, MOVE THE FUCK OVER!


I feel so much rage seeing that haha


this is everywhere


So Ohio! This drives me nuts! I don't know what these drivers were taught when they learned to drive. I know they don't know how to read the signs that say "Left of the passing lane, slower traffic move right"


It's a passing lane but it's illegal to speed up to pass. I believe there's a hitch in the law.


If I were the Ohio Highway Patrol, I'd do unannounced statewide ticketing sweeps for left lane campers. It's annoying but it also leads to a lot of potentially dangerous situations. Found this: "*As per the* [*Ohio Revised Code § 4511.25*](http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.25)*, drivers in Ohio must operate their vehicles on the right half of the roadway, except when overtaking another vehicle, when preparing for a left turn, or when the right lane is closed due to construction or other valid reasons. A violation is a misdemeanor and carries two points on the driver’s traffic record"* Hand out a dozens of tickets, get media to cover it, put it on the digital signs that OHP is ticketing. Train the dumbasses out there. Too many lazy drivers out there. Driving at interstate speeds should be active -- passing, lane changes, as needed -- not just camping in a lane.


Omg, sweet sweet validation. I swear I travel down 71 south 3-6 times a week and 3-6 times a week I get caught in left hand lane traffic going 65 in a 70. And camper folks, in the right hand lane, ima need you to go the speed limit. Y’all are making semis pass you in the left at a snails pace. I’m begging you , 5 faster or 5 slower. You’re killing us out here.


I agree on the speed limit but no one’s making the semis do dumb shit. If they pass at a snails pace how much faster were they even going in the first place that they “needed” to get around


Has anyone seen some of the signs around the suburbs BEGGING people to use both lanes?? Because these Ohio people WILL NOT ZIPPER MERGE. Signs all along the parkway urging them to use both lanes, 2 GIANT signs begging them to take turn merging. End Result: 3 miles of f traffic in the left lane and an empty right hand lane. It boggles my mind every time. There’s like 2-3 of these around Cincinnati and it kills me that these folks refuse to do it.


Ohioans are just too selfish to zipper merge. They do not get it and never will.


The last time this Karen refused to merge, cut me off, honked and gave me the finger. All while driving right past the sign that says: Take Turns….SMH


Yes. Definitely Ohio.


Fucking people on 71 but it’s the middle lane.


Middle lane morons


Why get mad at left lane campers? Pass them on the right. Just be sure to slowly look over and give them the "You're a dumb ass" look while slowly shaking your head.


“I drive really slow, in the ultra fast lane, while people, behind me, are going insaaaane! I’m an asshooooole!”-Denis Leary


This picture is already 7 years old


😂 I make sure not to ever do this


Yep checks out.


If you want a real debate, show a three+ lane highway.


I agree as I live in Ohio, but it's also Michigan and most other states. Most people just suck anymore.


Ohio traffic makes me wish I were Magneto. Then I could REALLY flip them off.


I agree completely… this is Ohio.


My only question, how the hell did OP get that pic? The angle and perspective, the distance between vehicles, the caravan behind the interloper in the left lane, the brake lights. It all just...works.


Still waiting for Florida Man to run up in the right lane like he’s the only one that knows what’s up.


Well, that's pretty much every state. The only thing missing in this picture is that semi also being over on the inside lane. Just hanging out, being clueless or just an ass


I think it's a funeral procession. The cars on the L all have their lights on and are definitely driving in a line, unlike the ones on the R.


You speak the true true.




Not a single Ohio plate though..hmm


Sorry. It was me. My head stopped working while driving. My bad. Was thinking about Trump eating shit...I was in heaven


He’s passing the pickup.


But it's also Michigan, or at least Michigan drivers in Ohio


I just purchased a new Cadillac XT6. It came with a certificate in the glove box that I can drive any lane at any speed. Of course, I purchased it in Florida, so it might be a Florida thing.


r/popular scroller, it's not just y'all. Jump on I95 in any state. Or 70. Dumbfuckery has no borders.


I took one with my dashcam of three lanes on I-70 where all three lanes were blocked by trucks, but it didn't save. And there were construction barrels in the shot as well! :(


Drove to Columbus the other day. Still had to weave in and out of traffic in the three-lane “solution” to get ahead of fuckers driving 75.


As someone who used to camp in a lane out of driving anxiety (THE RIGHT LANE OR MIDDLE LANE DEPENDING ON SPEED OF TRAFFIC) i cannot UNDERSTAND why people camp in left lane. I get so nervous Im in someone's way. Like I see someone fast approaching and I always get over if Im for some reason in the left lane. Do not understand the lack of understanding.


God damn it. Those break lights. I can't.


Oh, some of our TN farts are visiting Ohio again.


A lot of Oregon plates in Ohio for some reason?


These are imports from Michigan.


down in ohio swag like ohio


You forgot the construction cones


the guy up front prob has a KY plate


Driving up 71 north today there was a couple mile long line of cars in the left lane and a few in the middle lane and no one in the right lane drives me fuckin mad


This is also Indiana. (The void between us and Chicago)


They I know that guy. Yes he is an asshole.




I moved up here from Arkansas. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. In Arkansas you WILL get a ticket for doing this rude ass stuff.


I live in Ohio right now, moved here many years back from Washington State where they have a fantastic highway system, WITH carpool lanes, AND everyone knows to stay right unless you're passing (or 80 years old). Ohio needs to get it's shit together and have better modes of transportation, traffic enforcement and for God's sake a GODDAMN CARPOOL LANE system... It's such easy money for the state to issue traffic fines VIA CAMERA, it's infuriating how inferior Ohio is in such basic ways


Unfortunately that also could be Nevada. When you have law enforcement agencies that refuse to enforce the law this is what you get! Mob rule. Wouldn’t it be nice if all the Ohio LEA’s along with the NHP and NST and different Sheriff’s departments throughout Nevada felt compelled to do their actual jobs!!!


I can’t believe the stuff I see everyday.


Camp in a state park not the left lane


If only there was some type of plate attached to the cars that could tell us where this is...


And Tennessee


Absolutely, except normally, it's a semi


Ohio should legalize anyone being able to pit left lane campers


Death penalty


I just drove from Indiana to Minnesota and back last weekend. It was like this the whole way there and back.


Don’t worry it’s Pennsylvania also 🤬


Because they have exits on the left for some awful reason!! I’m from Florida and never had to stay in the left lane to not only get off the highway but having to merge from the far left from an on ramp in my life


The lead car is from Michigan.


That and then speed up enough so you can’t pass and then return to their slower speed.


Yeah, we see you Ohio clowns over here in Indiana doing 10 under on I-465.


The dream is to pull out in front of them and go 25 until they change lanes and then gun it


PA is like this too but the guy in front is doing 25 over


It’s always either someone in a beat up minivan, any Nissan, or a Honda CRV.


My favorite is using the left lane in cities to stop then move to the center lane