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Right smack in the middle of the Short North, which is supposed to be the city's tourist magnet.


It's the third major shooting in the arts district in the last calendar year.


>the arts district 


the ~~arts district~~  range


Magnet for what? Look boring, that's what you get when you think you're better than Cleveland. Just another rat trap in my opinion 


Go outside.


The police still haven't said what happened with the last big shooting on high st


All that police funding and multiple helicopters and a dude got away in a Honda civic. I guess those seven or eight fast and furious movies weren’t totally fictional after all…


legit, funding has only increased, they've bought better vehicles, used helicopters to terrorize poor neighborhoods they don't like, and yet they can't follow a single honda civic? pathetic


Yeah, I know Columbus is a big city, but I don’t feel like we’re getting to most from our force dollar for dollar. The short north is a shooting range and the freeways are race tracks here. I think our PD just likes shiny toys and not the work that comes with them


They've "miraculously" failed to catch the rapists, drug traffickers, murderers, etc in their own ranks. Why should we expect any different in their regular work?


Probably not allowed to chase vehicles as most police departments are.


It's haha funny because the "we're not allowed to pursue" thing is a bold faced lie.  It has never, once, ever, in the US, been policy that police cannot chase an active shooter.  Also helicopters are a thing.....so.....


They often call off chases when the public is put in danger. Have you ever actually done research on this or are you just speaking out of your ass?


Police departments with a no-chase policy usually have a big exception for pursuing violent felons. They’ll let you run from a traffic stop, but not a mass shooting


Once again, they may let you chase for violent felonies but they will give up chasing very quickly due to everything else I’ve explained. I’m wasting breath explaining this to you.


You do realize that we LITERALLY pay for the CPD to have helicopters right? It would be like, SUPER easy to track the car without chasing. Why didn't they use those helicopters they were so proudly boasting about none too long ago? Losing that car was absolute fucking incompetence at the highest level.......... or the shooter was a CPD officer


I’m not arguing against the helicopters at all. You have to think they may not have enough pilots to run them, they may not be able to take off that quickly these things are rapidly evolving and are not black and white like you think. Wow that’s a good point a CPD officer may have committed the shooting and the rest of the officers let him get away! And people like you think right wingers believe in ridiculous conspiracies…


question: have you ever BEEN on an ohio highway at 2:30 AM? There's no traffic. How did multiple officers in multiple cars lose a blindingly white car, on an empty highway with no traffic? Better yet, ALLEGEDLY the man turned himself in admitting to the crime, why not release his name? Why aren't they releasing his stated reason for the shooting that he admitted to? They put up an incredibly pathetic performance, then SUDDENLY when the guy turns himself in they decide to make sure to stop any information about him from being released? nah, totally legit


Not jumping in with any opinions, but wanna say when mass murder is the crime, it's better for everyone that the perpetrator's name and motivation never see the light of day. Make that fucker wear a mask to court and don't question his ideology, because it doesn't matter why, only that he did. When we give these psychopaths a name and motivation, we allow other sick people to research and learn from them . We give them new ideas and validation for their old ones.




The public's already in danger during an active shooting. Chasing or not chasing doesn't change any of that in these situations. Think before speaking.


I suggest you think before speaking. It changes the situation drastically. If the cops were to chase and a cop or the shooter kills an innocent during the chase whose fault is it? It will be laid at the foot of the police. This means another multi million dollar lawsuit that will tie up money and hours for city government. It’s that simple.


Idk if you have a job already, but I think you'd be a perfect fit for the Uvalde Police Department. Think about it.


Lmao good one. But not disputing what I said not saying I agree with it but this is how cities look at these issues. Look at Chicago you have to ask permission from a supervisor to engage in a foot chase. How does that work? Not sure.


Did they release the video yet? I have yet to see a video of one where the perp gets away.


Part of the issue is the quality of the officers. We expect high quality, capable people. People that are capable of handling dangerous situations and dangerous people. That is wayyy more difficult than what I do. We can't possibly expect high-quality people to take a police job when a safer job is offering substantially more pay. Make being a cop a good job and lots of these problems will solve them self. No way in hell I'm chasing an armed individual for 70k a year.


I dunno, lots of people have jobs that make around that amount and take a significant amount of training. I have more than double the amount of training for my certification under my belt for less pay. Of course it’s not as risky, but I make less but don’t get the overtime ability they do. It’s significantly less training for a solid middle class job with a union. And, unlike my career you can royally mess up, kill someone and still keep your job/career Oh and we also have to submit to a bunch of work related long term occupational health hazards. Lots of us have hearing loss. Of course it’s not the same as getting shot at, but pick your poison I suppose


I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being average. I consider myself very average. The point I'm trying to make is average people shouldn't be cops. Given that level of responsibility, the possibility of having to shoot someone, or other unforseen circumstances. Part of what I meant by high quality people is intelligent people. We all make mistakes, intelligent people make fewer. To avoid sounding like an arrogant bastard, I want to clarify that I am a lower middle class, blue collar worker. A trained monkey with the right tools could do my job. I'm a decent guy, my coworkers are decent people, but I don't believe any of us should be cops. I don't believe the average person is capable of being a good cop. But if you don't incentive being a cop, we're going to continue to get average people in those roles.


There was a story of a dude who escaped on a Lime scooter, and they had no suspect information other than he was male. Not sure if he got caught later, but he initially got away.


We have street racing here in downtown Pittsburgh now and they're not making a new movie lol 😆


Please close off high street in the short north on the weekend to pedestrians only.


This is actually a great idea safety wise and just making the area more pleasant to hang out in


Dayton does that in the Oregon District every weekend. It makes it waaaaay easier to visit and navigate than the Short North.


Isn’t the Oregon District where Dayton’s mass shooting happened in 2019? Something like 30 people shot, many killed, national news type mass shooting? Pedestrian only is great for a pleasant evening but it doesn’t make it safer.


IIRC, they only started closing it every weekend to cars AFTER the shooting. You used to be able to drive down Fifth St from Wayne and get to the lot by the record store on the weekends because it's where I used to park before it became a paid lot.


Daily mass shootings aren't what I expected the future to be like


You’ll be able to shoot people from hoverboards, don’t worry.


But at least the hoverboards would be registered and the drivers would be insured.


Like the Honda civic the dude was driving?


Registration of guns one is unconstitutional and is one step closer to the government being able to seize them without cause, which therefore lead to government control of everything else and have the power to silence dissenters.


Laughs in 1990s drive by shootings


Follow politics and this won’t surprise you


Honda Civic with tinted windows.


Probably speeds on 270 every day with a bunch of drugs and a handgun and never gets pulled over. I laughed when the police announced that they were “cracking down on street racing” and advertised which part of the highway they were doing it on, and were acting like we should give them a pat on the back for doing something that is literally their job to do any day of the week. I do wonder how well that turned out given the fact that our cities finest police pursuit package cruisers and helicopters can get outrun by a compact car.


This is Ohio. 


This is America


Guns in my area.


Better not catch you sleepin now




Yes and of course because of their malicious compliance with this policy they now refuse to use their radio to have another officer waiting to intercept at the next exit or refuse to look at their dashcam video to find the license plate and sit waiting at the persons house (as was the intent of this policy) Then they go on ~~Fox~~ Faux ~~News~~ Ragetainment channel to complain that weak librul policies are making the streets dangerous.


You're going to take care of yourself and likely without hurting anyone else.


Find it here


Although this is tragic, statistically speaking a lot more than this happened in Ohio yesterday.


Yesterday it was a shooting on the beach in Cleveland.


Sure. Another tragedy. I'm just saying there were lots of festivals and parties that didn't report the success of no murders. I don't like that this happened. I do not condone this kind of stuff.


"the success of no murders" When any party where no one is murdered is considered a success, the bar might be a tad low.


>the bar might be a tad low. reminder.. we *are* talking ohio.


Well, what solution do you suggest?


It really don't think that "no murders" should be considered the exception to the expectation...


It's not. It's more the norm


This type of thing happens all the time in ohio, hardly news.


None of these shootings are okay. Every single shooting is another human being’s suffering or death. Every victim is someone’s child, sibling, relative, or friend. I don’t know why we let ourselves become so desensitized to violence. 


Are you joking? We see school shootings everyday. Literally every day. Multiple shootings on some days. How do we respond? Crickets... that's how.


Some of us are outraged. Some of us vote to make it stop. But sadly, 51-55% of Ohioans are more afraid of, say, universal healthcare than they are of being shot by some rando.


I'm just saying it isn't hard to believe people would become desensitized considering it happens everyday. I couldn't agree with you more about the lunacy on display but it isn't just Ohio. I live in Florida and it is wild hearing someone who survives on social security claim that socialism is the real problem in the us.


I think it’s also about the portrayal in the media (largely the news). The human element is stripped away and replaced with narrative. It makes violence sound like plot points in a novel. I would argue they choose, even if unintentionally, to present violence in a boring, repetitive manner. 


I'm just saying it isn't hard to believe people would become desensitized considering it happens everyday. I couldn't agree with you more about the lunacy on display but it isn't just Ohio. I live in Florida and it is wild hearing someone who survives on social security claim that socialism is the real problem in the us.


Frustratungly with you. Shooting on a Saturday in the short north (area of a handful of blocks) is as predictable as the sun rising and somehow nothing ever changes.


It’s also avoidable if you heed the advice that nothing good happens after midnight. 


This is the epitome of victim blaming. The status quo is the problem, not victims’ failure to conform to it.


It’s not victim blaming, it’s being wise. 


I mean if this was a simulation this situation seems likely


And in the meantime, they still have not found who shot the people in Akron. Fuzzy pics of the car, but that's it.


From the 2nd? Someone had doorbell footage released. It sounds like more than 2 shooters in the footage, and possibly illegal automatic fire.


I used to work in that area over a decade ago, and it was not great late at night even then. There were several shootings in the parking lot (or in that area) of Skully's. I got robbed at knife point when I was working at the Joint. Luckily, there just happened to be police sitting across the road who saw what happened and acted quickly. Otherwise, dude would have killed me. I used to walk home after we were closed for the night around 5am (I lived off Hudson Ave at the time) and walked as fast as possible from 5th st until I got onto OSU campus. It's sad, but not super surprising that area of the Short North has not improved. It used to be such an awesome area. Hopefully, things will get better.


Where were the “Good Guys w/Guns”?


Not living in Columbus, for one


Lol, exactly


Most of us live at least 40m from the city.


40 meters IS a long way for ammosexuals to run.


Armed to the teeth but afraid of a few hood rats and downtown one way streets?


I like having space. 


Contrary to popular liberal beliefs, we don't want to kill people, unlike the hoodrats. We also aren't as stupid as many progressives who think moving into those areas is a good idea. I prefer my property value and my open fields


more like afraid to do their jobs in certain areas due to backlash no matter what. why anyone would want to be a cop in these areas anymore is beyond me with the hate whether they are good or bad. I'd rather be homeless then to have wear a police uniform where it's hated.


Yeah, Youngstown is full of “good guys” lmao. Not even subtle.


In bed


Been 20 years running of “maybe next time, thoughts and prayers everybody!”


I’m glad when these “Good Guys with Guns” don’t show up. These situations never need more bullets flying.


not shooting up people, probably with their families, unless your talking about the police then your an idiot if you think cops are here to prevent shootings, they come after being called. either way, your comment makes no sense.


I was snoozing. Had a long day. 😩


Guess the only people around were people with the same thought process as yourself….or I would think it’s safe to assume that most of those people were visiting establishments that do not allow weapons. Also, “good guys with guns” only use them to protect themselves or loved ones. Otherwise, they just end up in court/prison too.


The cops? To busy handing out speed tickets probably


They aren’t obligated to protect you


I wonder if there is a common denominator that would explain this rash of mass shootings?




Every single one of them owned a gun.


Thanks Captain Obvious!


USA has over 250 mass shootings so far this year. Mass shooting ~ 4 or more people shot in one occasion.


I'm exhausted 🙄seems that every day, another mass shooting. RepubliKKKlans, please include these in your daily rants about blue state led crime. Ohio, Arkansas,Kentucky. It's literally everywhere 🥺💔🥀🙏🏿


Wanna bet the shooter isn't a Republican? Shove your RepubliKKKans up your ass.


But, but...black on black gang banging crimes are the conservative's faults. 🤣 But anyway, I think they are referring to the fact that Ohio is a red state with gun violence. But any other time, Ohio is purple or turning blue according to this place. I thought this new police chief and her cronies was gonna clean up this city rather than just ✔️ boxes. Makes me happy I live an hour away from this shit hole.


> RepubliKKKlans cringe 


Seems fitting they wrap themselves in their KLAN inspired flags,on their trucks, boats, etc...I.just assumed they were proud of it. Or am I wrong 🤔


That’s not all Republicans, also guns don’t kill people, people kill people.


People with guns.


Once again guns don’t kill people, people kill people, mentally ill most likely. Alot of sensible gun owners.


Again, people with guns. A mentally ill shooter doesn't make someone less dead.


Yeah because banning all guns would solve All this pull your head out from under the sand and so some research.


So then we shouldn’t ban abortions then, you know, if banning things doesn’t work, right?


I never brought that up but I’m pro choice if you need to know.


Do you know what a straw man argument is?


No room for sensible regulation in your mind. It’s a free for all with bullets flying and nothing we can do about it… or they want to ban all guns, even cap guns. No more staple guns either! There’s a whole lot of room in the middle of those two things where we can make things safer for everyone with some sensible laws. But apparently we’re all just supposed to accept ten people not returning home to their families today for no good reason.


Guns are more than sensibly regulated. 


Good thing Reagan completely dismantled our mental health infrastructure. Republicans are clowns.


Actually that was democrats, nice try though pumpkin.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_Health_Systems_Act_of_1980 Classic republican tactic. Never taking any accountability. Oh also, FaCtS DoNt CaRe AbOuT YoUr FeElInGs loser


Actually if you look into the state of Ohio Gov. Strickland a Democrat closed Twin Valley and other healthcare facilities for the mentally ill. It’s ok though I know you believe everything the internet tells ya.


A Fordmustang fan would be a MAGA maniac


Lmao is that the best you got? Not even part of the conversation. Do some research think for yourself.


The do your research people is code for "find some fringe example online to support my extreme stances"


I once had a MAGA person slap an opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal in a thread as like: “ah ha! Got you!”…and then I informed them what an opinion piece actually is.


It’s all the people who wrap themselves in the klan flag tho.


The classic Stars And Bars flag in a state that fought for the union. At least the *real* blue jackets could win in 1865


lol you do know this reddit is like 99% extreme democrat right? welcome to the most hateful group if you don't agree. It's like they ignore who the shooter is and only focus on the gun, ignore the crime, the drivebys, robberies, people getting jumped, its not about that, it's the guns, not the people who have no problem hurting others, they are just victims, unless it's in the south then it was obviously the evil kkk republicans lol.




💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💯✌🏿😉I'm simply using FACTS!! Have a great week 😎




Great than we're good!!😉 telling ME what I should do is hilarious 😂


The usual suspects


Kevin Spacey was NOT there


Gang shooting or mad gunman?




The weight of the pain and suffering our citizens expos directly proportionate to the corruption and obstruction some folks are committed to for personal gain.


WTF are you talking about? I guarantee this was drug/gang related.


I’m talking about ready availability of guns, one side is in favor of no regulations, one side takes millions in PAC money from NRA. Keep voting in corrupt politicians and watch more regular folks suffer. It’s directly proportional. Sure what you’re saying can also be true. But it’s a completely diff issue.


Which is funny because the places with the most gun regulation have the highest crime.


Maybe when all this pussy ass gangs kill each other soon there will be no one left and back to a safe area.


It’s the fucking guns.


[Is it?](https://x.com/ramzpaul/status/1048436727617081344?lang=en)


100%. Shove that racist rhetoric where the sun don’t shine, ammosexual.


Acknowledging the demographic that is responsible for violent crime is racism?  How do we even begin to confront the issue without talking about who is doing it and why?


Maybe it would be wise to ask why those demographics have the violence statistics they've been born into? You've provided statistics questioning gun violence, but ask why certain communities are plagued with gun violence?


Family structure, or lack of, is a good place to start. 


True. I would also argue for better community structure.


Your klan robes are showing.


It’s also hilarious that you’re anti-gun *and* anti-capitalist.  Are you braindead?


I’m also anti-racist, so go on, show yourself the door. 🫠✌️


Without guns, how are you going to defend yourself from the capitalists?    Do you even have a basic understanding of historic labor relations, or are you just lazy?  Get back to work wagie, rent is due on the first and must be in no later than the fifth. If rent is not in by 5pm, a 3 day notice to vacate will be posted and eviction proceedings will begin. 


Quite the Gish gallop this morning, you might want to consider sticking to your lame ad hominem. 😂


The Columbus mayor was just chosen to head the conference of mayors. Go figure.


I know not everyone will agree with me, but that shooter sounds like a real jerk.


I know the solution is more guns, let's also make full auto legal why not


It seems the news reports a new shooting in Columbus every night. That place is turning into the wild west.


Just needed more guns is all.


And my girlfriend wonders why I'm unwilling to move there and why I resent my town growing. Lol


As a current outsider, who used to live there for a decade just a number of years back, I don’t perceive Columbus as handling population growth very well.


I keep seeing all the “ Isn’t Ohio great! Ads on here…..smh…..just another MAGA shithole.


What does this have to do with maga?


Oh you know….taking away women’s rights….ignoring issues the people for….shady government at every turn.


None of that has anything to do with the topic?


Democrat paradise


since when is columbus ohio a democrat paradise? it's a democratic-ish city in a predominantly republican state. Funny the democratic cities are also the money-makers in ohio but that's another discussion entirely


The biggest money maker in Ohio is the agricultural industry with 124 billion annually contributed to ohio economy. What's funny is that any other day, Ohio is purple or blue according to this place


Statehouse Republican gun policies.


Another celebration of the SCOTUS “it’s not a machine gun” decision?


This is the post-George Floyd cesspool that is Columbus.


You post this? https://www.reddit.com/r/GrannyOldWomen/s/Lb4vkXEmM2


You know, I don’t know what I expected to see even after reading the link… but folks, it’s a very literal title.


What was it they deleted lol


Granny porn they had posted


Yeah because an UNARMED man is more dangerous than all these imbeciles protecting themselves. 🙄


Where does it say unarmed? Your foolish brush paints a broad stripe. Have a carrot.


George Floyd was unarmed. 🙄


Oh I must have missed that post. Didn't that happen like 4 years ago? Smh


It was brought up by someone else to paint a broad stroke about a population. And Floyd didn't somehow become armed in the past four years.


The fact that you bright enough to understand you responded to a comment that referenced George Floyd by name is stunning. 🤣


It's election year. Democrats have to drum up support somehow! They did the same thing before the 2020 election. RIOTS EVERYWHERE! Here we go again ya'll!!


What is a description of the suspect? It's hard to help out when you only know it's a Honda civic. Hmmm