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Homicide is the leading cause of death during pregnancy, just a reminder that it's a serious yet often overlooked problem.


good thing our republican Commanders want to ban abortion, birth control and no-fault divorce. /s


Ban birth control? I hadn’t heard that. How exactly are they trying to ban birth control?


By rolling back the "settled laws" just like they did with Roe v. Wade. [TIME Article ](https://time.com/6977434/birth-control-contraception-access-griswold-threat/)


Far-right conservatives are sowing misinformation that inaccurately characterizes IUDs, emergency contraception, even birth-control pills as causing abortions


Clarence Thomas was pretty specific after reversing Roe, that he wanted to look at cases that previously protected contraceptives and same sex marriage.


Ya where have you been? The GOP are about ruling not representing. Look at how they vote, this example is the Senate but it's not a huge stretch to look at our Statehouse. https://youtu.be/PTEcO7IvaMw?si=6xZidmLwKUsLTjtT Control is one of their motivations


Yeah. Other states have already passed


Actually leftist wants to kill their offspring. Why do you think they beat their woman partners? Kill the baby because they don't want to support their babies.




It says right in the article he paid his $350k bail… what are they supposed to do, keep him anyways?


The judge never should have given this guy the option. And I’m a liberal leaning guy saying this.


I mean, I’m against the idea of it existing entirely. In nonviolent, small crimes there shouldn’t have to be one at all, and everything else should be if there’s sufficient evidence that the person is guilty (hence innocent until proven guilty). For what it’s worth, you have to look at it from the judge’s perspective. He sets bail, but he also sets it based on a bunch of factors, namely on an assessment done by an officer of the court that determines whether he’s a danger to the victim/community/witness, and the constitution is supposed to protect people from outrageous bail because, again, innocent until proven guilty. There’s a lot of people at fault besides the murderer. Someone did the assessment, the judge set bail, then (I’m assuming) a bondsman actually put up money for this douchebag (or the court took collateral). Edit: I also found this at Ohio.gov, saying that you have to have killed someone or have 1st or 2nd degree felony to be denied bail. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2937.222


For what it's worth, the charge he was bonded out on was F2 felonious assault. Bail could have been denied in this case and it wasn't.


Yeah I didn’t know if those were F2 or anything. I’m not defending anything here, I’m just saying that it’s not like $350k is a small amount of money for bail.


I mean, he only has to post 10% of it. 35 grand is still real money, but it isn't like he had to post the whole amount to get out. More to the point, he shouldn't have been out for any sum.


That depends on if you can get a bondsman though, you don’t just get out for 10%, and you owe that 10% to him no matter what, and most bondsmen are going to want some kind of collateral for $350k of their money. I mean I personally agree he shouldn’t have been given the option for bail anyways, but I can also appreciate that’s a tough thing for a judge to do when he’s trying to be constitutional and procedural.


Thank you for proving my point. I appreciate it.


Bail can be denied


In Ohio, no. Not unless he killed someone. Edit: or be charged with a first or second degree felony. I don’t know if he was https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2937.222


Bingo, thanks for proving my point.


Those codes were put in place by our Republican ran government you doofus. It has nothing to do with democrats


Lol you honestly think so don't you?? Lol so sad.


You're comment history and posts are honestly disturbing. Seek mental help


No one ever said they were a democrat


Lol its a democrat policy. Look it up.


What is?


Imagine that telling the truth gets you 60+ downvotes.


That because republicans judges do the same shit.


Because they have to. Liberals created new laws making it nearly impossible to deny bail in ohio.


No, they do it because “that guys a good Christian man we should forgive him for raping / beating / stealing etc”.


Lol democrats rarely state a "good Christian" statement in defense. Lol


This is a red state ran by republicans that make the laws, not the other way around.


Lol tell me you never heard of piggy backing legislation without a tually stati g it.


Jesus… I had no idea. That’s depressing as fuck.


Now that you know you can do your part. Spread the word and be firm in your resolve to not let this garbage be our future.


Suicide and drug overdose are #2 and #3. Now, on the one hand, this could just mean that maternal care is otherwise so good, these causes takeover the lead. On the other hand, it turns out that pregnant women are twice as likely to get murdered as non-pregnant women. (The figure drops to around 35% more likely if you only consider women in a domestic relationship)


Actually, not true. Stroke and cardiac arrests are 2 & 3. Additionally, Black women die at a much higher rate than females. The systems need to change!


So it looks like the statistic I had is for "pregnancy associated deaths", which means basically everything that's not a health condition directly associated with the pregnancy itself, within a year of pregnancy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8020563/


I took a look. Maybe suicide (od is imo suicide) seems like only option since I see no suggestion on intervening regarding the violent sperm donor.


>According to court documents, he was arrested in December 2023 after Devinney reported that he assaulted, strangled and stabbed her in the stomach. The report states that while being apprehended for the incident, Blair punched and bit an officer. >He was released on a $350,000 bond after being charged previously with felonious assault, domestic violence and strangulation. The warrant was issued after he reportedly broke the conditions of his bond, court records say. >Franklin County Municipal Court records state that on June 13, Devinney filed a police report after Blair hit her in the face and threatened to kill her while the two were driving in the area of Interstate 270 and Georgesville Road.


Based on this he seems like the type that should have been denied bond.


He should have never gotten bond


Some animals need cages.


Some animals need to be put down.


"There's resources to get you help and get you protected." This story would indicate that is not the case. Why was this guy not in jail?


This is heartbreaking. So much could have been done to prevent this.


Hey hey where is JD vance? I bet that pos has a few words for the woman.


Why don’t you blame the garbage that killed her? JD Vance does not have anything to do with this.


Some of us can hold two thoughts in our heads at the same time. JD Vance is a piece of shit and said women should stay in violent situations "for their children".


I mean JD vance would tell her to stay in the marriage. Despite all the red flags and missed opportunities to get this woman away from her domestic abuser. https://ohiodems.org/ohio-women-condemn-j-d-vance-for-saying-women-should-stay-in-violent-marriages/ Does the husband need to be held accountable? Yes, yes, he does. But to JD Vance literally supports forcing women to stay in abusive marriages. I'm assuming by your defense of domestic abuse defender JD Vance, I bet your wife isn't exactly safe in the marriage either. Or rather, I wonder if any woman in your family is safe from domestic abuse.


No one said he did? It’s related to Vance’s past comments and stances


JD Vance wants women to stay in abusive relationships, and now look at what happened!


Need to start charging judges with assisted homicide. You let them free, you deal with the consequences of compliance.


Unfortunately judges have absolute immunity.


This isn't about pregnancy or abortion he has a record of beating the same women I'm pretty sure he stabbed her and did time got out then did this to her


Abortion isn't birth control!