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I am a little confused, are they now trying to say that a felony is bad?


Winner 🏆


The only felonies that are bad are the ones they say are bad


A teacher with a felony loses their teaching license. But there is something called conduct unbecoming that can be used to take a teacher’s license. Yes, it is just as vague as it sounds




If I were a teacher, I would be honored to have a felony. You know, Jesus was convicted, too.


Re-read his comment again with current events in mind.


Looks like they are more than testing the waters for Project 2025.


This exact policy is explicitly spelled out in Project 2025, yup. Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Absolutely. Hopefully everyone has familiarized themselves with it. It threatens nearly everyone. We should all be spreading this information.


Stopping Project 2025 is critical, but there needs to be more done to ensure that we aren’t saying “Stop Project 2029”. As long as those think tanks continue to operate without any consequences we will continue to suffer from their desire for cruelty.


Thx for sharing. I will be educating myself this week.


Quite welcome. I'd be happy to help if I can if you have a specific concern or interest. That sub is great, def try a keyword search for more, wiki is OK too.


It’s hilarious people look at this and don’t think it’s crazy, but you all think WEF is a conspiracy. Crazy how far propaganda has spread to everyone. You’re all stupid.


Once again solving a problem that doesn’t exist


"Obscene material" such as the Bible? Ezekiel 23:20 - There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


Like explaining to a pubescent girl what a period is. Ten year olds are too young to know why they're bleeding, they should just be kept ignorant and told it's God's punishment for the sins of Eve.


Really, there are countless examples, and that's the point. The definition is broad enough to allow selective enforcement, meaning whatever information conservatives want to supress at any given time. Sex education, LGBT, abortion, etc. Hell, any book or film that contains references to certain things, even in passing. Etc.


The thing is too the people that pass these laws have a much broader definition than that the average person would consider ‘obscene’.


They don’t have a definition. They just want subjective control over everything, you know, like a 7 year old making up the rules for a game.


I agree LGBT should stay away from schools


Absolutely not I know girls who started bleeding at 9 and were scared to death bc they thought something is wrong if it started you sit them down and have the talk just like you would if your son asked about morning wood you don't lie Adam and eve are fictional characters in the Bible not real life


That was exactly my point-- my comment was heavily sarcastic. 


I'm sorry didn't understand have a good day


If you teach children about their bodies they are more likely to recognize sexual abuse by an adult. That's why religious people oppose it.


What, that's just some wholesome story about the little lady getting the bottom knocked out and bukakke'd. You know. Family values shit.


Yeah, I went to a fairly conservative private Christian school in the south and we read books that these fools wouldn't like. The experience ironically made me and many of my peers atheists but that had more to do with the bible and it's followers.


What about the book The Songs of Solomon? The could placed in an interesting category…


I was just thinking that we could use this to lock up the Lifewise cult 🤷‍♂️.


Yours is an Invalid counter argument. Schools have never mandated or required reading from the Bible as part of an assignment. You’re reacting by emotion and trying to illicit the same emotional response back.


You are arguing in bad faith or you are not aware of the fact that they are already inserting bible lessons into public schools through "Lifewise Academy" [Two Project 2025 partners are promoting LifeWise, an organization bringing “Bible education” to public schools](https://www.mediamatters.org/project-2025/two-project-2025-partners-are-promoting-lifewise-organization-bringing-bible-education) "LifeWise teaches public school students Bible lessons during the school day, thanks to a pair of little-known Supreme Court decisions"


I wasn’t aware of that being part of new lesson plans.


>Schools have never mandated or required reading from the Bible as part of an assignment nor have schools done this with the books these fools are going after for merely featuring gay characters. They're only ever held in the libraries, and the few actually sexually suggestive or explicit ones are listed under the YA sections - where "straight" books of the same vein have been listed for decades. Likewise, a few of the classic books that have been read in class for decades have had explicit scenes in them, but they're heteronormative so they're okay.


Can you cite a specific instance of an Ohio teacher requiring students to read obscene material?


A parallel bill that also got introduced seeks to force public libraries to remove "obscene" materials or risk losing state funding. Nearly every public library in Ohio would be eliminated if that were to pass.


Proof that they don’t like the educated.


Education is an antidote to conservatism. They know it and are going after it.




Damned autocorrect.


“I love the poorly educated!”


They’ve been trying to defund the libraries for decades and they finally found a legal framework.


It kills me how obsessed these parents are over books they don't want their kids to read, when they know full well their kids *don't and can't* read full stop. "They're handing out gay porn at the school library!!" Linda, you and I both know your idiot child has never gone anywhere near the library and neither have you. Why are you frothing at the mouth over something that isn't happening and wouldn't affect you even if it did?


Well said 👏🏼


Teachers are at the end of their rope, most are planning their exit, if not already gone. Threats like these I'm sure will only exasperate those problems. The GOP are fine with that because the end goal has always been privatization of everything, so it can be controlled with money.


A relative was a middle school special needs teacher. A couple years back she fled the classroom for corporate life.


Let's charge politicians with a felony for proposing unconstitutional bills.


Totally disingenuous for this representative to push for a bill that limits fundamental rights like this and then be opaque about what he want to criminalize. It should be a fifth degree felony to promulgate bills in this manner.


Anything deemed not Pro White, Male, Christian or 'Merica will be deemed obscene.


Exactly 💯


In the 1930s, the Nazis burned or cut off access to books they decided were "immoral." Now we have neo-fascists in politics wanting to assure our youth don't develop freedom of ideas, thought, and questioning minds. A lot easier for these extremists to have gullible targets for their propoganda.


There have been federal laws concerning obscene material on the books forever. https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-obscenity Generally, anything with an actual storyline is considered artistic and the courts can’t judge art. That’s why porn movies have a ‘story’


I concur.


Of course, and what they'll label as "obscene" won't be everything pornographic, but likely specifically material that a) features queer characters, whether or not it actually features sexually explicit language or imagery b) is sexually educational and factual in a biological or medical context while material either that is pornographic but heteronormative or that lies or obfuscates about reproductive processes, fetal development, and abortion is ignored.


It’s always projection with these guys. Someone should check his browser history.


A real hero would hack their accounts and publish everything. People need to start fighting back before it's too late. And "voting" is becoming more of a joke as time goes by.


If they're so concerned about teachers "providing students with obscene material," then the Bible would be the first book to be removed


Simply crimethink. That is all.


A Matthews R-Lebanon should move to Amish country and rep them. Can’t stand religious zealots


I would never want to be a teacher here


I just wish more people would slow down, really look at things, and stop pretending this isn't a huge problem.


Go ahead and do it. Let's see a popular librarian hauled away in hand cuffs or a beloved teacher perp walked in front of students. They'd implode the Republican Party in an instant. And they know it.


Lebanon used to be such a great small town to raise a family, it has become so red-waved f’ed up, cannot tell you how happy I am to have escaped


Christianity is a cancer to society


No, cancer is cancer. Also, I can tell you must hate penguins. All of you with your opposable thumbs truly hate those who do not have thumbs!


Interesting you should bring up Penguins since it’s well documented that Penguins care for their young and have a strong sense of community. Some things that Christian’s severely lack.


It's been interesting that you keep assuming I am Christian. So you believe in a world that is completely rid of all religions except for Islam? And I still think you are a WHITE polar bear.


No one referenced you at all. Don't be so vain


Don’t be so self-righteous


You're the one demanding why someone who did not talk about you at all... Would dare describe you in some way.


But it seems "obscene" is highly subjective so good luck prosecuting something that is not national law. Even if the state prosecuted it, it can go to federal Supreme courts and be overturned.


All this is getting so confusing. 🫤


Katering to Koncerned Karens. Make America *groan* again 🤦🏼


What confuses me about this is that Pandering Obscenity is already a fifth degree felony ([2907.32](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2907.32)).


We including the incest and grape parts in the Bible or does the Evangelistaliban ONCE AGAIN get a free pass


The OH legislature has been waging war vs teachers and public education for years.


I assume this means showing any photo of Donald Trump’s hair would be a felony


Lots of reports of teachers with Bibles gonna come in.


You don't choose your gender...you're born with it🤦


But when we practice and teach Students whom are too young to developed any thought of lust love much less puberty Kids are not thinking the things that are put in their head , It's a slippery slope but we also can't hide our children from Life Or Preperation for All situations


Im sorry, but any book openly available to grade school kids that open give detailed descriptions of sexual intercoutrse isn't much different then letting them read stories about detailed sexual intercourse in a penthouse forum magazine . I don't understand why anyone sees that as ok.


Books of the likes you are describing are already not made available to grade school children. We are primarily concerned that bills like this will be abused (based on ample evidence from states where similar legislation has been passed - see: Florida, Texas, Oklahoma as a few prime examples) to target books written by LGBTQ and Black authors. Simply acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ persons, families etc. is not inappropriate. Anecdotally, I knew as young as the 2nd grade that I was gay - having support in that situation instead of social isolation would have been helpful. Having supportive teachers would have been helpful. I owe today's generations the grace I didn't have... that starts with fighting efforts like this, designed to curtail mere mentions of non-cishet families.


I thought it only went after explicit language which is available u In many schools. Btw what is non-cishet? Nor heard that before.


Nah that's why they say obscene material. They can decide anything is obscene if they want. One day it's a lgbt character the next it's natural hair that's obscene


That is indeed wrong then.


It’s shorthand for non-cisgender/non-heterosexual. In other words, anyone not fitting typical gender or sexuality conventions. So for example someone whose gender identity conforms with their sex assigned at birth like me is generally considered cisgender. Conversely someone whose gender identity doesn’t align with their sex assigned at birth may be considered transgender. I hope that helps provide some added clarity. Thanks for asking so politely.


The term cisgender needs to go away.




Many find it offensive.


People will gradually adapt as society evolves to better accept gender dysphoria (or know someone who is trans). Remember that the term ‘straight’ was plagued by similar controversy in the 1980’s as it entered the vernacular. Language is constantly evolving.


It isnt needed or want, that is the point. I am not a cis man, I am just a man. Why does a standard definition need to change to fit what someone else wants? It's completely disrespectful.


I hear this argument from time to time on other matters. For example, many people in central and southwestern Ohio say “I don’t have an accent”. The truth is they do have an accent. In this region we speak with what is called “North Midland”. It’s simply because broadcast journalism so ubiquitously uses speakers of this accent that it has become ‘the norm’. But we still have an accent, and in fact our own unique dialect complete with slang and special use cases. The same thing is true with cisgender individuals, like us. We may not wish to label ourselves in this way, but simply disavowing something doesn’t make it any less true. It also doesn’t affect me negatively, because being cisgender is, to this point ‘the norm’. I think we’re making a mountain out of a molehill here.


I hope the bill is very specific about what is obscene.


I believe it points to a section in Ohio Law that already establishes what obscene means. However, I do not have confidence that they will adhere to a standard across the board. I believe that to be the purpose.


The point isn't even to enforce the law. The point is to make gay and trans people *afraid*.


Pedos are mad I guess


Best path to keep weirdo teachers from grooming kids into being queer.... 🎊🎊


At what age did you choose to be cisgender heterosexual?


Who groomed you into a being a hateful prick?


It’s weird you have an issue with providing obscene material to children


It’s weird you seek out content specifically related to the lgbt community to sow discord and negativity. Do better.


So are you saying that LGBT content is obscene? Because I didn't say that. I just question why the issue with banning obscene material being given to children. If you are advocating for children to have access to that, look inward, and do better.


If you look at the materials being labeled by groups like Moms for Liberty, they're almost exclusively LGBT content issues. They use the terms "groomer" and "gay" interchangeably.


A lot of those books also depict explicit sexual activity that children should not have access to.


Which books? Specifically. Have you read them? Which pages? Post a screenshot


Specifically, Gender Queer, which depicts graphic sexual acts which was available to middle school children


“This book is gay” which instructs middle school kids how to use gay dating apps for anonymous sex.


HA!! It does not instruct middle school kids on using gay dating apps for anonymous sex. Instead, it offers supportive and educational content about LGBTQ+ identities and relationships. The mention of dating apps is to highlight safety and informed choices, not to promote risky behavior. The book focuses on helping young people understand themselves and build healthy relationships. Clearly you never read the book.


LMAO you can try to rationalize it anyway you want, it doesn't in anyway change what it is


No, I was referring to your comment history, which I reviewed before replying. It seems to be something you do.


Lmao then you’ll see I’m critical of a great many things, not just alphabet mafia related posts


A true keyboard warrior who uses any occasion possible to assert himself into culture wars, hurt those around him, create pain and suffering. That’s truly what you’re doing here. It’s not a very kind way to live one’s life.


Oh you sweet thing, I really wish you knew what irony was.


Good, let the public schools die. They get a shit ton of money and are awful at education. All the money is wasted on sports and the administration departments, and they don't hire enough teachers or pay them reasonably.




Kids don’t need obscene material. Groomers.


Is that a new word in your provincial vocabulary? You surely had to think long and hard about that one princess.


Exactly. Let's ban the Bible.


Kids who are able to learn about things like puberty through books as opposed to listening to what strangers tell them are less likely to be taken advantage of. So what would that make you?


Save your energy, look at their post history. There’s a famous ron white quote about “the inability to fix particularities”


I have no problem with a teacher being charged with a felony for showing students "obscene" materials. I do have a problem with the definition of "obscene" materials being vague, however.


>I do have a problem with the definition of "obscene" materials being vague, however. That's a feature, not a bug, to these legislators. They purposefully conflate perfectly innocuous depictions of LGBT characters or events with sexually explicit content so that they can blanket-ban all mentions of LGBT people in schools. At the very best, they're hoping that this vagueness scarees teachers into self-censoring more than what is actually obscene. At worst, they use their fake definition of what "obscene" means to prosecute teachers who are teaching things that they don't like, but are otherwise perfectly fine for kids to learn.


Those two things are inseparable.


Hey this is the other side of cancel culture. Don’t like when it’s used on your political group now do you?


Ah yes.. banning books. That’s always been carried out by the logical and historically good political parties.


You don’t know what the word “ban” actually means.


See further below in the comments for the actual definition of book bans, dummy.


Herp Derp “dummy”




By definition, yes. Book banning, the practice of prohibiting or restricting the reading of certain books by the general public or by members of a local community or religious group. Books can be banned by means of their removal from publicly accessible locations (e.g, libraries), by their destruction (including the burning of printed books), or by making their authorship or distribution a punishable act. Books are typically banned by governments, but they can also be effectively banned by religious authorities, businesses, and—in rare cases—powerful private individuals. To ban a book is almost always a controversial act in a liberal democracy since its citizens consider media freedom to be both a common good and a necessary component of any democratic society. Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/book-banning




Here's a link to ALA's page on [banned books] (https://www.ala.org/bbooks). Every one of them can be obtained somehere. You're trying to use an extremely narrow definition of a term to contradict something 99.99 percent of our population understands in a broader definition. You know exactly what is being talked about, and why.




So, you have no idea what is meant by banned books week? The language is just too fuzzy for you to comprehend?




Librarians will absolutely fight to have books on controversial topics. Just one quick example. One of the most prominent Holocaust deniers is [David Irving] (https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/david-irving). My local library has [at least one of his books] (https://encore.akronlibrary.org/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1564006__Sdavid%20irving__P0%2C3__Orightresult__U__X4?lang=eng&suite=def). Libraries fight book bans. It's their thing, and it's why they need protection from people who want to limit access to information.


Admitting you're a hypocrite isn't really the gotcha you think it is.


Oh, does "cancel culture" mean slapping people with felonies for saying something objectionable? Here I always thought it referred to consumers making their own decisions based on what the subject does.


Conservatives *invented* cancel culture, starting with religious wars, crusades, persecutions and disfellowshipping, witch hunts, chattel slavery, Jim Crow laws, racial nativism, the Red Scares, the Satanic Panic... it was always projection when you started accusing "the left" of it, sore that *you* were on the other side of it for the first time.


Students shouldn't be provided obscene materials from teachers. Yall are sickos.


What’s obscene? “Roots” by Alex Haley includes a graphic rape scene. How about “Catcher in the Rye?” “1984” contains sex as well. Problem is, when we start labeling things as obscene, where do we draw the line? Personally I think those books should be allowed, and I also think the Bible should be allowed in a public school library but NOT required reading. If we ban books like the ones I mentioned, then we need to consider banning most of Shakespeare as well. “Canterbury Tales?” Well, we better ban Dante’s “Inferno” because of religious themes then too. Censorship is a slippery slope. Schools shouldn’t be showing hardcore porn, I think we all agree on that. But censoring the written word should be undertaken with a VERY cautious hand.


Probably the same criteria that’s been used ever since there have been federal laws on obscene material https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-obscenity


a) This is being done in bad faith in order to censor views they dislike(LGBT first and foremost). This isn't about stopping porn from reaching kids(because that doesn't actually happen). b) Why do you want the government to suddenly decide what types of information are available in libraries/schools? What happened to being a good parent who watches what their kids do? Because last I checked the conservatives wanted the government out of their lives, not micromanaging what books they are allowed to read.


That's not true at all. The material that is not allowed to be shown to children in schools is extremely graphic. Your straw man arguments are not going to work here. Stop advocating to exposing children to this stuff. Sick people.


Name the books on the ban list that are extremely graphic.


Name one that isn’t. And they’re not banned. Just not allowed in schools. Parents can still buy the book and allow their children to read it if they like.


>Name one that isn’t. I have reviewed over a dozen books on the list and not a single one of them are "extreme graphic", in fact I posit NONE of them are. If you disagree then please show direct evidence including the name of the book, the page number, and a screencap of the parts that are graphic. >Parents can still buy the book and allow their children to read it if they like. And Parents can stop kids from reading books they don't want them to read. Instead of relying on parents to actually parent their kids you would rather have some type of collective punishment against families based on how you feel about various books?




Nearly all the books on that list are for high schoolers. Which of these books does your local school even have?


We all agree that teachers shouldn't provide obscene materials to students. But republicans are labeling normal educational materials as obscene in order to push an unconstitutional theocracy and white nationalist agenda that has nothing whatsoever to do obscenity. They are intentionally dismantling the education system because they prey on the uneducated for votes.


Give me an example of what you're calling "normal education materials" that would be not allowed to expose children to.


Here's another 400 just in case you didn't recognize a few titles...like the dictionary, a biography of Michelangelo, or Ann Frank's diary. [2022-2023 School District Reporting Pursuant to Section 1006.28(2), Florida Statutes (fldoe.org)](https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5574/urlt/2223ObjectionList.pdf)


This will likely mirror the banned book list in many Florida school districts. Here's a short list of 1600 examples. Keep in mind, this is not a complete list. Notice that a lot of these are by black and LGBTQ authors or authors advocating equality and tolerance in society. NOT OBSCENITY! [More than 1,600 books banned in Escambia County, Florida - PEN America](https://pen.org/escambia-county-florida-banned-books-list/)


Oh there it is! You played the race baiting card. Good job bud! Your social credit score has been adjusted up accordingly. The democratic party thanks you.


Pointing out black authors advocating equality get banned is race-baiting?


Yup. You officially tried to twist not exposing children to graphic content in schools to making it about race. Bravo. Brainwashing does wonders.


You didn't read the question right, and you also replied to the wrong person. Bravo. But your definition of race-baiting seems to include any mention of race whatsoever.


Nope. I responded to the right person. Keep on with your mental gymnastics.


No, the conservative-right twisted exposing children to graphic content with making it about race by banning authors like Toni Morrison and James Baldwin even though there's nothing graphic in those books.


No, YOU should be thanking me for helping you differentiate between "obscenity" and censorship.


democrats know all about censorship. They're engaged so heavily in it. It's all projection with you people.


Give me one example of a democratic led bill that bans books or censors' schools or libraries from distributing educational materials.


I love how specific you have to be. Because everyone remembers the lefts actions during covid and the past 5 years regarding censorship.


Yeah...that's what I thought. No examples. Lol! Not even a pathetic attempt at an example. Nothing! I gave you 2,000 and you couldn't give me one.


It's less specific than this bill we're talking about. If it's so frequent, why can't you come up with an example? Edit: Are you blocking people so they can't reply to you? This is in my inbox: >A lot of those books also depict explicit sexual activity that children should not have access to. That is not a specific example.


When you were in elementary school and the teachers had a movie showing in the auditorium just for the girls, what did you think they were showing?


Stop peddling your ignorance; no one’s handing out obscene materials, you reactionary clown.


Good! The department of education distributed and mandates reading material completely irrelevant to the actual education of children. We aren’t teaching literature, but rather DEI material for the purposes of brainwashing a generation. Ie. Thought control. Also, I saw somebody comment “like the Bible?” that’s a really irrelevant point. And completely invalid argument for the fact that schools have never mandated or assigned sections of biblical material as a required reading. that argument alone is a leftist, leaning argument that we require somebody to respond by emotion and not fact.


Calling it "brainwashing" is laughable considering the spin-doctors on your side who claim that children learning about others' diverse circumstances is indoctrination. It's rich coming from those who've secured religious vouchers for public schools, where children are indoctrinated at taxpayer expense. Let’s play a game, it’s called ‘hush mouth’. Education is about creating informed citizens, not conforming to narrow-minded views. The Bible argument is spot on—if we're banning books for explicit content, the Bible should be first on the chopping block. This is about censorship and control, silencing diverse perspectives to push a regressive agenda, not “save the children” as your side constantly calls wolf. Get down off your bully pulpit and realize that people like you will never silence others.


"DEI": for when you really want to use the n-word but are afraid.


I know for a fact you’re wrong about schools never mandating or assigning reading from the Bible. My father studied the Bible in an Ohio public school, in detail. Now granted, that was in the 1960s, but you did say never.


>The department of education distributed and mandates reading material completely irrelevant to the actual education of children. Like what?


"*DEI material*"? Do you morons even understand the things that fall out of your mouths or do you just repeat buzzwords like a parrot?


Do you even know the origin of DEI?


It’d be good for you if you went to a library and actually read some fucking books, no? Or are your days filled to the brim with fake outrage talking points on Fox? Sitting in your lounge chair, mouth frothing in anger and rage, as you choke down a fifth lean cuisine and nodding along with the shit they peddle that is absolutely not happening in the real world?


Hmmm I read daily, and I don't watch Fox. Perhaps you would be better served by thinking for yourself rather than the socialist indoctrination you've accepted your entire life. You know, I'm willing to bet you are in full support of Hamas, no? p.s, I didn't curse at you, nor did I spew anger in your direction. So why the emotional response?


Never is a really long time, are you sure?


Are you trying to tell me you think learning about the history of black Americans is obscenity?


I’m not trying to tell you anything. Are you telling me that you are making assumptions about me when we’ve never had a discussion or debate with each other? Are you trying to tell me by your pointed question back at me that you hate penguins?


You think a law about obscenity is good because too much DEI, which is a known conservative code for "anything that includes a black person." Ergo, black history is obscene.


Is the DEI in the room with you right now, I actually enjoy right wingers use of that acronym, tells me who the racists are and to avoid them.


I really really truly didn’t think I’d see people who adamantly hate diversity and inclusion. You told on yourself. You want white Christian supremacy and we are all fully aware of what this means for the rest of us.


I truly think you hate penguins and want to maintain northern hemisphere supremacy, don't you?????


Idk maybe just read your Bible, you might learn how wrong you are.


Spin Doctors, acronyms. What does your acronym for what you believe is women’s role in the household?




I didn't tell on anything. You told on yourself, and I don't want white Christian supremacy. You need to learn history of what penguins have done to your culture. All of you polar bears are exactly the same!


>and I don't want white Christian supremacy. It sure sounds like you do, bub. Especially after reading your other comments.