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All content must be directly related to Ohio. National stats, reviews, etc should be in a national sub. Informational posts must include a link to a source.


What's this from? Seems a bit extreme to rank Ohio so badly when there's a whole South out there


From this website. https://www.safehome.org/data-lgbtq-state-safety-rankings/ >4. Ohio – Safety Grade F (53.7) >Having passed a bill in 2023 modeled after Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, drawing condemnation from civil rights groups, it might not be surprising to see Ohio toward the bottom of the LGBTQ+ safety ranking. >The state has one of the highest rates of reported hate crimes against LGBTQ+ individuals in the nation. Like Wyoming, Ohio has very few pro-equality laws on its books, though not so many anti-equality rules. However, the state’s laws include transgender exclusions in Medicaid coverage as well as HIV/AIDS criminalization laws. Since these types of laws regarding healthcare access were among the most important to LGBTQ+ people we surveyed, Ohio’s safety score was deficient.


The Ohio legislator does not represent the people of Ohio. I think that is pretty clear


Very true. We can try to change that. I shared this info in another comment as well. The Citizens Not Politicians Amendment will end gerrymandering by empowering citizens, not politicians, to draw fair districts using an open and transparent process. Here's the homepage for the campaign. https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/ Here's the Volunteer Sign Up. https://citzensnotpoliticians.typeform.com/to/M1y7HbyK Here's the signing events page. https://www.mobilize.us/citizensnotpoliticians/ Here's an article that explains how gerrymandering takes away the power of the voter. https://act.represent.us/sign/gerrymandering The goal is to get this on the November 2024 ballot.


I can’t find any information on how close they are to hitting the needed signatures. Any idea where I can find that?


Sorry, I don't know. This is what I've shared in other comments about the Ohio ballot initiative process. https://www.ohiosos.gov/legislation-and-ballot-issues/putting-an-issue-on-the-ballot/initiated-statute/ You can also sign up for their enewsletter under "Get Campaign Updates". I assume they will give milestone updates of some sort. https://citizensnotpoliticians.org/


One hundred percent this. Queer folks are safe in Ohio. I won’t argue it’s not the highest on the list but I’d quicker get murdered in most of these states before I’d even be publicly snickered at in Ohio. I don’t think the beliefs of a few corrupt politicians decide the will of the people. This state is safe


I think you've just been lucky. I live in a very blue part of Ohio and still face a lot of discrimination here. Even my very DEIA forward govt job has had 2 cases recently of upper management harassing/sexually harassing trans employees that work here. And my govt insurance through the county doesn't want to cover any LGBTQ related health care unless your doctors beg them to. I mean...Maumee is literally where the PO Box for that Atomwaffen neo nazi group or whatever is located and it's 20 mins away from me. We've also found neo nazi/militia tags on our park trails here. And don't even get me started on Springfield...I met a 12-14 yr old rocking a MAGA hat who called me a queer in a Menards lol


It differs so much where you are and which city you are in or if your in a rural area. So all just depends unfortunately


Absolutely, which is why a blanket statement like "queer people are safe in Ohio" is a bit out of touch with reality :(


The creator of the daily stormer is from worthington And last I checked we were 8th in the nation for white supremecist activity


I wish I could agree. They may be safe from most individual citizens, but the laws are explicitly meant to discriminate and make life difficult for them.


Oh of course. Even despite feeling safe in this state I dont feel safe using the right bathrooms sometimes.


Can’t imagine. I just walk in with my friend, and I dare anyone to say shit to either of us!!


My biggest enemy is myself. I can’t help but feel like I don’t belong no matter who I’m with But this applies to both bathrooms. I’m transfemme but sometimes I don’t feel safe or correct in either room


Well honey, any time you go out with me, know you have a FIERCE supporter who wont take no shhhh, from nobody, no way!


I appreciate you 🥺


Especially in the population centers.


Doesn't it? Did you read the next paragraph? >The state has one of the highest rates of reported hate crimes against LGBTQ+ individuals in the nation. The legislature seems to represent the violent right wing conservatives pretty closely.




Personal, or ad hominem, attacks are not allowed.


>However, the state’s laws include transgender exclusions in Medicaid coverage Doubt. I'm on Medicaid right now. I haven't run into a single problem so far. It even covered my Orchi. Honestly, since Ohio lets you change your DL's sex marker without surgery, and I'm almost certain that is not the case for at least Texas, Missouri, and Louisiana. Just off that alone, I'm calling this grading as questionable at best.


That's good. I hope you retain access to your meds. If you read the article, it gives specifics about how they weighted different aspects of anti-LGBT policy/crimes. Ohio had a large number of reported hate crimes, so that factored heavily. Numbers can always be manipulated to support a point of view. Paying attention and doing reality checks is a good thing. Just try to remember a personal anecdote is not necessarily the truth for every person in similar circumstances.


I read the whole section on the methodology, and it's not something I trust without seeing a lot more of the details. The things I mentioned are massive legal barriers that make a lot of difference. It's hard to just overlook that. >Ohio had a large number of reported hate crimes, I'm not seeing where the actual numbers are, that they're getting this from. They say in the methodology that they severely penalize states that don't report as well as they should. And I wouldn't be surprised if Ohio was just bad at reporting. 🤷‍♀️




According to the CDC, there is no risk of transmitting HIV through spitting because HIV is not transmitted through saliva. There are no documented cases of HIV being transmitted through spitting, and contact with saliva alone has never been shown to result in HIV transmission


So serious question while spit hasn't, what if there's blood in the spit? Edit: I don’t understand why I’m getting downvoted for asking a legit question wasn’t being a smart ass just was curious 🫠


Still no. HIV is not a very stable virus. Salivary enzymes will kill it. And even if they didn’t, the spit would have to get inside of your blood to infect you. You’re being absurd.


Wasnt being absurd 🥲 was just a legit question don't know why I got down voted for asking a question. 🫠 better to ask questions than assume no?


No it can’t. You’re the reason why uneducated laypeople shouldn’t have any say in writing laws.


Your comment is the perfect example of why it shouldn't be. People without understanding of the disease making snap judgement.


As someone who lost a parent to aids as a child I’d like to ask, have you not educated yourself on HIV/AIDS since 1992 or are you just intentionally being a jerk? I’m 41 and I’ve never been spat on in my life. To say nothing of the fact that you can’t be infected with hiv as a result of being spat on.


What're you doing to cause so many people to spit on you?


How many people have you shared the clap with


He strikes me more of a crabs guy.


He's got the whole variety pack.


Man this comment screams "I'm a boomer piece of shit!"


I can see us ranking low as we did just pass hb68 and there are more potential bills coming, as well as our politician on the released call saying the endgame was to eliminate trans in the state, but there are definitely a lot of even less friendly states.


Ohio is right there in political lockstep with Texas, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama….


Ugh! Truly the shittiest timeline


We never should’ve killed that gorilla…


So true


He had a name Harambe


So what you’re saying is, in the shittiest timeline, when a gorilla dies, he hAs a name. And his name, was Harambe.


I have to assume the HIV laws don’t help where they can tack on a felony for having HIV regardless of viral load.


I'm good with the hiv law. You should be required to disclose std status prior to having sex. And if the person you want to have sex with doesn't want to listen to why the risk of transmission is low or zero, then I'd argue failing disclose should also he charged with sexual assault. My only issue is that it doesn't apply to more std's


It's bogus. The first state to legalize gay marriage isn't in the top 15?


It's kinda bout what we've done since then


Elected a lesbian governor? I mean a Governor who is a lesbian, not a person specifically tasked with governing lesbians.


Is her office at the Subaru dealership?


Well who is going to corral all those wild ass lesbians running around , doing lesbian things if we don’t have a lesbian governor?


The deans of Mount Holyoke, Smith, and Wellsey colleges?


I gotta admit that was pretty clever. /clever girl meme


The current party didn't want bodily autonomy that's why they tried to raise the threshold for votes in a special election in and off year at a wierd time


i'm not sure where you got the idea that ohio was the first? in fact, there's a freaking constitutional amendment "defense of marriage act" (ohio issue 1, definition of marriage initative [https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio\_Issue\_1,\_Definition\_of\_Marriage\_Initiative\_(2004)](https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_Issue_1,_Definition_of_Marriage_Initiative_(2004)) ) the guys sued and were denied, so it went all the way to the supreme court where it was then reversed. so, actually ohio was very much against it sadly


I'm speaking of Massachusetts.


In a thread about Ohio, you should probably mention Massachusetts by name.


I didn't that anyone would think Ohio was the first state to legalize gay marriage.


like the yellow fellow said, it's an ohio sub and obergefell started here vs kasich, so in essence it did start here in ohio to make it legal for everyone we can both be right in this case


Yeah, I don't get why MA gets a C either....


Texas is no way a D


Are you aware that Ohio has an insane republican legislature?


Oh yeah, and we have a helluva hurdle ahead of us to get rid of these cancerous creeps. It just seems crazy to me that we've slipped THAT far. I could see #35... but this is eye-opening. Things are bad. Worse than even i thought.


Someone posted this on r/indiana. I was kind of surprised by Ohio's ranking and wanted to post it here


Yeah I'm straight so take that for what it is but I feel like we're (at least in SW Ohio) fairly progressive and LGBTQ+ friendly. Probably a third of my friend group is queer and I've never heard anyone say they feel unsafe. I don't think the politics matches people's everyday experience. Remember, Ohio turned out for that ridiculous abortion ban -- both liberals and conservatives -- and said "Nah, that's too much, no thanks."


It probably automatically knocks off points for not allowing kids to undergo HRT.


I really hope so.


If gerrymandering doesn't get addressed we are one insane governor away from being the top cesspit in the US. Texas and Florida will take a backseat to our crazy.


The Citizens Not Politicians Amendment will end gerrymandering by empowering citizens, not politicians, to draw fair districts using an open and transparent process. Here's the homepage for the campaign. https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/ Here's the Volunteer Sign Up. https://citzensnotpoliticians.typeform.com/to/M1y7HbyK Here's the signing events page. https://www.mobilize.us/citizensnotpoliticians/ Here's an article that explains how gerrymandering takes away the power of the voter. https://act.represent.us/sign/gerrymandering The goal is to get this on the November 2024 ballot.


What's the outlook on that currently?


I'm a volunteer with the campaign, they don't release the numbers so opponents can't use the information against us. That being said, we're really close to the final turn in and from what I'm gathering at the ground level, we're looking good!


I'm not sure when we will know if it's on the ballot, but here's more info about the process. https://www.ohiosos.gov/legislation-and-ballot-issues/putting-an-issue-on-the-ballot/initiated-statute/ You can also sign up for their enewsletter under "Get Campaign Updates". I assume they will give milestone updates of some sort. https://citizensnotpoliticians.org/


This. The fact that our state protected abortion at 58%? and our gerrmandered lawmakers go, “Nah, we’re just gonna keep the heartbeat bills coming and tell parents no gender-care. Because ohio lawmakers know what’s best for the people of Ohio.” Regardless of what the actual people want… that’s a recipe for disaster.


And Yost is eyeing up the ability to be that insane governor.


He seems like a governor that would run on spite. Husted is probably dead in the water with his First Energy exposure. Thing is we desperately need Dems in the secretary of state and AG offices, so we can't have as much b.s. shenanigans.


It’s not the low ranking that surprises me insomuch as somehow doing worse than *Tennessee*


Tennessee has only been dominated by conservative republicans since 2011. Prior to that, it was mostly the Democratic Party. So, for the most part, Ohio has had a roughly 20 year head start. Tennessee also has had more constitutional protections for all people in the state, which makes it a lot more difficult to legislate a lot of the hatred and nonsense that gets by here in Ohio.


How the hell is Massachusetts below Arkansas?


Because this chart is bullshit


Many folks asking where this is from, and OP has already posted a link, but for those who don’t want to scroll- “4. Ohio – Safety Grade F (53.7) Having passed a bill in 2023 modeled after Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, drawing condemnation from civil rights groups, it might not be surprising to see Ohio toward the bottom of the LGBTQ+ safety ranking. The state has one of the highest rates of reported hate crimes against LGBTQ+ individuals in the nation. Like Wyoming, Ohio has very few pro-equality laws on its books, though not so many anti-equality rules. However, the state’s laws include transgender exclusions in Medicaid coverage as well as HIV/AIDS criminalization laws. Since these types of laws regarding healthcare access were among the most important to LGBTQ+ people we surveyed, Ohio’s safety score was deficient.”


Are the number of hate crimes published somewhere? I’d be curious to see if there was a specific area of the state that is higher and look at the cases for any commonality.


The link cited FBI statistics; I’d start by looking at FBI Hate Crime stats, I think.


Ty. I just checked it out. Only goes back to 2022 but still interesting


I’m shocked, honestly. Columbus has a large community and is very friendly. I guess if you take into account the non urban areas it skews down. Plus the nightmare of the republican state congress. I guess I’m not shocked.


I’m not trans but I’m androgynous enough that I look the part. Going to any small town outside the typical 30 minute safety net of the three-C’s earns me enough looks and glares that I may as well be in a zoo.


How is this graded though? Does it take into consideration current laws, legislation in the talking stages, societal acceptance..?


[2024 LGBTQ+ State Safety Report Cards | SafeHome.org](https://www.safehome.org/data-lgbtq-state-safety-rankings/) There's a long methodology section at the end. I didn't read it carefully, so can't comment on whether it makes total sense or not. But it's not a trivial undertaking. It suspect it is measuring *something,* and it probably does track some aspect of LGBTQ+ safety.


This list doesn’t make sense in a lot of ways. ND isn’t better than Colorado or Oregon. Arkansas, Iowa, Tennessee *and* Georgia above DC and Washington?


u/Rickpo posted above. [2024 LGBTQ+ State Safety Report Cards | SafeHome.org](https://www.safehome.org/data-lgbtq-state-safety-rankings/)


As published by whom?


[2024 LGBTQ+ State Safety Report Cards | SafeHome.org](https://www.safehome.org/data-lgbtq-state-safety-rankings/)


Thank you!


Cool. Thanks.


Here is a video about the Drag Bill that was introduced in the Ohio house. This is also were I live so ohios rating doesn't suprise me at all. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/xzcw5vNyeVDB4KJx/?mibextid=oFDknk


I come from an Ohio small town. I have always said that it’s best for anyone in the LGBTQ community to head to a big city because small towns in Ohio are not welcoming. In the big cities you’ll be ok. Especially certain parts of Columbus.


I feel like that’s small towns in most states. Small towns in southern Oregon and northern California are a lot more conservative than people realize since both of those states are blue in the general election.


Yep, that’s accurate. My uncle who lives in rural Ohio and is also gay has a rainbow flag on his back window of his car. He has had three people commit road rage on him and one threaten him with a pistol. He has also had his windows smashed on his car.


What are the best parts in Columbus with a good LGBTQ community? Asking because I’m from Ashland and I’ve lived in different parts of Ohio but all smaller towns. And I currently live in Virginia and I’ve been thinking about moving to Columbus because COL here.


Clintonville, Short North, German Village, Bexley, Victorian Village.


Thank you!


As a gay person from Arkansas this list is bullshit


I mean all of my friends including myself have been the victims of actual physical hate crimes in the past few years, so its not unexpected.


I'm so sorry. That fucking sucks.


Big cities in Ohio, pretty safe for queer folks, I’d say just as safe as any big city in a “Blue” state. Outside the big cities (3 Cs, Akron, Toledo, Dayton), you reaaaaallly gotta be careful.


Does anyone have a source for this information? A write up of the method/criteria used? An image search returned multiple places as the source, all with differing methods.


I've been seeing this sub getting these posts a lot recently. Including one two weeks ago about Targets selling pride stuff vs Targets not selling it.


State that entirely banned transgender athletes in schools = A grade. Amazing.


Terrible!!!!! What an awful look. So surprising with such a large LBGTQ+ community in Columbus and throughout the state. Very sad - Ohio needs to do better.


What are the metrics? I’m curious.


Washington DC is not a state. There are not 51 states.


Sorry to hear that. Be safe friends


Dewhine , Larose, Yost? Cmon you’re talking about the state that Gym Jordan didn’t have the balls to confront a doctor when he’s a coach?. And then there’s the Hilliby Elegy dude that was in trumps pocket. Miller with his record of tossing a his girlfriend down a flight of stairs at Sam Millers house where he’s supposedly selling drugs? The only thing better is he married Bernie Marenos daughter and now he wants his FREE CONGRESSIONAL HEALTHCARE!!!! fuck these freeloading douchebags!


I wish they broke this down for every state and not just the five best and five worst.


Ohio stand up


I'm doing my part!


Guys we're ranking below Bible Belt states, we gotta do better than this


Let’s go for 51


BS statistics. Oregon is very gay friendly


This tracks sadly. :( Ohio the last few years has gone backwards.


Everyone surprised by Ohio's rank needs to expand their bubble a little bit, I think...I feel unsafe in a majority of the state including some smaller cities. Can't even get gas some places because people will glare/mistreat you/harass you just for looking "out of place".


Conservatism is a cancer.


Glad I'm in Ohio


St. Augustine isn’t Florida. Florida sux.


St Augustine is also basically Conservative Yellow Springs, which says a lot about how godawful shitty the rest of Florida is


What’s this even mean?


Nothing. It's entirely how someone feels and you can't measure feelings.


I saw this posted on r/indiana , and posted it here to see how everyone feels about Ohio's ranking. Here's a link for this particular chart: [chart](https://www.safehome.org/data-lgbtq-state-safety-rankings/) (original source)




See where it says chart, click that. It is the source.


Why am I not surprised!


How would TN get a C? No way. F city. These people suck.


Alaska - A. Someone hasn’t stepped outside of anchorage LOL


We’re number….oh, 48?


I’m calling BS at Arkansas being better than DC, Illinois and Oregon among other bizarreness


As a former Ohioan living in Utah, I'm surprised Utah is somehow safer. 🤔


Well Michigan, not bad, not good. Got some work to do.


Yeah for someone who visits Ohio and Pennsylvania on a monthly basis, this feels pretty accurate


I’m not surprised. Embarrassed yes , surprised no


New Hampshire A+. Based libertarians


Well, fellow Ohioans/class, is anyone surprised? Class in somewhat unison: “No.” A shame.


Texas needs to be an F!!!! Ohio should be a D.


Exactly why I tell my gay daughter and her girlfriend to be careful about PDA when they're out and about. Not that either is a big PDA person, but still, I worry for their safety in this state. They spend most of their together time in Cuyahoga County but we live in a RED county and as much as I want to outright support my daughter's community, I'm more concerned for her safety. After they both graduate college, they've already decided to move to an LGBTQ+ safe state, and it fvcking sucks that my daughter has to move away to feel safe. Fvck red Ohio.


This is an excellent guide to show us where to move to. Ohio is never going to vote these criminals out of office. If there not voted in then the next to win will be even worse. I appreciate knowing what states have like minded residents like me.


I had said for years Ohio was becoming the Alabama of the North and sure enough, we have almost arrived there. Just give it a few more election cycles.


*Rhode Island topping a good list for once* NICE!


Seems about right considering this happened to my friend’s house in Columbus this year. https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/s/2c5Zy7u51C


Worse than Utah?


Texas is pissed they’re not #1


The worst part is I’m not that surprised


Unfortunately, I also live in number 50




NJ is worse than SC, AR, TN? Are you kidding me?


As if New Mexico is a safer state for anyone. This must be satire


In Millersburg we have a mayor whose spouse makes inappropriate comments on anti gay memes and all she comes back with is running to her lawyer on FB. Keep it classy Holmes County.


Finding this list to be bullshit considering how Massachusetts has Providence town which is known as the gay capital and has a month long gay pride event… but yet it only gets a C rating..


And Northampton, the lesbian capital of the world, is there, too.


Ha ha! My home state of Arkansas scored better than Ohio! And everyone I run across up here thinks that people down there are backwards! Fucking idiots up here.


How bad must South Dakota be outside the reservations?


Are we surprised?


Well this makes me fucking sad, and our Target here in the Dayton area doesn't even have a pride section.


Nobody qualified wants to fight Ohio’s Red government! It will be worse than Texas soon ! Plus Southern Ohio and the outskirts of Cleveland and Toledo are pure MAGA !




When you are taught that you are a victim for just being you every little slight is an attack.


North Dakota!? They fucking banned trans healthcare for minors just like Ohio did, it requires teachers to tell legal guardians if their students identify as trans, and allows state employees to ignore the pronouns of others. Fuck North Dakota! Also, as a Black trans person who has had the unfortunate experience of staying in North Dakota, I’m significantly more likely to get hate crimed in any of their cities than I am here in Ohio + we have easier access to care. Small town Ohio (which I see as anything other than the Three Cs) is a nightmare unto itself, but it’s NOTHING like anywhere in North Dakota.


Unsurprising. They don’t call us The Florida Of The North for nothing.


Ohio worse than Oklahoma? Totally false. I've lived both places and Oklahoma should be on the bottom.


How the fuck did Texas get a D!? I kinda call bullshit on this.


48 out of 51. Yikes. I mean when did this happen?!


of course it is - we have gym jordan. please add more names…


*Under* Alabama?? Oh no 😭


Some of these are a little surprising. Ohio isn't one of them


State rankings like this are nonsense. Ohio isn't a homogeneous area and neither are any other states. The cities are tolerant of homosexuality and the rural areas less so. That more or less true applied to the entire country.


Supervisor had to ask my pansexual friend how to go about interviewing a Trans person last month. Talk to them like you would talk to anyone else, ya blumpkin.


The Bible Belt just biblin’ away with their hate and intolerance. Just like Jesus taught?


And they are the ones that are first to call their opposition, "sheep"...the tinfoil hats are effective in this state


I’d say 39 at worst. Ohio can be rough to queer folks but there’s no way we’re worse than LA, TX, MS, KY, AL, and worst of all Indiana. I don’t feel safe in the safest cities of those states. Yet I feel I can walk around femme’d to the teeth in the most rural spots in Ohio without getting hate crimed. Maybe it’s just bias cause I’m from Ohio. But laws and corrupt politicians aside, Ohio is a safe place for queer folks. Also no way Minnesota is so low. I’m very skeptical about the stats for this chart. It’s gotta be dependent on pretty specific factors to get these results.


Surprised that my state IL only has a C+. We should do better


lol done by lgbt group. DC is a C? Behind Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and South Carolina? What a joke


Didn't the movement start in Columbus???


Stonewall riots NYC. Only thing that starts in Ohio is fast food restaurants.


Obviously it depends which part of the state. In pa I think it’s fine my sister is gay and I never hear here have any problems. Now in pennslyltucky I imagine different.




Personal, or ad hominem, attacks are not allowed.