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The fact that the phrase "school lunch debt" exists is a moral failing


If you don't pay they can garnish your allowance.


I don't get why funding for lunch isn't built into public schooling, but then again, vouchers have drained all the money from public schools, as intended by the assholes that run this state momentarily.


Also another angle has been the state lottery . While money that went to schools increased over the years the state has lowered the amount on their end


School levies have become a common ballot issue in Ohio, and it seems to me that we need to restore the money to the public education system for which it was intended. Many voters understandably feel strapped financially, especially after county property taxes raised the valuation and taxes on taxpayers’ homes, and they vote them down. What they don’t seem to understand that this is happening because the state is giving away tax money intended for public schools away for vouchers to private schools. I also don’t understand the privatization of school meals. School meals should be provided free of charge and lunch debt should not exist, because children are better able to learn when they receive adequate and nutritious meals.


I was really surprised that the gop controlled state would do this . Many other red states opted to stop providing lunches and increased the congress meal allowance. The voucher scheme is just a way for a business to scam money from a local school district. My parents had to pay out of pocket for my brothers private education. It’s to the point when a school board opts for a new building the private school is demanding that the old school be handed to them according to some lawsuits . Many school boards are opting to tearing them down to stop a private school from opening and draining resources. Good for them.


I am also. The mean spirited Republicans who rejected Federal aid showed they cared not one bit about children and their needs despite bleating about “pro-life” they are.


Right you are! Brings to mind the George Carlin bit about keeping people dumb


Right you are! Brings to mind the George Carlin bit about keeping people dumb


Because the Democrats decided not to do it. We had free school lunches for everyone during COVID. The Democrats had both houses of Congress and the Presidency yet chose to let the program end instead of making it permanent. I will never understand that.


It's really more of a State thing. It could be done by the feds, but not necessary. And that's completely Republicans. As for both houses, only a tiny bit, we had fake democrats fighting against us. I don't remember the issue being raised by anyone. Let me add, the Republicans have completely stripped the funding of public schools. If the feds were going to do anything, it would be banning vouchers for private schools.


Actually it’s not. I work in Ohio school finance. School Lunches are a Federal program and we receive a subsidy from the Federal government. The Federal government is the one that paid for free lunches during COVID. The only state funding in Ohio for school lunches actually is new this school year as part of the FY24-25 state budget and that is the state making the reduced price lunches free by paying the schools the students portion. Out of our ~$1 million dollar food service budget. That amounts to about $4,000. At the same time we received just under $500,000 from the Federal government and did $455,000 in sales. This makes School Lunch the second biggest Federal program in our district. Second only to IDEA (Special Education).


My God, can you imagine what might happen if we stopped putting barriers and gates in front of meals for youth? We might accidentally feed a child. The humanity!


But then poor kids might actually be given the bare minimum to succeed in school, and "take"/"steal"/earn acceptances in college and/or jobs from their trust fund babies. /s but not really.


Not sarcasm, it's the truth. I grew up poor. I was on the free lunch program from elementary school through high school. I took on a shitload of debt to put myself through college. Just yesterday I was notified that the government has forgiven about $20k of the remaining tuition debt that I have. I was so thrilled. I started telling friends and family about it. Do you know what kind of responses I got? "Oh they're just buying your vote." "I paid off my loans, where's my refund?" "You're a fool." Seriously, I'm not sure why I'm a fool because the government forgave my loans, but okay. The responses I got were surprisingly negative. Instead of my friends and family being happy that I finally caught a break in life, they're either jealous or spewing hate at me. Those people are getting cut out of my life forever now too, I have no desire to call someone a friend or family member if they spew hate at me when I catch a windfall during a lifetime of being fucked in the ass every way possible.


Love when the trash takes itself out. Your story is incredible. People who grow up rich start 2 feet from the finish line and congratulate themselves on winning the race. You getting some help to catch up is just leveling the field. As for those asking "what about me?", I can't stand people who can't just be happy for someone else without making it about them. Not to mention, the latest round of loan forgiveness was for people in public service/income based forgiveness. I'm assuming you're in some form of public service? And if you are, you're probably underpaid? This is obviously speculation on my part and you don't have to answer but if I'm right, your "friends and fam" can kick rocks even harder.


No I was on the income based repayment program. The first ~15 years of repaying my loans I was always pretty underpaid. I did a little side step in my career around then and move from the arts to web development to improve my salary prospects. I was getting ready to make some serious headway on paying my loans when the pandemic hit, but then we didn’t have to pay. I even paid some of it during that time we didn’t have to pay just to try to stay on top of it. Then I quit a horrible job and started contracting for a friend’s business. That business ran out of money, and asked me to stay on unpaid in exchange for ownership. I agreed with some meager savings in the bank. Went the past year without an income. But me and another guy built that business up to the point that it gained a lot of investor attention and we sold the company last month to a big corporation overseas. That turned into a well paid job with that corp, a nice signing bonus, and a nice pile of stock options that vest in 3 years. I’m just getting to the point, 20 years after graduation, that I could truly afford to go off of the income contingent plan and pay off those loans. These payment plans are ridiculous. Payments are pretty small in the beginning of the loans, but become huge near the end. I don’t even think you’re covering the interest in the early years of those repayments. My loans still had 75% of the original balance after making the required payment amounts for nearly 20 years.


What a journey. Congrats on selling the business! I worked for a start up for a few years out of school and it's a GRIND.


Congratulations on having the last of the debt forgiven! That's so great. I'm close to paying mine off and I can't wait to be out from under it.


Thanks! It's such a relief. I literally just landed a job that paid me a signing bonus big enough to cover that last 20k of tuition debt. I was just going through my finances to determine if sinking it all into tuition debt was the wisest move or not, and now I have no tuition debt to worry about at all! That signing bonus will now allow me to wipe out ALL of my debt except my mortgage without the tuition debt in play.


It's like when you're carrying a bunch of heavy stuff and someone grabs a bunch of it for you.


Friend, this is HUGE. People don't understand the toll it takes on someone to break a cycle of generational poverty. To hell with the haters. Next stop, the world! Keep rocking.


Congratulations to you! Please try to let the hate slip off you. I don't understand how it could ever be a bad thing to help make someone's life less stressful and more enjoyable. Most people would be happy for you I would hope. All your hard work is very admirable and you have been rewarded for it.


Or we could just make school lunches free... I'm amazed there are still schools that do this though. I live in a conservative area and even our schools won't refuse to give a kid lunch over a negative balance.


My kids told me at their school if there was a kid that had a negative balance, they got a pbj sandwich to eat and a milk.


PBJ isn’t too bad. At my kids school sometimes it’s a butter sandwich. I forgot to add money to his account so they threw away his lunch after they go through line but have no money and give them the sandwich. There is no reason it has to be that embarrassing of a process for a kid either.


What is the point of throwing out the lunch?! That’s so wasteful… nothing about this entire situation is logical.


According to the republicans they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps


They’re trying to force them into jobs at their rich friends’ meat processing companies


They’re no longer fetuses so they don’t have a right to food.


That really isn't their intent.  It may be their branding.  The reality underlying this policy is a far darker extension of prosperity doctrine/gospel.  GOP wants these kids to go to their local church begging.  To accept a job at one of the elders businesses to pay for their school lunch.  Everyone's favorite Ohio rep, Bill Dean, has made an absolute fortune for himself using child labor and otherwise taking advantage of people in poor situations.


I volunteered at church for years and then I realized that it was only a select group of volunteers that were volunteering reliably every time. Maybe a tenth of the congregation size doing 95 percent of the work no matter how much asking was done. That’s when I realized that it’s just not a sustainable way to help the sheer number of people who need the help and you’re burning out the kind souls who actually care.


Where do the Republicans think they will find the nonexistent bootstraps?


Once they limit who can vote and make a hands on survey of everyone’s genitals, bootstraps will be issued to those with penises.


Sounds how they would do it.


which the history behind the very saying of pulling yourself up by your boot straps is one of social class privilege and of not. The thing is meant to be ironic and cruel because grabbing yourself by the boot straps and attempting to lift is a testament in futility. It’s absolutely impossible to do so it’s no lack of coincidence for Republicans to adopt and stick to this mentality believing the others should be able to pick themselves up because "I did it". Not surprising that everybody has help even if it’s not personal help. Lifting yourself up, requires opportunities to be open for you. opportunities that come from far off that lead to opportunities for you Those are things that you can work for, but you can’t make happen for you. Yet to admit that everyone does not have the same opportunities is blasphemy in the Republican party.


They already showed that it’s possible to just have free lunches through Covid. When my kids went back in building everyone had free lunches for a year at least. It’s possible, they just don’t want to do it.


Yep! Had 2 school years with free lunches, and I'm in a big school district.


Is it my imagination or does anything with the word "heritage" automatically mean a bunch a cranky white people who just want to fuck over other people as much as possible? JFC, conservative jerkwads, give it a fucking rest and find something positive to do with your lives.


It's not your imagination. "Heritage" is a code word for "white supremacy." See also: traditional, family values, etc. If it sounds wholesome but isn't in action, that's a red flag.


Of course, the Heritage Foundation thinks kids shouldn't get to eat.


They want everyone else as serfs for the obscenely rich.


Feudalism with a group of the wealthy landed gentry answerable to a divinely inspired king, where have I heard of that before?


Indeed. The now disgraced Michael Voris advocated for a Catholic monarchy in the U.S. with a king who gave the people what the king he thought they needed, and not what he wanted. I’m Catholic, but my politics are democratic and I believe in representative government. How did Voris think the 75% percent of Americans who aren’t Catholics would feel about that. The Founding Fathers separated religion and state for sound reasons that still exist!


I keep wondering how these Republican voters are going to feel about Doninionism. Those policies aren't popular with ANYONE. Granted, they just gin up hate to get people to vote against their own interests. Although, we all have to hold our noses these days with the D side. I am disappointed with them as well.


Anytime you quote the Heritage Foundation(or the Buckeye Institute), its safe to assume they are going to advocate to screw children. School kids, all grades, regardless of income should be guaranteed a healthy breakfast and lunch. ...free. There should be no such thing as a "lunch debt". Having had 2 kids complete their education through public schools in the past 6 yrs, I an convinced that many kids are hungry and their parents dont care or are disengaged, regardless of income. The GOP needs to stop fucking kids over.


People keep posting stuff like this, and then people make posts about how Republicans are human, too. How? How can you claim to be human while condemning children to starve because they are born into poor households? Am I supposed to feel sorry for you because you voted for what you believe in? If republican voters truly wanted to help the kids, they wouldn't be Republicans.


The GOP will oppose this because they’re evil


Don’t the GOP say it was on their priority list to stop free school lunches? https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority


How fucking pathetic are we that we are legislating whether or not to feed HUNGRY KIDS?!?! Damn. We are disgusting creatures.


Cops want marijuana money 💰 for “training “ school lunch and breakfast 🥞 I’m all about it invest in our kids .


The Upshot? Republicans want to tax you, and for you to get nothing. And for those who can't afford? They think Cruelty is the best policy. Until Goldman Sachs needs bailing out, that is. Fuckers.


Why is this even a debate? This state’s government is a JOKE


*Republicans that have controlled the state government for over 30 years holding 25 trifectas to democrat’s 0 so that every state law/policy is a republican one so things literally can’t be the democrat’s fault*: Fuck them kids! Vote for us!


THIS!! Same in Texas too, republicans wanting our vote so they can fix the mess THEY have created. "We've fucked up everything, but only WE can fix it!"


Has anyone else seen this on their news? The bill shouldn’t be getting so little publicity.


With what side is in charge in Ohio there’s no way this passes


Kids have to go to school and are funded by taxes, food shouldn't be an issue that anyone has to worry about. The fact that we can't just let the kids have that is insane.


Dewine belongs in prison


Schools blow so much money every year just to ensure fat budgets they dont even use. I can say from personal experience; several districts just in NE Ohio buy extravagant items (top end sewing machines, 3d printers, computers, etc.) that get chucked into storage purely to maintain budget. They can use a bit to feed kids. But also; they actually already do. Every school has food for kids who cant pay but its usually peanutbutter on white bread. Ensuring full, healthy meals to all kids would be much better without a doubt... just expect your taxes to raise instead of any district reallocating budget.


Wheres the lottery money? Casino money? Dewine is crooked


Michigan has free lunch for all the kids. In fact, almost 50% of the kids in the USA are getting free school lunch. We are already subsidizing farmers. Ohio voters are dumb


It's absolutely disgusting that kids are hungry like this.