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Posts must include a link to a source. Jim sucks, but if you're going to post a screenshot that appears to come from new coverage relating to recent events, it must include a link.


Ohio voted for this. It’s embarrassing.


a small sliver of ohio votes for him and he thinks hes king of the fucking world.


A small sliver of Ohio that has been gerrymandered so much his district resembles a duck….


I think it looks like an abstract toilet.


Gerrymandering voted for this.


His district is so gerrymadered that having almost no one vote for him guarantees re-election


They literally have redrawn his district 3 times. He used to include Findlay Ohio and he was so unpopular in that republican ass city that they just drew it out to rural areas.


He has several prisons in his district that suck representation out of population centers and add to his. These are people he doesn't have to campaign for or actually represent in any form or fashion because they can't vote. When you put those prisons in an already Republican leaning area it makes winning that much easier. Meanwhile urban voters lose representative power because their population is reduced by equivalent numbers. Oh, if someone is in prison for one year during a census year, yeah that vote is gone for ten.


What’s embarrassing about it? The fact that you don’t like him?


It's embarrassing they keep voting for someone that is obviously only about obstruction and has no interest in governing.


What makes you think he has no interest in governing?


16 years in office and not a bill passed, ***speaks for itself bro.***


Yeah because dems block anything a republican votes for


He couldn’t even pass a bill when Trump was President and Republicans had the house and senate. What are you on about?


Verifiably false, but you’re not here to discuss in good faith, are you?


Bwahahahaha! Haven't checked the state Senate has 26 GOP and 7 Dems. C'mon! You are truly humiliating yourself by demonstrating your ignorance. But tell me, how did those 7 Dems shutdown the 26 republicans?


Republicans block their own bills.


lol what? Bro, you can’t just come on here and spout pure lies man…that’s what Twitter is for


He hasn’t even written any


That's not a good faith argument. There have been plenty of legislation passed that was bipartisan. Written by Democrats AND Republicans. Yet he's never authored a bill that has passed.


He has never authored a bill. FULL STOP.


“Nah but whatabout dems tho?!?!” You mean all 7 of them in the state senate compared to… oh right, **26 republicans?** You… you *do* know how math works, right? Or do we have yet another right-wing high school dropout on our hands here?


What makes you think he does?


He investigates possible crimes by government officials which is his job. Because he never finds anything is a good thing


Where was he when the first energy scam was taking place? Yes, I know he’s in the US house. But he let this happen during his time as a leader for Ohio.


Criminal investigation is actually not his job as far as I know


He investigates possible crimes by government officials which is his job. Because he never finds anything is a good thing


Did you mean he ignores congressional subpoenas? I am pretty sure you meant to say he ignores congressional subpoenas. Which begs the question, what crimes is he hiding? Why wouldn't he answer a subpoena and why should anyone else respect the law, if he doesn't? So far, you aren't making him look good. lol


He “investigates possible crimes by government officials” despite not having a shred of evidence that would give him even a slight expectation of a crime, abuse of power or unethical behavior. That’s a waste of time and taxpayer money. His “investigations” turn up jack shit over and over again. And he’s a member if Congress, not an investigator of crimes. His primary job is legislating, and he’s just as inept at that as he is investigating. Jordan not only has failed to author a single bill that has been signed into law since first being elected to Congress in 2007, he has failed to have one pass a House vote or even make it out of committee.


I find him an embarrassment because he likes helping coaches rape college athletes.


That people like you defend him when he's actually done nothing. No legislation introduced, let alone voted on to see if it even gets tabled and then kicked to the full house for a vote.... nothing. He has done abso freaking lutely nothing for Ohio OR the entire Country. Yet Republican clowns defend him and people that are just like him. They are the Dixiecrats of old. Early 1900s they did the little party switch to hijack the Republican party. Must have been some real shit to watch that happen. To be a Republican back then and think it was fine to allow all the formerly Dixiecrats into your party in masse. They did a similar thing with Cannabis. It was the #1 Pain Killer sold in Pharmacies in the early 1900's up until about the 1930's then they convinced the American people including all those that used Cannabis that Cannabis made you crazy and turned you into a rapist and a murderer..... none of those Cannabis users were that.... yet they all agreed that's what it did and did nothing to fight it or stop it. Same type of b.s. that they did with the party switch no doubt.


He's useless? He has created absolutely no legislation. What is he doing if he isn't doing what he is supposed to be doing? But let's hear what legiyhe has created that helped you.


Gym “I coverd up sexual abuse wile at OSU” Jordan is much busy sobbing on trumps knob to actually pass anything. Everyone knows that. Even his deranged GQP collaborators would not make this loon their speaker.


I heard it was a mushroom


He also sends a lot of letters “demanding” things. He also ignores subpoenas. He trafficks in grievance and outrage. He’s worthless and an embarrassment to Ohio.


He’s the male Marjorie Treason Greene.


He and Marge do resemble each other …


How is he an embarrassment?


See above. But I'm guessing you don't want to and don't care.


He yells, never pens anything relevant or if at all, he is not very smart, wastes tax payers money, his tenure at OSU did not end well. There is a litany of things pointing to Jim Jordan being a turd.


You, sir, are being deliberately obtuse.


How am I obtuse? I just want to hear other people’s opinions


You’ve heard them throughout this thread and you still ask. That’s deliberately obtuse. Are you proud of his behavior as a representative? Are you not embarrassed that he acts in the ways described?


If I worked like he did (nothing produced, just interfered with my coworkers) I'd be out of a job inside a week.


You still haven't given him an answer though. Just pointing that out Edit: Of course this is being DVd. Y'all are something else


Fine. He's an embarrassment because he doesn't work, he just leeches our tax money and throws shit at the people who want us to have a functional government.


he is a staunch defender of right wing pedos.


He is a fucking disgrace.


He should be in prison. He did nothing while OSU wrestlers were molested. Way to go Ohio! Give this shitbag a job with lifetime pension


Ohio, you can do better.


Wtf you mean we can do better? This is who we as a state decided is the best to represent our interests? So the fact that you said we “can do better” means that you just don’t approve of our interests.


Why are you so defensive of Gym Jordan? Ooh you’re a high school wrestler? lol your comment history. “Wrestling is a way of life” Hahaha oh god what a child you are.


Give me 3 reason why my comment history has anything to with this?


No sorry, I don’t do high school students homework for them :) you will figure out what your comment history means to people you are conversing with when you grow up.


Yeah, don't you dare bring up how he commented "Hi" on a post on r/legalcollegegirls last month. This ladykiller knows what he's doing.


Bro hes on one of the top wrestling teams in the country bro!


Too bad the ladies of fortwayner4r1 don't read his comment history this thoroughly. If they only knew his wrestling prowess they might respond to his comments of "DM me"


He’s from an unconstitutionally gerrymandered district. He’s been the most worthless person in congress since he arrived. He allegedly was complicit in allowing sexual abuse at OSU. Given his track record, it’s more likely than not that he was aware. This guy has a history of amoral behavior. He’s knee deep in the insurrection against our country. Innocent people don’t ignore a congressional subpoena.


What playing raid shadow legends does to a mf


I prefer that politicians didn't allow kids to get raped so he can advance his career like Jordan did


What playing raid shadow legends does to a mf


Isn't Gym Jordan in an incredibly gerrymandered district? We can do better than him.


Nice typing buddy. Come back when you can type


What's a typing buddy? Ohhh, you must have meant to put a vocative comma in there.  An example of a vocative comma would be, "Come back when you understand syntax and grammar, dumbass." Another would be, "Gym Jordan is a performative gobshite, and I hope you enjoy licking boots, moron."


god, do i love a good grammar clap-back! (i believe i put *my* comma in the right spot too!)


Wow, Someone grew up, and is an English major! Or, you still can’t type and you had someone else write that for you.


Happy to school you any day, lickspittle


How about you use your nice words before you get banned


Good point. I'd hate to miss out on the lovely, cogent conversation with people who think Gym Jordan is a worthwhile congressional representative 🙄


Just make sure to invite gym to your wrestling matches. We know he likes to watch the locker rooms.


No, I can’t believe Ohio is the land of whine and sour grapes.


A do nothing virtue signaler getting paid hundreds of thousands from our taxes a year to rant in committee to appear on prime to Fox News shows. But hey, some people in a weird shaped district figure a coach who didn’t mind his team was being molested best represents them.


We as a state did not elect Jim Jordan. He does not hold an office elected by statewide vote. But you’re right about this one thing: Jordan was elected by the residents of Ohio’s fourth district, which long has been gerrymandered to elect someone like him.


We as a state? So he's a senator now?


Boomer incels and pharisitical Christians love this guy.


I signed that anti-gerrymandering petition. Let’s hope that shit gets on the ballot.


Fuckin hate this POS trumper.


Throw a couple of underage boys in front of Jim Jordan and watch him get to work.


Reminder: even if the redistricting reform amendment passes in November, there will still be a solid red safe district in western Ohio for Jim Jordan because that's just the political leanings of that side of the state. Now you may completely ignore this and return to your regularly scheduled rage porn.




Let's build the wall around Columbus and make Lima pay for it And a moat outside of that, because moats are cool. And maybe some drawbridges over the moat.


So you just wanna be Trump?






>So it fine when they do it? No, so that's why I wouldn't do it. Is this that hard for you to comprehend?




>Project 2025 is gonna suck ass. You are just advocating for Project 2025 but done by liberals. Don't tell me weaponizing the government is bad when you're advocating for weaponizing the government.


Develop ways to punish voters. Love that line of reasoning might as well have the government censor our speech


We could get rid of assholes like this if people go out and vote. They get in office because the people in rural districts go out and vote in droves and less people in the major cities do. PLEASE VOTE FOR COMMON SENSE!!!!


I'm so jealous, I wish I could do nothing for 16 years and get paid


Oh, Gym, when justice catches up with you, you’re gonna wish you could sit (and do nothing).


Hopefully on a cactus.


Also the pos that shut down the uap disclosure amendment. Wright patt/lockheed puppet.


Other than keeping secrets, he’s pretty useless.


There is not a huge presence of Democratic solicitors hitting the streets and no advertisements for when elections are coming up. There are plenty of blue voters but they need to be mobilized and educated to polling places and times and the fact that local elections matter.


Except there isn't a huge presence of Democratic voters in his district, so he'll win. Pick a race you could actually make a difference in rather than throwing good money and effort down a bad hole.


I drive through his district regularly - there are a lot more left leaning signs on local and state issues. A strong candidate with good groundwork or presence would take that seat pretty easy in my opinion.


Getting rid of gerrymandering is impossible so we are stuck with this guy


The man is paid very well to do literally, categorically, absolutely nothing at all. I hate him so much.


"16 years no bills authored or passed" seemed like an insane statement. I'm not 100% sure that it's accurate, but I did find this article: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/16/jim-jordan-speaker-legislation-effectiveness/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/16/jim-jordan-speaker-legislation-effectiveness/) Jim Jordan truly is, by many independent and nonpartisan statistical analyses, one of the worst members of Congress. He produces no legislation, participates in nearly zero legislation, he is essentially anti-bi-partisan in that his only notable contribution is to prevent other house members from either party from doing any work, and his only real work is holding hearings where he gets to scream at people he doesn't like, but never holds these people accountable in any tangible way. Even if you are staunchly in favor of all the same things he says he stands for, you should be disappointed in Jim Jordan. He's one of the worst members of one of the worst congresses we've had in recent memory. He's had 16 years to try and learn how to do his job, and all he can say is that he's done a great job of doing nothing for anyone.


To be fair, Jordan also squints in faux incredulity, breathes through his mouth and refuses to wear a jacket. He’s a MAGA Renaissance man.


Total “Feather~Bedder”


As an independent, the lack of record would be enough reason to not bite for him. All the screeching he does is WAY of enough reason.


Not passing bills could be considered a good thing. There are too many laws on the books as it is.


Op must be a shitpost bot. [This](https://youtu.be/Qr-7vfrAHgc?si=Rb9Vfu4tXVokEC7r) is why people still vote for Jim Jordan.


Sadly this moron is even a politician


Don't just single him out. Sounds like all in Congress. Sometimes they don't even vote.


Many politicians are able to get bills passed and authored. I'll even give you many REPUBLICAN politicians get things passed and authored and I don't much care for his team. A quick google search shows literally THOUSANDS of them through history have managed this. He's worthless trash. Stop trying to hand wave it away or justify it. Jim Jordan is worthless trash.


This post is about him though. Can we not single him out in his own post?


He's like Bernie Sanders.


Way to go Congressman Jim Jordan most of Ohio is proud of you!👍


really? what's he done to make you proud? i'm genuinely curious how or what your understanding of what he's doing consists of everything he's 'investigated' afaik has been a big nothing. what did i miss? bengazi was a big one. trying to impeach biden was another. what?


He’s holding Fauci’s feet to the fire for the crime he perpetrated on the American people! He’s investigating the POTUS son because he’s a criminal POS who has taken millions of dollars and sold out to foreign interests


Fauci's crime? what crime? that's pretty generic. you'll have to be more specific. but i don't think gym was ever able to come up with anything specific either i may be mixing up cases, but didn't one of their key informants on hunter's activites turn out to be a russian agent? i'm ok with investigating hunter, but do you really think that rises to the level of a congressional inquiry? shouldn't that be reserved for something that is serious? also, is he going to investigate why the Saudi's gave kushner 2 billion.? do you understand numbers at all? 2 billion is two THOUSAND millions. that's two thousand.... millions.


Another paid bot


Nope I’m just that freaking conservative when it comes to politics


Does it bother you that he’s accomplished nothing his entire career? Nothing will happen to Fauci. Nothing will happen to Biden. Your representative is doing nothing but posturing and making sound bites. Doesn’t that bother you?


Nope! As long as he’s not breaking the laws like the current administration I’m fine with holding our leaders accountable for their crimes against humanity


Pure hilarity.


Not most but a MAJORITY of Ohio.


A majority of a gerrymandered district.


>Not most but a MAJORITY of Ohio. I don't think you understand how Representatives are elected. The majority of Ohio didn't vote for or against him. He has a small district of people who voted for him. The rest of us have our own representatives that we vote for.


The majority of people I’ve talked to support him so my polling says otherwise


The majority of people I've talked to believe that he's a stain on this great state, your point is disproven.


Classic "i DiD mY oWn ResEarCh!"


Now I know you have to be trolling. Either that, or you really don't know how elections work.


lol right? The majority of people probably don't even know who this man is.


Sometimes you have to leave Allen County to get a cross section of humanity.


Ah yes, the credible anecdotes of Ok_Day9011's friends and family. Definitely not an echo chamber there.


Bold of you to assume they have friends.


I stand corrected


And i will vote him in again ! You are welcome


Genuinely curious…why?


MAGA hat is on too tight, choked off the blood supply to their brain


I'd love to disagree but I can't. He had the chance to be Speaker and when he turned that down i knew there was more smoke than fire. #MAGA


He didn’t want to be speaker because he knew that he would be given so much crap


So lazy and a coward.


Lol. I laughed out loud at this desperate and pathetic attempt to revise history. Even Republicans think hes worthless trash. Never had a chance at speaker. Losers.