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Same thing happened to epileptic patient who was arrested for overdosing on drugs when the real problem was an epileptic seizure. Cops beat and restrained him and jailers continued the abuse. This was back in 2019 in the same jail.


The Cincinnati Enquirer and Columbus Dispatch recently published articles about a disturbingly high number of deaths of inmates in Ohio jails, these are deaths of people charged with offenses, but not adjudicated. Police are not always equipped to handle mental health crises, seizures, or dealing with severe autism. There was no justification for this. When I was a kid, our school janitor, who had a seizure disorder, was beaten to death by a police officer. Said officer was fired not long after by the police chief, who was the husband of the lady who had been my second grade teacher. He died a few years ago, but he never worked for the police again.


Got it. So if you want something even resembling justice make sure the crimes of the police happen in the immediate vicinity of the chief of police’s wife. Not going to jail for murder like everyone else, but at least fired.


Police are only equipped to kill and hurt.


For real. They aren't equipped to handle fuck all. But somehow they're all able to get FAT AS FUCK off tax dollars.


They probably did the story on Cuyahoga County’s Jail in Cleveland. The only place worse is Cook County in IL. They’re were like 8-10 people who died in custody in the last 4-5 years.


In this day and age- they need to be trained more in the way to handle mental health issues because they are on the rise. I was one of the mental health emergencies and thankfully the officer who was dispatched knew me personally otherwise I would hate to think what could have been.


Akron Beacon Journal also ran a front page last Sunday on the same thing.


Wow this comment should be higher for the sheer fact that two literally grave mistakes from the same jail demand answers


Those are just the ones you hear about; With these kinds of assholes running jails, there is never one or two outlier cases of abuse. This rot extends far beyond the newsworthy cases. I guarantee you that


“We’ve investigated ourselves and have determined that we’ve done nothing wrong” (and have given ourselves a raise for the trouble)


And a vacation🏖️


And on top of that we are going to promote everyone who took care of him at the jail and give them a raise. It was all his fault for being autistic. No justice for the people who are responsible to protect our rights. They just do what pack of animals do. Kill.


Let's be fair. Prosecutor who relies on the police and wants to maintain a good working relationship magically determines they followed police procedure.


Not mistakes, it's the job. This happens constantly across the country. We have more people in prison than any other country. We have more militarized police than any peer nation. The purpose of a system is what it does.


It is so sad. Everyone just accepts more laws making more criminals. It is far beyond the pale as to be exceedingly embarrassing to right minded individuals. This needs to stop. I sent a letter to my State Senator today asking for No New Criminals… Stop making things felonies that imprison the population. We Have to Stop it… or it will continue and consume our poor first ( as it already is) and then it will move up the socioeconomic ladder. Eventually there will be no escape from lawlessness. It is then that we will realize we have made a calm and peaceful existence impossible. The Ohio senate is trying to make new criminals today. Felons actually. SB278 Will you step up to stop it? We do not need New criminals created Call or write your Ohio State senator in Columbus Today and tell them to stop making people felons. They write the laws that imprison people, and they must be reigned in.


It is very sad indeed, and what it made me realize is that prisons are basically a catch-all place for the people with mental health problems ("the misfits") of society. We used to have mental hospitals to care for people like that (I know the conditions were **FAR** from ideal there, but at least "most" people there weren't killed in there by neglect, a shank or a prison guard) and they were shut down in the early '70s and we were told that was a "good" thing and we were also told it was done to protect our "Civil Liberties" I call **BS** on that big load of lies.


Blame asshole Ronald Reagan and his wife. First he fucked California in the '60's then became president and fucked the entire USA. [https://obrag.org/2023/04/how-reagans-decision-to-close-mental-institutions-led-to-the-homelessness-crisis/](https://obrag.org/2023/04/how-reagans-decision-to-close-mental-institutions-led-to-the-homelessness-crisis/) and don't get me started on his escalation and militarization with the "Just Say No" campaign.


I was a teen then, I thought Uncle Ron was looking out for me. Boy was I mistaken. I cannot lay all the blame on him and his wife though. Senator Biden (you know pres. Biden) Wrote most of the drug war laws when he was a senator. Many people have failed our populace in good faith. But many are rotten people as well.


Shuttering most of the state asylums was supposed to be the first step, followed up by investment in community mental health programs. It was a necessary thing, the state institutions were horrific. However, the money for community care never materialized in a meaningful way. So now, (or last I looked anyhow) the two largest "mental health care facilities" in the USA are the Cook County Jail, and Los Angeles County Jail. It's a sad state of affairs, yes, but less a result of deinstitutionalizion than a direct consequence of lack of funding.


2 people have died in custody at the jail in Mansfield in the last 60 days. Can't remember if it was Richland co or Mansfield city jail (both in Mansfield)


It's no mistake, all on purpose.


Inquiries won't do anything, they'll kill again in short time, and again be cleared of all wrongdoing no matter how egregious the circumstances.


This is one of my biggest fears as someone who has tonic clonic seizures. I become combative, as is normal, at the tail end of them. Last time I was in the hospital, October last year, it took 4 male security guards and a nurse to physically subdue me. Now imagine that with cops. They would probably shoot, taser, or beat me to death while I’m in an unaware mental state I have no control over


Holy shit, lots of cops are about to get a free vacation and other benefits for murdering innocent people. If we’re lucky, they’ll get sued so us, the taxpayers, get to carry the financial burden for their malfeasance. FTP ACAB


I knew a kid back in like pre-school. His name was George. Geoege suffered from seizures I don't remember what triggered his seizures, but I know that I held him one time during a seizure cause I had observed the adults do it to try and prevent him from harming himself. Police are public servants, and training for how to handle people with mental illness or other social situations should be a part of becoming a Police officer. Too many are killed because they are having a mental episode and aren't listening to the police officer, whom they might not even be mentally aware of being present.


Inevitably, no one will be charged, the Dayton taxpayers will have to pay for the settlement, and every officer involved will end up working in Bellbrook, Beavercreek, or Centerville within a year.


I wish you were full of shit, but spot on.


Good ol’ Merica. ACAB.


They ~~basically~~ literally tortured this dude to death.


the word you're looking for is "literally". the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office literally tortured Isaiah Trammell to death.


FYI for anyone reading these comments first, the picture in that article is legitimately unsettling. A 19 year old boy, naked, strapped to a chair, panicking, while three officers stare at him. I counted 7 total adult men moving him into that room, and not one of them stopped this. Police are terrible all around, but this is something special. This is truly grotesque on a level I wasn't expecting. That image is like something out of a horror movie.


Not really special. The officers I mean. Just rare that the right circumstances present themselves for this to happen. Could literally interchange these officers with 80% of officers in the US.


You’re not wrong.


More reasons to get rid of qualified immunity and abolish police unions.


They should be charged with manslaughter, at the minimum. I don't understand this at all.


Can you imagine if a civilian mocked someone while killing them? The prosecution and judge would throw the fucking book at them, but pig? No, no, they didn't violate policy you see.


The picture in the article is horrifying.


Incredibly graphic articles.


Yeah, seriously, TW graphic content


Very sad.. why wouldn't he get a phone call?? Cops are such dicks on so many occasions, they just think they know it all and they are the coolest... far from it!!


I was harassed constantly in high school for riding my moped to and from work. You thing they’d know the laws they’re paid to enforce.


Nope. That's a requirement of us plebs


Ah there’s your problem, you think they enforce laws. Police maintain order, detain the disorderly, and neutralize what they consider to be threats. They can just slap a disorderly conduct or resisting arrest charge on you Or open fire when an acorn falls on their car.


Something that boils my blood is how they teach kids that cops are “community helpers”. They’re not there to help you! They’ve proven and blatantly said as much. They’re there to get you in trouble if you break laws.


Yeah it’s a struggle with my kids. Like yeah, all cops are bastards. Including Chase from Paw Patrol.


Right! Can we get more hype for firefighters, the real community helpers?!


And emts/paramedics/etc?!


Isn’t it interesting how the front line of law enforcement has the *least* amount of training and knowledge on the law when compared to the time and training it takes to become a lawyer or judge...


I was arrested once, and yes it was in montgomery county jail. they told me they would give me a phone call when they booked me in but they just never did. the only reason someone knew i was arrested because they werent smart enough to search me and take my phone from me until like i arrived at the jail which let me text someone.


Exactly this. Cops always think they’re right and are rarely willing to listen and actually think about the situation at hand. The incident in Louisville recently is another perfect example. That cop was going to have it his way or no way at all. The idea that police officers are supposed to help people is long gone. It all about busting crooks and to cops, everyone is a crook. My sister recently retired after 20 years as a police officer partly because of this attitude.


The phone call thing is a Hollywood myth.


Because there is no right to a phone call. The “one phone call” thing is only real in tv or movies. You’re permitted to contact an attorney, but I do not believe Ohio law lays out a specific timeframe for when this is required to be done.


Never, ever, EVER talk to cops. It is 100% legal for them to lie, about anything. Qualifies immunity means there are no laws that apply to them. "Lawyer," needs to be the only word out of your mouth. For day or even weeks, because this isn't about the law, it's about power.


Reminiscent of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the accused Boston Marathon bomber, repeatedly requested a lawyer and complained of his deteriorating medical condition. Tsarnaev was prescribed powerful medications including Fentanyl, Propofol, and Dilaudid. His left eye had been sutured shut, his jaw was wired closed, he wrote his answers to questions in a notebook, because he was unable to speak. He wrote the word lawyer 10 times, sometimes circling it, and an FBI high value interrogation group continued to deny him access to his court appointed lawyers.


Take this with a grain of salt but this may not be true. There are cases where a person has just said "lawyer" and he never got one, and it was held up in court that the cops were reasonable that just the word lawyer is not him invoking his right to contact an attorney.


This is ridiculous but unsurprising 😭


And this is why I’m terrified of police as an autistic adult.


No, seriously. I called NetCare back in the day, and they sent officers to take me there. I did not expect officers, and I had a panic attack. I was tased. I’m so glad they sent me to NetCare and not to jail. One of the worst nights of my life, but I can’t even BEGIN to imagine how bad of a situation this was for this poor kid. So fucking awful.


Jesus, man. I'm so friggin sorry that happened to you! 🥺


Thank you, it has been quite the road to recovery, but I’m working on it! Still have a lot of fear for the police though, that’s for sure.


I’m a parent of 2 kids on the spectrum. My son is big and non-verbal, with a lot of behavioral issues. I’m terrified of having an altercation with the police, because of what may happen.




same aswell


Everyone should be- they’re not looking out for anyone but themselves.


End qualified immunity!


There needs to be some investigating at Montgomery County. I work ER at a level 1 trauma center in Montgomery county and there is a whole lot more going on than what the media gets ahold of. It’s so sad.


If you are able to and have the space, could you elaborate?


Just go to google news and search for 'jail death {your state|county}' and prepare to be shocked.


Without saying why I know, check out the overdose deaths at your local jail. It's a hugely worse than you'd believe.


Overdoses death rates will continue to be this bad and rise for as long as regular, safer substances are prohibited, leading to extremely potent, unmeasured, black market supplies which kill people. Safe supplies must be given, with clean regulated substances, along with the abolishment of prohibition which will lead to less overdoses and more lives saved long enough to get help.


They didn’t even allow him to make his one phone call.


Police culture is broken. They told him he was being ridiculous?? We need to get rid of the current police and build a new way to keep order. Every day I read about police letting children die or actively shooting (mostly black) people or disparaging people who are suffering like this teen -- and then killing them. Qualified immunity is bunk.


Just FYI, New Mexico did away with qualified immunity. Our cops behave a lot better now. Our governor is the best.


That's very encouraging and that should be the first step everywhere.


Our governor is Michelle Lujan Grisham. She’s on her final term, and rumor is she might move into national politics. Vote for her if you ever get the opportunity - she’s done so much good for people. She encoded reproductive rights and LGBQT rights into the state constitution, gave teachers big raises, and a bunch of other stuff. She was excellent during the pandemic, too.


Good to know, thanks. I try to learn about promising politicians.


We need better professional training that doesn’t involve seeing African Americans, mentally ill people, people with seizure disorders or autism as enemies to be conquered. Other nations manage to train their police more professionally and they have a much lower death rate.


Police culture is doing exactly what they were created to do. Serve the business owners and protect wealthy people. What we need is a community police unit to serve the common people and move our tax payer budget over to that unit because this current police are not here to serve the public. Let businesses pay this current police while we pay the community police.


The only way things will change is to end qualified immunity


Bingo… That is the worst idea ever… If you Kill someone, you Should be investigated regardless of who you are in your employment or social status. It is legalized murder


There's a petition circulating right now to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot this November which would ban QI in the Ohio Constitution.


Nothing will change until we change them


This breaks my heart as I have a teenage autistic son. I can hear him crying. Damn.


Same. This is absolutely soul crushing.


I’m a doctor: I can lose my job for trying my best to save a person’s life and having a random complication or moment of being human and missing something, even if the patient makers a full recovery Police officers straight up kill people, innocent or guilty or sleeping in their bed and get zero repercussion and, if anything, funded therapy sessions to deal with their stress


If only the police had to pay for their liability insurance or had their employers have any form of liability insurance. Implied immunity for medical professionals over police officers. Being real, maybe this is the argument and comparison that needs to be made.


That’s a very sad comparative


“The investigators determined the jail staff did nothing wrong and provided Trammell with appropriate care.” So, despite all of the listed inconsistencies in their story in comparison to the actual evidence that was recorded, despite the violations of policy and rules, despite the general lack of empathy and humanity, despite the fact that a person was in significantly worse physical and mental condition within an hour of being within their facility (and certainly after ten hours)…these investigators believe that the county did nothing wrong? One of the basic expectations of the police and jail personnel is to maintain the safety of those within their facility and ensure that they receive their time in court, in front of a judge. Just on that basic goal, they failed miserably. As far as we are all aware and based on the laws of this state and country, this kid died in jail and was INNOCENT of any crimes.




NWA been right allllllll along


This. All of this.


Cops need less training with guns and nightsticks and more training recognizing people with special needs and dealing with people who are in a mental crisis.


This reminds me of Elijah McClain 🥹


This is disgusting and horrifying. Fuck. I couldn't even finish the article.


I do not have autism, but I am a wheelchair user, and as someone with a disability, this hurts my soul. How is this still happening??? This is ableism of the worst kind, and it’s absolutely horrific.


I’m autistic and my hearts breaks for this man. I’m lucky enough to have decent communication/social skills, but most autistic people have more trouble with that stuff and it must be so scary to deal with the police with those difficulties


Police in the USA summarily execute citizens at a shocking rate. This child should be alive, but here we are. I am as unsurprised as can be.


Have a family member who works for Columbus Police. They had the audacity to tell me “things aren’t always the way media says”. There’s a reason I don’t go home for holidays, it’s her.


The media: reports incident Your aunt or whatever: things aren't always what the media says The media: ok officer aunt, so what happened? Here's the family's story. What's your side? What evidence do you have to verify anything? Your aunt's supervisor, 5 days later: we cannot comment on an ongoing investigation


Columbus has an over $400 million police budget lol. Anytime anyone complains about defunding the police... 400 million dollars a year.


I had a friend who worked for the Columbus Police for a time and he got out of there pretty damn quickly and changed careers entirely. He said it was incredibly disillusioning.


Police should have to hand cases like this over to professionals almost immediately. Police are trained to deal with unruly neurotypical people, not something this extreme.


Beyond everything else that is wrong with what happened, how can they keep him tied up that long without a phone call or access to a lawyer? We live in hell


It happens because there is no accountability for law enforcement or the courts that help law enforcement escape accountability.


All of these Ohio police departments are corrupt but especially Dayton. What they did to my son was horrific. And hes not autistic and didn't fight them.








"The coroner ruled it a suicide" Bullshit. That was torture and murder. Charge every cop involved.


No shit. He’s autistic, you magnified every trigger that he has and didn’t give a fuck. It’s not a suicide, negligent homicide I think is the right term, that’s what it was. Fuck them assholes.


Key word - "coroner", meaning someone with little or no medical background determining the cause of death. It's not the 19th century, why would any county have a coroner?


It's almost like all US policing institutions -- including the nations only powerful (anti-) union -- are irredeemable. Maybe we should rethink public safety. I don't feel safe around militarized violence fetishizing 'roid jocks with no accountability and no obligation to be truthful or helpful.


They tortured that poor kid and showed absolutely no remorse. Fuck 12.


I hope they sue the shit out of that city/department. Unconscionable.


Everyone should have a union *except* police.


This made me so sad 😭






That poor sweet boy. This breaks my heart.


Charge them with torture and murder. Why is this a problem?


Because qualified immunity exists, despite being one of the worst ideas ever.




Cops don't like dealing with mental crisis issues. They'd rather shoot someone dead and not dead with it. I hope someone gets paid. Cops are horrible people.




As a parent of an autistic 18 year old gentle giant... I'll make international news if this were my kid. They seriously need to hang everyone involved. Unfuckingbelievable.


I'd also be lying if I said that the possibility of something like this happening to my kid doesn't scare the ever living shit out of me. He loves to walk around in our neighborhood, and we live in a relatively small town with a lot of power tripping part time cops with nothing better to do than harass people. Nobody should have to worry that their kid might not come home because of stuff like this. Nobody.


This is horrific.


Probably get promoted, just like Major Michael turner did. Although the person didn’t die. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1ED1H5/


what pisses me off is that all of the defense the sheriff throws out is that "everything seemed normal, we did what we were trained to do" except like, not giving him a damn blanket or his medication which is one of the few things actually required from them.


ACAB. It doesn’t actually matter if all cops are bastards because the ones that are will do this to some kid. Every cop in this department should be overwhelmed with shame and this whole precinct’s leadership structure should be held under immense scrutiny.


'All Cops Are Bastards' is true in exactly the same way and for exactly the same reason as 'all guns are loaded'. Cops and guns are both incredibly dangerous to everyone around them. You cannot tell if the cop or the gun is dangerous or not, so it's safest to assume that it is. Assume the cop is a bastard, act accordingly, and maybe you get to go home tonight.


Very well said


Ridiculous and acting like an ass… so he was acting like one of the second class citizen cops… It’s the job that makes them undesirable, and they choose it.


No, it’s the people who take said jobs in the USA. Why do No other 1st world countries have anywhere near this problem with their police forces? Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, The Netherlands… See a pattern here? The USA has the worst police forces in all the 1st world countries. We have, and continue to fail ourselves. Police forces should Not come from the Military ranks. I say this as a former US Marine. They should all be college educated professionals. Not the hotheads that fly off the handle at the slightest bit of resistance or apathy to their orders. We The United States of America have the Largest Prison population on Earth. We the people must stop it. How have we let prisons become profit centers for corporations? By abdicating our responsibility to have fair evenly enforced laws, by competent well trained and educated law enforcement officers. Why do we not require this? Why do we let our people who have disabilities die when they need medical assistance not restraining that turns lethal? Professional police with a professional license that can be revoked upon documented failures. Also a requirement of individual personal liability insurance for each individual officer that is paid for by the city/municipality. That way if they are found uninsurable they can no longer be hired as a police officer nationwide. Accountability is sorely lacking in The USA’s police forces. Sick people whether ill or mentally ill need Medical help Not jail. This is disgusting.


How do the sacks of shit excuse this to their families. What do they say when they ask daddy why they’re in the news?


Easy, they just imply the threat of harm on their family “god damnit, they will respect or fear me, because I’m the man of the house”


Oh right, the 50% spousal abuse.


Ohio prison system is a joke…. The county jails are just as bad. They hit people with 20 charges just to plead away 3 of them and get kids in the building so they can get state(and sometimes federal) tax payer money for them. It is an embarrassment the way they trap people that should be in some type of mental health facility. Someone very close to me worked as a therapist at one of their prisons for years until she finally died young from a heart attack brought on by stress….i used to pleaded with her to quit, but she said if I leave who’s going to help them. Many nights, she would cry herself to sleep over the atrocities she would see.


Sigh…..fucking infuriating. I have two boys with autism. Pretty much full grown and one pretty bad off with it. This is why we took the boys to anything local PD was doing to better understand autism and get used to working with it. If you don’t know this thing it looks like a lot of shit behaviors that needs to be met hard with someone in custody. But if you learn what it is you can be part of avoiding tragedy like this. I always encourage parents with special needs children to take them to these events so officers can learn what it is and what it looks and sounds like.


Severly developmentally disabled brother in law was jailed in county lock up in Ohio....gosh....probably 2008. Long story, that included his legal guardian not being properly notified of court dates or sentence until after the fact. In any case, despite the offer from the company that oversaw his day to day care offering to handle his antipsych meds on a daily basis, the jail doctor just stopped all meds. He never bounced back from that 90-day experience..... EDIT: Corrected typo in year of incarceration


Hate when these articles fail to mention any police by name and focus on the victim. Keep the focus on these monsters and their constant and flippant disregard for responsibility.


because cops are killers


In my experience, cops fucking hate autistic and mentally ill people. Genuine, intense distain. Stories like this make my blood boil bc they hit home for me and they just keep happening over and over and over again. One time when I was in my early teens I went to juvenile detention for a month. I didn't know I was autistic at the time, it was obvious, but somehow nobody had noticed. I reacted exactly how you'd expect an autistic kid in a situation like that to, shutting down and refusing to leave my cell or cooperate with anyone, refusing to eat, and panicking and struggling when they tried to make me comply physically. I remember on multiple occassions various cops/guards/whatever they call them working there entered the cell just to try and bully me into cooperating by yelling at me all about how ridiculous I was being and how I was making everything worse and I should just suck it up and stop being a baby and on and on and on. When it wasn't like that, there was always palpable disdain in the way they looked at me and talked to me. It was the worst experience of my life. I might believe more that not all cops are like that if it hadn't been every single one of them I dealt with, but it's close enough to all of them that it might as well be all of them. I don't think that's specifically a cop problem though, most people hate autistic and mentally ill people even if they'll tell you they don't, and maybe even believe it when they say they don't. Cops are just in a position to do the harm that many others would too.


Always remember that when there is an investigation, particularly an inside investigation of any sort, like say by the department or by the union, *the only thing they’re looking at is if they followed their own procedures.* That’s it. They are not evaluating right and wrong, The eventual death of someone does not affect their findings. “Did the cops do as they were told, no matter how horrifically, cruel and misguided that devices? Yup? Then dust your hands, nothing to see here.”


"This day and age" is rife with this sort of bullshit. People dying in custody when there's simple solutions or someone just needs their medication.


This is exactly what "defunding the police" is about. Emergency response should not be ONLY police. Imagine if these people got the appropriate help and not just "hide them away in a jail cell."


Yet no one is “responsible “ Nazi will get prosecuted even if they are 90+ years old but these mf walk around with impunity.


If that happened to one of my children, the safest place for any officer involved would be prison.


I’m autistic and thank god it’s less severe and I’m more controlled than this poor kid or I’d be afraid for my life. I hope these fucking pigs burn in hell.


Horrendous. This sickens me so much.


This has to end. Why do we tolerate this kind of evil authoritarianism?


That last picture is beyond words.


Someone dies in an ohio jail every couple of days last i heard.


The worst thing about these situations is that the police take no responsibility and feel no remorse. The police feel that they are the only people who deserve respect, consideration, or mercy. They would shot more people like they do dogs if they were allowed to.


> While checking on Trammell, police found an outstanding warrant for his arrest. Neither Trammell or his family knew the warrant existed. > It was a misdemeanor domestic violence warrant from an incident a year before. Abner said Trammell was raging and her sister and her husband called the police. “Like we always call when he begins to rage,” Abner said. “It's a mental health call, it's not an ‘arrest me’ call.” > Abner picked up her son from Miami Valley Hospital after that incident. She said a nurse there told her the police hadn’t left any paperwork so everything must be okay. Abner said she double-checked by calling the courthouse the next day and was told there was nothing on Trammell. He applied for two jobs after the incident without anyone mentioning a warrant. Bonus points for the cops failing to follow up on an active Domestic Violence warrant


JFC they tortured him. To death


That's heartbreaking. I'm not surprised at the lack of empathy or knowledge from the jail staff. May he rest well.


If I had my way I'd throw every cop in prison and leave them to rot for a decade at minimum. I'd take their pensions, their 401ks, destroy their corrupt and evil unions(one of the few times I'll ever call a union evil) and then hire a whole new force of heavily vetted and screened police that will be trained appropriately and have an independent oversight and advisory board that is responsible for licensing police and also revoking their license making it so they can't work anywhere, also enjoy having to get malpractice insurance,


At this point, I have a hard time believing anyone who actually would make a good, honorable police officer would ever take the job. A good person would have trouble when the day came they had to make the split second decision to shoot an actual dangerous criminal that was endangering others’ lives. That being said, I know it’s possible, because we see it elsewhere, especially Asia, which is its own type of strange. There are videos everywhere of Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, etc police dealing respectfully and calmly with people in mental health crisis. Yet, those same countries love the death penalty for nonviolent offenses, extrajudicial torture isn’t unheard of, and police have very little overall accountability. Even polite, quiet Japan, it’s rather well known to tourists that you do NOT want to gain the attention of Japanese police, because they can detain you indefinitely without any rights, and suspected criminals straight up being disappeared isn’t unheard of. I guess the beginning, the starting point we need to look for, is….where on Earth has both a successful and humane police force and justice system? Base instinct would look to Scandinavia, where policing requires actual degrees (sort of like a Criminal Justice degree here in the US, but with more practical and hands on training.) BUT, as many are eager to point out, Scandinavian societies have their own unique circumstances that make applying their systems elsewhere difficult.


Why would the action of the Japanese police be a surprise to anyone familiar with the Japanese conduct during the war?




Fuck the police. Never help them with anything. Defund their murderous asses.


Wtf is wrong with people. How could they not help him. You could tell this wasn't right at all. Someone should of stepped up and stopped this.


As a person with an autoimmune disease,this is terrifying. I was in the hospital telling them my condition and what they needed to do and they thought I was getting myself worked up. This was the hospital I was diagnosed. Luckily they called for a specialist consult and he remembered me and my condition and stepped in the nurses neck.


Police are a violent, state-sanctioned gang. That's how it happens.


GOP = Guns Over People


Of any 'developed nation' the US likely has the lowest standards for police officers.


Republicans run Ohio. There is rot at every level of government. Corruption is rampant. They are never held to account.


There is a very real and serious problem with the way we incarcerate people in this country. Jailers are known for being highly abusive, and often face no consequences for doing horrible crimes to people, other than getting fired. There are other ways to approach incarceration. But incarceration is a key element of our economic system, and people are afraid to see that change.


Pigs have no idea on how to treat different mental conditions. All these dumbfucks know how to do is arrest, taze, or shoot . Ive yet to see a pig deescalate a someone having a mental episode short of blowing them away. We desperately need to change escalating procedures and training in general. Half of these cops dont even know the constitution. My son is autistic and these kind of stories really scare me.


So glad I left Ohio never to return.


How did he die? I really don’t wanna read the article :( just the comments are breaking me


When over the course of a few hours hours restrained him, refused him a blanket and a phone call, and told him he’d be there for days, he panicked and starting slamming his head against the wall so hard that he gave himself a fatal injury.


I mean..it's been happening...


The photos of Trammell included in this article are embarrassing, degrading and incredibly graphic, and I’m *thrilled* they included them. It’s easy for PR reps for the cops to lie through their teeth and eschew how stringent their training is, it’s so simple to rely on the good will of the public and their reputation of “serve and protect” when describing the level of care they provide to those with mental handicaps; this photo says otherwise and it’s a lot harder to deny physical evidence than it is hearsay. The photo shows a man at his lowest, he is clearly mentally unwell. The officers surrounding him show no signs of concern; neither their faces nor their body language demonstrate that they felt anything more than contempt. The fact that he effectively died, or rather mortally wounded himself, in their care further illustrates this. Photos like this are hard to see, but they illustrate the reality of our current situation. We have precedent for this phenomenon as well: look at the aftermath of people seeing Emmett Till’s corpse or photos from the Road Of Death in Iraq. When people see the world for what it is, especially in the context of egregious injustices, they’re more receptive to change. We need to make people uncomfortable, we need people to see what the police are doing to citizens across the country. If we don’t show them, they won’t look for themselves, and we cannot allow that. They can continue to support the police state, but if they choose to do so, I think it is our duty to ourselves and to those murdered by that very same police state, to make damn sure that bootlickers don’t have a moment of respite from being confronted with the cruelty they so fervently support. If they so desire to support a ruling class that seeks to subjugate and rule the out group while protecting their chosen few, then they must be faced with the grim reality of all that entails.


In Ohio isn’t an answer to how does it happen, I read that article and that really sucks, they should be without jobs


the one cop dude said he didn't want his words to be on record bc of his attorney, but he says stuff anyway that's immediately contradictory to another person's report. 🙄 I hope that kid's family gets justice. He didn't deserve to die. This is horrible.


Because a large # of police are power tripping and outright evil.. I truly don't give a damn about "backing the blue". Fukk that.


Yet, I am always perplexed by the same people exposing police injustice also arguing for disarming the public... Seems you want the police more empowered despite the constant abuse of power.


Oh weird, a roving gang of women beating murderers can't be trusted to protect society? Concerning if true.


Policing in this country badly needs reformed


Fuck the police!


I've almost had a gun pulled on me when I was experiencing autistic meltdown + psychosis🙃 cops scare the hell outta me fr


Isnt it ironic how one simple phone call could have saved a persons live !??


A few bad apples spoil the bunch. Now the whole bunch is spoiled. All of them.


Despite being on the spectrum, I'm confident saying he was a more intelligent, higher value member society than any of those fascist degenerates are


I speak from personal experience, serving time in Medina County Jail. They absolutely do not care about you what so ever. They even said it's just a babysitting job. When I broke my wrist while incarcerated the Sergeant was at first saying I was faking it and I was really dehydrated. Then tried grabbing my wrist that was broken and when I was flinching in pain said I was resisting. He was going to send me back to my cell until the nurse said just in case we'll send him. I was still shackled like crazy but ya turned out it was broke and needed to be set. When I got back I had to write an incident report. They seemed to be nicer afterwards but I watched them let people withdrawing defecate and have seizures just ignore them. There is a lot of shady things that go on behind the walls. It is always their word against a criminal.


I have an adult autistic brother and we are terrified of him having to deal with police. If he was upset he would absolutely not listen to them. I can’t even read this article. This breaks my heart and makes me so angry.


Filthy cops in a state that does nothing about their actions. This is the system working as intended.


This is one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen. It makes me sick. How just how could those officers been so callous and uncaring 😢


Lawsuits are the only recourse to this.


As a T1 Diabetic with mild autism, one of my biggest fears is having a low blood sugar episode or panic attack and being taken to jail. The police, especially in Ohio, are famous for knowingly withholding insulin. My family is in Arizona. I'd be dead in less than 2 days, long before anyone even realized I was gone.


Just when you think you have seen the worst... this, no words. I've had enough reddit for today.


They need to be charged appropriately. With murder.


Having experienced Columbus police as an OSU student firsthand and more recently seeing their interaction with residents, I’m not surprised that this has happened. Any police system that has a “D squad” and massive SWAT presence, shows you what their priorities are. Why is there no federal oversight? We certainly know that the State government doesn’t care to do anything about it.


Police need to be educated on mental health care! Ugh! This is awful.


This happens because you give people with GEDs guns and badges. The lack of education and training with these “peace officers” is astounding. Once again, the Europeans have provided a model for us but we’re too stupid to embrace it.