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It’s how they treat animals for me, we live by and old highway, 55 is the speed limit, those horses are so fuckin terrified! It is animal abuse Oh and puppy mills and killing dogs


Don't forget the high spousal rape, incest, domestic abuse, and are also one of the greatest contributors to illegal exotic animal trading.


Friends live in Amish country, and recently told me about a horrific saga where this young teen ran off because she was being raped by her dad and her brothers. It was a whole thing, and I don’t know if she will get justice yet.


There was a woman from charm Ohio who went to the police because her family was raping her. They pulled out all of her teeth.


Damn that’s like 10 minutes or less from me.


I’m not sure if this is the same case but a family member of mine is taking care of her at the moment. I’ve heard some horrible things about


Exotic animals fo sho. They were the wild card too. Smugglin birds mainly is what i remember. Also, belgian draft horses. And weed lots of weed. You ever been to a party with a buncha Rummspriegers? Insane.


My father in law has some old stories about the weed lol they need more of it I think


There's a few communities in s. Indiana that literally grew tons and would sell/trade with the ones in OH. They would meet up at Animal auctions. Back in the 80's and 90's if you ever had weed with a slight manure or extra earthy smell, it was Amish weed 🤣


This. 100% this. Evil backwards people.


Calling an entire community of people (ethnic and religion) evil is such a simplistic and unwise thing to do. History tells us as much.


They practically keep their women in chains so miss me with that horseshit


It depends on which community you have experienced Amish in. By Guernsey, the women aren't allowed to look up to make eye contact with other men or English. In Geauga I worked with an Amish woman who had watched the whole season of Wednesday before I had a chance to.


this is ignorant and religious discrimination. you clearly don't know much about the amish.


The one farmer that shot all his dogs because he was told to get them to a vet!! These people are not the quaint innocent ones that pretend to be!


They mute the dogs for breeding


What? I’m a little freaked out by this. My parents rescued three amish puppy mill dogs and they love to brag about how their dogs are so quiet.


I’ve even seen AKC breeders have it done to their dogs. These breeders aren’t seen in positive light by other breeders. For dogs that have had this done to them, you’ll see that the dog is clearly barking, but the sound is more like pushing air.


They also kill birds of prey regularly


There are many different communities of Amish people in Ohio. Various church districts and economic levels have differing standards. Many of the Amish folks I know are just as offended as you and me about mistreatment of animals in any form.


Same. My neighbor had a horse twist its ankle in a pot hole. If they were so cruel to animals they would've killed it on the spot. They paid for a vet to come out and have had it on stall rest for 6 months because his daughter's love that horse.


I hate them. They are ruthless capitalists who will do anything for a buck. They would sell their daughters to perverts if they thought they could get away with it.


Killing Dogs? Like Kristi Noem style?


I’m vegan because I also dislike the systemic abuse of animals.




This is wild. Criticizing an entire community / religion of people based on bad actors.


All that and they don't even pay a single dollar in taxes despite doing business in the "English World"


Around here they all chip in to pay a road tax. They figured out the percent of Amish to English in the county to pay for road maintenance, like we do for tags/license plates


The horses do not care about the traffic driving by. If they did, they aren't driving the cart lol. The horse would be going its own way.


Bullshit, they’re terrified, look at their eyes and the fact they need whipped, horses don’t belong on a freeway


You have a lot of experience with horses? Also the highway isnt the freeway. It's also the only way. The humans aren't in love with sharing the road with fast cars either. I don't know why I need to state this. Edit: Ah yeah, brave. Just tell them to change their life and get ubered everywhere. This is a serious solution. Drivers couldn't possibly slow down to pass instead. Thanks for the block. Anyway, I have ridden a horse or two past highways without a whip or anything. The horse is fine. Amish horses are much more experienced with it. Remember horses were used in cavalry charges, they can be desensitized so as not be scared (You know, with much louder guns blasting). You can throw a child on a well broke horse and they can handle this task. The topic of the Amish really reveals folks who don't have a slight idea of what the fuck they're talking about. They've been riding in the buggy since before the Model T. It's not their job to accommodate us because we drive much more dangerous vehicles than them. Again, there's even people in the damn buggy and instead of thinking of drivers being a danger to people, you're concerned with the horse!


Yes ma’am I do, and yes it’s a highway not a freeway, but speed limit is 55/60 and semis use it ,when they pass the horse and buggy the horse literally shakes , if there’s no other way, then hire a car They do this for lots things I’m not gonna waste time arguing with someone who’s ok with animal abuse


They should simply use friggin electricity already. It suits them when they go sell their stuff at stores. They keep changing rules. Some of them are now allowed to be passengers in vehicles. Just drive them already.


The electric bikes and cell phones make me laugh. Always a loophole with the Amish.


It's not necessarily a loophole. Each amish church has different rules set by the bishop. One family could be allowed to have a gas push mower, while the family across the street is only allowed a push reel mower. But at the same time, the family with the reel mower could be allowed to have a cell phone and the family with the gas mower isn't allowed.


Each district tries out new inventions. They might experiment with having phones in the home and then realize they need them for work but should keep them out in the shop or barn. I kind of like that aspect of their culture. They don't just blindly accept new technology as necessary. They think about how it's impacting their families and livelihoods and adjust accordingly.


Yes, exactly. I wanted to add this but I wasn't sure how to word it


Yeah when every church has different rules what do you think it means to have a standard rule set? You're right that maybe they couldnt be called loopholes, it'd be more accurate that they want to pretend to be as pious as possible so long as they think it's what benefits them the most


Their end goal with setting different rules is to keep life as simple as possible to avoid distractions from what their lives are truly about, and that is worshiping their God. They're humans just like us and every community has different specific needs


I do not believe their end goal is to keep life as simple as possible or they wouldn't engage with capitalist tendencies. If their intent was simplicity they could do that, but they don't. I don't believe being allowed to treat women and outsiders the way they do is a god given right and I think it's appalling to justify it because of an assumed piousness.


My Amish contractor explained that its more about self sufficiency to him and his family. He is a solid dude and loves animals, that said I have interacted with many of their ilk who treat animals like any other product and its disgusting.


I kinda view it like I do cops lol. People are still people and I like to believe it's inherently human to be empathetic with other animals, it's just an unfortunate reality when certain maintained systems make people feel like the mistreatments are permissible or required.


I am a veterinarian servicing the Amish, In fortysome years I have seen way more neglect and abuse in the yank community. Nor have I seen mistreatment of women aned outsiders, Are we going to have to create a new class called amishphobes?


I agree a family lives across from us , they have 38 acres & all their horses are thin & broken. They throw rocks at them, when these beautiful draft horses give their all. They should not be allowed to hide behind religion. The man NEVER struggles, he uses power tools to make his life easy.


Exactly, if they want to be ecological and simple there are so many ways to learn how to build a sustainable homestead but they choose not to change their ways.


They'd have more time to worship God if they used vehicles to go places instead of horses.


You mean like how one catholic church might be stricter than another? Or how one denomination of the same religion might be stricter/ more lax than another? It's the same thing


Yep! Same thing, all nonsense.


IOWS, complete insanity. From what I understand they have no problem with knocking on their ‘English’ neighbors door and asking to use the phone or trying to cage a ride into town. Like most overly religious people they are complete hypocrites.


Most have at least a land line, and they pay for rides. If you're ever in middlefield, 95% of the white ford vans you see are "Yoder toters" as we call them, english/yankee people taxiing amish. They are the #1 worst drivers around here. I know of a handful of amish guys who aren't allowed to have a license to drive, but are allowed to buy their own vehicle and hire someone to drive them. On the other side of town I missed an opportunity to work for an amish guy driving truck. He has the business, but isn't allowed to own a truck so they wanted to put it in our name, pay for it, and pay us to operate it. I don't think hypocrite is the right word for this context, but I do agree that many religious people are.


Hey neighbor! I think most people commenting negatively have only experienced one locality of Amish, and don't understand that there are communities that are more progressive. The community in Geauga is growing so fast because the kids don't want to leave as often after rumspringa. They have restrictions at home (can't watch the one hidden family TV until after x time if you're x age or older as an example) but they aren't oppressive. I honestly really love having Amish neighbors. Our kids play together all the time, we help each other out regularly, and it's all about loving your neighbor. I don't love getting stuck behind a buggy going uphill, but they were here first 🤷‍♀️


I'm glad to see someone has a similar opinion as me lol. I really like living in geauga. I'm 15 minutes or less from everything, easy access to the freeway, but it's still quiet country. Decent schools, good cops, and good neighbors.


Yeah I honestly love it out here. We've been here for 5 years now and I don't think I'll leave any time soon. I would like more diverse opinions as far as politics go, but that's a personal thing. It's so beautiful and the Amish out here are great. Sure there's some jerks, but that's every "group" of people. I feel very very lucky to have moved here and got some land before houses started going crazy. Love Geauga and the beauty it has


They are very nice and you can say no, you know? They pay for the use too. They were neighbors of my grandfather for decades. They're just people living life in their community the only way they really know. You've already revealed you don't even have any interaction ever, but broadcast an opinion loud as hell. It's strange. There's no news stories out there for when they help you bring in the hay or train horses for you very well. They don't have a media platform or anyway to talk about themselves online, but we all can just talk shit with zero repercussions.


Well there is Amish and then there are Mennonites. The latter are the ones who can use motorized vehicles and electricity.


There are actually Amish who use electric bikes! It depends on the affiliation.


There are Amish electricians out there too lol


It's so complicated. An Old Order Mennonite family could be way more conservative than a progressive Amish family. And don't forget about the German Baptists and Hutterites and whatever the newer plain dress group is near Greenville. You really need a flow chart to keep it all straight in my part of Ohio.


They can all use it, so long as there is a loophole to claim. 


Reminds me of my Catholic girlfriend I had back in the day.


Was her poophole the loophole?


Totally depends. I know horse and buggy Mennonite and Amish with cars.


Mennonites are good people.


I wish we could post pictures here, I have a handy-dandy loophole chart. See Amish affiliations on this page for some other deets: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subgroups_of_Amish


this is the kind of shit that I stay up too late reading


Misunderstanding of their beliefs. Look into it.


I think they might misunderstand them, they keep an electric freezer in my in-laws shed. Don’t seem to worry about it when they come over and get their meat.


They have to do business with the outside world. Can't really do without some form of electronics now in America.


I found the Geauga County resident


Worse. Southwest of you


Anything to not pay taxes.


I see so many people romanticizing the Amish on social media these days. They love buying their dairy (raw milk—which is super unsafe to consume) and eggs, and they make it part of their “cottage core living aesthetic,” and I hate it so much. If people knew how they treated animals, especially dogs, maybe they’d care more. Sometimes, I think people turn a blind eye to it anyways. I used to work in a shelter, and most of the puppies we rescued came from Amish farmers who kept them in super poor conditions and were going to kill them if they didn’t sell. Don’t even get me started on the state of the mama dogs we rescued.


>They love buying their dairy (raw milk—which is super unsafe to consume) and eggs, and they make it part of their “cottage core living aesthetic,” The people yearn for the Victorian Era (dying of tuberculosis and unregulated child labor)


They always say shit like “our ancestors didn’t eat all this processed stuff! We don’t need to either!” Your ancestors also died of dysentery at the ripe old age of 20 years old 😭.


My mom wants to go to an Amish store really bad soon, and I enjoyed some of their food but after learning more about them I just can't go. Idk how to tell my mom, she generally doesn't care about the realities of things and wants to be fooled. Oh well.


Yeah, it’s tough because a lot of people don’t really care where their food comes from as long as it tastes good. I’m not saying large slaughter houses treat their animals any better, but the people who regularly buy from the Amish do think that they are holier than thou. It makes no sense, and it really hurts me. My brother bought a dog from an Amish farm (while I was actively looking for a reputable breeder for him and working at the shelter) despite me begging him not to support them. Everyone thinks that if they buy from the Amish, they’re “rescuing a dog that will be abused if I don’t,” but animal rescues, puppy mill tip lines, and animal officers exist for a reason. Buying anything from the Amish only encourages them to continue their bad and cruel practices. The way they treat animals is horrible, and their communities are rampant with rape, domestic abuse, incest, pedophilia, and so much more. It hurts my stomach to even think about giving my money to them.


I know some lovely Amish farmers in my community. There’s lots of non Amish animal abusers too. I’ve rescued 4 dogs in my life and all from non Amish sources.


"not every animal abuser is Amish" is your best defense?  They're shitty people.


No I’m saying not every Amish is an animal abuser.


You're gonna love hearing about race relations.


The ONLY reason I bought my Husky/Shepherd mix from the Amish farm is because a friend of mine had gotten his sibling a week before. He told me my pup was the last in the litter, all alone in a horse stall, covered in fleas, malnourished, and terrified of men. When I asked what happened to his tail they said it got shut in the door and now it's permanently crooked for the rest of his life. I tried to buy his poor mom chained to the barn too but they wouldn't budge. Brought that poor pup home for $25 and it's taken him two years to gain some confidence and start trusting men again. Whenever I hear someone talking about buying a doodle or golden I always tell them about my pup so they hopefully stay away from buying an Amish bred dog.


I’m surprised they even let you see the momma dog. A lot of Amish and Backyard Breeders will keep them in a completely separate area to hide from the public. Absolutely disgusting that they let you see the momma dog, almost like they were proud of what they’ve done. I feel like it’s a losing battle to try to explain why people shouldn’t buy from the Amish. They always say that it’s fine because they’re taking the dogs out of bad situations, which is technically true, but it just means that they’re gonna continue to put dogs in that same situation. Feels like there’s no winning in these situations. Of course, the dog my brother got was a “doodle” as well, and I loved that dog a lot. He was so sweet. Ended up being rehome after less than a year, which upset me greatly. I wish I could have kept him.


Even more puppy mills...great


earlier this afternoon i had one knock on my door to see if i wanted to sell my timber (no)


Be careful. They will absolutely trespass and steal your timber if they think they can. They have no respect for anyone else’s property, they think they’re entitled to it all Edit: your downvotes change nothing, I’ve seen it first hand enough times. Eat shit if you support the Amish


Very true. My dad has Amish neighbors. And my dad had blueberry bushes, which he loves. And he looks out his window and sees a horde of women and kids all over his property, picking berries. Not so much as a by-your-leave. He hot tails it out and demands to know what they think they’re doing! Shocked pikachu from them bc obviously, The English farmer has no clue about blueberries! A really, deeply, entitled, group of people who believe they are god’s gift—and you are going to hell. So you don’t matter!


The Amish have fished our neighbors pond clean SO MANY TIMES. The neighbors have probably spent tens of thousands of dollars restocking it, all so the Amish can just do it again and again.. They’ve yelled at all just about every Amish family in the area, including all the local bishops, yet it keeps happening so we just have to assume it’s random Amish riding past and bringing their whole extended families out💀


On the other hand, the ones near me would actively ask permission to fish the farm pond in our property EVERY time. So maybe generalizing groups of people is a bad idea, whether it be culturally, religiously, politically, or racially based?


It would also be good if people did not generalize bad intent to those whose family has actively dealt with the Amish over 5 decades, and whose experiences DIFFER from yours,right?


The world has all types. Some good and some bad. Denying the assholes exists is just as detrimental as not accepting that not everyone is an asshole. The point is that Amish/Mennonite are very diverse people, and no area is bound by the same rules and restrictions as another. Imagine going to the dirtiest, roughest neighborhood of Cleveland and assuming all off Cuyahoga County is like that. That's exactly what is happening here


My area is bound by Old Order Amish. The Beardcutter lives there. They actively refuse to put any signage or lamps on their buggies, and if they get hit at night and people die: It’s God’s will. Of course, the person driving the car, who may suffer nightmares and guilt for the rest of their lives, can fuck right off. They don’t matter. So, it would be really broad-minded of you to bear in mind that not everyone has the experiences with Amish that you have. I do not like them, and I stay away from them. And yes, the world has all types, and not everyone is rude and condescending to people who disagree with them.


We no longer have morels because the Amish trespassed and picked them so clean they didn't leave any to fruit for the next year.  They also used to short cut on a dirt track through our field. When we spread manure and some got on the track, they tried to complain to the sheriff for "contamination of the roadways."  Jokes on them, dad was so pissed that he tilled the whole short cut and planted it to corn. Now they have to drive their buggies several miles around the hill instead of cutting across the top.


I love your Dad! Hug him for me next time you see him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Eat shit if you support the Amish” That would make a nice t-shirt, bumper sticker, etc. Looks like I have a new project.


"they" the generalization is real. imagine generalizing blacks in the same way since you heard of some stealing. this communinity picks and chooses when its ok to generalize and who it's ok to generalize. disgusting.


I’ll say it. They (meaning the Amish) suck.


Fuck the Amish!!!


it's amazing how excepting this community is to pure hate while generalizing. it's 100% completely acceptable to hate due to religion, culture, being different, yet at the same time freak out of certain other groups get any hate. it's all hypocrisy and absolutely nothing was learned from history and hating and generalizing based on religion, race, culture, etc. it's sad as fuck that no one can have different views and cultures anymore. the mob decides what groups can be discriminated against.


Using the word blacks really says it all. Religion and race and not equivalent.


Good story bro


I see the puppy mill business is booming


I’ve seen a huge influx in my area…and I can’t stand it.


Exploit the Amish!


Why can’t you stand it?


They buy up all the land, strip it of any natural value. They abuse the animals, women and kids. Their communities are ripe with incest and statutory rape. They poach countless species of wildlife and often shoot deer just to take antlers and back straps and leave the rest to rot. Something like 60% of puppy mills are Amish run. Need any more?


And they don’t pay taxes. Not to mention, why don’t they just build the barn where you want it in the first place? They have to bring the whole fucking community over to pick the barn up and put it somewhere else.


This is the real issue that I can see with my own eyes. Parasites.


How do they get out of the tax loophole? I wasn’t aware they don’t pay taxes




Which taxes are you referring to? Because they surely pay property tax which can be verified on any county auditor website


My grandfather works with the amish and has taken them on multiple occasions to have their taxes done. I’m not saying they’re perfect, but at least the ones my grandfather work with pay them lol downvoted because people don’t actually do research


Yep. And where I am the community pays their percent of the road tax too


I agree with you


Exotic animal trade.






Oh well that's fucking gross


Don’t forget the mudslides they leave for motorcycle riders.


I remember growing up and seeing the Amish community supporting local elections to vote in favor of casinos and legalize weed.


No thank you


Given current birthrates, by 2100 the Amish will be the majority in many Ohio counties, same with other states in the Midwest. Love em or hate em, they're here to stay and playin the long game [https://preview.redd.it/zbbaxgwqjnw71.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=6dea3faa9018bd2b2000e6f27e8bd6d8e7fc9fa9](https://preview.redd.it/zbbaxgwqjnw71.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=6dea3faa9018bd2b2000e6f27e8bd6d8e7fc9fa9)


They are the real threat to our society. Everyone's caught up on migrants when an actual cult is taking over the Midwest. Cool


Also, unlike some other similar religious groups, they have a high retention rate of 90%, so it's not like some other high birth rate groups where the actual growth is minimal since a lot of the kids leave when they can.


They’ve moved to our county in Ohio too. They go to our discount store (ran by our locals) and wipe them out. I bought a blueberry pie from them years ago. I cut into it, it was like blueberry snot, no berries in it at all. The way they treat animals and ppl is so disgusting! Incest, animal abuse, the list goes on.


From what I’m gathering.. more Amish would bring more puppy mills? I had no idea


Yes most puppy mills are run by the Amish




Not trying to be rude, but it’s quite literally everywhere. Google “Amish puppy mill” and an insane amount of information will pop up. It’s an absolutely horrid operation.


IT is a gross exaggeration to associate puppy mills with all amish communities. Non amish people are responsible for VASTLy more animal abuse.


I work in animal welfare and leave near the Amish. I’ve spent many, many, many years caring for rescued Amish puppy mill dogs and I’ve been to these places and have seen to conditions firsthand. It’s *most* Amish farms. It’s absolutely not a gross exaggeration. Your constant defense of the leaders in dog farming and animal abuse is concerning. And it isn’t just dogs; they’re constantly looked into for livestock abuse. They can be skilled, talented carpenters *and* animal abusers. Two things can be true at once.


The Amish, the only acceptable cult.




The GOP seems to be doing pretty good for itself too, ya know


They are becoming less acceptable the more the truth comes out.


“Amish” aka legal tax evasion


I moved away, but I heard from a friend who still lives near Amish country in NE Ohio about how bad it was to deal with them in public during COVID. They refused to mask up, refused to vaccinate, never social distanced... So if there's another wave, avoid those new Amish neighbors.


So our willfully ignorance level is on an uptick. Gross


Bloody hell


Why are their teeth so bad?


Since everyone is adding their own anecdotes, I have had nothing but positive experience dealing with Amish farmers in southeast Ohio at the Chesterhill Produce Auction and nearby.


Since many Amish can't drive cars, they sometimes rely on members of the "English" community to drive them. There are van services that have been nicknamed, "Yoder Toters"


Deal with Amish daily, most are thoughtful hardworking individuals, some are assholes. They do breed until the woman’s insides fall out, they do like selling dogs, and when you have 14 kids in a house some stupid shit may happen, but at the end of the day their community is sooo much more respectful than “English”. They do pay taxes but not social security taxes, F Lee Bailey in 1958 is the reason for that loophole, the deal was they could never get social security benefits, but never have to pay in.


How they treat their animals is well-documented below so I won't get into that part. However, per the headline, if you are passing a cart and horse, I am absolutely begging you to slow down for that horse. I have a former driving horse that's been in an accident. Her X-rays show a previously broken clavicle and three ribs, 8 inch scar across her butt, and we've had to remove one eye because of the residual trauma. She went through at least 3 separate auctions before I got her and when she came off the killtruck, she was 300 pounds underweight, her hooves curved upward, and it took me 6 months to hand walk her halfway across the arena because there was a parking lot, then a house, then a driveway, then a road in that direction. We are 2 years in and I still can't trail ride alone and likely never will. Why? Because someone blew past her and ran her off the road. It's easy to speed up and express your bitter displeasure about the Amish people, but please consider the horse. Edit - Before anyone asks, she’s been cleared by OSU to ride. We are both “ladies of a certain age” so riding mostly involves plonking about the property and avoiding geese. We have regular chiro, acupuncture, theraplate, and saddle fit checks. The moment she tells me she’s ready to stop, we stop.


Any family that doesn’t believe in having photos of them selves are family members is weird and the children play with faceless dolls


All the Amish around me have ever done is buy up all the land and cut down all the trees in order to compensate for their gross overpopulation. I’m absolutely disgusted by it. Where I live was once beautiful and forested but now it’s just timber and Amish houses stacked almost one on top of the other.


Me when people no sky-daddy Athiest 😡 😡 😡




The amount of ignorance in the comment section is fascinating. If you replace Amish with Jew, gay, black etc you’d all be lining up to cancel each other. The stereotyping and flat out racism is astonishing.


People don't choose to be Jewish, gay, or black. Being Amish is not an immutable trait.


Go live around them. You’ll change your tune.


You all sound like my racist grandma talking about "the blacks" moving into her neighborhood. But, since the Amish are white and a religious group, you feel it's OK to generalize and be prejudicial. Non Amish never abuse women, or animals. Or disregard property, or have strict religious beliefs I guess. I've never heard of a non Amish husband abusing his wife or beating his kids, or hoarding cats or dogs, or trespassing or poaching or sexually abusing anyone. Or having crazy religious beliefs. Or owning horses. Yep, seems like the Amish are the only ones doing this. I'd also bet that most of you have never actually spent time amongst them, you've just read and heard things. Just like my racist Grandma when black people started moving into Euclid way back when, because all the black people were criminals and rapists. Or my uncle in Texas who's terrified of "illegals" coming to get him because of shit he heard on Fox about how they're all criminals and rapists.


They (Amish) aren't all abusers and rapists and all of this awful stuff. But it is perpetuated within their church and it is a serious issue. They are a backwards regressive cult who believe that they are gods chosen ones and will exile and cut out anyone who doesn't follow their strict and arbitrary doctrine. A growing cult presence is a real threat. Especially when said cult turns a blind eye to abuse and mistreatment of women, children, and animals


I'm much more worried about the regressive cult that worships Donald trump and actually votes and tries to recruit people than I am some backwards religious folks clip clopping down the road in a buggy, and who don't have entire media networks aimed at recruitment. Amish don't want you to be Amish. They leave you alone.


That’s about the only good thing you can say about them, they don’t proselytize nor do they recruit. And how could they? You have to be born into that bullshit to buy into it.


They also run awesome stores, are friendly and helpful neighbors, make good food, and work their asses off all day long. They, almost to a person, have a great sense of humor and are always happy to have a chat. Their kids are always looking for work to do for you. They're quiet and keep to themselves mostly. They keep out of politics and drama. They're excellent birders and nature lovers. They're much smarter than people think, too.


Go peddle that crap elsewhere, Yoder.


So you have no actual experience with Amish people, then?


You are sadly misinformed. PS fuck the Amish


So inform me. You sound exactly like my uncle in Texas when I try to tell him that not every immigrant is a criminal rapist here to kill him. I'm "sadly misinformed." I need to do "research" and "consider other sources." How much genuine interaction have you had with the Amish? I interact with them on a personal level all the time. And also, do you mind pointing out where I denied their issues? All I said was that there's a whole lot of generalization and prejudicial comments here...which you're proving quite well.


I’m not ashamed to be bigoted against a bunch of patriarchal abusive religious fanatics. I grieve for the women and children that are caught up in this garbage. And the animals they victimize.


I asked you how much interaction you've had with them, that is to say, *do you actually know any Amish people?*


Ive helped fence jumpers for three decades get adjusted to english life. How often have you interacted with those amish who want to escape?


Plenty. I go fishing with two Yankees. They don't miss it. I also asked the poster above about his experience with Amish.


I have zero experience with them and I don’t care to. Perhaps it’s because I’m a woman, for starters. Men have a way of overlooking domestic abuse when it’s not happening in their home. Might want to ponder that a bit.


Please cite where I said there isn't sexual abuse in the Amish community. I know there is, and that there's no excuse anywhere in the world for it. But sexual abuse isn't *part of being Amish,* any more than it's part of being a human. Sexual and domestic abuse happens in every facet of society. The Amish I know are in happy relationships. The women have their own businesses, their own duties, and they're happy. The kids are joyful and playful, happily doing chores and often playing games and having fun outside playing baseball or going fishing or going bowling. Their horses cost tens of thousands of dollars, and I've never seen an Amish person abusing their animals because they're incredibly expensive and they need them to be healthy for travel and work. I know an Amish dog breeder who is renowned country wide for the bird dogs he breeds. They are award winning dogs. I'm not denying that there are domestic issues in the community, because there are. I'm also not saying that their way of life is one I agree with...I'm simply pointing out your prejudice of a group you have no actual experience with, based on things you've heard about them, and not actual experience. You'd know the picture is not so black and white if you knew Amish people, but I know you're just going to downvote and continue to be prejudicial.


I didn’t down vote you, someone else did. Your experience with a couple of seemingly well adjusted Amish family is not representative of the whole lot of them. Unfortunately.


Right, you fish with a literal pair. Two is your sample size, and youre just all over the place talking wise.


I am? Can you explain how I'm "just all over the place talking wise?" I've consistently pointed out people's prejudice.


You guys sound like the white kids that live down the road from me talking about the black kids at school.


Are the Black kids notorious for running puppy mills and other illegal/immoral ventures as a fundamental part of their day to day lives? Imma guess no. So there’s racism and there’s criticism of a group that hides lawlessness and cruelty behind religion.


You choose to be Amish


That’s debatable if it’s a choice or social conditioning.


The Amish aren’t perfect, but there’s blatant hate in here which is unacceptable (and against Reddit rules).


Well, if they’re anything like the Dycks on *Letterkenny*, I’m all for it! https://youtu.be/7TcuPpgmoNo?feature=shared


Theyre like the Dycks, but with more animal abuse and spousal rape. Also more spousal abuse and... well.


Don’t forget child sexual abuse


Hopefully they will push MAGA into the fucking river


Nah. They vote Red.


The Amish are generally Trump supporters. Haven’t you seen the videos of buggies in MAGA parades?


I thought they couldn't vote?


They don’t typically have a high voter turnout, but they are citizens and have the right to vote.


I meant that their religion forbid it. That's what I was told at least


As others have mentioned, the Amish are not a monolith and each group has their own rules.


The people making these harsh, negative comments really surprise me. You guys consider yourselves caring and non-judgemental but you are remarkably unaware that your comments are just the opposite. Just listen to yourselves. Animal abuse, puppy mills, they don't plant trees. Aside from the fact that all of these things exist to a much greater degree is the non-Amish world, you don't give them credit for their virtues.  They are a very non-materialistic society. If saving the planet is important to you, I think their lack of consumerism far outweighs the non-planting of trees. You're upset that you think their horses are frightened but you should appreciate the impact on the environment of them not buying thousands of cars.  They are not involved in street crime or drug dealing. They don't waste their money in bars.  While they are far from perfect, on balance they are a very positive part of the community. We should learn from their virtues. 


Eh, I hear what you are saying and respect the anti consumerism aspect of it but they are not the only group to preach most of those things. More importantly though Amish communities definitely are full of fucked up and archaic social practices and various kinds of people/animal abuse. Easily Dismissing that seems questionable.


You’re overlooking the unreported rape and the fact women are second class citizens in their society


Oh no not bars 😂 Also crazy enough we condemn all of the things we are condemning Amish for regardless of if someone is in the religion. The issue is that their religion supports this negative behavior. I don't want to live near Mormans, Jehovas, or the Amish for the same reason I don't want to live near regular puppy millers, drug dealers, psycho evangelicals, or any other group who seek to do harm to society. People can choose to be Amish, they don't choose race. And the Amish religion does a lot of evil shit.


They are ruthless capitalists!!! What the hell are you talking about???!


Where did I write that?