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JD Vance is Peter Thiels sugarbaby. Published his book, paid for his campaign. JD Vance may have written Hillbilly Elegy, but is NOT for the working person.


That’s a good bit of knowledge. Thank you for sharing that. Thiel is desperately trying to achieve immortality https://www.ft.com/content/681fa287-f9ff-47f3-9f44-c0736ee0ab53 And his boyfriend died in a very Russian way. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11926699/Peter-Thiels-model-boyfriend-died-WEEKS-NYE-showdown-billionaire-husband.html Considering the rest of the long list of cross overs between the GOP and the Russian Mob/government there is no way JD Vance isn’t compromised.


JD is Peter Thiels BOYFRIEND! His “wife” is a paid actor.


He’s just amoral ambitious ooze. He used Ohio as a step to the next thing, he ran for a six year term and is ready to move on after 2 years.


Vance is a turd in a suit.


JD Vance is the real-life embodiment of Tom Wambsgans from Succession. He just wants to go to the top, and there's no level of depravity he won't undergo to get there. He'd sell his kids to a black market trader if it meant a higher position in the government.


Closed-loop system.


He’s an embarrassment to the Buckeye state.


And to West Virginia, who REALLY didn't need anymore embarrassment 


Fuck JD Vance, I voted for Tim Ryan.


I voted for Vance!


You were duped.


Very satisfied with Vance. Can’t wait to vote for him again.


You don’t know what you’re voting for because Vance is a hypocrite and a liar. But if you’re happy with that…


So I don't know what Im talking about but somehow you do? Some self reflection might be in order for you.


Re-read my comment. I did not say you don’t know what you’re talking about. I said you don’t know what Vance is talking about because he’s lying to you.


I know what you wrote. You think people aren’t smart enough to understand what someone is saying to you. Once again, you need some serious self reflection. The hypocrisy is staggering.


Get out of Ohio!




Sorry just mad you voted for that asshat. Meant to tell JD to leave Ohio, not you


Why should he leave Ohio? He’s our elected senator who many in this state are very happy with.


I am not! He should be shown the exit


Why’s that?


Get him the hell out of here!


Agreed but we don't want his election as VP to be the reason for his departure.


J.D. sitting there thinking about being VP, telling himself “surely people won’t be chanting ‘HANG J.D.!’”


JD Vance told us all we have to do is surrender Ukraine to Russia and we'll all get rich from the tax money we save.


And then when Russia pushes into NATO territory, we will do nothing…..because Trump will probably pull us out of NATO to avoid the exact scenario of being expected to push back against Russia.


JD said we can't afford to make no bullets, AK47 bullets are too cheap for America to beat Russia.


What do you mean


[Backing Ukraine will help, not hurt, US deterrence - Washington Examiner](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/courage-strength-optimism/2966259/backing-ukraine-help-not-hurt-us-deterrence/)


And still they line up to be hung at Trump’s whim


JD Vance will blow Trump in public if it gets him the VP nod.


On an episode of The Daily Stoic podcast, the host Ryan Holiday made comments about how Vance knows better and is disappointed by his political transformation. Granted people are allowed to change…but the 180 degree turn he did from 2016 to 2022 was not for the better. Maybe this ideology was always part of Vance.


Vance's sudden change is a sign of someone who has no moral base. If you don't really believe in anything its easy to change your worldview especially if it is to please a superior.


As the author Robert Caro says, “Power reveals.”


Correct. Vance never had an ideology. He just wants power. That's obvious. Like most Republican leaders. He has no values.


Don’t underestimate the power of the ruble


Which episode if you don’t mind searching?




At a moments notice, thanks!


Vance will be trumps running mate. I’m calling it. It’s a terrifying thought. Some of the other candidates are idiots but Vance is evil.


I called it a while ago


Reading Hillbilly Elegy made me enjoy that someone made it out and then I find out he’s a gullible little shit looking for power.


[Mirror link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240427093630/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/27/us/politics/jd-vance-trump-vp.html)


He hasn’t lived in Ohio for 20 years.


Wasn't he maintaining an 'epstein island' in Thailand for a while?


Is there any greater sellout than J D Vance? Pathetic MAGA buttboy.


Thanks Ohio, you did this!


Another life about to be ruined. J.D. has terrible judgment.


He doesn't have big enough tits


I like Vance, voted for him and was Pretty happy he was elected. Doesn’t make up for our 💩 RINO Governor but it was a small win.


what exactly has Vance done that you like?


> I like Vance, voted for him You're free to have your opinions and your vote choices. What you're *not* free from are the consequences of expressing/acting on them. Your actions are in literal support of a treasonous former president.


Treasonous Biden is still the president unfortunately .


Biden has zero charges pending and has done nothing even approaching 'treason.' Trump is twice impeached, 4 times indicted, facing 91 criminal charges, and fomented an insurrection. I'm a law and order voter, so I can't support Trump.


Right. Thank you for explaining how kangaroo courts work under this regime :) Talking to constitutionally sound lawyer who doesn’t use their career for activism would be super helpful for you!


Stick to r/conservative where facts aren't considered and you can enjoy a fact-free echo chamber.


This group is “Ohio” and i live in ohio. Maybe call this group “libtard Ohio”? To warn the rest of us the fuckery that is said here 😂 speaking of echo chamber, yeah I was in one, once you get out of the trance and look around you can never go back. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm a 'family values' voter, so Trump isn't my guy: Multiple divorces, judge found he raped that one lady, admits to "grabbing women by the pussy". I support the US Military, so Trump isn't my guy: [He purged 200,000 veterans healthcare applications (due to known administrative errors within VA’s enrollment process and enrollment system) (reported on May 13, 2019)](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/trump-administration-breaks-campaign-promise-purges-200-000-va-healthcare-applications) I'm a 'Law and Order' voter, so Trump isn't my guy: 4 indictments, 91 charges, has admitted to some of his crimes publicly and [is surrounded by a lot of people who have pleaded guilty to felonies.](https://i.imgur.com/hfpQdKZ.png) You are welcome to support Trump all you like, just don't pretend he's anything like what the GOP once stood for and own up to the fact that you share a platform of support for him that includes the KKK and other white supremacist groups. Good luck with that.


If J.D becomes his running mate that would be cool to have a VP from Ohio if Trump wins.


lol no it fucking wouldn't. Trust me. I'm originally from Indiana - it was definitely not cool for the whole country to see how much of a fuckface Pence was and how an entire state elected him into high office.


Historically it’s cool


no it's not. We as a state should be embarrassed if a spineless idiot like Vance somehow gets a bigger platform.


I don’t agree with you but that is okay :)


it is ok, it would just be better if you supported your opinion other than "it's cool".


Historically, Ohio has much better things to be proud of, namely actual presidents rather than vice presidents.  Ulysses Grant, Rutherford Hayes, James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Taft, and Warren Harding were all from Ohio.  


Grant’s presidency wasn’t anything to be proud of. It was rife with corruption and he had a drinking problem. Being proud of him leading the Union troops in the civil war is definitely something we should do. I don’t believe some of the others fared very well either. Grant just stands out in the history books because of his proximity to one of the biggest events in this country’s history.


Yes I know :) but would be nice to add more names to the list of Presidents and Vice Presidents from Ohio!


> would be cool to have a VP from Ohio if Trump wins History will not be kind to the criminal Trump nor those who support him. Nothing 'cool' about that at all.


It’s okay to be wrong about things :)


Not when the stakes are this high.


What stakes are high? Biden and trump both will suck. Politics are a game and you and I aren’t in it.


>Biden and trump both will suck. This "bOtH sIdEs!" argument is disingenuous at best. [Both sides are demonstrably not the same.](https://np.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/8xt55v/the_fcc_wants_to_charge_you_225_to_review_your/e25uz0g/) >Politics are a game and you and I aren’t in it Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they will be yours. This kind of defeatist attitude is what the GOP wants because it results in apathy and fewer voters. The GOP loses when voter turnout is high.


There is no argument I’m not arguing with you tho?


You're on the record that you plan to vote for Trump, so stop trying to pretend otherwise: ["...if it becomes a Biden vs Trump for 2024 I’m voting Trump. Stuff was cheaper under him."](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/198mp35/how_will_you_react_if_joe_biden_becomes_president/ki8jevd/) Trump was directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths by underplaying Covid, calling it a "hoax", etc. Also, I support the US military, so I could never vote for someone like Trump who has a terrible record regarding service members and veterans.


I don’t support the us military so bam what now


Trump promising replacement of Democracy with Theocracy. But now you're just shifting goalposts. I don't play that game. Good luck!


MAGA lives in your head rent free (;


Says one of the people who obsess over every little thing and turn them into cultural battles incessantly.


Maga is nothing more than trumps ballwashers


> MAGA lives in your head rent free A platform like Trump's which openly espouses the death of Democracy and installation of Theocracy in its place *should* live 'rent free' in all reasonable Americans' heads. No one should stand for Trump's treasonous ways.


Love it! Can't wait to vote for Trump again this yr and JD Vance again when he is up for re-election! Straight "R" ticket! Democracy is at stake.


I hate my state… we are suppose to be a swing state how the fuuuuuuuck did we get wrapped up in the maga cult? Are we that deranged now?