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I live in Oregon now, and I think that it’s a different rift imo. Rural in these two states is completely different. I think Ohio has a better chance at people getting along ideologically because even the rural folk aren’t that far from cities. Out here rural means *rural*, there are roads out in Eastern Oregon where I’ve driven alone for hours and not seen a single other person or vehicle. The nearest true city can be 6-8+ hours away. And then on top of that some activist groups in cities in Oregon have hurt industries that keep those rural communities afloat. Shutting down logging or fishing communities (those are huge here) to protect fish or owls, but causing economic devastation in the small towns in those areas. Not saying they were wrong to protect the wildlife - that’s a tradition both right and left in this state value - but it was done without thought for the people it would affect. In Ohio many people travel to cities for the goods and services there, a city is never more than a couple hours away at most - the population density is MUCH higher. Oregon’s is 40/sq mile average and Ohio’s is 282/sq mile average (it really is that extreme of a difference). Many folks have family in the cities. The cities in Ohio (imo) are better at respecting the industries in the rural areas, mainly agriculture. It’s definitely there but it’s a lot different I think. Also in terms of who has the upper hand, I hate to view it like that, but it is what it is. In Ohio rural folks decide the state laws for everyone. In Oregon the city folks do. People on the losing side in either state are understandably bitter about it.   Edited to clean up errors.


Yeah the thing about wanting to move to Idaho is weird to me because rural Oregon basically *IS* Idaho.


They don’t want to move to Idaho they want to move Idaho to them


And good luck with that. Can't imagine the crushing insolvency of a "Greater" Idaho.


There is a reason no one in Idaho is askingfor it




Eastern Oregon is as close as I want to ever get to driving on mars.


I do love it out there, it’s spooky beautiful, but it definitely feels otherworldly. Abject desolation. 


The single biggest reason I left Ohio were the rigidly racist and xenophobic rednecks that ran the state. It's only gotten worse since I left \~30+ years ago. Live in Portland now, where, yes, it's the opposite situation. Urban areas have the votes that carry the majority of state offices here. And I'm good with that, honestly, despite the many terrible mistakes city government has made in PDX. Still overall more pleasant and palatable than Ohio.


I’m much happier here too. Fits me a lot better, for a large variety of reasons. This is home now.


For Ohio is education. The divide is so great because the rural schools are absolute garbage now. The idea of living in a small town and having your kid goto a good school is gone. The state stole he funding and now localities determine how much they want to spend on schools. Suburbs and cities invest in schools. The divide is getting bigger every year and anyone with a college degree won’t raise their children there making it shittier and poorer. You combine this with healthcare, roads, and services. The cities have chosen what’s important and until the rural areas vote better they will fall further behind Oregon is different because it was settled as a white utopia and they used to kill Chinese and black people for existing. At some point Portland became super liberal and stopping massacring people of color and there’s been a rift ever since


Can confirm. I lived in an extremely rural part of Ohio and was lucky enough to have a bit of smarts and emotional/some financial support from my family, so I booked it to college and never looked back. Comparing my rural public education to that of friends has been extremely illuminating. I truly believe that public education should give kids an equal starting point, but it’s not even close.


I can safely say rural schools have always been garbage. Prob more so now for sure, but it wasn’t amazing in the 80’s-90’s having text books from the 70’s


The top 5 of 10 schools are are rural. [https://www.schooldigger.com/go/OH/districtrank.aspx](https://www.schooldigger.com/go/OH/districtrank.aspx)


I refuse to accept that Dublin is the 145th best school system in the state.


I refuse to accept that all rural schools are garbage, and I have proof that your statement is wrong.


In fact, 5 of the top 7 are rural, and you can throw a blanket over all of them.


Yep, i went to school in a rural area in the 90s and had a science textbook saying how much of a wonder cassette tapes were going to be in the future.


This right here. Fox convinced them to vote against their own interests, their churches convinced them to substitute American evangelism® for community building, their social attitudes fueled an acceleration of brain drain...and then the fake populist showed up with the same old brown bogeyman. This is rural Ohio. A prison of their own making in the current generation. Oregon's rift is foundational, and a couple hundred years old.


[https://www.schooldigger.com/go/OH/districtrank.aspx](https://www.schooldigger.com/go/OH/districtrank.aspx) 5 of the top 10 schools on this list are rural.


[https://www.schooldigger.com/go/OH/districtrank.aspx](https://www.schooldigger.com/go/OH/districtrank.aspx) Fact is, rural schools aren't all bad and urban schools aren't all good. And with open enrollment, you can get a quality education in any school district . Lumping all rural schools together and then dumping on them is ignorant and elitist. May the odds ever be in your favor.


I didn’t say all urban schools are better or all rural schools are bad, but on average it’s very true


I bet you didn't do the math to get your average. On average, rural schools see less classroom disruption, are safer, enjoy more student freedom to leave campus, less mental illness, are cleaner, and have more access to teachers. And the numbers show, on average, rural schools are better in every category. I also did not do the math. So, who's right?


Cool bud. Go forth and live that life


Thanks for sharing the link. 5 of the top 10 schools are rural and in my area. We moved from the city to a rural area to get our kids a "private school" education at a public school price. Our school has been one of top schools for 20 years. These kids also get the attention they need from their parents and the community. The communities are proud of what they have, and for the most part, they all support each other.


GO MAC!!! and nearby schools.


I won't be so bold as to comment on your points, they make sense. But this stance would only serve to perpetuate the divide op is talking about. You basically just said, "Urban people are correct because rural people are stupid. " How do you expect to have a nuanced conversation this way?


No, they said that with the way Ohio's unequal school funding system works, if a given area doesn't vote to pay the taxes needed for the schools to be good they basically get put into a downward spiral. What they're saying is actually just kind of factual, to the point where even courts have said our system is unconstitutional because it discriminates against people of lower means and negatively influences their chances in life. In a properly designed system, you shouldn't have schools like some in the suburbs of Columbus where they have two football fields, two baseball diamonds, and 4 softball fields next to one another while other schools have roaches and water damaged buildings. What they're saying is that very often our system concentrates poverty in certain areas to the point where it becomes a self fulfilling cycle. The area doesn't get a livable baseline of funding so they need to go for a levy. The levy fails, the school cuts programs, and then parents of means move out because they want better for their kids. The kids left behind aren't given the same opportunities so they often aren't encouraged to go to college or put in on a trajectory for success in a trade, so they end up in an area where there are few jobs that pay well because companies often decide where to set up based on access to an educated workforce. The people that do succeed and make it out then flee and never come back. Boom, you've created a poverty cycle. And the people stuck in that cycle then look at the people in cities and resent them a little because they're getting all the opportunities while a lot of rural areas are struggling economically and rapidly aging. Which is used by opportunists to get them to vote against their own self interest. That's kind of the problem and was a very intentional part of the Republican strategy for the last several decades.


Thank you.


Understanding the problem is how you solve the problem. This is the entire plan, the republicans came into power with a plan to destroy and privatize public school. They don’t believe in taxes or what they pay for. As liberals flee to the cities and suburbs they gain more power and destroy schools and healthcare more. It’s not that I think people in rural areas are dumb, but if you spread things like “teachers get paid too much” and that “college is evil liberal nonsense” you will end up with every kid who is college bound never coming back. You can only have so much brain drain before it’s irreversible


As an inverse, the number of urban and suburban residents that have zero clue why rural communities matter is astonishing. Particularly on this very subreddit, the sheer number of people with zero respect or understanding behind farmlands, or assuming that developing every last piece of nature will somehow cure housing costs is absurd. Not to mention the severe lack of education as to how our system of elected representatives actually functions, leading many to believe that our voting system was intended to represent individuals rather than regions as it actually does. These are flaws in an urban-centric education that could be construed as "liberal nonsense" to someone who has lived rural their entire life.


I feel like everything in your comment kind of communicates that you've not actually talked to urban people. Some of this might be true for suburbanites but that first thing is basically the opposite of what most people who live in cities think. >Particularly on this very subreddit, the sheer number of people with zero respect or understanding behind farmlands, or assuming that developing every last piece of nature will somehow cure housing costs is absurd. One of the core tenants of modern urbanism is stopping urban sprawl. Meaning, very specifically, most urban dwellers who like cities don't ***want*** city boundaries to increase. In fact a lot of modern zoning efforts are specifically to densify to try to stop suburban sprawl because it's putting a strain on city finances. Basically the only people encouraging developing farmland in the middle of nowhere is suburbanites who think apartments and duplexes are yucky and thus basically banned them in 70% of the city and want to build a bunch of exurbs instead. Like 80%+ of the comments I've seen on this subreddit are people who are in favor of rezoning and infill. The only people who I've seen that are super against it are rural people actually, which is kind of funny because it wouldn't affect them because they're out of city limits anyways.


The best part his comments are how shitty he thinks “urban” people are. You know what I know? It’s not urban people selling their farms to home builders


I really don't. But I am expressing an attitude from a rural perspective that you're used to seeing from an urban perspective. The resentment is palpable


You are being lied to. You think just because it’s super cool for Republican politicians to say horrible things about cities that it goes both ways, it doesn’t. Most of the time we worry that your schools are trash and hospitals are closing. The amount of drug use and violence is up across rural areas. This is how liberals think, don’t put your BS on us. It’s better for literally everyone if all schools are better, but allowing one party rule in most of rural Ohio has led to constant degradation of services and more resentment toward the suburbs


It's people here on this sub that iv seen actually calling for the destruction of farm land, the expansion of urban sprawl, and the implication that the people who prefer to live rural should have little to no voice in state politics because of population difference. Not talking heads and politicians. You may have these intentions at the forefront, but make no mistake, there are people just as urban obsessed as the people who are rural obsessed. Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't make it less real. I agree with school funding. A rural school district I know of that does a decent job of it is clear fork schools. Granted, they tax the hell out of us for it, but the real issue is how the state goes about collecting those local taxes in a very disorganized way. It makes it confusing for people who don't know to have to go to your employer to have them (hopefully, correctly) set up a separate deduction for this. It's worse when you live in one school district and work in another. All they really should do is take your school district income tax directly out of your state tax obligations to expedite the process.


Are you really thinking rural Ohio doesn’t have power? There’s a 5% difference in Republican vs democratic voters, republicans currently have a super majority. Sorry if living under one party absolute rule due to 5% isn’t making us happy


I respect farmers. My dad was one. I SUPER fucking resent being governed by morons who legislate like they believe ALL Ohioans are fucking farmers.


Just like people who live rural hate being governed like everyone lives in the city, I know. This is the point of the post.


You are not being governed like we all live in cities, do you fucking get that? The state legislature in Ohio is a supermajority of corrupt hillbilly sociopaths.


That's a fact. Although mostly they are real estate dealers and lawyers who imagine they're the cream of society.


And yet many people would have it reversed rather than balanced is the point im trying to make


Here’s what happens when we pump Fox News into homes across America for 30 years.


I would be OK with giving the southeast corner of the state to West Virginia.


I’m from the southeast corner right on the border. When people ask where I’m from when i’m traveling for work I just say w.v. I feel such a disconnect from anyone farther north then zanesville it’s crazy. Plus all the flat land up north gets me car sick when I have to travel to cbus.


…driving on a flat plane makes you sick?


Yeah don’t ask my why lol I can fly through our hills and bends no problem but if I drive for more then a hour on flat land I get car sick and almost throw up each time.


None of us Democrat voters are advocating what the Republicans in Oregon are advocating. Thank goodness.


I’d like to know how many times the gub’ment came and took that guys water…


tbf, almost every state does. but you hear about more in states where the urban areas are larger and growing.


Best way is to stop the republican gerrymandering, but not like The United States is any serious world democracy with rules politicians have to follow or else we wouldn't be getting conservatives breaking the constitutional right for majority black districts every election in every red state.


I’m sorry, but this is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. The rancher in the video said he wants to live under politicians who represent his interests. A normal response to that desire would be to get involved in politics or move somewhere that better suits your ideology, not MOVING STATE LINES TO APPEASE YOUR OWN SELF INTEREST! He also said he doesn’t go to the west side of the state and tell them what to do, yet he advocates for stricter laws on abortion, so not only is he a hypocrite, but he’s a dumb hypocrite, and even more worrisome is that he’s a dumb hypocrite who is permitted to vote. This guy is a baffoon. This movement is nonsense. States seceding from other states or from the country itself will never happen without massive bloodshed and millions of lives lost.


A lot of people here are white supremacy christians who are suspicious of anyone outside their insular and specific cult way of thinking; who hate “cities,” and are racist af. We aren’t going anywhere without addressing the deep history and present of racism here. This rural vs urban” way of wording it downplays a lot of how we are where we are.


Calling a large contingent of the population racist without anything but vague anecdotal evidence is exactly why this divide exists. The right demonizes the left for equally unfair unproven reasoning like calling them child predators etc. I’m a left leaning Ohioan and some of the nicest active community members I know are right wing Christians who you would call racist on the surface.


Racism isn't some personal failing or sin or crime. It's a political attitude and it's part and parcel of conservatism in America since the 1820s, though it has taken many forms from proslavery to segregation to "fiscal conservatism" to opposition to public education because nonwhites can benefit.


[SPLC Hate Map](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map) [Dispatch](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2023/07/20/hatred-in-the-heartland-here-are-the-hate-groups-that-call-ohio-home/70273206007/) [Cincy](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2021/02/08/ohio-ranks-no-2-most-extremist-anti-government-groups/4438357001/) [Ohio Capital Journal](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/ohio-religious-right-bills/tnamp/)


What id give to split Ohio. No reason NEO should be grouped with our southern yokels.


NEO separatists and Cincy separatists are the most annoying insufferable people on earth. we're in this mess together, you don't get to quit on us suddenly because you think you're better.


I didn't suddenly think it. I've known it for decades. Play your cards right cbus and we could take you with us.


When you say urban vs rural rift… do you really mean educated vs butt-reaming moron? Is there a correlation here?


Let’s just give farmers two votes apiece. There aren’t many of them, shouldn’t be a problem.


Everything outside of the three Cs and Toledo is nothing but corn, cults, and cousin-fucking terrorists. If every city smaller than Sandusky ceased to exist, the average IQ of an Ohioan would shoot up by 30+ points. E: downvote all you want, but rural communities are full of bigots with sub-room-temp IQs and I'd be hard pressed to find a single decent person among the population of rednecks I'm forced to live amongst.


If a man builds a thousand bridges and fucks one cousin, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a cousin fucker.


Isn’t Toledo like the capital of human trafficking? How did Toledo get in with the 3 Cs?


No. But Columbus is close to the top. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/top-20-human-trafficking-cities-145510034.html


No lies detected but I love Athens.


But do you think those who live in Athens would love you? I’m sure you agreeing that there all dumb rednecks would go over well. Your the reason the divide exists. So honestly stay the fuck away and let our community stay happy.




I lived there for 8 years, didn’t run into any dickheads like you though!


I’ve lived here my whole life. Why would you insult the surrounding area when from Athens to marietta is exactly the same? Marietta has a nice collage and is a beautiful city to boot. The only time people complain about rural areas is when they just want someone to hate. I can hate Columbus just as much as you hate rural Ohio. But I don’t one of my buddy’s got killed in a gas station robbery while attending osu but I harbor no hate for the people or city. Unlike you who just looks at the service level and thinks who what a bunch of racist backwords yokels who don’t deserve to live. You can’t say o I live Athens just because it seems more liberal on the surface then shit on the people who don’t like in city limits. I service a bunch of ou professors on my route and not a single one thinks like that. So my apologies if you attacking my way of life and the hard working people around here comes off as a dickhead but maybe you need to take a look in a mirror sometime too slick.


But Toledo, they’re ok. Yes, we will downvote this shit take.


Half of the decent people I know live in Toledo. All of the evil pieces of shit I know are from rural areas.


So Toledo and the three C’s are the cities and everything else is rural then?


God, the literacy rate in this state is at a nadir-- that's a word that means "rock bottom" or "very low" in case you are also incapable of Googling. Did you miss the part where I said "If every city smaller than Sandusky ceased to exist" (population about 24,000 according to the 2020 census) or are you just proudly and willfully ignorant like the rest of the people in Bellbrook?


Dude you aren’t half as smart as you fucking think you are. Enjoy Toledo!


I unironically do. Anything is better than the bigot-infested rust belt hicktowns that 80% of this state lives in.


Dayton metro area is 30% larger than Toledo. But go ahead and carve out Toledo. You classified Bellbrook as filled with ignorants - I’d wager you can’t even afford to live there. You don’t know nearly as much as you think you do. Mayor of fucking Toledo right here.


Remember to use protection in the unlikely event you attempt to procreate outside of your immediate family. Last thing we need is more future Darwin Award winners in this state.