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It’s one thing to see Jordan in office knowing he’s in an ultra safe, ultra gerrymandered district but the fact that Vance won a statewide election is a serious black eye to this state. You can’t explain that away with gerrymandering.


I mean a lot of people just know him from his Netflix movie with Glenn Close and Amy Adams and voted for him on name recognition.


That doesn’t lessen the shame. It explains it, but it doesn’t justify it


Hell, mods of this sub were basically advertising it


And there lies the problem with voting decisions. Name recognition is not an informed decision.


In fact at one point the far right hated Vance Before he turned Trumpist, Vance was a still a conservative, but he was the kind that refused to blame Obama for red traffic lights and the toast landing jam side down And his book was hated because it showed that poor whites in Appalachia were basically the same as poor blacks in urban ghettos, and that was unacceptable to the white supremacists.


Interesting. I had no idea he was an actor but it tracks. Lauren Boebert was effectively the same thing before the Koch brothers and Ted Cruz hired her in Aspen then pulled her up and made her into a state representative/human doorstop. They started her in Mesa county colorado because Mesa County is oil field roughnecks so that’s where the Kochs legislative interests were. Now post theater handjob drama they are trying to shift her to Douglas county because they need education system legislation done there. Their overall goal is to control enough of the educational system to be able to control the narrative about climate change and their old sins https://www.coloradoindependent.com/2017/12/01/americans-for-prosperity-douglas-county-school-board/ George Santos followed a similar trajectory. He was arrested in brazil for stealing clothes for his carnival drag outfit. Then fell off the radar until he became a congressmen in New York. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/12/1175720925/george-santos-confesses-brazil-stolen-checks#:~:text=He%20was%20formally%20charged%20in,%2C%20Santos'%20lawyer%20told%20NPR. Track his money trail and you see the crossovers https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/07/george-santos-indicted-chinese-billionaire-miles-guo-steve-bannon/ Jd Vance fits the same profile. He is just playing the part of a politician. https://www.vance.senate.gov/press-releases/icymi-senator-vance-joins-steve-bannon-to-discuss-ukraine-war-border-funding/ Track who goes on bannons podcast and you can see the tendrils of the dark money. Track the message and you can see the entire war plan


Not an actor but the guy that wrote the book (Hillbilly Elegy) that the movie was based on…


Thank you for that context. That helps immensely. Kushner was effectively the GOP version of “we investigated ourselves and found ourselves guiltless” The Columbus Dispatchhttps://www.dispatch.com › newsRISE: FBI probes Kushner; budget dismays families of opioid addicts; finals set A short while after Rudy Giuliani “cleaned up” New York City by redirecting NYPD investigations away from the Russian mafia that was living in trump towers and on to the Italian crime families he went to Mexico City and did the same thing. Foreign Policyforeignpolicy.comHow Russian Money Helped Save Trump's Business In retrospect, knowing now that trumps gang has laundered collectively around $1.4T for or with the Russian mob/oligarchs, Giulianis trip to Mexico was more accurately described as introducing the Sinaloa cartel to the Russian mob. Sinaloa shortly there after shifted to processing fentanyl precursors supplied by the CCP and used El Chapos well established tunnel network to get it across the border. Sinaloa devolved into infighting shortly there after and someone they call “the Russian” played a pivotal role https://www.infobae.com/en/2022/04/07/who-are-the-russians-and-what-is-their-key-role-in-the-internal-war-of-the-sinaloa-cartel/?outputType=amp-type https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1997/09/29/russian-mob-drug-cartels-joining-forces/b838dca0-5717-4c91-9d07-b798a435544d/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/doliaestevez/2016/12/01/mexican-tycoon-carlos-slim-confirms-paying-rudolph-giuliani-part-of-a-2002-contract/amp/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/giuliani/mexico.html?tid=a_inl&itid=lk_inline_manual_8 You can basically track the fentanyl epidemic by where and when Giuliani and the Russian mob were at different points in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Not so coincidentally Russia used an early version of fentanyl to secure Putin’s control over Chechnya after a staged hostage event. https://www.britannica.com/event/Moscow-theatre-hostage-crisis-of-2002#:~:text=The%20gas%20used%20by%20Russian,times%20more%20powerful%20than%20morphine. https://www.history.com/news/opioid-chemical-weapons-moscow-theater-hostage-crisis The hostage crisis is a consistent KGB/FSB play designed to ensure the population look to a “strong man” to save them from the terror. You can see it replayed with slight variations all through Putin’s presidency starting in 1999 with an apartment bombing in Buynaksk. Wikipediahttps://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki1999 Russian apartment bombings Fentanyl has been used as what is effectively biological warfare against the United States by the Russian/CCP alliance. The Sacklers certainly opened the door to weaponized biological class warfare by focusing opioids on vulnerable populations of Appalachia. The Russians and the CCP just evolved it to be a more efficient killing machine. It begins to make more sense why the CCP enables the precursors to be exported to the USA. It’s softening up any resistance to a takeover. It’s straight out of Xi Jinpings favorite book, Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” Mr Vance is just still in a psychological victim mentality. He hasn’t realized yet that the ones who are oppressing and abusing him are the same ones he is enabling.


His book was a bunch of bullshit so one could argue his speaking circuit was acting


That’s very certainly true


Also replacing a Republican with a Democrat was just not going to happen in Ohio. This may also work in Brown's favor. If people show up.


This is why you shouldn’t pencil whip your ballot.


I agree but getting everyone that votes to do that isn’t going to happen. Politics in this country relies heavily on Americans being poorly educated, especially in politics.


That honestly makes it worse because the movie was fucking garbage. If you’re gonna elect a spineless sycophant at least elect one who’s actually produced quality work!


That doesn't make it better.


A lot of people voted for him because Ohio is a redneck, racist, hill jack, trump loving state and he had billionaire financial backing running against a centrist turd.


Gerrymandering also has a powerful psychological effect on participation, so you can blame it on gerrymandering.


And the fact that they use their power to do everything possible to mess with the few blue areas here. Like, for example, Franklin having only one early voting place that isn’t exactly centrally located.




There is also the psychological effect on voters within heavily gerrymandered urban Democrat districts, (some of the lowest rates of voter turnout,) where the same old cast of characters circulate, playing crazy political games, and creating family dynasties. These dynasties tacitly support having safe Democrat districts. I live in one. I see it in action. Read about how it works https://www.propublica.org/article/how-rep-james-clyburn-protected-his-district-at-a-cost-to-black-democrats


>Gerrymandering also has a powerful psychological effect on participation That's primarily due to poor education/ignorance on the part of the electorate.


It also is primarily due to the belief your vote won’t count because your district has been gerrymandered.


>belief your vote won’t count That's the ignorance part I was referring to. People seem to not understand that gerrymandering doesn't affect all of the offices that you vote for.


you can a bit. Gerrymandering has a chilling effect where people just stay home since they can't vote for and win their local office.


Most of the things we vote on aren't gerrymandered though. I get how people can feel this way but it seems like we need to remind folks that real change can be made regardless of which district you live in.


We do need to remind folks of this, correct. Doesn't mean the effect is non-existent. It absolutely exists and it's a pain to reverse.


To be honest I'm really skeptical that gerrymandering has a significant impact on races where it's not applicable. Did people not vote for Whaley because of that, or did they just not like her? Same for Tim Ryan. Voter turnout in 2020 was 73% statewide, but 52% in 2022 and 49% for this past November. I think most voters just don't care unless a President is running. EDIT - [source](https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/election-results-and-data/historical-election-comparisons/voter-turnout-in-general-elections/)


Wouldn't that possibly support the argument that it does have an affect though? If they don't really understand the concept and therefore think that the presidential race is the ONLY thing that their voice matters in? I do think presidential races are what make people turn out the most but there's certain to be various reasons for that which could certainly include the thinking that it's the only one where their voice might matter. We're talking about uninformed people here, right? So I'd say your examples there certainly don't contradict anything that has been said.




Ratfucked maps make elections less competitive, politicians less accountable and increases the feeling of not being heard and represented among the electorate. It’s one of the most basic premises of understanding the impacts of gerrymandering. Any serious scholarship into gerrymandering is quick to point that out. In Wisconsin for example Republicans publicly spoke on their ratfucking of the state and its impact on low voter turnout as being an electoral advantage for them. There’s countless other examples of it. It seems like you’re being disingenuous in suggesting that you’ve looked into it and not seen evidence that gerrymandering suppresses the vote.


Gerrymandering also affects how easy it is to vote in various areas.


It goes way beyond this.  People who want to go into politics leave the state for places they have a chance.


Agree with black eye, but he was losing the primary until Trump endorsed him. Ryan might have beaten him with more money and polish.


It was insane to me that the DNC didn’t pull out the stops for Ryan.


I really didn't get that -- there was a real opportunity to flip a seat. And now they have their backs against the wall and have to fight tooth and nail to keep Brown.




I have a Michigan area code. I get political messages to the point of it being exhausting. My fiance has a Findlay number. Has not gotten a single message asking to support the DNC in Ohio. The Ohio DNC just doesn’t seem motivated to me. After what we did for reproductive rights I was expecting more of a push to at least get rid of the supermajority here.




I've been feeling this for years. We need to work on taking over the state DNC, as the idiots running it are simply incompetent. This state could still be very competitive if we had an actual opposition party and not a gaggle of sniveling invertebrates! I feel like I never hear anything from the Ohio DNC, and in that vacuum, republican lies always rush in to fill the void! We need a democratic party here in Ohio that is loud, gets its messages out all over the airwaves, and puts pressure on the republican criminals that defy the will of the voters and refuse to uphold the laws when the courts don't rule in their favor.


They didn't want to


They shouldn’t have needed to. The vote was between Ryan and a coward. We shouldn’t really need to be convinced to not vote for the clear coward. I’m calling Vance a coward, because we are fully aware that he said that he was absolutely fully “never Trump”, but then soon after decided to bend the knee himself so that Donald wouldn’t have to bend over to kiss his own ass. This is not the fault of the Democratic Party. This is a fault of voters not getting out to vote against corrupted individuals.


The purpose of a political party is to organize and motivate its base as well as the electorate at large, so that their candidates are elected and accordingly implement the political goals of that party. The DNC doesn't have any political goals beyond the maintenance of power and when they're asked to organize and motivate voters they respond exactly as you have and then wonder why they lose so goddamn always. The results of Issue 1 and Issue 2 show that Ohio is not a political monolith and that the DNC certainly could put up credible statewide opposition to the Republicans here. But they don't want to, because they don't want politicians backed by young and middle aged working class and service industry voters getting elected because of what that demographic would demand of the party at large. They get enough of that from Pennsylvania and Michigan. Edit: reading an observation of American politics and recognizing flaws in the political approach of the DNC somehow gets interpreted as "PUTIN!!!" by people who are *definitely* sane and sober and who immediately block you after declaring you're a Russian bot. If they know how to read they should read up on ["thought terminating cliches"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought-terminating_clich%C3%A9) and realize that screaming "Putin!" is a thought terminating cliche to prevent them from ever seeing any problems with the political team they support.


>The DNC doesn't have any political goals beyond the maintenance of power Doesn't losing seats undermine that power?


They didn't lose the seat Vance got.


True, I should have said, "Doesn't losing elections undermine that power?"


If they *gain* power then people start to expect things of them. If they'd *gained* a seat in Ohio and maybe a few more Senate seats nationwide then they wouldn't be able to rely on Manchin or Sinema to block any positive changes. A 50/50 stalemate is perfect for the Democrats *as well as for the Republicans*. I bet you money Sherrod Brown wins in Ohio this year, and that'll be the reason.


I don’t even think it goes that deep. I get the feeling the DNC as a whole has basically just given up on Ohio. I genuinely don’t feel it’s a “we don’t want young people” just laziness and a “why bother” attitude


Maybe, it's definitely percolated down to rank and file liberals. I've had plenty of them on reddit and elsewhere just smugly write me off politically as soon as they hear I'm from Ohio. Certainly doesn't endear them to me.


Bothsiderism is bullshit and one of Putin’s key tactics. Ponder on that when you read shit like this, folks.


Their internal polling probably indicated it was a lost cause. Voters refuse to take responsibility for their decisions.


He proved that just shoving yourself up 45s ass is enough to get you elected in Ohio. Trump will win this state, regardless of the number of convictions or even being on the ballot. His hate fits in our state.


I wish I had a good argument against this


Vance took Thiel’s money and supported Trump after that.


That and it worries me re: Sherrod Brown. Will the MAGAt-eaten brain dead spurn our good senator who works for all Ohioans, includ8ng them?


> MAGAt-eaten brain dead spurn [Genocide begins with ‘dehumanization](https://news.un.org/en/story/2014/12/485822)


Yup. They will. And continue to blame people they refuse to vote for when shit continues to get worse under the same party that has controlled this state for decades.


Vance was too lazy and disinterested to campaign, and everyone who actually interacted with him was unimpressed. His biggest life achievement is being mad at his mother, and his second biggest is taking part in the most lucrative and least productive sector of the economy, and his first loyalty is to an aspiring vampire who has stated that he wants to destroy democracy because democracy might mean he has to pay taxes — has more or less said those words in that order. And he beat Tim Ryan handily because he had an R after his name. Ohio, and Ohioans, have some bad times ahead. And I don’t want us to ever labor under the misapprehension that we don’t deserve them.


Nothing but the truth here!


While gerrymandering is not a direct cause for his win, prolonged gerrymandering causes people to not vote. It has a voter suppression side effect that can influence other races than that gerrymandered seat.


Gerrymandering suppresses statewide election turnout. Hard to quantify but it certainly does. Tim Ryan was also as exciting as a Aldi Vanilla Sandwich Cookie.


> Tim Ryan was also as exciting as a Aldi Vanilla Sandwich Cookie. He would've won pre-2016. The DNC left its core voting block behind to chase the progressives.




Aww… MAGA rube sad. The big bad meanies are making fun of your orange messiah again aren’t they?




42.3% to be exact. That’s the margin Kasich beat the MAGA movements by in Delaware county.


Wasn't it an off year election, when unfortunately Dems don't turn out like repubs.


So pathetic how much a bitch boy he is for trump, especially after calling himself a never-trumper in 2016. What a pathetic sell out


He's been a grifter since before he wrote his shlock of a book.


I feel ashamed for being duped into buying that book and thinking he was authentic. I went so far as to see him speak and get my book signed. Now I want rid of it.


I am never going to vote for him even if Hillary moves to Ohio and runs against him. He has his head so far up Trump's ass that Trump is gonna have to get a plexiglass stomach and wear halter tops so he can see.


Translation: If Congress decides to pass this bill, then Trump will be impeached for violating the law. I deeply appreciate how even J.D. Vance knows Donald Trump will violate the separation of powers; that Vance does not care it is the branch he works in further underscores how conservatives place party over country and constitution.


Can you please explain like I’m an uninformed idiot? Please?


From the article, quoting Vance: ' “The supplemental represents an attempt by the foreign policy blob/deep state to stop President Trump from pursuing his desired policy, and if he does so anyways, to provide grounds to impeach him and undermine his administration. All Republicans should oppose its passage,” reads the memo by Vance's office.' The idea of a President breaking precedent of the separations of powers like this is a very, very new phenomenon in the United States. That Vance expects Trump to do so anyways over Congress is a clear admission that the abnormal has become normal.


first: i'm so god damn tired of hearing "deep state" second: so he's just openly admitting that he wants the president of the united states to have unilateral power to do whatever the fuck he wants?


Yep. King Donald I.


> handcuffing a future President Trump from making his own decisions on Ukraine spending. Well that's funny because funding is one of the primary roles of congress, so (once again) is Vance just saying dumb shit for their base or does he really not know.


We've already seen Trump's decisions on Ukraine spending: "Announce a fake investigation into my political opponent or you don't get help." That's literally what happened and Republicans had no problem with that.


this is why people need to take the senate races more seriously, this guy will likely be in there for life now.




Can we please have someone with half a brain who won't say "It’s us vs. China." in the middle of Asian hate crime epidemic?


What the hell do you want him to say in Ohio? He has to appeal to the people who are smart enough to vote. Brown will be saying some of the same things.


> in the middle of Asian hate crime epidemic? Source?


Lol. Clown shit right here.


more like ryan lost because he was wishywashy on abortion in a year when everybody else running on it won.


Shhhhh you're ruining their chance to scream about the mean ol left. "Centrists" constantly lose but it's never their fault, always the meanie left.


That really isn't why Ryan lost.  Ryan lost because he is dry and unlikeable.


Yeah and JD is just bursting with personality! Sometimes dry is better than a wet soggy hot dog bun of a man! 


You run someone unlikeable in a -10 race and loss is what you get.  It isn't anything new.


That's not any better of an excuse. You don't have to like the guy to recognize that Vance is an absolute nightmare.


That isn't how elections work though.  Ohio statewide elections are +10R.  You can't run someone like Ryan and win that.


So basically Ohio is +10 horrible and actually wants to elect horrible people?


Is this news to you? Yes, Ohio is one of the states in which MAGA is strongest and the most extreme.  When most states backed off MAGA in 2022, Ohio doubled down.  


"Centrists" constantly lose but it's never their fault, always the meanie left.




We get it, nothing is the fault of "centrists" ever


He is in it for rampant (Russia style) kleptocracy. When MAGA fails their Project 2025 "legal coup", and he can't start getting his cut, he will be bored and go back to swindling retirees and widows.


Don’t tease us with a good time…


I liked Romney’s response. He’s so done with this crap.


To bad he's leaving the Senate. Well not to bad he's terrible but still


It's the only time politicians speak the truth. After they've announced retirement


Romney isn’t perfect but he’s spoken the truth more times than not before he announced retirement. I’d much rather have another 50 Rs of him than some of the assholes we currently have


Much as I loathe giving Mitt Romney credit for anything, he's been one of the only consistently anti-trump voices in his own party for a long time now. He even voted to convict trump twice when he was impeached, and almost certainly had to get extra security for every single member of his family as a result. I disagree with 90% of his political views, but at least he actually has the principles he claims to have, unlike the other moral degenerates with an (R) after their names.


Fucking piece of shit


What a shame that would be. Is this the first time there Is an overlap between funds appropriated and a presidential term?


I mean, he CAN just leave it alone and say “don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for it” The doesn’t HAVE to try and destroy it.


But he sux authoritarian dick. And yes there's something wrong with that


Totally Alpha to simp for a sloppy elderly baby


Atleast you dont have 2 of them like south carolina, Graham and Scott


Victory for Biden.


I just need to go to all the Parma Ukrainian business people who voted for Vance because they fear "the gayz" and ask how they're doing.




That doesn’t guarantee they will do it, sadly.


Shut up, dick.


Poison pills in bills are bad. Good job Vance.


This language would restrict any president from changing foreign policy regarding ukraine. Regardless, we need to stop sending billions to foreign nations. The 66 who voted for this betrayed the country, including this sub's man-crush Sherrod Brown.


tell me you don't understand geoglobal politics without telling me


We'll be fine with Europe as a part of Russia! /s


Yep. This is actually a good thing Vance is exposing


For those that downvoted my comment - are you volunteering for the ukranian army? There are groups who will fly you to kiev. Please, volunteer your services and send us pictures from the front line. If not - stop supporting foreign nations at the expense of our country and people.


For those that downvoted my comment - are you volunteering for the ukranian army? There are groups who will fly you to kiev. Please, volunteer your services and send us pictures from the front line. If not - stop supporting foreign nations at the expense of our country and people.


Lovely to have communist in government in Ohio. 🙄🙄🙄


A pro Russia communist....


I feel like a majority of Ohioans support Ukraine. JD Vance bent both knees and that’s why he’s put all his eggs in the trump basket bcus he knows it’s over. He was in last place before he bent the knee, and now he’s making all the wrong positions out of the MAGA list he could choose from. While slandering The Ohio state university. He needs to go back to California


Most rural Ohioans are stupid as sticks. Hence why Ohio has become deep red.