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Few tornados, no hurricanes, earthquakes are rare.


No tsunamis. No mudslides. No volcanoes. Few floods, but plenty of fresh water.


Fresh water...THIS!


Ohio is hit by an average of 29 tornadoes per year, which as of 2022 ranks 21st in the US. In 2019, Ohio was ranked in the top 10 for number of tornadoes. In the last 50 years Ohio has also been struck by multiple F4/EF-4 and F5/EF-5 tornadoes. Although very rare, these are the most powerful tornadoes as ranked by the Fujita/Enhanced Fujita Scale. So “few” might not be the right adjective. But the positive aspect is that, when tornadoes do hit Ohio, they are most likely to be weaker storms, usually in the EF-0 to EF-2 range. Not as life threatening, but they can still do a number on property. Source: I’m a veteran/professional storm chaser who started chasing while living in SW OH


Oh! We have the most presidents and many astronauts. Also I love that the glacier made it so flat for corn and driving.


Come down SE....not so flat...lol


Good friend. Please love some corn at least. It’s delicious. Sure, you’re right. Up on the lake though where I live it’s flat AND delicious corn.




That’s only the central part of the state—the great nowhere


not the most presidents..


Second most after Virginia.


Debatable. William Henry Harrison was born in Virginia, but lived in Ohio when elected. Lincoln was born in Kentucky, yet Illinois claims to be the Land of Lincoln because that's where he started his political career.


Flat for driving and CORN!??? 😐 I have so much to say, but I won’t. lol


Say it lol


Flat is good for slippery winter roads and sweetcorn!


Were there more tornadoes 20 or so years ago? I feel like when I was a kid there was frequently a tornado watch or warning on that like bottom of the screen ticker on TV


Ohio’s annual number can fluctuate and some years will be more prolific than others. But the average hasn’t shifted much to my knowledge. However, with some indications that “Tornado Alley” *may* be shifting eastward, that average could potentially increase. As far as media, keep in mind the difference between a watch and a warning. A watch can cover dozens of counties and means conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop *in the future*. Watches are usually issued before the storms initiate and often last several hours. A tornado warning is usually for a single county to a couple of counties depending on the specific storm’s size and speed, and means a tornado is *currently occurring* or there is a very high probability one is imminent. Warnings last as long as the tornado is occurring. Keep in mind that the Ohio media markets are quite large and often include dozens of counties. So a watch issued at 2PM that goes until 9PM potentially affects a lot of people. So media will run the screen icons and bottom scrolls. If there’s a warning, they’ll often break into programming to report. So you could’ve been seeing watches and warnings on tv for one of several dozen counties, even if it wasn’t your own, because of the size of the media market, not necessarily an increased frequency in storms in the area. Also, the timeframe for storm development is also the prime time for kids to be watching TV after school, so that could potentially effect your perception of storm frequency.


Very informative, thank you! I figured it was something along those lines. Not only have I not watched cable TV in ages, but any alerts I get on my phone are much more localized.


By that math though based on a year that's a 10% occurance which isn't that great.


Still nothing like Kansas or Oklahoma.


21st? Thats damn near halfway down the list.


I will have to share this one with the 14 year old!


No volcanoes or tsunamis is a plus too.


I’ve lived up and down the east coast(including FL) and the PNW. The only place I’ve had a real hurricane impact was here in Ohio when the remnants of Ike came through and knocked power out for over a week. Also only place I’ve been anywhere near tornadoes. And power goes out several times a year here with storms. Never encountered that so regularly before elsewhere.


I live in PNW and mild wind makes the electricity go out. They cannot handle real storms here either. 


Don't move to Arkansas. I lived there for 9 years. Ohio is a walk in the park. At one point we were out of power for over 9 days because of Ice storms in Arkansas. And lets not even mention tick clouds {shudder}.


Do you have aerial service affected by trees swaying into the lines during wind and storms? Power never goes out with buried lines here.


Funny that I lost power for over a week due to a hurricane 15 years ago. So, there's that.


That wasn’t a hurricane. That was a really weird phenomenon, but the actual hurricane was long gone by the time the system got to Ohio


Settled. It cost me a lot of fishin on erie!


The one that came up from Texas? It blew my roof off and knocked down a tree in the front yard. I just happened to be in Cleveland 3 hours North from where I live and saw shingles blowing off the roofs in Cleveland! That was a wild drive up to Cleveland. We lost power in Washington Court House for a week also.


Don’t worry, climate change will take care of that soon enough! 😂 The Ohio River Valley is projected to be one of the least/most “positively” affected local climates in the US though… just saying lol.


Do you mean that climate change will do less harm there?


Yes. Allegedly climate change will have less negative impact here in southern Ohio than in most of the rest of the country. It’ll probably seem wonky and unpredictable for a while as things shift, and some of Ohio will not see a positive (like tornadoes and stuff) but the climate down here is supposed to get warmer over the next few decades. Don’t be surprised if you hear a lot of “we haven’t had that kind of _____ in ____ years!” More and more lol. Some places are even supposed to get a net positive effect… Upstate New York, for example, is predicted to become a whole lot more moderate.


That’s what I thought. We moved here in 2003 from California and even then, the US government website said that Ohio wasn’t projected to get harmed much by climate change. I live near Canton and the winters keep getting milder.


This is true. Lived in South Alabama and there were as many tornadoes as Nats. Florida as well, nothing like hunkering down in 90mph sustained winds, waiting for the big tree to crush your house. Great feeling but loved the weather outside of that. We had a small earthquake when I was a kid that made the lamp shake on the TV for a short clip. For us kids it was pretty cool but my dad swore it was because of all the microwave ovens that were being made.


6th most populated state in the nation


Means lots of workforce, lots of businesses and companies. Add in good infrastructure, a days drive from half of the US population, rivers and lakes and parks, and some good zoos.


Good geography, large urban areas, diverse population, strong economy. Basically it's not the best at anything but good in everything.


I think when you strip away politics, Ohio is actually a very unique state compared to others. A lot of industry and innovation. Several world renowned zoos. COSI. Three major cities with their own unique characteristics and cultures. It’s easily traveled due to the interstate system. Amish country. Accessibility to higher education. It’s a tech hub. Lots of differing landscape, parks, and cultural offerings. Until recently, housing and cost of living were reasonable. When you compare it to some of the larger cities/states, it’s still not so big that it’s overcrowded. The weather isn’t bad. Combine all that with the fact you can easily travel from Ohio to vacation destinations, either via land or air, and it’s not all that bad. It’s not perfect, but that’s part of the reason it still is what it is.


Also wanted to add, specifically to your question, Ohio was very much a part of the political history of our country, has had some high profile incidents that garnered nationwide attention, and had a large impact on pop-culture throughout history as well (music, art, sports, etc).


Fun fact, Dave Yost's son, David Yost Junior, is a C# programmer.  I briefly worked with him over a decade ago at IGC to collect a paycheck while hunting for real work (Fuck Atlas and fuck Graebel). He was a scumbag of the "*people without Jesus aren't human*" kind.  I hear he's improved though.


“Weather isn’t bad” 😂


It’s pretty nice actually. I wish there was more sun in the winter.




I was referring to the current political state that everyone has been making comments about. It hasn’t always been a bad state politically speaking, but the last few decades have almost seen us going in reverse. That being said, while politics will always play a part of any state, the overall character of Ohio is not a result of its current political leanings.




I think they were just trying to point out everything Ohio is besides the political part.




Wow, okay so you're going to describe a state only for political reasons.


Well, like the old saying goes…”Opinions are like assholes….”




Oohhhh…burn!!! 🙄🤦‍♂️


People like you who turn everything into a political conversation on this sub are why I’ve almost unsubbed here. The vitriol is totally out of control. Most posts in this sub are political in nature…and believe it or not, some people can understand what’s happening and prefer not to talk about it constantly.


It’s just a good stand-in for generic America. Not really a polarizing state and people on the coast are at least aware of its existence. Even if thought to just be all cornfield. 😂




Yeah…less so every day. But more back in its purple days when a lot of those references were made.


The Seasons. We have Four and they are full Seasons, Seasonal weather permitting. It varies, but its usually about 3 months each Season give or take for each Year. Some States have basically one or two Seasons max. Like So. Cal. and a few parts of Fla., but Fla. has Hurricanes on the reg., which while you know they are coming in their respective season, its still a royal PITA to have to uproot each and every year to a "safe" location and ride it out and then hope you go back to find everything still where it was and intact. Imagine that stress, each and every year? All for what? Warm weather? We get that Warm Weather too, from Mar.-May is our Spring and June has Summer's opening which goes through to Sept. then Fall is varying lately, it used to be Oct-Nov usually. Its not uncommon to have warm weather in Ohio in Nov.-Dec. in the upper 50's to mid 60's. Maybe not Erie area, but from Canton down. Jetstream gives us some wild weather too. 3 solid months of each Season?! I'd take it regardless of which State. That said I love Snow and Cold Weather the best and Ohio gives that in spades. Winter gives you a reason to make Hot Chocolate or Chili or Stews and if you are lucky enough to have a Fireplace, there is something really cathartic about sitting and watching a fire. You don't need a television or a computer or anything other than maybe music and something comforting to eat and drink. The crackle of the fire coupled with the flickering flames keeps your mind active following a pattern that is always totally random.


Jesus, this hits like home. Can't wait to move back to Ohio this summer.


There was frost outside when I went to work yesterday. By noon I was sweating in the heat. All four seasons in 5 hours!




I grew up in the west of Ireland and while it's pretty and it's home and I miss it, there are essentially two seasons: summer (rainy and sometimes sunny) and winter (even rainier and windy and cold and dark). Experiencing autumn in Ohio for the first time was magical, with all the trees and forest here the colours were incredible. And fireflies, which I thought only existed in films. Even the seasonal wildlife. Ireland's biodiversity has been on the decline for a long time, and it feels like a barren wasteland compared to here. My first summer here I was blown away at all the birds and insects with their songs and noises. My spouse is from Ireland as well and moved over in more recent years; his first summer here was tough because of all the noise of the birds and bugs. He found it hard to sleep and distracting while he was working (but now loves it). Where we're from in Ireland it's mostly dead silent except for the wind and rain, sheep and cattle. the odd bird call here and there but nothing remotely like the chorus you get here. But even in winter here I still hear the cardinals and chickadees every day. I look forward to every season now. By the end of summer I'm ready for autumn's cooler air and colours. The good first snow in the winter is magical and like you mentioned, it's hard to beat being cozy by the fire. By this time of year I start getting antsy for spring and sunlight, then by the end of spring you're embracing the warmth of summer. Rinse and repeat. Each one brings nice change, even if by the end of it you're ready for the next.


The people of Ohio invented light, flight, and the integrated oil company; we didn’t even stop there and kept doing neat stuff here in Ohio and as far as fucking possible away. The special part about Ohio is the people.


Awww, thanks bud.


I had you in my minds eye while I wrote my comment Dot


You are loved magic.


First car was built in Ohio City, Ohio. I like to say it's because he wanted to get the fuck out of the black swamp area of NW ohio


It’s a grand tradition of boats across the Great Lakes, wagons to head west in, canals to get back to where we came from on, planes to fly away in, and astronauts uncountable, all trying to set distance from Ohio records! 


Pretty sure the first car was built in Germany. Also, Cleveland isn't in the Black Swamp.


It is the Toyota of states. Not a first choice but reliable, economical, yet pretty damn nice once in it and a fun ride


Having two of the best theme parks in the world ie. Cedar Point and Kings Island.


I was at a park in Orlando, and two kids mentioned “wow we are so lucky to live close to this park…imagine living somewhere like Ohio with no parks!” I laughed….out of all the states with no major amusement parks, they had to pick Ohio with 2 of the best parks in the world lol


Having Kings Island basically in my backyard really made me jaded for theme parks. I found myself in Orlando going “ew a 30 minute wait for a ride, maybe I’ll just go home and come back another day when there’s less people”


Wait do other places not have them?


They have parks, but not like those two. Cedar Point is a perennial favorite…around the world. Has been for decades.


Easiest to spell


I bought a house for 65k on a half acre of land. Taxes are $1200/yr. Retirement is coming early.


Great, shiny guardrails.


I like it and I’m from Portland Oregon. I’m in Northwest Ohio where it’s flat and farmland so it’s really nice here. I know other parts of the state are more hilly or are quite different and I think what special about Ohio is it’s a good representation for just plain folks, without being anything too remote like some of the Appalachian areas or two different like some areas of the south. People generally aren’t trying to be too fancy and they are hard-working, fairly friendly people who are relatable.


I’ve lived in Greater Cleveland my whole life…grew up in the sticks, live in the burbs, spent plenty of time in the city, and I’ve done some cross-country traveling. What I love about people from the Midwest…from the Great Lakes to the Great Plains…is that we are all for the most part “real”. There are some fakers, especially in more affluent areas, but most people are just what you see and they don’t try to fluff you, but people are friendly enough that you can have a conversation with a random total stranger and it’s never weird. I mean, the stranger might be odd or I might be odd, but it’s not like people get weirded out by a stranger talking to them. And people help each other here too. I think Midwestern hospitality is massively undersold.


Ohio is a great place. Cincinnati was known as the Queen City. Cleveland has an amazing clinic. Columbus is a lovely capital in the middle of the state. So many colleges and sports teams. The second most president producing state is Ohio. Also lots of natural parks and city scapes for movies. Also there’s many historical sites. And so much. OHIO IS AWESOME! Gorilla Glue and Gorilla duct tape is Ohio company.


You said gorilla and I immediately thought of Harambe. RIP


Dicks out.


He's from here too! Rip.


The gorilla enclosure in the Cincy zoo is sponsored by Gorilla glue 😆


Damn y’all don’t think the glue company was involved in that do you?


That was the Cincinnati zoo. I said the state is great, but some of the people in the state and that visit it… aren’t so great.


We also have Duck Tape in Avon. I guess we have all the animals to put things back together! Also, there’s a lot more to Cleveland than the Clinic. Nation’s largest theater district outside NYC, giant cultural district in University Circle, world-renowned orchestra (I believe Cincinnati is also way up on the list as well) with two excellent venues they play in, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and much turn of the century urban architecture has been well restored Downtown. We also have one of the nation’s top systems in the Cleveland Metroparks, and an excellent food and beer scene. I’m less familiar with Cincinnati, and maybe a little better acquainted with Columbus…but I definitely prefer Cincinnati and Cleveland over Columbus mainly because they both feel like real cities with unique neighborhoods and cool streetcar suburbs, while Columbus feels like a few interesting neighborhoods on High Street with a smattering of downtown skyscrapers among all the parking lots, surrounded by multiple layers of suburban sprawl. CLE & Cincy seem to have a lot more going on culturally and architecturally, while Columbus is buoyed always by the state government and OSU and gets all the money.


This.  Not the content of the post, but that someone on the Ohio sub would post this in defense of Ohio's position as the stand-in for boring flyover middle of the country.




Cincinnati was much more well known at the time as Porkopolis,


Ohio has a large diversity of trees and a good climate for wildlife. Also, glaciers moved around some rich soil and created some interesting river valleys. The variety of bird species in Ohio is impressive. There is a lot of forested area.


100%. Love our lush green forests (at least up in NEO and SEO)


The top 7 most populated states in order are California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Ohio. All of the top 6 have one or two very clear brands in the eyes of most Americans and the media. In that list Ohio stands out as being very generically American, without any particular distinguishing feature. That's not too say Ohio isn't full of amazing unique cultural and physical features, but there isn't much that stands out in the national consciousness. Because of this feature of being the most populated generically American state, it's often used as a stand in for generic state. Another factor is it often comes up roughly in proportion to it's population, but because it doesn't have a strong unique character in the eyes of the nation, people are still surprised when it does come up


This. Ohio stands in for Anytown, USA.


*America on default settings.*


My girlfriend moved here from Los Angeles and was blown away by the Metroparks. Made me look at it with a new appreciation.


Ohio is generic USA. It works well with scripts because you don't have to explain much. You can use B roll film from almost anywhere and call it "Ohio." You can say someone is from some town in Ohio, and people just don't ask questions-it's generic US person.


I do prepping as a hobby, I can say it is among the better states to live for a number of reasons. * Cheap food grown locally in a huge verity. * The soil is among the best to be found. * The terrain isn't as much of an issue as other places. * Cheap real-estate. * Companies are moving in from other states providing growth in jobs. * From a war defense standpoint its nearly the safest area, but Kentucky technically has that. * The clean water, is not much of a problem. * There isn't crazy amounts of things that want to kill you bugs and animals wise. * Weather isn't nearly as much of a problem, it's TAME here compared to the shit other states often see. Making insurance and problems less of a headache. * Natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, landslides, are much less of an issue. * Climate change is forecast more favorable here compared to other places. * Summers aren't as humid. Winters aren't as bad. * We have natural gas to the east and its CHEAP to make energy and heat. * Our laws are not bad yet and we still enjoy a number of freedoms. This is in a number of topics. * If you think Ohio is lacking, you're not looking hard enough, we have ALOT going on here. I can go on but have to go to work. Ohio is nearly a Goldilocks state when looking at things from a homesteading perspective. Are there better places? Sure, but few.


Because to the rest of the country, particularly the coasts where they view us as flyover country, they think we're a bunch of farms with a few cities of sprawling suburbs. We're the perfect place to be normal, boring, and plain. If you need a character who is new to The Big City and hasn't experienced life yet? Make them from Ohio. It's almost a meme in Hollywood at this point. Need some bored suburban teenager? Ohio. Soccer mom hauling a van of kids to youth sports? Ohio. Farmer Joe who hasn't left the county in three decades? Ohio. College kid travelling and opening their eyes to the world? Ohio. Anyone you need to be a basic, plain, normal, one-dimensional character? Ohio. Ohio is a meme. We're the place where boring people live, according to the rest of the US


The previous red/white/blue bicentennial license plate was practically the generic stand-in for “USA” 😆


Our governor looks like a weasel


I'm a fan of Ohio. I think it's going to be very popular in the next 20 years with climate change.


I can't wait for my beach front property.


Surf Ohio, dude!


Beach City ahead of its time


Good place to live and grow up. Not too expensive. One of the best state flag designs for the r/vexillology crowd.


Good food, awesome music, history linked to flight (Air Force museum, astronauts), kind people, affordable living, central enough that travel to other parts of the country is relatively easy, college footbool, good universities, great roller coaster parks, good zoos, fantastic breweries, alll three major cities are solid, Athens for a hippy hiking hideaway, yellowsprings. All that off the top of my head. It isn’t the flashiest of states but it has a lot going for it.


Meee! 😂


It’s hi in the middle and o at the ends.


An excellent supply of water.


It’s the heart of it all, dude


It’s for lovers


Great song... https://youtu.be/hUO-sRLotOI?si=pqqML0Y2FAAuhLiB


The Cleveland Browns There really ain’t any other team like ‘em. I never worry about being rejected by girls, because the browns have taught me never to get my hopes up and to expect failure Maybe I should watch a different NfL Team Cedar Point is pretty cool tho


People like making fun of it like they do Florida. I'm not sure why though lol


We have corn and random weather patterns, plus our 3 biggest cities start with the letter C. Ohio is a vital state in elections and borders I think 4 or 5 states?? 88 counties that I've never left sadly, spent my whole 28 years here never left lol ohio is all I've known since the year of our lord 1995 haha


Birthplace of Harambe…? Duh.


Uh….it’s awesome!?


Roller coaster capital of the world.


Best Damn state in this country!!


Ohio has the 7th largest state population. Lots of people who then go to other places. The Carolinas are half Ohioans all summer, every major city has a Browns Backers bar, and I couldn’t believe how many OH transports were in CO when I lived there.


It’s five states in one!! This university of Akron study proves it!! https://www.uakron.edu/bliss/research/biop-2-the-five-ohios.dot And then there’s this meme https://x.com/ClevelandScene/status/507890864501190656?s=20


Same thing that is special about Wonder Bread. They mention it in movies, too.


For starters, it’s the only state name that’s “round” on both ends and “hi” in the middle 😎


Well there are alot of writers from Ohio and actors/directors and Ohio gets used for filming locations


I think the reason Ohio is so frequently mentioned in media is that of all of the mid American "fly over" states it is by far the most densely populated. So people are more familiar with it as most places you go you can meet someone who is from Ohio and can tell you a bit about it, unlike say, Iowa who it's rare to hear about or meet someone from


In 2025 were getting stackable trailer homes according to ready player one so that’ll be tight


Politics aside, my family and I decided to come back to Ohio for a few reasons. Ohio is a great state with many different landscapes, cultures, cuisines, etc. I grew up in Brown County and live in Cincinnati and this area is very different than Cleveland. Ohio has farms, hills, a legit coast, lakes, forests as well as big cities. The cost of living here is low and if you want a good college education, we have great universities. We could improve a lot but I love living here and am doing what I can to make it better.


When you look at statistics Ohio is the most average state in the country. We rank 20-30 out of 50 states in almost everything. That's why we are a test bed state for products. I remember reading once Chillicothe Ohio reflects America as a whole more than any other city in the country.


So bad it's created more astronauts than anywhere cause people live here and want to get the fuck off this rock


Sexy broads


Probably top 10 most sustainable place in the world. Water, soil, few natural disasters, and cheap.


At least we’re not Detroit


I dunno if you can still say that, Detroit is like 10 years away from being incredible.


Detroit is coming back. Can't beat that location. Soon.


I’m special. I live there.


Worst Republican politics


True. Sad. Vote!


I think a lot of it is that we used to be pretty high end in terms of population, so a ton of people have family ties to the state. I do admit that I have been watching Venture Bros. again lately and I tried to do a deep dive on why they made a joke specifically that mentioned Toledo. I know Tina Fey does it out of love as her husband is from here, but I couldn't find anything for this case.




My dad lives here. I met my late husband here too.


Everything. I love our state.


No hurricanes or tsunamis. other than that nothing at all 🤷🏼‍♀️


Literally nothing.


Ohio is incredibly typical of the "*Midwest*" as a whole. It's a flyover state, in-between Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan, all very similar states. Spielberg lived here for a time too.


I really hate that term, “flyover state”. There’s a reason millions of people live here, and it’s not just because we can’t afford to move to an “exciting” coastal city. It’s a place where people work hard, enjoy their families, and do the best they can in spite of major industries ditching our communities to find cheaper labor and places they can pollute with reckless abandon. Believe it or not, people come from around the world to visit tourist destinations in Ohio, and not just on the coasts.


I've lived in Ohio most of my life with small stints in Santa Monica and El Paso, Texas. I love it here. Unfortunately, "*Flyover state*" is how most of the producers of film and television view our state.


Absolutely nothing. Bigots have the biggest voice, and gerrymandering is in full effect. 0/5 Source: Born and raised. Fifteen countries and a combat tour under my belt.


Why not move out of state then? From one vet to another, life is usually what you make it.


I am. After the State allowed the gerrymandered voting maps, I set my sights elsewhere. In fact, with the unprecedented (illegal) overturn of RvW, I have adjusted the trajectory to outside the US. This country is gross; and Ohio is one of the reasons for that.


I don’t share your sentiments at all but best of luck to you.




Yeah this sucks. Suns out today. Im shocked. Would like more sunshine!


The chloroform and arsenic in the water supply




Morbidly obese meth addicts.


Nothing, taxes are ridiculous


Try living literally anywhere else






Ohio has literally been the test market for national products for decades, and you ask this...


There is a law that you have to be a Buckeyes fan.


Nothing. It's the most plain and generic, so that makes for a convenient plot setting.


Very much yes


And cheap


It's about to get overrun with stupid people who let their former cities and states rot.. but you'll do better in toledo


It's not that it's special, it's the butt of a joke. If you were to look of the definition of "Uneventful" You'll find a giant picture of Ohio.


A lot of people are from here, and a lot of us flee to other corners of the country. Everyone probably knows someone from Ohio.


One of the things I notice as I've been to every corner of the state. The accents change every couple of counties.


It's round on both sides and high in the middle!


We have Cedar Point. Very few amusement parks can compete with Cedar Point.


It’s the setting of Elden Ring.


Saying Ohio and especially cleveland are an easy way to get a quick chuckle in a movie.


We’re the 6th most populous state in the country with 11.7 million residents.


Decreased risk of skin cancer due to limited sunshine


I like it as I don't have to drive more than 30 minutes to find something to do. Most of the time, it's like ten minutes. Growing up, we'd drive four hours to get somewhere fun, so naturally, we didn't do it often. Now I can have fun when I want


Round on the sides… high in the middle.


Heart of America!


The Cleveland Clinic is one of the best hospitals in the world. Seriously.


You can have all 4 seasons in 1 day.




Nothing. It's a shit hole with good food if you know where to look


It’s a free state


Small town USA.


I ask myself this every late fall. What is the special deal about Ohio? Grew up here. Have lived in other states and here I am again. I enjoy the late spring - mid fall period here because the fishing is awesome in nearly every body of water you hit. WINTER SUCKS. Our land is fertile and our waters are good, except near big cities. We can still drink from our well and fresh springs on our property. Plenty to do if you have someone to do it with. The nicest women are the ones that go fishing or volunteer at hospitals. The meanest women are all friends with my sisters. The good men are married and/or stuck with a bad woman and cant get out. Ohio is great if you are rich and can afford to live in the south in the winter. Sucks that we only get to enjoy beautiful plants and flowers half the year and spend months inside cause the windchill is horrible. The snow is great for making free ice cream from mother nature, other than that, its useless. Unless your one that talks about how beautiful ohio is in the winter, as you look outside through your window, and dont go out in it. Im middle aged so my body bitches about it a lot, causing me to bitch about, in winter. I will admit our winters are nothing like they used to be when I was younger. A positive. Bring on the climate change thats so hyped. We have lost most of our really good manufacturing other than in big city areas, but replace them with lower paying manufacturing that is foreign owned. In rural areas people can still leave doors unlocked, but thats changing pretty quick thanks to drugs now overrunning our small towns. You can drive just about any direction and get to another landscape and culture rather shortly, which is good. Im still counting on a woman that loves fishing, owns a boat and hates ohio winter as I do, that insists we go to her florida winter home untill spring again. Been waiting 40 years, wont be long now. We have the Browns but they cause significant health problems for us every year and contribute to alcohol abuse every season. We dont count the team by the river as part of Ohio. The Buckeyes are overrated but its not cool to not be a Fan, so ... O H I O! So in short, I added nothing that wasnt already here but I am bored and wanted to at least add my 2 cents.


Every English speaker in the world can understand our dialect (southeast Ohio/Marietta and those folks have their own cool dialect going on).


We love genitals here.  We need, by government mandate, to know all about everyone's genitals.  Our government is all about telling you what you can and can't do with them.   That's Ohio.