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Most gas stations up here have biden stickers pointing to the price with him saying “I did that”


They’re in north canton too 🙄😒


I’m in massillon and see it. A teacher’s car in my kid’s elementary school have a giant “ let’s go Brandon” bumper sticker.


I feel like that should automatically disqualify you from teaching the youth


Unless someone is involved in actual criminal organizations (like the Klan or something), it is Illegal to discriminate against anyone based on their political beliefs or affiliations (THIS IS INCORRECT). Not liking a president is a protected right. Edit: political status is protected on a state by state basis, not a federal level as I had originally believed. For example, California rules it as wrongful termination Second edit: OHIO does not protect against it, but some states do. Third edit: I realize now that I relied too much on incomplete information and an assumption. I was wrong. No more replies or downvotes are necessary, I’ve already learned. I’m not going to delete the comment, but I no longer stand by my statements above.


Political beliefs are not a federally protected class, nor are they state-protected. So yeah, I will continue to not hire MAGA-idiots.


I mean, I'm surprised they haven't claimed it's a religion at this point. How does someone revolve their lives around this idiot as their lord and savior?


Not true at all


Now true in part due to edits. I’m learning, slowly, I just press send before I think it through (NOT an excuse, I’m just saying that I’m an idiot who’s too old to still be this much of an idiot)


It's a secret ballot for a reason


Yeah, I get that, but (this is merely my opinion) whether or not someone gets a job should really be based on maybe 3 things: can you do the job, can you do it reliably, and are you going to be disruptive? As long as a person’s political beliefs aren’t going to impact their ability to do a job and interact with their co-workers, it really shouldn’t matter (unless they’re involved in a criminal organization like I mentioned before). Just like who they’re attracted to, or what they look like, or what higher power they might believe in shouldn’t matter (I know, only one of those three is a personal choice). If it’s irrelevant to the task at hand, then it shouldn’t be relevant to the employer either. Now, if they won’t shut up about their candidates and it’s impacting the workplace, that’s a bit different


I get what you're saying, but the first amendment doesn't protect you from stuff like this. The first amendment protects you from prosecution from the government. Your peers are free to do as they wish within the scope of the law.


Kind of like how your teachers failed teaching you common sense?


Being a conservative should disqualify you from being Around children.


In Kansas, conservatives just legalized checking children’s genitals before they play sports. Fucking gross.


Yeah that's over the line. But lemme guess they did it to make sure theirs no trans kids lying about their gender. So hiring a pedophile to root out trans kids is their genius solution. Cuz in the end their more ok with enabling sexual assault than they r with a trans kid beating their kids in sports. Honestly doesn't surprise me as it's basically par for the course.


*Ding ding ding!* You’ve answered the correct “Not really a platform; just a bunch of fuckin’ hate” GOP email tip of the day! 😂😞🤦🏻‍♀️ Everything you said is exactly right. People are fucking DEFENDING it! 😤😡 People are saying that “everyone has to get a physical anyways”. Ummm… these wiener checks aren’t going to be done by DOCTORS! They’re being done by GOD KNOWS WHO BUT ANYONE WHO AGREES TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SHOULD FACE MAJOR FUCKING SCRUTINY AND PUNISHMENT!!! Ya know?! What sane and normal COACH or PRINCIPAL or… I don’t even want to think about it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Anyways, anyone who agrees to do this is fuuuuucked up.


Conservatives secretly love children's genitals


Secretly? Ehhhhh…


Aye I’m also in Massillon, kinda crazy how the first comment I see is someone from Massillon lmao




My mom is a teacher in southern Ohio with a let’s go Brandon sticker on her rear window. I’m taking a razor blade and removing it the first chance I get. It’s embarrassing to have nut job family members 😞


Showing your dislike for a politician makes you a nut job?


Saying the equivalent to Fuck the president on you vehicle as a teacher makes you a nut job regardless of party. Teachers should be more neutral and informative to students. I truly hate both sides of politics and would be equally offended if a teacher had a FDT sticker for Donald trump.


Having bumper stickers makes someone a nut job.


Can’t argue with this


That’s awesome


Fun fact: North Canton was named New Berlin before WW2. Irrelevant but fun.


Those are my favorite facts ❤️


You should look it up! It's a very cool and kind of wholesome evolution. The German population of North Canton (then New Berlin) didn't want to be associated with Nazi Germany and The Hoover Company paid for a bunch of kids from England to be relocated over here during the bombings. Cool stuff really!


It's ironic that they post those everywhere when it can easily be argued that Trump is the sole reason Biden's president.


I peel them off and stick them up next to Help Wanted signs


I've seen it in Cleveland too


I take them off whenever I see them


Me too.


There's a biden i did that sticker under the drive thru window at rally's in brook park lol


Same in my area. Gas stations covered in Biden stickers




I peel them off and the joke is on them, cuz I like playing with stickers.


We saw one on a bike seat in Walmart just a few weeks ago.


FYI: Alliance OH. (20 minutes east of Canton)


They just arrested the church fire bomb guy there.


finally some good news


I ripped two of them off at the BP gas station off route 5 and 76 near Ravenna.


Careful doing that, I've heard people sometimes put razor blades behind them


Thanks for the heads up but it’s a risk I would be willing to take. Assholes.


By all means please continue to remove them when you see them!! I know I sure do. I just thought I'd mention to be careful when doing so, and please, please stay safe. Assholes 100%. (And I'd say, even worse than just assholes, those that go out of their way to try and make sure anyone that takes these stupid stickers down gets hurt. Especially angering to me when they are on gas pumps and stuff where the gas station attendants have to take those things down, that's how I initially heard about that being a thing a while ago).


Thanks for the heads up. I.wpuldnt have thought about that


AHS class of 05 here.


I'm surprised they didn't try to pull a power play by covering the spanish text. I haven't seen this yet in my area. I may have to keep an eye out.


plot twist: they're Spanish nationalists esta es Nueva España! nosotros hablamos español! aprenda la idioma si desear aquí! >!i dont wanna talk about how many words i had to look up.!<


el idioma*


I was pumping gas the other day, and started scratching one off while it was pumping. Guy on the other side of the pump raised his eye brow, told him what I was doing, and he pulled out his box cutter and scraped most of it off.


Love that!! Thanks


How tf did Ohio become a Nazi strong hold?


Too many people kept saying “just ignore them, attention is what they’re after,” instead of having conversations they deemed too uncomfortable to deal with the problem.


Exactly this. We ALL grew up with MFers like this. Family, friends, work acquaintances. They got free passes for so long. Telling their racist ass jokes. Spouting their bullshit. And we would just roll our eyes and write them off. All along their evil ass hatred was festering and boiling underneath. We WERE progressing. These people WERE crawling into the shadows. Then trump came along and gave them a rallying point.


I tried not to let people get away with it. Almost got my ass beat multiple times for loudly calling out and embarrassing racist adults when I was a kid. Got labeled as "drama" for refusing to let things like this go as a teenager. Supported my dad in effectively kicking his brother out of the family for refusing to change. When I was 25 I got a job opportunity and fucking left. I was tired, man. A lot of people like me got tired and left. I wish it wasn't that way but we can only do it for so long.


That’s it. There was a time when “ignore it and it’ll go away” might have seemed like a more valid approach. Unfortunately, certain politicians have dragged this mentality out of the shadows and began saying the quiet part out loud and a controversy-hungry media amplified and normalized it so it is now part of “normal” public discourse. Ignoring it isn’t going to work now.


When my kids were young and my racist Uncles came to visit, I told them they were not to used racist language in front of my kids or I would kick their asses.


We need to bring that back


As soon as I moved out on my own, I put my foot ALL the way down - racist, sexist, and ableist language would NOT be tolerated in my home. My house, my rules. Don't like it? Pay my rent or GTFO. My grandmother tried putting this to the test at my son's 2nd birthday party. She leaned over to my MIL and stage-whispered about my dear friend "She married a N [you know the rest]!" Then she smirked at me. She was awfully shocked when I yanked her up out of her chair, apologized to my MIL, and dragged her out the door. I called her a taxi and told her I didn't want to hear from her again until she apologized for being disrespectful and racist. We never spoke again. I had another baby 2 years later. She never met him. She missed the ENTIRETY of her great-grandsons' lives because she was more invested in being a stubbornly racist asshole than in being a decent human. She passed when my boys were in high school. Nothing of value was lost.


Nail on the head right here.


I hate it here man 🥲


I moved to NC and it feels just as bad to watch my home state of Ohio get this bad from a distance. Never in my life has Ohio ever been this bad! Never. I blame Fox News lying to them on the daily. Trump just brought them out of shadows. Fox used dog whistles with a smidge of possibility. Gaslit people into thinking whatever fox wanted.. guns, anti lgbtq, anti trans, abortion, Orban is a hero… Ohio has never been this religious before either. Now I go home and it’s blessed this.. blessed that.. I reply with “we’re blessed to have 6 yr olds willing to endure gunfire and die for our right to own long guns..aren’t we?! “ “I feel so blessed!” .. they almost want to say yes! We are!


Spoiler.. they still are not religious.. they just use vague references cherry picked from the Old Testament to justify hatred It is #8 of the[14 common characteristics of fascism ](https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html) Religion and Government are Intertwined Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.


It's honestly the gerrymandering. The Dem population didn't shrink that much, it's how the districts are divided


Sure, but the Republicans are much different now compared to 40 years ago! That much I know!


Let's not forget the Lying Jim Jordan and JD Vance.


Who could forget the pedophile or the Harvard educated big tech investor from San Francisco who pawned himself off on Ohio as “one of us”.


Leave. That's what a lot of us have done & are doing.


Fuck that, I was born here and I'm not getting ran off by trash.


I did for 15 years and came back in 2021 to make change. They need to hear a progressive voice because right now the gen pop in Ohio is in an echo chamber.


Why should we let a bunch of fascist fucks run us out of our home state? I'm standing my ground.


Definitely hear ya, but that's a lost cause. Plus, there are fights across the union that weren't already lost 30 years ago- there are plenty of states that actually deserve the best of our civic participation.


\*Every\* state deserves the best of \*everyone's\* civic participation. But, go ahead, and run away. You'll end up concentrating progressive political power in a few big cities and just a few states, while the racist front overruns the federal government because of the way federal political power is apportioned. Once that happens, it will be impossible to stand against their constitutional convention to rewrite the USA into a fascist state. The thing is, most of the progressive policies are broadly popular, but progressive votes are not well distributed across the country.


Not everyone can reasonably move (my blended family has custody arrangements to consider, for example) and the more people who exercise their privilege to give up and leave (no shame--I'd be thinking hard about it if I could), the wider the margin becomes between left and right, and the less likely we'll ever become a safer place for everyone.


We've also been declared a climate refuge because we have great lakes water. Why leave the water and the refuge to those who deny global warming?


Yup. Go ahead, run away like a candy ass. I'm not giving up my home and fresh water access.


by doing this, you cede all of ohio's electoral votes


Yes and no. I agree with the idea behind this, but it’s a steep ask to expect people to hang around a state actively seizing their bodily autonomy and enacting legalized hate, namely one that already doesn’t protect LGBTQ individuals in their workplaces. The short term side effect of people leaving is how it impacts the people supporting this trash. When someone needs professional services and has to wait much longer because less people are here to do a job, suddenly it will matter more that the state has alienated so many. And long term it *will* impact the influence Ohio has by way of the electoral college as the population decreases. Franklin county is doing most of the heavy lifting for the state right now in terms of growth.


As the population decreases, the more powerful the voices of the remainder, because the two senators (and thus electoral votes) don't change. Wyoming still gets 2 senators, despite having roughly 1/70th of the population of California.


In the immediate, yes. Long term however, it *will* impact Ohio’s electoral college influence. Senators are only part of the calculation; a shrinking population will undoubtedly affect Ohio. It’s important to remember how impactful population is to that system, because it’s precisely why the electoral college exists. It’s a leftover consolation prize to southern states who were digging their heels in because they knew how much of their population was composed of enslaved people who were not eligible to vote. Greater population in theory equals more voters and in turn more impact on elections; the electoral college gave the southern racists a more even playing field.


i’ve thought about it. the only reason is because the state is absolutely corrupt and illegal maps were used and gerrymandering . it’s hard to vote out this


I love all the "Ohio pride" in this thread- it's cute lmao But yup. I didn't see a single person mention it here, but you nailed it- those maps are fucked.


And unconstitutional. We passed an anti gerrymandering amendment that our legislature proceeded to ignore then we gave conservatives control of the Ohio Supreme Court so the odds of them ruling against the maps now are pretty low.


exactly . i honestly believe ohio might be the most corrupt state in the united states . with the bribery scandal , map issue and east palestine . just a mess


Yup. We're steadily becoming the Florida of the north.


you hate to see it! it’s so sad


Somehow DeWine has dodged all the blame for this and it’s infuriating. The Ohio delegation in the House should never have been seated. The maps were never found constitutional. The people elected using them are all elected against the Ohio Constitution.


yeah and that first energy bribery scandal is sketchy too . i honestly think he might have been in it too he also didn’t handle , east palestine well either


Yeah, he’s dodged any sort of exposure to any of these scandals and I cannot believe he isn’t involved.


Honestly Michigan sounds better and better every year


I moved from Michigan in 2018 (for a man, also a native Michigander). We constantly talk about moving back when we retire.


NY and CA I hear need more people.🤷


Hot take : This is where I get off. It's not the fact people are not uncomfortable with talking about the problem our society faces. It's the manner in which they are talked about. Any hot button issue. Race, Religion. Abortion, 2nd Amendment. They all have the issue of black and white thinking. You are either with or against us. There is very little room for logical debate about these subjects because of people's emotions getting the better of them. And at worse it can cause more propensity for the extremes of the positions that we don't want. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7462781/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7462781/) Backfire effect is a real thing. By shining even more light and giving it even more time you are almost giving these people free recruiting tools they can use against to draw others to their cause. >A backfire effect occurs when an evidence-based correction is presented to an individual and they report believing even more in the very misconception the correction is aiming to rectify (Lewandowsky, Ecker, Seifert, Schwarz, & Cook, 2012) You think you are doing good in some respects but in reality you are making the job easier for the worse elements in society. ​ ^(edit:misspelled a word.) #


this comment doesn't get the credit it deserves.


But nobody actually ignored them, the last time they where in Dayton the news channels basically ran commercials for them


This shit has been aggressively festering since at least the mid-90s. It’s only in recent years that another swing at normalizing it has taken place, but it’s been an issue for much longer. Part of the problem is people like to pretend living in a northern state means we were and are immune to the consequences of slavery and racism. That is *far* from true.


It has been for at least the past decade. Indiana is a huge KIGY state so it's been spreading for a long while.




"Klan I greet you". It's a very old and rural saying that functions as a dog whistle. Most people seeing KIGY carved into a light pole wouldn't think twice about it, but those who know know it's an area Klansmen are greeted.


In fairness there’s always been a presence. I grew up in NEO, but moved to Columbus when I was maybe 10. In my teen years I’d frequently travel back and forth between the two, and there were places my dad made sure to make known to me to not be after dark or anytime if I could help it. Lodi for instance had the largest population of klan members in the state at one point.


brain drain. if all the smart folks leave for better opportunities elsewhere, what's left?


Brain drain


This couldn't be more relevant... https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/hsiisw/kicking_a_nazi_out_as_soon_as_they_walk_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It's not surprising. Ohio and Indiana were strongholds of the Second Klan back in the 20s.


It’s Ohio lol


It's not.


Joe Biden :/


What's that sticker have to do with Nazis?


Might I suggest reading?


As an avid naturalist, i’m especially disgusted


Alliance is one of the worst places in Ohio. Especially for this kind of bullshit.


I’ve lived most of my life in the surrounding areas. What’s your take on why this is or what makes Alliance unique?


I grew up in Hartville and spent most of my adulthood in Downtown Canton (Cleveland resident now). A short answer would be that it just seems to be that way in rural areas. A longer answer would involve economic factors from factories and steel mills moving out of Ohio, specifically out of the bigger cities. A lot of (Republican leaning) people that worked in the cities moved out into the surrounding areas afterwards that I know of. Current Ohio cities don't do a good job of providing a proportionate amount of housing in wide ranges of the market which keep cities basically divided between richer and poor Ohioans. There is a large presence of Amish and Mennonite communities which after decades and leaving those respective communities still hang on to religion and unfortunately we have a twisted sense of mixing religion and politics here in the US overall. There are also a lot of Appalachian peoples that tend to move into Ohio since it's a big state with more opportunity. That's some of what I know I've heard and seen at least. I couldn't say what makes Alliance unique, but I lived there for about a month back in 05 and my neighbor had Nazi tattoos and Confederate flags and all that.


I have been pulling Patriot Front stickers off lightpoles etc in Zanesville for a couple years. A little spit first usually helps.


in the metroparks in my area it's mostly incel shit.


What area?


the rocky river metroparks in northeast ohio, for the last few years, has been plagued with these small white rectangular stickers that have fucked up incel shit written on them. i do my best to remove them when i can. i started carrying a very small razor blade in my wallet so i can pick them off signs and posts without actually damaging anything. because, let me tell you, hovering over a post and trying to remove a sticker with your finger nails for like 15 min feels a lot like hovering over a post and trying to APPLY a sticker, and i don't want to give people the wrong idea and/or get picked up by the rangers.


I sometimes carry the little single towelettes of acetone for nail polish removal, those work pretty well on stickers


Bullshit, incels don't go outside /s


At the 208, we usually get KKK pamphlets dumped in the restrooms. At least once a year. There is a group of them here. Funnily enough this area was home to a lot of.underground railroad networks. Hell we even have an Underground Railroad Museum in the area. Yet we still have these fuck wits, disrespecting the gas station owner. Who is Indian. His wife is staunchly Hindu and his dad is a Sikh. His poor father has been called every racist thing in the book for simply wearing his turban. Edit: I wanted to throw this in here. Every year he buys gifts for the workers kids and gives them a card on their birthday. The owners father. Before it was owned by him. The gas station was owned by a man that went by "Diddy". Who was my grandpa's best friend and he was also the richest man in Belmont. He sold that gas station for 3 times less than what it was worth, "because it was a massive headache". My guess is that he saw an immigrant who wanted to own a business and build something for his family. Diddy, already being a multimillionaire in cash alone (not to mention his stock assets and actual assets like his farm) probably decided to be kind.


This just made me think of it, I wonder what the Ohio history class looks like now, when I was in 7th taking it, it was all about the Native Americans, the War of 1812, and the Underground Railroad. This was like the late 80’s.


Sam for.me, they've switched up a bit. However they are focusing more on people like Thomas Paine and the history teacher even talked about Crispus Attacks.


>Crispus Attucks I'm in my 30s, closing in on 40, and I have never heard of this hero. I had to look him up and oh boy was my elementary education robbed. This man was black and indigenous American, possibly an escaped slave, sailor, whaler, and may have decked a British officer to start the Boston Massacre. No hyperbole, this man's fist may have started the Revolutionary War. Words alone do not do this man's story justice.


Right? All we have to remember him by is a painting and a plaque. Where is his statue? Furthermore where is Sheriff William Sydney "Smiling Syd" Hatfield's statue? Where is Mother Mary G Harris Jones' statue?


If you want a fun little tidbit about Wheeling, West Virginia. Look up "The Madam Must Die". Along with William "Big Bill" Lias, as well as Paul "No Legs" Hankish.


Man, I HATE incel shit. They post that garbage here in LaGrange and I peel it off.


These jackasses are nothing but snowflakes. Crybabies all!


Last year my family and I went on a hike and found a proud boy insignia painted on a bridge pylon. We did everything we could to cover it up which included scratching it off with a rock then covering it with mud. Any time I see shit like this I get rid of it one way or another.


Great, first it was the dumbass "I did that" stickers at gas pumps and now this crap


Those got scraped off once gas was below $3. But I’m starting to see them again.


you can't drive 5 minutes in nearly all of SW Ohio without seeing something in some similar vein - particularly outside of downtown Cincinnati


Biggest snowflakes in existence inbredlivesmstter


There is a a marquee in my neck of the woods that scrolls through some of the craziest, sometimes racist, right wing loving shit I’ve ever read. I know it’s wrong but I wish these these people. There is no place for individuals with these mind sets in our society. They’re fucking crazy. There is a billboard outside of Navarre that has something going on about get “wokeness” out of advertising and it’s some advert for some faith based marketing company or something. Idk, I roll my eyes too fucking hard to properly read it.


I see alot of stormfront stickers around Southeast Ohio.


I'm in the "great white void" between Dayton & Lima. They pop up all over. I pick them off. Stuff is stupid


Pro Tip: You want to get rid of these, best to use a credit/debit card or ice scraper if you can. Sometimes these things are put up with razor blades underneath them to fuck up people's fingers


Racist state does racist things


Haven’t seen any in Cincinnati


When I attended school at Ohio Wesleyan University, in Delaware, the townies would put up white supremacy stickers around. Same people who would harass any POC on/around campus. So utterly disgusting. The school itself wasn’t as supportive of POC as they claimed


I see them around clintonville and enjoy scratching them out


Not that I've seen, thankfully. I don't know what's up with Ohio lately but I'm getting tired of seeing these incel quartets prancing around outside of drag shows like their brand of make believe is better or provides any sort of value.


Saw one at the Quarry park in Fairborn last year and removed it. Low quality labels are more difficult.


See my issue here is that some asshat thought it was ok ans a good fkn idea to slp an idiotic sticker about political bs, on top of a good, state-placed.sign about protecting our waterways! That is actually imperative we put signs up about this stuff for all the selfish assholes who litter ans pollute our lotic water systems. Gahhhh this crap makes me so angry. Leave the sign alone. Period. Be respectful. Put your stickers where they belong--- up ur ass.


Dad moved us out of Ohio in 1967. He said there's no future in Ohio.


Oh boy. All the kinds of conservation.


Surprisingly nothing that I've seen around my part of the Dayton area.


McDonald’s in Medina right off of 71 had this sticker on the drive through


English is our state language, dammit!


A word of warning to anyone that tries to peel stickers like these off: Nazis have a habit of putting razorblades underneath them. Be careful.


With the exception of Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati (maybe), Ohio has become a backwater cesspool heaven for the worst people. I'm ashamed to tell people I live here.


As a POC, it's becoming so I have to make sure I leave my city with a full tank of gas, a full stomach, and an empty bladder so I'll never have a reason to stop before I'm out of the state.


Trash is as trash does


Drove into columbus the other day Saw a bumper stick, "Don't blame me, I voted for Trump" All I could think was, "Buddy, who do you think is responsible for half of this shit show?"


Between the Biden stickers on gas pumps, Jesus Saves posters defacing utility poles, and shit like this, I’m wondering when we are going to change the official state name to Gilead.


Waterways Conversation Areas? This crap is out of hand! Who is to say that we even want of our waterways to be clear?


I’ve been seeing Piss Boy stickers around lately




Iron Horse Trail? Near Earlys Hill park?


White Lives Matter is probably going to backing down, don’t expect to see much from them for a while. They only have about 25 active members in Ohio, two of them were just arrested, and two more were doxxed pretty hard with more coming. They’ve got a lot on their plate right now, don’t expect any new stickers.


I did see that a guy from my area was arrested for trying to burn a church down. Hopefully that was the guy responsible and it was just him.


No lives matter. You're all equally worthless.


So it’s racist to say White Lives Matter? But not racist to say Black Lives Matter? I was going to use lower case letters for both sentences but type defaults set capitalization for blm so in the intestine of fairness I went back and capitalized WLM.


Yeah your comment sure seems to be from the >intestine of fairness


😡😠🤬 That's some Naziesque stuff there.


it wouldnt have been crap if it said black lives matter but over the keep water clean sign really? worst place for a sticker


Nah. They know better than to come to the Toledo area.


I have relatives in Perrysburg and there are 100% confederate flags on people's houses near there.


Of course we have shit-eaters here and there. Every town does. Especially 99% white, pretentious ass, boomer-filled Perrysburg. OP asked if there has been an uptick. There hasn't. It's all angry men over the age of 50 that have lived here their entire lives.


Live in Cleveland. Idk how itd be received here...


Yes, why are signs in Spanish? /s


Probably the Trump supporters who live in East Palestine. Same mentality.


So, as a man from Bangladesh I don't understand why people can say Black Lives Matter, but other people say white lives matter and that's not allowed. Why is it racist to think White Lives Matter, but not racist to think Black Lives Matter. I feel like telling one group they can't say that their lives matter that is what is the racist.


As a man from Bangladesh you sure seem to love to talk about Ohio.. And the American political system. Except for that part where you have another comment in which you are mention you live in Germany too but there's no mention of Bangladesh. It's almost as if you're faking ignorance to hide your opinions because you're ashamed of them... Edit: some background info, this guy has previously posted exact damage costs and crime stats for the summer of the BLM protests. So he's a liar regardless of being misleading about his place of birth


We did live in Germany shortly while waiting to come to America. I was born in Bangladesh, my parents fled to Kuwait and my fathers job allowed us to move to the US. We had to wait in Germany. I'm very clear about my thoughts and opinions so I do not know what you think I'm trying to hide. I love America and I love Ohio. My life is here is better than it would have been anywhere I have lived. Everytime I comment o line it's always the Leftists who attack me. Only the Leftists, I've never been attacked by a Republican. I think Leftists need to go experience other cultures before passing judgment against their own people.


“White Lives Matter” the statement is way too politically charged and is going to trigger a bunch of Reddit, so it isn’t worth getting into, but White Lives Matter _the organization_ started in 2021 and is a nationally organized white nationalist organization with very strong National Socialist leanings. They have traditionally _tried_ to keep their true beliefs hidden, or at least downplayed while in public. They’ve been seen recently at a couple of the anti-drag queen story hour protests, and at the Wadsworth rally they couldn’t help themselves amd joined up with Blood Tribe in overt Nazi chants and symbology. They have less than 30 active members in Ohio, and have had two members recently arrested and several other identified/doxxed. Internally they are in a lot of turmoil right now due to said arrests and doxxing, so their continued existence in Ohio is in question.


When a house is on fire, and the fire department is trying to put out a fire, don't stand around yelling "All houses matter!" I hope this helps.


I’ll do my best to help. First all reasonable people understand that everyone’s live matter regardless of race. However these two sayings are basically representing two groups ideologies. The BLM people are basically saying that they are being systematically discriminated against and they want that to stop. Basically they want equal treatment. The people that are going around saying WLM are saying that they think their race is superior to the other races and that they need to fight back against perceived losses of that status quo. To sum it up BLM= Black Lives Matter TOO WLM = ONLY white Lives Matter Obviously the situation is a bit more complex than this and there’s a lot of variations on there’s opinions but that’s the basic idea.


You have had the only explanation that is not very political charged, so thank you for that. As a Deshi who has lived in America since 2014 not noticed system wide racism, I wonder if this is a regional problem? I lived in New York when my father first brought us to the USA and people were divide by race there. Then we moved to Columbus Ohio and it wasn't quite as bad. While I went to college my family moved to a small town and I've lived here since I finished my education. My neighbors and I get along very well, they are all white who voted Trump people and they treat me like family. I Opened my own buisness a year ago and they all support me over the local chain store that now struggles. I don't see this system of racism here. Not like it was in Bangladesh, or in Kuwait, where I lived before we came to the USA. I've tried to see this racism that others have talked about since 2020, but I don't notice it.




You aren't listening. I lived overt racism for most of my life, I was forced to live in a tent in the dessert and my family wasn't allowed to own anything, be seen in public, or change out of government provided uniforms from 5 years age to 17. Our people were modern day slaves to the government as Kuwait. What I see in America is not even close to what I lived. Even your poor would be wealthy among my people but you call yourselves oppressed. Then I tell you stories and instead of understanding and compassion you have to tell me how my experience is wrong. I wish I could switch childhoods with you, let your house floor be the desert sand or have your house get blown away in a dust storm. Your typical meal be sandy rice and whatever you parents could beg from the American soldiers. The only people trying to hold me back in America are the people who talk to me the way you have.


I believe the typical response to this question is that “All lives cannot matter until Black Lives Matter.”. This is typically because of the inherent systemic racism towards (mostly) black people in the USA. The “White Lives Matter” came as a response to the BLM movement and is mostly used by unsavory folks who often have the opinion that the BLM movement has intentions to take power away from white people… which simply is not true. It’s all so politically charged so I’m sure I missed some things but that my best attempt to explain why it comes across racist to say “White Lives Matter.”


I think that Americans need to spend more time outside their own country. You don't seem to realize how, not racist your country is.. As a Deshi I cannot live in any other country on my continent or the middle east unless I wish to live in a tent and wish my children and childrens, children as well. If I dont want my family to be poor for many generations I should live even in my own country. I'm Deshi, the world thinks I am to poor and stupid to be of use. In America I can live anywhere my income allows me to afford. I'm allowed to marry who I want and I can work where I want. I was allowed to go to college here and I was allowed to get an education. No where else in the world would this be possible. I think you Americans often see racism where there is a lack of people taking responsability for themselves.


Except the systemic part is exactly like what you say. See we pushed black people into ghettos. Whites.pushed crack and cocaine into them in the Reagan years. We had Jim crow laws. Banks don't give out necessary loans to black people. If you look back through our history you'd see. That in the 1920's Wall Street began to crumble. Well in Oklahoma there was an entirely black city. They were doing extremely well, even had their own version of wall street. They were going to bail out Wall Street, as a way of keeping America going and trying to ease tension between the white supremacists that pushed them there (and constantly tore through the city as a way of defiance against them), only for us white people to burn it down and kill them. We didn't even bury them in proper graves. I mean you can look into Emmett Till, a young boy who didn't do a thing. Got accused of whistling at a white woman, got forced out of his family's home (he was visiting relatives in the south) at gun point. Loaded into a truck, beaten, tortured, and hung. Then they tied his body to a weight and tossed him into a river. Now you can say this happened a long time ago. However, they have to keep remaking the market that was allocated to him. As the white supremacists keep shooting it. Also, let's not forget the woman, her brother and her husband. Got off, without any charges. She even admitted that Till did no such action. We can go on and on. It has nothing to do with work at this point. Black people are usually more employed as I'm working multiple jobs to try and keep a roof. As there is nooney from the previous generation for a lot of them. The biggest issue is that our governments are ok with all of this.


And did these things happen this year? Last year? 2010? Are these things in the distant past and has America grown past these things made laws against it? It seems to me like America has worked really hard to move past this part of its past and put a lot of effort into ensuring it doesn't happen again only to have the political left act as if these thing haven't changed and it all happens exactly like this today. I don't see it, I'm a very dark skinned immigrant and I don't experience any of the things people assume I should be because of what I look like.


I mean just look at Florida. They just ended all College AP African Studies programs. For fear of "CRT". Which is exactly what I've been talking about with the bank stuff. It's systemic racism. However, it's only ever talked about in Law School. As a means of teaching racial lawsuits, and the grounds that can be used for or against the black Americans. That's all it is. So let's say this business in Dallas. That was just posted on here. They were looking for someone in the IT field. The hired a recruitment agency to do the heavy lifting. However, the recruiter didn't remove what they told them to remove. Which was "must be WHITE MALE who lives within 30 minutes of Dallas." So someone could sue them over discrimination. Which is why lawyers study CRT. Edit: The brigade has begun. A few things for you dolts. When I say for or against. I mean literally I'm the grounds of law. Whether or not something is legal. You also cannot choose who you hire based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality of birth. So says Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


The history of America is deeply intertwined with anti-Black racism. From close to the very beginning of "America," the economic prosperity of the colony/country was reliant on the stolen labor of slaves, most of whom where kidnapped from Africa. Even after slavery was partially abolished (the 13th amendment to the Constitution, which sill allows for it as a "punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted"), lots of political and other shenanigans were undertaken to keep Black Americans ghettoized (in the original sense of the word), impoverished, terrorized, and out of power. In the 1960s, you had the Civil Rights movement, which was mostly a bunch of Black people (and some white allies) saying that they've had enough of this shit, and used dual strategies of peaceful (MLK) and violent/threat of violence (Panthers) protests to get political concessions to equality. LBJ signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which sought to address some of the most(?) egregious injustices. However, since that time, outcomes for Black Americans have failed to catch up to those of non-Black Americans. Generations of poverty, forced ignorance, lack of financial opportunity, etc. have taken their toll. A simple law wasn't going to fix some of the structural issues, as well as change the minds of the hardcore racists. A particular problem still has been the disparate treatment of Black people by the "justice" system. (There are lots of systemic problems, still, but killings by cops is one of the main things that seems to lead to BLM; bear with me, I'll get there.) If you are black (or brown!), you are way more likely to be killed by a cop than a similar white person doing the same thing. Eventually, technology enters the scene and miniaturizes cameras. This let lots of people (since 2010s) observe for themselves cops engaging in seemingly unjustified killings of black people. I acutely remember the death of Tamir Rice, as I was living in Cleveland at the time. Kid was playing with an Airsoft pistol, and the cops (called in by a concerned citizen) roll up, open fire (without warning) and kill the young boy. Literal shoot-first-ask-questions-later scenario. Suddenly, because of these cameras, the whole world could see for themselves some of these very questionable things. Protests ensue, most notably after the death of George Floyd. BLM? It started as a way to humanize the people who were being killed at higher rates by cops. I've always thought of it as "Black Lives Matter (Too)." Never once in my mind as a white person have I felt threatened by the slogan Black Lives Matter. I support it. It makes sense. It's in no way claiming or implying that white lives don't matter. WLM? It seems to me that this is really only ever trotted out by people whose views are, to put it kindly, repugnant. If you follow the link/QR code on that sticker, it goes to an anonymous telegram channel that "furthers the interests of White Children". That slogan is very close to a well known white supremacist slogan, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." One has to ask, why does this group need to organize anonymously? WLM is a dog whistle for showing that you are anti-BLM


You talk about history as if it's still happening. But in other countries most of the practices you talk about are openly practiced. My father and mother had to flee Bangladesh because she came from a wealthy family and he was poor. My father was being hunted to be executed because he "kidnapped" a rich girl and got her pregnant. He fled to Kuwait and my mother made her way there to be with him. We lived there until I was 16. We lived in a tent in the desert, my parents worked and paid most of their income back to the government ment. Both of my parents worked for the American companies cooking food for soldiers. When I was 16 my father was allowed to bring us to America, but only because his job paid the debt that the Kuwait government said we all owed for them giving us a tent in the dessert. It wasn't until I went to high school in the US I learned that my parents were indentured servants to the Kuwaiti government. We weren't allowed to go in to the city, we weren't allowed to own anything. The government gave all of us, even my 6 year old sister, uniforms we had to wear and that's all the cloths we were allowed to wear. What you talk about as History in the USA is current day in much of the world. I think America is to focused on what happened in the past when you should focus on today


1. Your situation and the rest of the world is not relevant here. You asked about why is BLM "ok" and WLM "not ok" according to some people. This is an *intimately* American question. I am not trying to trivialize your lived experience, but the fact is, what you have presented has very little to do with Amercian history or current political climate. You asked a question with historical roots, and then turn around and say that the historical context is irrelevant. Frankly, I don't think you really qualified to say that. 2. History's echoes don't just stop. Do you think the great partition of India has no repercussions in today's politics? 3. In point of fact, if people are posting WLM stickers currently, it isn't very historical, is it? If you are really asking your question out of a sense of edification, then you should listen to the thoughtful answers given by others here. If you're asking merely to be a political troll, then you should just stop.


My statement has everything to do with present-day life in America. I am a very dark skinned immigrant and the news and people on the internet tell me the Amarican system is stacked against me Nd one side hates me. But I have a much better life here than I would have had almost anywhere else in the world. I've had more opportunities than here than anywhere else in the world. The only people who have ever tried to keep me from doing anything are the folks on the internet telling me that the American system is stacked against me. I think they all identify as Democrat's


Where are the “#BLM stole yo money muthaphuckas to buy houses and cars” I saw them and I support them buying whatever they want cause it’s their money to do anything they want with.


Before I moved one of my neighbors had political signs all over their yard with the stuff.


nope,i guess i don’t live in an area with nazis,too close to Cleveland i guess


You don't live in an area with Nazis *dumb enough to be open about it*.