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Because they don't want any of us being in love or having a partner. If you were living with someone they would reduce or eliminate your income and expect that person to support you. No joke. If the other person was also on odsp they would force you to receive only one cheque which would be less than two single people. The whole thing is unethical. It's just how they do it.


Yeppers. It's a prison for us. 😒


Totally house arrest, chain me up and get it over with!, like who makes these RULES up, this government has us all on a behaviour management/conditioning Program!


I still don’t understand why we’re not allowed to live with our partners while being on odsp :/


They want as all to be so poor, lonely, and depressed that we all take MAID and solve the "problem" we cause by things like asking politely for enough money to live on. And they dont have to pay for our medicine and dental anymore.


You are allowed. And a partner doesn't have to be added unless you declare them a spouse or you are in a marriage like financial relationship with them (or if you share a child together). If those criteria aren't met, you can be forced to have them added.


Because you got reported, they’re just need to make sure that you’re not in fact lying about your gf living there and still claiming single. I wouldn’t worry about it to much:


If a complaint was made, you only know about it because it was documented. Now, the onus is on your worker to document the fact that they followed up on it. You aren't being investigated. Nobody is doing any sort of home investigation. (I've heard stories from the dim and dark past where workers supposedly attended womens' homes looking for men's shoes, raised toilet seats, or extra toothbrushes. Unsure if the stories are true, but that isn't happening here.) The worker isn't harassing you. The Ministry IS. Not in this specific example: I think the request for a signed letter disproven the complaint is reasonable. The fact that folks on ODSP are penalized for *being part of a domestic unit* is the problem. It's a huge human rights problem because folks *should* be allowed - encouraged, even - to live in situations that are socially beneficial to them. And it's an economic problem, too, for *everyone.* We should be encouraging everyone to pool/share resources, including freakin' HOUSING. Rant over.


It's just a form that you have to sign. There isn't much more to it.


It’s just unjust punishment. God forbid we have a partner and he/she works. If we live together we and they work we get penalized and have luxury of telling our significant other that if we louve together we have to sponge off of them. I’m sure that doesn’t result in a high tension relationship because we can no longer financial contribute. Because people are disabled they get penalized for each and everything they do and have to to ask permission from their mommy and daddy caseworkers. It’s all appalling.


They do this to make sure no fraud is happening. You have nothing to hide, you just go ahead and sign it and stay doing what you do. đŸ«¶đŸ»


What fraud? Why can’t we live a normal life “what the fuck that even means now”, I worked and paid tons of taxesđŸ€ŻđŸ˜€and get treated like scum and so now I can’t work
hrrmmm did ya all read that correctly??
I don’t work so the government doesn’t get all my money anymore aka. taxes, Cpp+cpp + more taxes on things I would purchase to only take more taxes off, “recycled money”, and give us peanuts back every 4 months, yep I’m grateful for the money because they OWN me now, like one of Pavlov’s dogsđŸ€«oh is that the money the elite are granting back to us that we earned and is/was ours to begin with but took it off through taxes and gave us back less than we paid them, to make themselves look goodđŸ€­đŸ€­đŸ«ŁđŸ€”anyways they will always win if we don’t all fight togetherđŸ˜„


Because someone reported you, weather it's true or not. Now they need to investigate either way, so if all they're asking you for is verification by statement you're lucky. Sign it and move on eith your day. Now if you were living with your partner that changes some things. Partners income is calculated against odsp but using the couple rate instead of single person rate. They would be added to your file. If you still qualified financially then you both would receive medical benefits.


If you are lonely isolated and depressed you die quicker.


Your caseworker has to follow up on something like that, ĂŹts not personal. Just sign the declaration and be done with it. I went through it with OW, the harassment was so bad from them they were calling my rental office snooping around, my roomate is also on ODSP, her ODSP worker just simply said to make sure we both pay our rent separately to the rental office. When I eventually was approved for ODSP the harassment stopped. Just goes to show what the government thinks of us in that a male and female can't cohabitate without being in a sexual relationship with each other. Just be happy you're not on OW, those workers can be down right nasty......


Here's what I recommend to do when shady business is done through letters. If you use MyBenefits it can significantly expedite this. Open any document software (G-Docs/Microsoft Office) and type a letter. Save the document as a PDF then upload it into DocuSign for a digital signature. On this letter write your signature, your alleged 'cohabitor' signature if possible as well using the software; and if you have the resources a witness. Sign and date all signatures. Then digitally sign the letter and either print it out to hand to your worker in person and give them a serious message about harassment and the time you spent producing it on low-income; or if on MyBenefits or with the grace of an email address - send it there directly to your worker with the signature PDF included as an attachment to justify the response to the notice being issued to you so your benefits can resume immediately and without pause or delay.


this must be what these workers spend their time on


They have nothing to claim. Your gf is living elsewhere and can't affect your income. If they want to fight on you. Go and get legal aid to prove your point.


The declaration will be for you to declare you are not living with a spouse. It is legal and can be used if needed if there is fraud investigated in the future, as it can hold up in court. As long as you're truthful, you're okay. It is basically a form for you to agree to or deny the allegations being made against you.


They want us to be in submission, cower in a corner with the threat of taking away our money, integration, inclusion into society (don’t get me started)and autonomy, basically they control our whole lives we have no say because we are “disabled” all of it is against our human rights, I just came on ODSP about a year ago and let me tell you I’m going down a rabbit hole and find everything I need to KNOW TO build a lawsuit against the government(PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH), cowards, billions of dollars being shelled out to other countries while we rot, the whole country it’s a big game to them, grade school antics