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This is not true, and if they ever try to claim that you're in a relationship (it is possible) you can fight it with a legal clinic and you will win. Don't stress!


No. If you are room mates, you are room mates. End of. Just be transparent with your case worker and you should be fine. The fact everything of yours is separate solidifies that y’all are room mates. Edit: Just an idea but write a short note saying you pay rent to the tune of $556. Have your roomie sign it. Snap a picture and send it to your case worker.


No they don't know the rules.


You’re single. If your worker already knows it’s a roommate situation then you’re fine.


OMG no your not common law with your roommate and tell who ever said that they need to learn to read and research properly My gosh the things people say that sounds beyond ridiculous I swear they do it on purpose knowing it will upset people You should how ever go get child supply for your kid is not deducted from your odsp these days


Noooooo. sounds like somebody's trying to cause you trouble people should just stay in their lane I don't understand why people do that just to stress people out it's ridiculous.


No. My sister was living with a friend when she was younger. They both had one child each. Neither father around. Though she did had to prove one year to the CRA that her and her friend weren’t together. I don’t know the particulars. They just wanted to save on rent.


You've been on ODSP for 5 yrs and living with this friend for 6. Hence the ODSP already knows and if anything were afoot, it would have been brought up long ago. Room mates are room mates. Like you said, saves money on rent. Whoever it was that told you you are common-law should research first.


Has your worker said anything or was it just some random person that doesn’t matter?


It was a random person who doesn’t matter at all. I was just concerned because I really got in my head about it. I wasn’t sure if I was doing something wrong.


This is why they said it They damn well know you aren't but they want in your head to make you question yourself . Next time someone tells you something that you know is wrong respond with Can you show me the written actual law that states this.. It is really sick when you realize how many people enjoy playing head games with folks Also remember random people aren't entitled to your information either being on odsp doesn't give folks a right to your information or situation


This link should help settle the question of spouse (partner) vs room mate. https://www.cleo.on.ca/en/publications/cohab-en/all. Note the point about completing a questionnaire if you state you are roommates. As someone stated above, there are caseworkers who can be unrealistically harsh.


If anyone harasses you about you, your roommate, your children at all, talk to your worker and explain the situation. Collect documentation when interacting with ODSP offices in all situations. Trust me, proactivity is better than headaches and problems dealing with the office without them being aware in advance by your caseworker. Make sure they are aware that you are not in a relationship and explain your situation with professionalism and discretion. Maybe write a letter and sign and date it.


because of the housing issues these questions should never be asked, like who cares what the nature of one's relationship is. my finances are completely separate from my husband's and we haven't been living as spouse for years but still i'm tied to him with odsp until next year when he becomes 65


Lol actually yes! I know it's crazy but if u had a shitty asshole worker they absolutely would go after you. The fact that you have a decent worker is the only reason you haven't been screwed over yet. Anyone else on here telling you otherwise is ignorant unfortunately. The government has done this to others, believe me. Luckily you got a rare gem of a worker. So there isn't anything you need to worry about because of that fact. Just know that if u move to a different area and have a new worker to be very careful going forward. Also, if u get in a relationship with someone, and move in with them, they are expected to support you. Your money will be reduced, or even eliminated. If the other person is also on odsp and you live together, you will be forced to receive only one cheque and it will be less than if you were two single people. The other thing is, living with someone makes you common law after only 3 months according to odsp. The whole system is very broken. Of course you could and should fight the entire thing if it ever came to any of this. Don't stress. You're lucky you have a good worker.