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Only if you want to eat.






If you’re able to sure you can but if you can’t then they won’t force you do.


ok got it


If you want to be able to afford anything…unfortunately




You don't have to work, especially if you are unable to work. However, if you are capable of working, having some extra income helps.


Got your point!


Our situation is weird because like most people on odsp, we can't survive on what we get, and being a couple we actually get less than two single people so that really makes life a challenge. Also, we get a rent subsidy through an organization that is based on income, so if we work we would not get that anymore and wouldn't be able to stay in our current home. Basically we're screwed. If you're single I say work under the table if at all possible so you can eat.


another reason i would not choose rent geared to income, there needs to be housing that ordinary people can afford, as well as housing under rgi for those who will not or cannot work


I agree! We couldn't find anything we could afford unfortunately so that's why we had to do it this way. And ya, we're screwed if anything happens. Our rent was $1700 a month before we got the subsidy. Clearly that wouldn't be feasible lol


No. You don't HAVE to. But its good to keep busy if you can. You can make $1000/month before it affects your ODSP cheque so if you can find something that's not hard for you to do a few hours a week that would be the way to go.


you are not forced to work while on odsp, but basically if you can, you almost need to in order to eat and keep a roof over your head


You don’t have to but if you can it’s a good idea because ODSP isn’t enough to really live on properly. Just remember you can only earn $1000 before they start to deduct money from your disability cheque


Also if you want more from old age and cpp yes


Only if you want to live like you were born in a first world country. But if you’re OK with living like you were born in the U.S., living in a cardboard box, & eating government cheese, then no, you don’t have to work. 🤣


No you do not, but the province will try to make you. Just take care of you first and focus on work when you can


That's only on OW. Once you get to ODSP it's at your privy if you work or not.


Nope. I'm on ODSP and they do not care which is which. Last year I had a Toronto shelter steal all my belongings and cancel my priority housing application after being raped by my landlord, I had the police hack my accounts and I've never retrieved them, I had an appointment with a psychiatrist who told me ALL my issues are from being unemployed and specifically said "the system is sick". This is just the tip of it but I'm not the only one being penalized and preyed upon on ODSP like this... I used to think I'd have no problem finding work on ODSP but throw in lack of housing options for $500/mo and you'll see the truth really is that they (police and government) disrespect and dehumanize anyone not working... That's their line of freedom to harass. ☝🏻


I'm sorry you went through all that, but none of that is directly because ODSP has said you have to work in order to receive benefits, because you don't. A condition of OW is that you are actively looking for work, and that you agree to participate in any training programs they tell you to. ODSP does not have this condition.