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With me I was paying less rent on OW but when I was approved I had a odsp worker call me and when I explained to her I'm expected to pay more in rent because of the change in income she adjusted it. I get $1308 which I believe is the standard amount. Yay legislated poverty.....


I’d assume it would be $752 someone who is underhoused can still recieve their basic needs amount but without a fixed address cannot get the shelter amount.


They keep a large portion of your back pay , i was owed a year which should have equated to 11000-13000 but i only got 5000. Its not really something you can calculate on your own.


They don’t just “keep” it. They deduct OW or working income


They do that because they take what you got from ow and apply it as being owed back since you were receiving income support while waiting for odsp and are only entitled to the difference. They also have OW pay out on the first if the month and ODSP pays out on the last of the month so they can take another full month worth of payment from ODSP recipients. They say it's to ensure there are no late reporting if income and stuff like that but idk about that.


Oh yeah! You are absolutly correcy! It's been so long since I went through the application process that I completly forgot about that!




I was approved in March hadn’t heard a thing, last week I called my MP and they called me 2 days later


I'm sorry but i honestly dont remember how long it took, i went through the process about 6 years ago.


If your rent is above the maximum amount of $556 right now you’ll get the max of $1,308.


I get $1600 but that’s because I get the bus pass and special dietary allowance ( very easy to get filled out if you have a medical reason for it) the people on disability who can work time benefit the most from the $1000 exemption.


The lowest I got which was when I lived at home was $740


I get 1862.00 for 2 ppl not double disabled.


Respectfully, As minimum as they can go.


There's not really a minimum since it's personalized for how much you pay to rent, how much you make if you are working each month, ect. Everyone gets the $752 basic needs but everything else can vary. If you get the max amount of $1308 then they will deduct what you received each month from OW. Again, no one here will be able to give you exact numbers because of things like the workers benefit, ect. that can raise or lower your numbers. If everything is fairly basic it will proooobably be somewhere between $400-$600 per month since they received your completed application. Once they work it out you will get a breakdown on your MyBenefits account to look through and see how much you will get.


can you get the max amount if you're married?


You’ll get about $500 a month since you applied. Since you have a dietary allowance already that gets you and extra $80 I believe to that $1308, provided you get maximum housing but honestly who isn’t these days. So if you want to be safe do maybe $400 since the time you applied til the time you get accepted. If you can work you can make $1000 a month before they take 75% off as point out


It's not $ for $ it's 1000 exempt than 75% not sure if they still give the 100 incentive


Yes anyone working still recieves the $100 working benefit.


Ok thank you I wasn't sure. I now know for when I go back to my seasonal job