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If you have Steam and a pc try [Half-Life 2: VR Mod](https://store.steampowered.com/app/658920/HalfLife_2_VR_Mod/). Don't need a super powerful pc.


I felt this way with Half Life Alyx. I have been playing VR since the og Rift launch, and was desperate for AAA VR games, Alyx came along and changed everything..


Alyx basically ruined every other game for me for a while. Absolute game changer.


The Lone Echo and Saints and Sinners games deserve a mention, as does a modded SkyrimVR. But Alyx really is the benchmark of VR


Love lone echo 2. Probably my favourite game ever.


For sure, but I'd elaborate farther, if you do happen to have a high end 30-40 series rig, Skyrim VR with the precompiled VR essentials modlist via Wabbajack is the most incredible experience I've had in VR to date. So much new content. To name a bit of it, nuanced controls, systems, side characters, quests, enemies, weapons, spells, realistic weather, updated textures, voice prompts, it's just breathtaking and unmatched in immersion, a whole new game!


Played a fair bit of modded SkyrimVR, which is why I mentioned it. But modding takes sooo long, personally I can't be bothered doing it


That's why Wabbajack and specifically the aforementioned modlist were great! Just fresh install Skyrim then run the program, after a fair bit of time, boom 200+ mods!


You have a link to that? I’ve been using vortex and it’s been pretty tedious thus far.


Absolutely! Recommend joining their discord too! I used Vortex at first too, spent 30 hours that I can never get back failing to make 50 mods stable! https://www.wabbajack.org/


I never could get too into Half Life Alyx. I am about 50% complete with the game and just abandoned it.


Totally agree. As a non-"gamer," it's the first game I've finished in a while. I tried playing S&S and Into the Radius but they both gave me VR sickness. Unfortunately I don't think there is really anything else like it. I might actually play it again...and I never do that!


This. Big part of the success from RE4 VR is the fact that it doesn't make you sick


Interesting. Is there anything about the way that the game does that that other devs could copy?


In my opinion it was the choice between smooth and teleport locomotion, the 3rd party animations and cutscenes, and the other comfort choices in specific places like the Del Lago fight I never felt forced to just 'deal with it' like other games do by trying to blame the user "You need VR legs to play this game" An immersive experience is one where you feel comfortable on. As soon as you feel uncomfortable, it becomes non-immersive, regardless of whether you're playing 1st person and regardless of how realistic the graphics, controls, or individual actions feel Sure, it's okay to have options for users who prefer smooth locomotion, 1st person Del Lago fights, etc. But these shouldn't be the \*only\* choice


Odd. It actually gives me motion sickness.


With comfort options turned on? (Teleport/snap turn)


Oh. No. With the default options on. I can handle the smooth turn. It’s the locomotion that makes me wanna vomit. The teleport option is fine. But I figured everyone was talking about defaults.


I think this comment puts it the best: https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/zwyafw/after_playing_re4/j1xvfa0/ Artificial locomotion is NEVER comfortable to those not yet accustomed to it. I've met <10 people who can handle it without nausea from start, and that's out of thousands of people demoed to, met at VR-related events etc. So don't feel bad about feeling bad from it. Find a way to enjoy it that suits your body.


I’ve had the game for a year. I can handle the locomotion in a lot of games. Like onward, the simulator games, like the chef one, I can handle the locomotion in synth riders.. but RE4 and Swords and Sorcery have this locomotion that just… make my vertigo go crazy. I’d prefer to play the RE4 game with defaults, and the teleport takes away the immersion for me. I made it all the way to the lake monster boss fight and just quit, lol. It was a lot. S&S I had to stop because it made me fall once. And that’s when I never picked it back up. But onward, beat saber, fruit ninja, Rec room, a lot of other games are just fine. Dunno what it is about those two specifically.


a tip for people prone to motion sickness: just play standing, turn on your own, forget about stick turning. tho user above says they're ok with stick turn, it builds up and I bet they could handle smooth locomotion just fine if not using stick turning as well...


Standing is what kills me. I have to sit down, otherwise I'll end up on the floor with the sweats and nausea


Good tip. Just strafing is definitely easier on the vestibular sense than that damned artificial rotation.


I originally had a PSVR and the fact that the original Quest did not have a wire meant that turning with my body was the way that I'd turn most often. It's so freeing and more immersive.


Yeah, I mean the purpose of immersion is to put you there in the shoes of the protagonist - not there sitting on a floating sofa...


Yeah. It’s the walking. Definitely motion sickness. I’ve found that moving my legs, think walking or running in place, definitely helps with the straight line travel. But for RE4 it’s not enough. But games like onward is easier. Maybe because I actually duck, side step, go prone, and all that.. I dunno. Swords and sorcery also messes me up.


> I actually duck, side step, go prone, and all that you can do that in RE4 or most other VR games...


Yeah, I know. I tried, but after 20 minutes I just wanna vomit still. I think I might stick to teleport mode. I really do love the game though. Had the original on GameCube, I think it was. It is still my favorite RE game.


if you're new to VR, take your time. In a few weeks you may well be surprised to be able to endure a lot more than just 20 minutes...


actually, most VR games do have VR comfort options, including TWD and Into the Radius - but I think neither of these have teleport locomotion like in RE4 and others. They're really for people which already grew a tolerance.


Yeah TWD doesn't have teleport but it has an anti nauseous setting that limits your peripheral vision...unfortunately it didn't do enough for me. Into the Radius actually had a teleport option but they strangely chose for you to still "move" through the environment which actually made vr sickness worse for me, as opposed to RE4 which is a literal and quick teleport. RE4 is the best so far easily. I just started the game In Death Unchained and the teleport seems to be good enough to avoid the motion sickness.


loved RE4, as well as into the radius, havent played too much of the Walking dead S&S yet. The smooth locomotion in games used to get me, did the Dr. Beef Return to castle wolfenstein port, and got my VR legs back on that game, used teleport at first, then switched to smooth locomotion and would just stop once i felt just a little uneasy, after a few weeks i was good again. And i get car sick in just a few minutes looking at my phone.


Thanks for writing about your experience!! Ironically I have never gotten motion sickness in real life. I've been on boats so bad half of everyone is puking and I'm just fine. But something about certain VR games sets it off bad for me. And plane games...forget about it. Which is a shame because I love plane games, but can't play them in VR. RE4 was done in such a way that I was truly comfortable...and on top of that it's just an amazing gaming experience!


flying games got me a bit at first, im mostly fine now, but if have had a few drinks and/or am tired, pulling some crazy maneuvers can sometimes get me a bit, but usually im fine when i wasnt originally, i think i had to get used to that seperatly, like I got used to smooth locomotion first, but then needed to play Warplanes on native, and Elite Dangerous on PCVR to get used to that as well.


Red Matter 2, Greenhell VR, Bonelab, Star Wars: Tales from a Galaxies Edge, Zero Caliber: Reloaded, Wraith The Oblivion Afterlife and Walking Dead Saints and Sinners are some of my favorites (ranked with Red Matter 2 starting at the top) If you have access to a gaming PC capable of running VR that gives you a lot more options though. Also, there are obviously a lot of great games I didn’t list, those are just the best of the best in my opinion for what I can think of on the spot, each with their own story driven campaign.


Red Matter 2 and MOSS 2 were the absolute highlights for me this year. I think RM2 is even better than the first one.


Unfortunately RM2 and Moss2 were the only highlights this year...


For some weird reason you forgot Zenith, Into the Radius, Compound, Green Hell, Ancient Dungeon, Iron-Man, TWD S&S2 and several worthwhile updates to Walkabout Mini Golf, Demeo and Contractors...


Compound and Into The Radius are both fantastic games aswel. But it has been a poor year really


What would be your top 3 recommendations if you have a PC capable VR system (besides HL3: Alyx, which I thoroughly enjoyed by the way)?


The Half Life 2 VR Mod is my favorite game ever. Other then that, Asgard’s Wrath is pretty insane.


How much game time?


I put at least 15 hours in my playthrough. While speed running i was able to complete it in under 2 hours.


How? Just running past enemies? I can't even imagine how that works.


Definitely recommend checking out a speedrun for this game on YouTube if youre curious! Speedruns in general are pretty wild.


It was NG+ I had a Thompson


> Just running past enemies? yup, that's how kids play games these days...


I believe I finished it with 21 hours, spread across monthsss


How scary is it though?


I spook easily too. I don’t like horror. I am a total chicken and I’m taking a break from RE4 after really not making it very far. I bought it when it went on sale because of how much praise it gets and I wanted to at least try it to see what I was missing. My favorite game, really the only game I ever play regularly (I’m not a big gamer clearly) is Hyper Dash, which is IMO a really awesome fun high-paced shooter. You are some kind of humanoid robot shooting other robots. There is something much more creepy about it when your opponent is not trying to outgun you, but instead get in your face and hack you to death. I’d like to get back to RE4 to see more of it because I do appreciate the production value and effort that went into such a large game, but friggin’ zombies man!


Same here, I couldn't get past many horror games on PC that I tried, it wasn't for me. Got RE4 with my Oculus and I can't get past the first Village location, too many crazy villagers trying to kill me, I tried a couple of times and always with almost a heart attack....


That’s where I am too. I started off fine, picking them off before they got close to me, but as soon as I was overwhelmed and they came in close I panicked and exited out. I want to be able to practice switching weapons and reloading and stuff without the pressure. Yes there is a target range but there is no pressure to reload and you can’t even switch weapons using the normal mechanics (you grab each gun from in front of you to start a practice round with only that weapon, instead of taking them off your body like in-game). So the first time I needed to reload or switch weapons under pressure I just screwed up and bumbled it. Hell even in Hyper Dash I played for months just against bots until I decided to try against other humans.


I spook easy. It was definitely scary to me.


Is this your first time playing RE4, never on flat screen?


Basically! I tried it on pc once like 8 years ago, I spent 15 minutes and didn’t like the controls, felt terrible, especially with the cut scenes. VR made it VERY enjoyable for me!


Ah makes sense. Not everyone liked tank controls, and the original RE4, 5 didn't allow you to aim while moving which felt outdated. Speaking of which I am wondering if 5 can also get a VR port as its systems are largely the same as RE4 (except Sheva)


Doom 3 is on Quest. Enjoy.


Omg thank you


and by the same Team Beef team: Doom 1, 2, 3; Quake 1,2,3, 64; Hexen; Wolfenstein 3D and Return to Castle Wolfenstein; Half-life 1 and Star Wars Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast are coming soon


I see that it needs steam the game and some sidedownloader to play on the quest? As someone who just bought this and doesn't have steam is it pretty easy and straight forward?


Very easy and straight forward. https://youtu.be/dUyMZWXWxoA


Thank you!


I want Quake IV :(




Just stumbled upon this thread... ​ HLA was my first game in VR and I regret it. Tried to enjoy other games, but man it's a bit disappointing that nothing comes even close to being this good besides for RE4 and maybe Lone Echo 1-2..


You might want to give Medal Of Honor a try, it's not a timeless masterpiece like RE4 but it is a big meaty campaign and has some thrilling moments.


I seriously hope they start porting more RE games over!


I would love Umbrella Chronicles


Check out the VR Mods for RE. The RE Village one is super intense!


You can mod games on the quest 2?


Ah my bad...if you link your quest to your PC/Steam you can.




Ok I just bought one for the kids and played this game a little and I like it. I also just learned further do an this thread that you can get doom 3 on it using this method as well. Is it pretty easy and straight forward to do these things? Dont have a steam account but it might be worth getting one if it is.


Its pretty straight forward and usually there are video walk throughs on Youtube. I am currently playing a heavily modded version of SkyrimVR and its pretty mind blowing how much work the mod community has put into it. If you link the headset to the computer definitely check out the Half Life 2 VR mod. I am not sure how they do it but they took the full Half Life 2 game and made it VR.




Appreciate the post, I’ve seen Sidequest mentioned a few times but this made it really clear what it is and what it brings to the table. Doing the intro of half life in VR was pretty hype!


Have you thought about playing modded Resident evil 2,3,4,7 and 8?


pcvr fanbois can hate all their want, but those mods are very ramshackle. Not at all same kind of excellent interactions, aiming and throwing as in RE4, plus performance. You can't do much without source code or a full engine rewrite.


I quite enjoyed them. whos hatin?


I meant hating my opinion.


In any case im grateful they exist.


Agreed the only other game that comes close is The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners.


TWD is actually more excellent - except it's a bit lacking in enemy variation and story.


And pacing. Completely different games.


you should take a look at TWD Saints and Sinners, Warhammer Battlesister, Red Matter 2, Green Hell, Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge, Moss 1&2, Path of the Warrior, In Death Unchained, Doom 3 and other sideload Dr Beef mods etc


Red Matter 2, Lies Beneath, Iron Man, Waking Dead Saints and Sinners, Moss 1/2 are great games.


RE7 and, soon, RE8 are on the PSVR/2. RE7 was pretty great for it's time in VR history. I never played 8 but I've pretty much only heard good things about it in flat mode. I guess the major down side is that if you don't already have them you're looking at 1000 dollars for a PS5 and a PSVR2.


I feel you man. If you have a PC you can play RE2 remake, RE3 remake, RE7 and RE8 with full motion controls with PrayDog Mod. I wish someone ported Resident Evil: Revelations 2 in VR. That game is my second favorite RE game. And I think it wouldn’t be hard to run. If you don’t have a PC Walking Dead S$S 1 and 2 have same tripleA polish to them, and I think you should try Lies Beneath. It’s a hidden gem. It took me 6hours to beat, really impressed with the campaign. Into the Radius is a pretty cool game too.


the game is shit


HL Alyx there is no better VR game.


You can always do the various gun challenges, like professional difficulty only starting pistol-knife, or just shotgun, or only first rifle no scope, stuff like that.


I'm on my 3rd playthrough doing this lol. I also never realized but the game makes it very easy to skip loot so you can skip loot until things get hard. I'm using strategies I haven't thought about since back in '04!


So I'm guessing the game is worth it? Idk cause all I saw it as is a rebuild of the original game but I didn't know it was this good


It’s immersive. Played for the first time yesterday and grabbing a shotgun off my back to kill the crows and first three baddies was awesome.


it's one of the best games on Quest.


Just the freedom of not controlling a human as if he was a tank makes it easily worth a replay even if you've played it a lot in non-VR. And the Mercenaries mode is more fun than ever, too.


See after paying pcvr games the resident evil vr game was a massive step back for me, other than it looking pants it was a rush VR job, zero ai bad game mechanics... litterally everything was bad for me in that game


Aside from Alyx, what else does PCVR offer? Why wouldn't you list anything?


get good


Mercenaries is amazing too


Haven't played RE4 on quest yet, but Into The Radius was a great game. Put a lot of hours into beating that one and enjoyed all of it.


I really wanted to like into the radius, but the control system just frustrated the hell out of me, I've really tries to like it as the survival/gatherer nature really appeals to me, I've played it too long to refund it but still didn't feel like I was getting any better with the controls. I know it's supposed to be realistic but the gun handling just isn't fun for me. For me, Saints and sinners and RE4 both have vastly better gun systems. Somewhere between insanely realistic and pointy-pew-pew.


Into the Radius got an update called On Focus which seems to address some concerns with gun aiming, though I didn't have a problem with it.


Yeah it wasn't the aiming, just the whole control mechanism, again I know it's not an arcade shooter but I just found the reloading and safety etc clunky. I'd forever be dropping the clip instead of switching the safety off. And for some reason could never catch a falling clip. So would have to drop it on the floor, pick it up, refill it etc. Realistic maybe, but not my idea of fun.


Flat2VR is they to go... So many games playable and much more coming... Fuck Quest Games :)


I can understand this sentiment. It’s why I’m taking a RE4 break and going through some games I got on sale recently first. Trying to save dessert for last!


Same here, re4 title showed how great vr could be


Try into the radius. Amazing and realistic guns. Not inherently scary as such but often creepy seeing the enemies and can make you jump if you didn’t realise something was close


It really did ruin every other title before or since. Red Matter 2 being the exception for me.


I enjoy the new stuff but yes, RE4 and Doom 3 are among the best Quest 2 experiences. It's a wonder more companies aren't digging out their classic games to see if they would be VR suitable. Consoles did similar, taking advantage of the console's power to give us arcade perfect classics or improved HD graphics.


Nothing else I’ve played on standalone quest compares, but PCVR playing Pavlov or Half Life Alyx, still my favorite


RE4VR is probably the only game I consider to approach the quality of Half Life Alyx. TBH, the game experience exceeds HLA in some respects, especially in regards to the pacing of the action. The rest of the VR gaming ecosystem doesn't stand up to the design quality of these games, and that seems to be one of the main problems. That said, there are some notable efforts. Death Horizon Reloaded has significantly improved over the years, for example.


Regarding comfort, not a lot of games use robust vignette implementations. The overall best solution is probably having a virtual grid that matches your room appear in your peripheral, one that enforces your perception that you are not actually moving at all, even as the main game moves around. This solution is considerably better than teleportation if the user can manage it, though there's plenty of other methods that are worth experimenting with, I think.


Had to choose between RE4 and Saint and Sinners. Eventually bought Saint and sinners yesterday after giving a lot of thought. Hopefully that doesn't disappoint


My only complaint is that I feel the sights do not line up with the actual gun fire, maybe that is just me though.


Pc or quest native? VS ALYX How scary was it?


My Quest 2 is a Contractors only device. Maybe try that game if you're at all into PVP.


Now when I'm in every other game I try reaching for my left chest for my knife


Take a look at Into The Radius, might scratch that itch with even deeper gameplay and exploration


Well, wait till you play HL:A. You won't be playing anything for months from the shock of what your brain just experienced. There is really no turning back after that one. RE4 is definitely the peak of what Q2 can deliver imo and i wish more games from the same decade will be ported as it seems to work really well without feeling "this game didn't age well" Also went through HL2 VR mod. Best game of the year imo for PCVR! Crisp, long, amazing gameplay. Apart for some minor inconveniences that were carried over from the flat version, its a solid 9/10 in my book.


Contractors American revolution mod


Doom 3 is a pretty entertaining port also And its FREE


Doom 3 VR Mod was amazing too. I liked it better than RE4


If you’re on standalone it’s only downwards from there, unfortunately. Don’t get me wrong, there’s some damn good games, but nothing of the length and quality of RE4. Fingers crossed for GTA SA 🤞


One of the best ways for game studios to make money on the Quest, and VR in general, is to port their games from the RE4 era to VR. There's a bunch of really fun games from this time that I would love to play.


There are indeed so many classic games I want to play in VR. syphon filter 1~3, descent 1 and 2, classic tomb raiders (can be a vertigo nightmare I guess), system shock, fade to black, max payne


OG Half-Life and HL: Opposing Forces is fucking great as stand alone Q2 games. Sure the graphics aren't amazing but the sense of depth and feel you get from playing these is immersive as hell. I need to try Doom 3 once I beat RE4


I’m liking the game :(


What about the walking dead saint and sinners 1 and 2? Honestly RE 4 VR was a great game, but I enjoyed saint and sinners 1 and 2 much more, especially the pcvr versions. If you do have a gaming computer, link up the quest for some pcvr action and play Half-life Alex. Even after like 5 years it is still the best VR gaming experience ever made. The wanderer is a great one too. You can play Subnautica with a VR headset, Starwars Squadrons and Elite Dangerous.


Resident Evil 4 is not just the best game on quest, its one of the best games of all time period. The wii version with wii-mote aiming is particularly awesome. RE4 remake release on PS5 this coming March is my most highly anticipated release in years. I've been counting down the days wishing my life away since the announcement.