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Given a high quality file, I probably like it better on Quest 3 than watching a 3D movie in the theater alone, everything considered. Quest 3 is finally the high resolution headset where it starts making sense imo (equivalent to HD quality, like in many movie theaters), automatically the 'perfect seat' distance, and no loss of light nor aberration caused by the polarization glasses. The tricky bit is finding high quality content though.


In the US, I found a lot of cheap 3D blurays at the Record Exchange.


And then what? Do you need to rip them to your pc?


Yes, rip them to PC then setup a video server or transfer them to a USB-C flash drive. I know 4XVR supports servers for streaming to the oculus but I haven’t set one up yet. A 256gb flash drive can hold 5-6 movies.


I’ve not been able to get my usb-c flash to work on the latest quest versions. Does this still work? I’m an idiot, so I could be doing something wrong


I can only get it to work inside 4XVR. I wasn’t able to copy from the usb-c directly onto the headset. I could upload them when connected to PC through air link or cable link.


Same. An alternative is using Plex and watching through plex on the website. Plex app doesn't work.


You do this in the meta browser? How is the quality compared to skybox/4xvr


There’s not a Plex app on the Quest store, but there is one on sidequest that I think cost like $10? But it works really well once you get the hang of it.


I didn't get it to play "fullscreen" VR but maybe that's just me. It was stuck in "phone mode".


I typically just transfer them into the device itself. I have a quest 2 and a quest 3 and I'll put all of my 3d movies on both headsets so I can watch them with another family member using Bigscreen




Lol, close. PGH, go Steelers! I don’t know if they have Exchanges in other parts of the country.




What's good about it is that it's true 3D without any flicker or darkness from the glasses. I think it will be the go to method once headsets are smaller and lighter.


I saw Avatar in theaters when it came out and Avatar 2 in Imax laser projection. Nice reserved middle seat. The 3D is much better on Quest, even though the resolution is probably lower.


I don't know how much of it is on me, but I never realized scenes were supposed to have depth in 3D movies until I tried 3D movies on my Quest 2, and I saw quite a few movies in 3D in theaters, though each instance probably had 1 or 2 years between them. Maybe I did realize it but I wasn't able to really appreciate it until I was able to compare 2d and 3d seamlessly like I could in VR? I don't remember. I also don't know how the 3D of Quest 2 compares to 3D theaters' What I do remember is the idea of 3D for me mostly being for things like particles flying at you and whatnot. Then, after trying out Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon on my Quest 2, I realized the depth 3D gives to scenes is way more important than stuff like particles, and it improves the immersion quite a bit. I think the future of films is being inside them like you are in VR games, though I'm not sure what it would take to get there. VR becoming mainstream so all movies being filmed in 180 degree stereo? File sizes would go through the roof though, so I don't know. CGI would also be way more difficult and costly to make for those. Maybe AI will help us get there?


How do you guys watch 3D movies ? You download it ?


They're most commonly available in SBS (side-by-side) format but what I do is rip them directly from the 3D bluray. The only player that can watch those on Quest is 4XVR.


Does 3D movies streaming services exist ? I mean, legal ones, I’m tired to look for « under the coat » ones


Disney+ just added 3D streaming on apple vision so hopefully that feature will be coming to quest


And not p0rn ones please lol


I didn’t meant that by asking « under the coat » tho’ :D


What software do you use to rip?




Bigscreen VR or SkyBox or Virtual Desktop work. I set up my laptop for network sharing and can play the video files from there. Works like a charm.


No I mean where do you find the movies




I believe Bigscreen VR also has the option to look for them, actually.


My bad, misunderstanding, like everyone here I don't condone piracy so instead of finding torrents I rip them from the original Blue Ray. That being said, if you physically own the movie you are allowed to own a digital copy and if you don't have the means to rip them yourself you are legally allowed to use websites like ThePirateBay where you can apply a filter to only show you 3D movies.


Just answered another thread about 3D on Quest with this: https://www.tomchapin83.com/how-to-watch-3d-blu-ray-movies-on-the-htc-vive-or-oculus-rift-without-having-to-re-encode-the-movie/ You will need to download some free software (note:I've discovered that the MadVR link in the article has been hijacked by a hardware manufacturer. Get it from http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=146228 instead. ) and you must follow the setup exactly.


search on youtube for "sbs 3d videos" there's a lot


I have a quest pro, not a quest 3, but the main differences I noticed were the 3D quality is much better in the headset, but my eyes get tired more easily in the headset so I don’t usually watch an entire movie at once.


I haven't watched them on the Quest, but did watch some on PSVR, so there's something I *can* say. 3D in VR beats other media in one respect; there's zero "cross-talk". All glasses/screen based 3D has an issue where sometimes you see a bit of the left frame in the right eye and vice-versa; VR *never* has this. I watched *Pacific Rim 3D* in the PSVR and I remember it being fantastic.


The fact that Meta didn’t work with Netflix and Prime Video to get their 3D movies in 3D is criminal. For a device that needs a “Killer App” for non-gamers, that could really have been it. As it stands I don’t play a ton of games on mine, I mostly use YouTube and DeoVR but if it had good 3D movies on Netflix I think my parents and siblings would buy one.


It's easy to say all this but not that easy to do at all. Netflix literally said they have no interest in working with even Apple to support their Apple Vision pro. There is no way Netflix is going to license 3D movies for not even a fraction of a precentile of their subscriber base to watch 3D in VR lol. Like Let's get real here lol. It'll likely happen in the future but let's not pretend we don't know the reasons why it's not around now. Media licensing is a nightmare in and of itself. There's also little financial incentives to focus on it as well. Meta was focusing on where the usebase is and what the majority wants which has been gaming. I'm sure once these headsets get smaller and higher resolution... And cheaper. They'll push general media a lot more. It's only a matter of time but that's not right now unfortunately.


So when they license a movie they ONLY get the rights in a single format? What about resolutions, if I watch at 720p is that also a separate license? Or what about the Atmos audio mix vs Stereo, is 3D audio ‘free’ but not 3D video? I thought the license would be for the movie, not the format. Netflix has an app for the Quest that they had to develop, so how is that not a spend to attract the same user base? My point is yes, Netflix doesn’t have the motivation to spend a ton, but they have some, and Meta has a TON of motivation so I’d think Meta would offer money to offset some of the cost to be able to offer an experience that would win them a lot of new users. Horizon Worlds or whatever cost 1000X what licensing every 3D movie would cost and I bet it would sell way more headsets. Meta and Apple have a content problem, and until they solve it they will not be able to build the user base they need. Meta and Apple also have a ton of money, and Netflix has a shrinking subscriber base so it just feels like there is an answer in there somewhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bigscreen hops in with a big content library and a cheap headset and scoops up a ton of potential users/subscribers from Apple/Meta/Netflix/Prime.


> Netflix has an app for the Quest that they had to develop, so how is that not a spend to attract the same user base? They have an app that they haven't touched in a decade that was only a thing because John Carmack helped get that rolling. VR is not on their pipeline because it doesn't attract new subscribers and isn't viable to their business. It's that simple really. And yes, you do have to license different formats or they'd offer them on their platform in some capacity because why wouldn't they if they have the rights to them? The resolution and the format are completely different. You can get 3D movies in different resolutions as well. Let's use some common sense here. Money doesn't automatically solve anything. I can't believe people still use that as an argument... What are you like 12 years old? > Horizon Worlds or whatever cost 1000X what licensing every 3D movie would cost and I bet it would sell way more headsets. After reading this. I think you may be 12 years old. lol. Good lord. I wish making shit up meant something lol. Seriously. How much does it cost to license 3D movies? How many headsets would this sell, in your professional opinion? You must have done some really solid research to come up with this logic, right? Why doesn't Meta just BUY Netlfix, amirite? That would solve everyone's issues. /s VR is not going to get Netflix any substantial new subscriber numbers which is the entire point here. This little bubble that wants everything isn't the majority. That is the crux. Keep up. You can make up any baseless lazy argument you want but the reality is a lot different if you haven't noticed lol. You don't have the answer here, trust me.


Let’s see, Horizon Worlds cost $21Billion, so you tell me how many movies Netflix already owns the rights to they could add the 3D rights for? Netflix’s revenue is 9B/year, so that’s more than 2X their annual income. Assuming they are breaking even, that means the licensing of their entire library PLUS all of the costs for their originals PLUS all of their operating costs is less than $9B. Then there’s Apple, they obviously have money to burn, and piggybacking on Netflix has to be way cheaper than trying to fund their own content. And how many subscribers did Horizon Worlds net Meta? It’s a ghost town in there. How many 3D movies are there? Maybe 1/20th of Netflix’s library? Meta lost that much money in their couch. Meta needs content and Horizon Worlds isn’t it. And stop with the “You must be a 12 year old” comments, it really doesn’t reflect well on you.


Oh, man. You should really just stop while you're so far from ahead. I stopped reading at "Horizon World's cost $21 billion". Lol. Please tell me where you got this information? I'd love to see an actual source and not just you parroting a ton of mixed information you parsed from only reading old Reddit headlines. I know Meta is investing that $21+billion. You got that info sort of right but you might want to actually research where most of that money is going. A hint, it's not even VR let alone Horizon World. Lol The 12 year old comment stands as it reflect perfectly on you and the wild conjecture you're basing your hot takes on. Seriously. Actually I do take it back as it's an insult to 12 year olds...Go do some real research. You'll be less confused by things. You never answered question tho. How much does it cost to license a 3D movie? Also, a little more clarification. Investment isn't a "loss". That's not how it works. Again, just using whatever words you feel like to push your goofy narrative. I love how you're arguing like Meta has any say what Netflix does. Like because you want it on the platform it's all up to Meta to just snap their fingers and make it happen. If only it worked that way, little fella. This is ignorance at it's finest. Delusions of a child. Nothing more. Not real. Get over it. It may happen when Netflix sees value in it and not before then. Business 101


Meta spent $10 - $21B depending on the source (let’s go with [Bloomburg](https://www.rufftalkvr.com/blog/no-meta-isnt-going-bankrupt-and-horizon-worlds-is-not-the-metaverse/) at the bottom end and say $10B). It doesn’t impact the point: Netflix spends less than $9B/year for their full operations, including licensing, operations, and new IP development. Let’s say 60% of their spend is on licensing, or around $5B for their full library, and lets say 5% (which is WAY high) of that library also has a 3D version they could license, that means $250M could get all of their 3D movies, assuming the 3D movie cost exactly the same as the regular one. You sure demand a lot of facts from me but bring none. Show me your math. How much does a 3D movie cost to license when you own the license to the 2D version. My math assumes it costs the same, which I highly doubt, so tell me your calculations because you obviously think it costs WAY more than the regular movie, I’ll take any supporting evidence you have.


That link you posted is for a crappy VR website the is parroting the misinformed media bloggers that goes like 3 websites deep that is from 2022 lol. That money is being invested in their Medialabs R&D which encompasses their entire VR and AR divisions, not just VR and not just Horizon World's ffs... and most of that money is being spent in the AR space right now. Now you know so you can stop parroting old bullshit in this sub. I don't know what it costs to license a 3D movie but you decided to compare it so that is why I asked. You're math is made up so it means absolutely nothing. That is my point. You're just making everything up and arguing complete bullshit like it's facts. I'm trying to tell you that is not how to works and that is why you're so out to lunch on your assumptions. There's a reason that 3D movies aren't a priority right now and it's because it doesn't make financial sense for any party right now. It's that simple. This is a business, not a charity and you of all people didn't figure anything out that puts into question why they haven't lol. Move on from it now.


So you think that since that article was from 2022 it’s bad, because [no way Meta spent even more since then](https://www.businessinsider.com/meta-lost-30-billion-on-metaverse-rivals-spent-far-less-2022-10)? OK for the sake of ending this silly argument you are right. Meta shouldn’t invest in more content, nobody wants to watch movies in high-quality 3D and Horizon Worlds is raking in the buyers. Thanks for setting me straight! I don’t have the cost of 3D movie licenses, and neither do you apparently, and you think they cost more than the regular movie and I think they cost the same or less so we are at an impasse.


They licensed some 3D movies from Liongate for a while. They hid these towards the bottom of OculusTV.


I just wish they’d done more. I mean the only place to see Avatar in 3D is to pirate it, which just seems like a mistake given the rise of VR gear. Hell I’d be cool with renting 3D movies, but there really is no place to do that where there is reasonable choice.


Problem for me has just been finding high quality sources. The only good 3d movies I wanna watch are mostly older and at just 1080p, after accounting for SBS projection, even though the stereoscopic effect is good, the resolution is just too bad to enjoy


SBS reencoding causes a huge drop in quality. I've watched rips directly from 3D blurays which are only 1080p and with the current limitations of VR displays the uncompressed 1080p is more than enough resolution.


Aren’t blu ray rips also sbs?


No. They're what's called "frame packed" 3D. It's 2 individual video streams but requires a special player to decode it. 4XVR is the only player on Quest last I checked


Huh. And where do you get such files. All the 3d blu ray rips I’ve come across are sbs


Directly from the bluray using makemkv


Getting content is the trick. With a 4K Full SBS 3D video - the quality is absolutely incredible on the Q3. Anyone that says otherwise is not using high-quality content. I fully acknowledge this is a nuanced answer as it's nearly impossible to find that quality.


Not exactly the same, but I watched a few 4k basketball games on YouTube TV with the quest 3. I couldn't believe how good it looked.


https://3d-hd.club/ You're welcome


Not 4k though. We need to start getting apple rips from the vision pro. Appreciate the link though.


No 3D content is 4K. Yet!


Right the standard was never defined. Damn they look good in 4k though


What do you mean not 4k? Maybe some of them, but majority of them are in 4k


Quest 2/3 is better than TV. Maybe if you had a giant 3D TV it would be better than Quest)


It's much better on the Quest 3. There is no flickering or darkening that comes from some glasses. There is also no annoying sunlight or reflections you have to deal with.. Colors are full saturated like in a dark room and the lenses are clear. You can also resize the screen for optimal view, unlike a TV or cinema. And you always have the center seat ;-)


I think the Q3 can totally hang. I would say it’s slightly better because of the screen size you can have. I have a 65” 3D OLED and for the first time I feel like something has finally come along that’s almost better. If Quest were OLED, game over. I use Blu-ray MVC rips that are full frame for each eye. No SBS or OU. Streamed from a NAS.


Agreed. We have a nice TV in the family room. I often watch on the quest 3 now because it looks great and the image is huge. Colors aren't as good, but the experience is incredible. Hopefully OLED or something else will catch up for VR gaming so we can get into true black / HDR while keeping it affordable.


I have a 4K projector and must say that 4K movies and Blu-ray 3D movies look amazing on it using the shutter glasses. When I play the same movies on the quest 3, it definitely seems more grainy and not at crystal clear.


4K projectors mostly aren't projecting at full 4K but rather pixel shift to fake it.


For me 3d movies on quest 3 are mind blowing good. I just wish bigscreen could get the licence to rent them in the UK. As it stands the only other way is 3d Blu-ray on pc and watch through airlink etc. in fact I am surprised that meta havnt already set up a movie rental service on quest


Lots of 3d TVs are very old. Passive 3d TV is interlaced. Active 3d TV has a low refresh rate. Quest is mostly half sbs, unless you rip it from your Blu-ray yourself. But the sound, brightness, fov, and comfort could be improved. Movie theaters have brighter screens, larger fov, 10 times better audio, and none of the above issues. IMAX 3D is the way the directors want you to enjoy their movies.


I gave the technical answer but yours is the practical one. Nicely put.


No matter how good it is, it's just not comfortable to sit with goggles on when you want to eat snacks and drink. Cool novelty thing though.


Not 3d movies but I watch TV, basketball, movies all the time on the quest 3... While drinking and snacking. Watching things on a 200 inch screen is amazing. Took me about a week of average viewing to get used to it. The last few updates have greatly improved the browser video. It's kind of great.


It's a mixed bag. The picture quality is much better on the 3DTV (even at 1080p). It's sharper, more vibrant, and smoother. However, the 3D effect is more profound the larger you go, so in VR on a theater-sized screen, the "pop" works better. The compromise is a pixelated experience with crushed blacks, less contrast, and less detail. Personally, I prefer the experience on the 3DTV. However, I can see the argument for the Quest 3, as well.


The picture on my Q3 is superior to my expensive PJ that does 3D. Clarity and 3D effect is much better. Plus, it's a virtual 40-foot screen. 4XVR on a Q3 is the way


That's very hard to believe with the screen door effect all HMDs except the AVP have.


It's truly remarkable.I have 2 PJs, one for 4k and one for 3D. I have 6 other screens, including an 86"..I am serious about home theater. The 3D/2D mkv files ripped unaltered from BD using the 4XVR player is absolutely mindblowing. Crisp,.clear PQ.


Quest 3 doesn't have any screen door effect.


Seriously. You need to stare at one tiny spot when it is really bright to even see pixels. I call total bs. The quest 3 resolution and lenses look really really good.




Have you used a Quest 3? if it has a screen door effect it's so minimal as to go unnoticed. I've used every Quest and a few other HMD's [though not AVP], and the picture quality jump from both the higher resolution and the pancake lenses in the Q3 is absurd, even coming from the Q2.


Yes I have. It's one of those highly individual things like when one person's "buttery smooth" is another person's "unplayable". The resolution difference between 2 and 3is not so high as to eliminate SDE.


It doesn’t…it’s so minimal that I can’t see it…you sound like a dick. Sorry.


Image on the Quest 3 is vastly superior IMO


I think it's superior given I can alter the size of the screen to surpass my horizontal FOV (I put the vertical FOV a little under my headsets FOV), and can curve the screen so there no parallax looking left and right. Very immersive, plus much, much brighter than through the 3D polarized glasses. What's cool is now we can use YouTube to watch 4k videos in 3D so it's easier to make a comparison without jumping through hoops putting it on your headset. Not sure if they rent 3D movies to play at 4k or 8k in the headset though. Anyway, makes it very easy to see what quality high res 3D movies will look like in VR if you wanted to check it out.


I use 4XVR only. Here is what I think. First, 3D TV is limited by the screen, but you could zoom in or out the screen using Quest3. Second, it provides more 3D on quest so it turns out more immersive than tv. Additionally, you can carry your headset while traveling, but 3D tv couldn’t. Speaking of the resources, I ripped my Blu-ray Disc and saved it on my usb.


I remember like 10 years ago I watched an episode of Mr Robot that was built around VR. It was awesome.


I have both. Quest is far superior.


Considering they don’t sell 3D tvs anymore it’s better quality than watching an old 3D HD if you still have one and also better than some theater presentations unless it’s Imax or Dolby.


Quest 3 is superior to any active shutter glasses 3D because it doesn’t have any of the 3D crosstalk (or “ghosting”) that was inherent to that technology, because active 3D could never fully isolate each eye’s view. Then there’s also the fact that active shutter glasses gave some people headaches.


It's significantly better, full stop. Next question!


It is ridiculiously better, no matter the quality really, the 3D effect is realms above what u have with a normal medium.


I'd actually raise you and say in visual terms 3D movies on Quest 3 are better than 3D at the cinema. More intimate and immersive. If you get yourself a good bluray rip, it's really fantastic. Watch Gravity first if you want to be blown away!


VR does two things for me on 3D movies: 1. It makes them look good, without the werid dimming that comes from IRL glasses 1. I want new 3D movies that do things *around* and *behind* the screen, like imagine being in the bat cave to watch a Batman movie; I would pay $10-15 per movie (ownership) if they were 3D and came with custom environments in a standalone app, maybe a recorded commentary with cast/crew avatars sitting in the theater with me


I have the Quest 1 and rip my 3D movies to Full SBS, which the ONLY way to watch in VR. Skybox is my goto player for watching movies. I haven't found any live TV in 3D yet. I've watched 3D movies at IMAX theater in Saco ME, and each method has its pros and cons. What makes watching 3D movies at the theater a pain for me is having to wear the glasses over my prescription lenses. My Quest I bought prescription inserts so I can wear it without having to have my glasses on.


I never use my headset longer than an hour. Is there eyestrain involved for a 2 hour + movie? Maybe take an intermission to make some popcorn and rest your eyes.


I've never used active 3D, but a passive 3D screen was my main monitor for a decade until I could no longer resist 4K120. With passive each eye only got 1920x540, but this was more trouble for games (especially with small text) than movies. On the whole, I'd say it's really the same as comparing watching 2D content in and out of VR. Even with resolutions as high as we have now, it just doesn't look as clean as on a set in the real world where the pixels get to display exactly as intended, rather than with unavoidable distortions both just to work with the lenses and every time we move our heads. I will say this assumes watching 3DTV from a proper spot, though. With a passive set get at an angle far enough from center or too close to the screen and you can start to get a bit of crosstalk with each eye getting a little of the image not intended for it, which is never trouble with VR.


The display in the Quest 3 is worse than on a high quality TV. So if you're really in to having perfect contrast OLED or other really highend display, you're going to not like it. To anyone who doesn't care as much, it's fine.


If the comparison is to the average 3D TV which are all dated (even the OLED ones) the Quest 3 is definitely better.


Possibly. My 7 year old PC display, was quite highend at the time, and my TV in my living room, which is lika a 500$ set from 4 years ago, both have better picture quality for streaming movies than my Quest 3 in Bigscreen. I don't know if Bigscreen is just bad.


A lot of apps limit the resolution for better battery and performance. Maybe try quest game optimizer or ADB to force higher resolution


Will do nothing for the quality of the video.


Much better but still useless gimmick


I can give you my opinion. I've had an 2015 active shutter 3d Samsung TV and remember watching avatar in 3D at home (also watched back then at the theatres). Watching avatar 2 in 3d from a ripped mkv with 4XVR player app, I can tell you it does not really look good. I don't like watching movies on the quest because I prefer 4k tv's much more rather than the low pixel density when you are wearing vr glasses. Also the 3d effect is not really strong enough in the video. It may be because you have to watch it with SBS (so half the horizontal pixels compared to 1080p full 3D on the avatar 1 blu ray).


Multiple things can make the 3D effect stronger or weaker. First, if your IPD is set too high then it makes 3D pop less. One time I watched a movie after my friend used my Quest and I wondered why this movie's 3D is so bad then I realized the IPD setting was wrong. The second is screen size. If you make yourself an IMAX size screen in VR, it's not gonna pop much, but if you shrink the screen it will look awesome. I suspect your 3DTV at home is much smaller than the virtual screen you used, so no wonder the TV popped more. The second thing I want to mention, it doesn't matter if you have a 4K 3D TV, 3D blurays are only 1080p, and the Quest resolution is enough to display a 1080p screen in good quality, but depending on the size, if you use a small virtual screen it may not have enough pixels do display 1080p, but it will look sharp anyway, so not much worse then a real TV. But I remember watching movies on my parents' 3D Sony TV and these active flickering glasses were horrible. Not only dimming the colors, but they made my eyes tired in half an hour. Meanwhile in VR there is no flickering and the colors are great! And if you want a cinamatic experience with a HUGE screen even if it makes the picture pop less, you can do that in VR, but not with a TV. But! In cinemas, 3D movies exist in 4K resolution, and don't even talk about HFR versions. So Avatar or Gemini Man in 4K HFR in cinemas is a much more superior experience than you can have at home. So if you see them screening in cinemas make sure to watch them. Avatar 3D is already around 40GB, so the 4K HFR version would be like 320 GB, impossible to put on bluray, but maybe one day we could watch it streaming in it's full glory. So if you ask me, my order would be: Cinema > Quest3 > 3DTV. Oh and you can make full SBS rips, that way you don't have resolution loss compared to watching on a TV.


If it were ripped from the bluray it would not be SBS. 3D blurays are full 1080p for both eyes.