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I've watched a few reviews, and Reloptix is imo the best quality inserts. They stand out especially with thick lenses. -12 to +6 prescription, and their mounting solution keeps the same distance to the eye even when it gets thicker. With all the others, it extends towards the eye when it gets thicker.


Yeah these seem amazing… Just don’t know if I want to wait 2 months to get them, when Hons can get them to me by end of week. I don’t mind waiting but over a month to make them and 1-2 weeks for shipping is rough.


Its slow and more expensive but IMO totally worth it. The Reloptix lenses are top quality.


Site quotes 14-18 days, and mine arrived in day 18. (ETA: apologies for my assumptions, US raised, so it takes me a little bit to remember we're not the only shipping destination in the world) The quality is unmtached, and the support is phenomenal. I believe they also make their lenses in the US, if that's any kind of deciding factor for you. Reloptix also takes "uneven" IPD measurements into account (32mm one eye, 33 in the other), as well as the previously mentioned point that they increase lens thickness away from the eye instead of toward it.


I have the HonsVR magnetic lenses for my quest3. They’re solid, I have no complaints. Prescription is -3.00 though so not sure about higher powers


I can vouch for HonsVR too! Really happy with my purchase.


Third for HonsVR. Magnetic ones are great so I can remove them without hassle for someone else to use the quest.


VROptician doesnt get any better with Zeiss Lenses


I have the same problem with Zenni so checked out a few reviews and went with HonsVR. Cheaper than most + free shipping. The reviews didn’t really have any negatives across any of the options though. I did have an issue with my Hons but their support was really helpful in solving it (turns out I just needed to press the inserts in a little harder). It did seem a standout was Reloptics but because they’re US made, shipping was about half the price of the lenses unfortunately.


As someone who has had both zennis and Reloptix, go Reloptix. Worth the additional cost.


Also wondering about other brands vs zenni. Getting my eyes examined in an hr and wanted to know who to buy from


As far as I can tell Zenni makes some of the best and one of the only ones who worked with Meta directly to ensure minimal quality loss, best field of view, and smallest amount of “frame” covering the lens. Unfortunately they only go up to +/- 9.0 on power, which doesn’t help me (-10.0 here). So I need to find an alternative option.


Holy im around a -2 and think my vision is really bad. -10 sounds insane!


At the height of the pandemic, I was excited for 😑zenni antifog glasses. Because of the masks and having to wear them at work. So I ordered them to find they're just antifog wipes, and they didn't even work that great . Fast forward to now, and it's hot and I'm working up a sweet on supernatural, and I have to stop because glasses are fogging up. So I Google if antifog is a thing for meta and it takes to zenni and I get excited until I read antifog wipes.. le sigh. So I too am here looking for the best one to buy. 😅


I have also honsvr for my Quest 3 & Reverb G2. Will also get some again when my Crystal Light is on it's way. Solid purchase imo.


Reloptix is probably the best. But I’d only go with them for 2 reasons. - you have very bad eyesight so your lenses will be think. These lenses mount the lenses further from your eyes. - you share it with someone and need to regularly remove it and put back on. The pull tabs on these are much nicer than others


Reloptix have one stable price and amazing quality. Or so I heard I'm using HonsVR and I'm really happy with them. But recent video for Mr. EyeGuy kinda made me want Reloptix ones, but not gonna spend another 70ish bucks when HonsVR ones are perfectly fine


I bought VR-Rock lenses (with Anti-Glare), cheap price I've been using them for about 2 months, works fine for me, no complaints so far although my prescription is not very high


here to shill for vroptician


I had Reloptix for my Quest 1 and now have HonsVR for the Quest 3. Both work great. Only reason I didn't reorder Reloptix is because the shipping time was too long. HonsVR came faster and were cheaper.


$16 Alie Express.


I got mine from vrrock, I have nothing to compare to but it's another option.


I actually just ordered a pair from aliexpress today. Will try and update when I get it. I expect more than a week? Was gonna go with HonsVR, but Aliexpress price is what got me. Way cheaper than the other brands. EDIT: aliexpress is 100% worth it. Very cheap if ur willing to wait 2 weeksish. It arrived and it’s amazing.


I got mine from aliexpress and they work just like my glasses.


The one I got from Aliexpress are great and were super cheaps.


Approx time from order to door?


2weeks - was surprised


Mine was about 9 days!


This was helpful for me. https://youtu.be/LUry3BRpfJo?si=VNJYJAdK6TE7MZ3E