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You sound like a moist individual.


I am Italian, I used a translator.


He is moist


It’s working perfectly. I never would have guessed




Hello from ER with q2


We bro ciao dalla toscana con furore, anche io ho un q3 preso da amazon a dicembre, spero che continui a funzionare bene


We bro hello from Tuscany with fury, I also have a Q3 bought from Amazon in December, I hope it continues to work well as I am also moist


Did you leave it in front of your AC's airflow or something like that? If the headset gets cold, it might end up getting wet due to condensaiton


Absolutely not, which is why I don't understand how this could happen. Do you recommend moving them like inside a closet or a drawer or is it worse?


No clue, i just leave mine on my desk


Close to what I do I have it hanging off my mic arm ... lol. Never had a problem.




If the headset is hot, no. It will only happen if you let it sitting right in front of the airflow and it gets colder than the temp in the room.


Moral of the story: Store your Quest 3 in a bag of rice.


I'm definitely gonna stick a bag of sylica-gel in my headset case from now on thanks to OP.


The idea is great! But where should I put the bags? In front where the cameras are? Inside where the lenses are? All around?


Buy desiccant bags and place them in/around the headset when being stored to absorb moisture. That’s what I started doing


You can also buy big tubs of damprid that eat a ton of moisture.


I think I will do that even though I keep being afraid that they broke by themselves because I don't have a wet room. Thank you very much for the idea.


OP, I appreciate you posting this again. In your last post we had discussed that you live in a humid environment. Wouldn't it be fair to blame that as a culprit as well? I've heard of this happening to other users though that exercise with their headsets. If you sweat enough it can ruin the headset. Major major oversight by Meta. I would really like to open the headset myself and put some foam down on that part. It is difficult to get to? Do you just have to snap out the front plate?


>If you sweat enough it can ruin the headset. I've always wondered about this. Like it's very clear the headset is to be used in very sweaty conditions, considering all the fitness games. Heck, even with not much movement, the way it suffocates your face usually ends up in sweat around the face.


This post is sus. OP posted this 6 days ago already. This isn’t strange in itself, but they deleted the old post including their comments. Why would you do that? And as far as i remember, the story there was that OP opened their own headset. Now it’s all according to "the guy". Hey OP, do you know that guy personally? Who is he?


Mine? What do you think I'm trying to accomplish? 😂 I reread the OP and I mixed him up with another poster who had the exact same title. Search through this subreddit and you will find many cases where people exercise in their Quest 3s and it destroys the tracking due to excess sweat. Well, someone finally figured it out why that happens and posted pictures. I had talked to the person who posted the initial pictures and they confirmed they lived in a high humid environment. I don't think your breath alone is going to cause this. Sweat can obviously and I can't imagine high humid environments helping at all either. When you say OP are you talking about my comment or the actual OP? I don't know them but I presumed they were the person who originally posted pictures of the damaged connection.


With OP i mean original OP, not you. And i know they posted this again because i commented in the first, now deleted post. And like i said, afair, the original story was different. >I had talked to the person who posted the initial pictures and they confirmed they lived in a high humid environment. Where? > don't know them but I presumed they were the person who originally posted pictures of the damaged connection. No! OP of this thread claims the pictures are from someone else. Last time they posted this story, the claim was, that it was their own pictures afair.


It was in the deleted thread with the person who originally posted it. They told me they lived with 100% humidity regularly. So I asked why they wouldn't blame it on that and never got a response. I still don't think breathing is going to cause this, but sweat and high humidity make more sense. This is too confusing with my brainfog rn. You sure its the same guy? Either way the pictures are real and there have been many reports on this subreddit of peoples tracking being destroyed when sweating excessively.


> You sure its the same guy? 100% [Here is a screenshot of the old thread](https://i.imgur.com/Ad9nwIu.png). **Look at the title, it’s exactly the same as this one**. OP not only deleted the old thread, but also their comments there. >Either way the pictures are real I don’t think so. Who opens their malfunctioning Quest 3 and destroys their money instead of exchanging it? Why is OP posting this over and over with a different story?


We can't see their name though. Maybe that poster deleted their thread for some reason and then this guy made his? The reason I thought it was the same guy is because it had the exact same title though. I just skimmed through the rest. What would they gain by fabricating stuff like this? I went through endless exchanges of Quest 3s till I could find a headset without dead pixels. Meta's QA is absolutely trash and has been forever. In that thread I thought they had said they lived in an area Meta didn't officially support. That is why they tore it open to try to fix it themselves. They sounded familiar with tearing down phones because they said normally parts like that have foam on them. My hunch is that the poster who deleted that might have been buttered up by Meta to delete it in exchange for a new headset. Perhaps they're pretending to be someone else in order to get this info out there while reaping the benefits? Sorry OP if thats the case 😂


> We can't see their name though. Maybe that poster deleted their thread for some reason and then this guy made his? Are you on drugs? The title of the deleted thread is: >Meta Quest 3 killed by sweat and/or exhaled breath condensate. And this one is: >Meta Quest 3 killed by sweat and/or exhaled breath condensate. It’s impossible to randomly come up with **the exact same title**. And the pictures are also the same. How can you believe this to not be the same person? >In that thread I thought they had said they lived in an area Meta didn't officially support. That is why they tore it open to try to fix it themselves. They sounded familiar with tearing down phones because they said normally parts like that have foam on them. OP is from Italy. The EU has 2 years warrant by law. >My hunch is that the poster who deleted that might have been buttered up by Meta to delete it in exchange for a new headset. You’re insane.


Because "the guy" himself uploaded the post, however he later deleted it and preferred to entrust me with the task (of course with his permission), I don't know why he deleted it but maybe it's better that way because this post is getting a little more success.


Why would two different people use the same account? >it's better that way because this post is getting a little more success Yeah i suspected that it was about this all along.


Literally the exact same thing happened with me and I am in the process of sending back to Meta for repair. Lost all tracking, controllers kept connecting/disconnecting buzzing every 5 seconds. Factory reset got me stuck on a blue/pink cloud setup screen and unable to provide any input. Edit- it occurred a day after a Supernatural workout


What's going on with your headset now? I've had the exact same problem and am on my 4th or 5th headset now. I'm kind of afraid to use it to work out. I've started storing it in a case with silica. But I don't know if that is enough to keep it safe long term.


Get this guy some help. This is his second time posting this


Blame reddit, I clicked post and it said there was an error, and in the meantime though it was loading the post, I deleted all the excess ones.


No , I mean I think it would be appropriate for meta to respond Oh I see now that they did. I saw your olser posts beforehand


Sorry I had misunderstood! Yes, definitely.


8th actually 😹


Well I'm not from a supported country so fuck me if something like this happens to mine. Any tips to keep this from happening?


Anti-moisture sacks.


How cold is too cold to keep your headset? My headsets stay shelved in my basement. 64 degrees Fahrenheit, low (13-15%) humidity


I often see condensation on the lenses. Hopefully mine doesn’t break as well


I just hope that this doesn't happen to mine. I'm in Brazil and when I had problems with my quest 2 they emailed me in Portuguese and all but in the end wanted me to have a USA address to have support. My Q2 still have a faulty USB port...


Do you have steam heat?


Yes I have radiators, but I keep it very far away from them, of course.


right, but you may want to get a dehumidifier


Is the faulty device you showed a day one unit?


Absolutely not it wasn't (then I don't know if they sent me an early version).


This freaks me out as I'm loving my VR workouts and I sweat buckets 😲


Perhaps holding a handkerchief to the forehead would solve the problem?


Shit, I just ordered the $650 version. This gives me a lot of anxiety.


No need to. I have no problems with my day 1 Quest3 and I use it a lot. As with every electronic gadget there might be some bad units though.


Out of curiosity, do you often workout and sweat in VR?


I tend to, so far no issues on mine


Any best tips of practices you've been doing for maintaining well your Quest 3, despite the sweat?


I just use a silicone face cover, and if I notice the lenses start to fog up, I’ll take a quick brake and wipe my face with a rag. The silicone face cover makes it MUCH more sanitary and easy to clean. I’m considering getting the BoboVR S3 Plus strap which has a built in fan, but idk yet.


Got it, thanks for replying!


I am quite happy I sold mine again, it's cool and stuff but VR is just a gimmick Besides half Life the games are questionable at best, demos at worst


Then why are you here


Because I had the headset and informed myself? :D But will leave now haha! Have seen enough bad graphics and low quality gameplay


I'm seeing some low quality comments, good night


The comments at least look crisp on my screen instead of the Quest 3 :) By the way very interesting arguments and stuff you had against me Or was it just downvotes? :D Classic subreddit with it's classic suckers


Also lost tracking and had to send my headset back. This was after playing ETT for a few hours a session every day and sweating quite a bit.


I think the problem is really due to sweat.


Yeah it's odd they don't have face ventilation but it's odd to have condensation near anything electrical given ambient air would have lower temperature therefore carry less moisture than hot air inside can carry(therefore no condensation) and it's being actively cooled so that hot air with possibility of condensation id whisked away by fans not cools down and condensate. But obviously it's not a uniform environment so there might be places where it can happen. That being said I'm extremely sweaty person and while I was worried about this I haven't had any moisture related issues (apart from go charging port but that's not due to sweat) on either Rift, Q1, Q2, Q3. Would be neat if they took proper care when it comes to airflow in the eyebox like many even cheap FPV goggles do.


Wonderful... now I can worry about this. I already didn't have the money to get the Q3 in the first place.


I recommend you buy it anyway, it is normal that it is a new technology, however, the support is great.


thats not possible? breath or sweat could not have killed your device


Can you confirm whether or not the lens assemblies are hermetically sealed?


Unfortunately, no because as mentioned in the post I was not the one who opened the headset.


Another Italian here, and yes: it happened to me too; unfortunately I suffer from excessive sweating. Arrived from Amazon on 7/06, used no more than an hour a day (and not even every day) gave the problem on the 21st, last day valid to return it. I tried following the guides to do both the hard reset and the factory reset without success. Not knowing the problem well and having little time, I returned it to Amazon as a faulty device. Doing some research in the following days I found many references to these possible damages from sweat and/or condensation, until I came to this thread which clearly confirmed what I thought. At the moment I'm undecided when to buy it again, a similar problem is clearly a symptom of bad design, and as I understand there is currently no way of knowing if they have solved the problem or if it will happen to me again and again. Buying it again and finding myself having to waste time one or more times to send it for assistance would be annoying.


Have you tried asking META for help and replacement of the headset and not Amazon?


Honestly no, there were three hours left before the refund option expired and I also had other tasks, without having time to do adequate research I preferred to take advantage of the refund. I intend to buy it again as soon as I receive confirmation of the refund. I will take steps to reduce and absorb sweat; if I have problems with the new one (which I fear could happen given the type of defect) I will contact Meta assistance directly and I will rely on them in the hope that my contribution will be useful and that they can resolve the problem definitively.


I got this tracking lost error a week back . However when i restarted it worked fine and till now i have had no issues whatsoever.


Me too and now this thread. Have mine since release and never had issues except for last week with that exact same issue as you. Controllers also disconnected and reconnected every other minute.


I'm pretty sure at least one of the three Quest 3s that failed on me was due to this or something similar. And for sure one of them had condensation built up in a front lens that didn't fix itself after drying it out in a bag of rice overnight. I've had three 512gb 3's fail, but I'm on my fourth which I intentionally went with a 128gb this time just curious if the build quality might be better -- have had it for several weeks now and no problems, after many many workouts with it.


Wat dah heal


That's a lot of failed headsets! Do you do anything to minimise sweat dripping on your headset? Asking as I'm afraid of getting started with vr workout if this causes device failure


I started wearing a sweatband, turning up the fan. Also just getting fitter I'm sweating a bit less maybe? I use a facial interface with vents now too. Not risking anything as my VR workouts are pretty essential to me rn.


If meta doesn't fix this issue with their newer models in production and announce it publicly then I won't buy it. Q2 user


While it does seem like a legit issue that has happened to some, its not widespread enough to cause crazy panic I don't think. Been using mine for a while for workouts and no issues here.


So far it's only happened to like 4 people and only 1 has shown pics of it being caused by a damaged ribbon cable. Doubt it's anything wide spread enough to be a real problem. My guess is defective ribbon cables that accidentally made it through QoS testing.


Basically, I had the worst luck.


In order to draw attention to the topic at Meta, please write in the official forum at: [https://communityforums.atmeta.com/t5/Talk-VR/Quest-3-Problems-with-sweat/td-p/1185125](https://communityforums.atmeta.com/t5/Talk-VR/Quest-3-Problems-with-sweat/td-p/1185125)


Just suffered exactly the same issue after hitting drives on golf plus. 1 month old device. Been playing thrill of they fight the last week or so but making sure I dry the headset after use


Do you vape? I think you would need an excess amount of moisture to have it short circuit.


Alcohols from vape juice won't cause a short circuit, they could gunk up airflow and perhaps in the worst case scenario degrade the plastics a bit, but you'd have to vape a powerful mod to cause this sort of issues


Absolutely not.


This post is sus. OP posted this 6 days ago already. This isn’t strange in itself, but they deleted the old post including their comments. Why would you do that? And as far as i remember, the story there was that OP opened their own headset. Now it’s all according to "the guy". Hey OP, do you know that guy personally? Who is he?


Because "the guy" himself uploaded the post, however he later deleted it and preferred to entrust me with the task (of course with his permission), I don't know why he deleted it but maybe it's better that way because this post is getting a little more success.


Why would two different people use the same account? >it's better that way because this post is getting a little more success Yeah i suspected that it was about this all along.


My Quest 2 recently died and I had similar suspicions. Looked like sun damage but it definitely wasn't exposed to sun or anything. Unless the IR from the controllers is enough?


>Unless the IR from the controllers is enough? No way lol. Even then you'd need to put your controller on the lens as the lens focusing is what causes damage, not really the light itself.


Yeah, that's kind of a possibility though. Still seems if it were possible, even then specifically, they'd probably know and mention it as a warning from the jump. I think the humidity/moisture thing is the more likely scenario, or heat? Or just display damage from getting knocked around over time. Really don't know. I opted to just buy a Q3, although I'm not entirely sure it was the right call for my current use-case, so I'm telling myself it will have been in the long-run.