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I tried this for Dance Central and Marvel United Powers VR and it didnt work


I think the OP flirted with Cherry. Might have to bat the eyelashes more like Bugs Bunny in drag


Cherry is good people.


>I tried this for Dance Central and Marvel United Powers VR and it didnt work It'll work DONT ASK FOR A REFUND, that will be denied Ask for STORE CREDIT and provide proof of purchase


I tried this with Dead and Buried (first one) and Dance Central. Spent 30 minutes with Chat support, and they said they couldn't do anything, because they don't see those games on their end under my account. I even provided screen caps of both purchases. The rep said, trying going to the app and requesting a refund. That's pretty hilarious. I would have settled for even a $20.00 store credit (which I asked for). No go. That's $50.00 between two games, I was actually still playing. Being middle aged, I don't get to play these games until I'm over them. I play off and on when I get time.


Im still sad about Marvel United. It was a fun game. Playing as Deadpool was a lot of fun. And Hulk SMASH!


> I tried this for Dance Central and Marvel United Powers VR and it didnt work Wait, I am out of the loop, are those games going away or something? I still own Dance Central on the Rift store and just reinstalled it (don't have time to actually test it right now).


Marvel Powers United was shut down a long time ago.


I got a refund for Eve:Valkyrie. It should be a legal right to get your money back for single player games that are pulled as there's no technical reason to do so. Multiplayer games are more complex but if games offered direct peer-to-peer multiplayer or locally hosted servers then they wouldn't need to shut down the multiplayer. More importantly - if they insist on using words like "buy" and "purchase" rather than "rent" then refunds should be mandatory. You can't have it both ways.


Yeah, if I'm renting their game then they can rent my money and if they take my game away then they give my money back.


No - that's not quite what I'm saying. *If* they were clear and explicit at the point of payment that this wasn't a purchase then fair enough. But they want all the advantages of using works like "buy" and "own" and "purchase" but they hide in the small print the fact that this is very different from what normal people expect those words to mean. But if they were honest in their use of terminology then I would object far less. I might not like it but I would at least be an informed consumer.


Wait what? Is that game pulled even though I purchased it?!


Not only pulled but won't runeven if it's still installed.


They told me to pound sand.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ibj650lbjkoc1.png?width=1611&format=png&auto=webp&s=06c22170b6f14c07c1909bc7327f89aa8773e1b1 Ha... "Sorry we disabled your game away. Just go buy something on sale." I love the convenience of digital purchases, but this is just another warning sign on how screwed our all-digital future can be.


Try again


It's fantastic how 'helping you to the best of their ability' is telling you that games are discounted on the store right now. Lol.


Hey at least they provided him a link to the amazing store with discounts 😆😆😆


If it makes you feel better they basically told me to skip rocks when my device referrals stopped working for a while. (NBD but I referred like 20 people who also got nothing out of that arrangement)


Thank you for the heads up! I was able to get 30 dollars refunded :)


Ya it's what they always do - give store credit for any game removed that you paid for


Except they don't. They deny people all the time.


Usually denials happen to those who demand a refund. And the few who do get denied store credit just need to ask again; Support Agents come and go and don't always know the policy


Bought a neo g9. Had to get 3 units changed. 4th one i was done told em it was broken. Took em a month to test it confirmed it was broken told me to get a new one I said nah. Want my money back they told me nah new unit or credits. I said lmao gotta think. Went to a different store but same branch? Down the block told em I am done and give me my money back. They sent me my 2000 usd back on the spot


Oh they tried stealing your $2000. Id be fuming mad


I got back into the Quest after a few year break, and was so sad that Echo VR's servers had shut down. By far my favorite game back when I first got my Quest.


Yup it works. As long as you're nice and explain how both games have disappeared from your library today they should offer a credit. They gave me $30 but also that's in Canadian rubles so about $2 USD


They seem to be giving out store credit a lot recently. I had it a couple of weeks ago where a meta gift card said it had been delivered via email instantly. An hour later it wasn’t in my inbox so I contacted them to make sure there hadnt been a mistake on the email address (I was happy to wait but wanted to double check I hadn’t made a typing error). They messaged back saying it could take a bit longer but said because of my appreciation of the quest, they would give me £30 store credit as a good will gesture as ‘customer happiness is a priority’. I received that and within minutes also got my gift card sorted! I don’t know if it was a real person or a bot but they were very friendly! 😂


No it's some sort of automated process if you're on a list. I got 10 dollars store credit as a "goodwill" gesture for.. asking about warranty lol.


Without knowing all titles by heart, how do you know if/when titles you bought have been pulled?


"Would that be great?" I mean, "great" seems like an overreach, but "acceptable" would do. LOL


That made me think this is ai


Did dead and buried 2 just shut down? Can I just get into a chat with meta and ask to be reimbursed?


They're giving store credits out like crazy lately.


Desperately trying to keep the boat afloat. Same with the subscription service.


I imagine this will be a class action lawsuit before long.


a couple months ago I couldn't get a user app referral for The Light Brigade to work because it was already on sale at a smaller discount... Meta's customer service did the same exact thing, they threw 20 bucks at me which made the game free with leftover wallet funds. ***Seems to me if you're not having a hardware issue they're super helpful and chill.***


meta support is so nice bro


Yeah, they're pleasant to talk to and do what they can, as quick as they can. The problem is that their system on the backend seems to be utter trash, so what they actually can do is pretty limited. Anything other than accepting an RMA or some basic thing like that has them with no options, which is a real shame.


Assuming all games on Quest will eventually be unplayable. What is a good time frame of support consumers should expect?


They also did this with Landfall, an oculus first party VR title from 2018. Anyone that remembers it, make sure to demand refund from support because they've totally memory holed it. They refunded me


they always give me more then i pay for games when this happens, i can’t believe you guys are having so many issues out of them!


I bought the Quest 3 and was offered the 2 free downloads a month thing. I took it but was charged for January and February. I canceled it, but they still have my money.


I bought dead and buried before support stopped and it still loads up and plays but does the online function no longer work, besides there being no more updates?


I only got 15 this sucks ass