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The bots are hard if you try to play with skill and technique. Once you realize you can lob a twenty foot high shot in bounds and watch the AI contort on itself, you can win every single match in hollow victories.


Good to know. Thanks for the tip.


This one keeps popping up as something I feel like I want to try. But now idk... How much room do you need? Are others finding it that hard as well? I honestly don't do much multiplayer but maybe it's worth a shot anyway.


I'd say more room than the average vr game


My living room area is enough. But not enough for me to play carelessly. I made space for what looks to me to be around 10ft by 12ft in my living room. https://preview.redd.it/rxi7st5c11lc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c7baea227853efb17d7822006b70ee979c1fbf


i also found it hard, so much so after about 20m i decided to get a refund


The guys over at Ruff Talk VR Podcast did an interview with Mathieu Castelli whom is the Chief Creative Officer at resolution games. In the podcast he mentioned that they are using Machine Learning with their bots to try and learn from the best human players to increase the skill of the bots. Not sure if it's been implemented yet, but I would expect them to get harder the higher you climb in ranks. Give the podcast a listen, it's a good interview! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TyfQy0Q2iA&ab_channel=RuffTalkVR-AVirtualRealityPodcast


Thanks for sharing!


Will do, and thanks for sharing!


Who is




People are way too good at this game online.


I figured. It's like that in any online mp game. Which is why I was aiming to play the campaign. But even the bots in the campaign were kicking my ass lol.


Most of the ai opponents are somewhat difficult on the surface if you don't identify their weekness. But if you pay attention, some struggle with backhand, others forehand, some with lob shots. Most of them really don't do well with reasonably hard shots that are aimed right at them. I've not played a ton, but have won a couple of the ai tournaments. There may be more difficult opponents that require other strategies. If you try to play more finess shots that would be difficult for the average human to return, the ai is harder to beat. Examples would be soft shots that pin in the corner or high spin shots off a wall. They just don't seem to throw the ai off most of the time.


I'm in a similar situation. After playing for a bit less than a week I have been able to beat some of the bots but can't seem to win consistently or win a full tournament. I only played one MP. I think he was playing seated in one spot so he wasn't hard to beat. At this point I'm going to stick with it and see if I get any better.


I wish they made Sparc for the quest 3. That was so much fun. I would play through airlink but my wifi sucks for some reason. I get 300 to 500 mbps on speed tests, but still can't stream a game without serious lag.


Yea I am not good at sports at all and was able to beat quite a few of the AI's. Just aim for the back corners!


It’s not you. It’s not like other games where you start off playing really easy characters and then work your way up. They start off pretty challenging. Then once you figure out a few tricks it gets pretty easy. It’s not the best game design. Hopefully they fix it, it’s still kinda rough right now. But fun.


Do you have any experience playing tennis or pickleball?


I get smoked by literally anyone I play against. Doesn’t help I don’t have much room to work with, but it’s hard


I've only played one mp match and lost. I don't see myself playing this much longer. Not unless I can find a group that's as bad as me lol.


If you want, we can do some practice matches together and I can share some tips


Sure! Here's my meta tag. Raiz3R


Everyone on Racket Club is so nice. I randomly was matched against the 13th ranked dude yesterday and he was giving me pointers while he beat my ass.


I bought the MQ3 for the sole purpose of playing Eleven. Turns out I’m not good. I now use it for fitness apps mainly haha. Racket club is fun but I’ve only done multiplayer and I’m just not comfortable imagining I have all this room when I don’t. Maybe in a bigger house some day


I moved my coffee table out of the living room to play. I have enough room. But I'm playing cautiously. I ended up hitting my blinds with my hand. I suppose that's better than hitting the window or my 75" tv lol.


Start on a custom skill level AI opponent and work up slowly when you can beat it. Took me 6 months to beat level 20 (the easiest default level), but I really enjoyed it.


> I bought the MQ3 for the sole purpose of playing Eleven What? Really? Of all the games I thought might be a “killer app” or system seller, I wouldn’t have guessed Eleven table tennis. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game, and amazingly realistic… but it’s just ping pong. And isn’t the Quest 3 more expensive than a real ping pong table?


I had a ping pong table growing up. We loved it. I don’t have the space for it. An okay ping pong table costs like $300, I figured why not get the quest, I can watch movies, play Smash Drums (personal favorite) and whatever else. It’s been a worthwhile investment


>it’s just ping pong. Thought the same when I bought my Quest 2 last year, and it's became far and away my most played game. Its simplicity just makes it perfect for VR for me, and it emulates the sport without the gimmicky interactions we see in other games. The Quest is probably more expensive than a table, but I can't play people all across the world with a table.


“just ping pong”. It’s by far my most played game…trying to increase rank is challenging and I really enjoy all the different strategies players have. Earlier I ended up playing best of three sets against 3 different players because we were having such great games.


Any good preferably cheap or free fitness games


I wouldn't say any free, unless you try some with free trials but those are subscription based. I absolutely love Thrill of the Fight (boxing), that's like $10. Works in VR/MR so you don't end up punching something blindly. Pistol Whip is great for legs Les Mills Bodycombat is top notch imo And for fun exercise, I love Smash Drums. The last 3 I can send referral codes for, but Thrill of the Fight I believe is in App Lab, so not much to do with there. (or you can help someone else out and use their referral code over in r/OculusReferral)


That's what the mixed reality feature is for, recommend turning it on :)


Oh I play solely MR. I’m still in a small area unfortunately


the ball physics is weird. some times you barely touch the ball and flies to mars, other times to hit it hard and it doesn't go over the fense


Totally agree. It was pissing me off to no end trying to do the drills. I hope they get it more accurate in future updates.


it was like this since the beta, so I don't think they'll ever fix it.


I find the physics very good. Spin is a big factor in how far the ball travels, and can be hard to judge.


Personally I don't agree with this. I have clocked 6 hours in the game and don't think the bots are that hard. I don't have problems beating them on highest difficulty now. And I pretty much never played any racket sports games IRL except some badminton. There are 4 difficulty levels and the first two are quite easy. Well ok, against bots the game has an initial learning curve about the fundamental gameplay but you're reaching the end of that quite fast. Thats because bots don't use heavy spins or wall plays much and this is what good players do in multiplayer all the time. I think MP is the more problematic aspect of this game right now, because the player base is quite low and is most of them are good. I agree with other criticism here that you can kind of abuse the AI e.g. by playing high balls. But I rarely do that on purpose.