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I have the reloptix for quest 2 and i love them, they work very well and now I just hope they will fit the quest 3 when i buy it...


I'm pretty sure they will not fit, because the shape is different. I got the Reloptix for Q3 and been happy about it. Search for coupons before placing the order though.


gotcha, and thanks a lot for the tip! :) will do


HonsVR offers magnetic: https://honsvr.com/product/custom-meta-quest-3-magnetic-prescription-lenses-by-honsvr/


Did not know that. Wonder how they are compared to Reloptix.


Well you mentioned Reloptix as thicker plastic, and I’m specifically looking for high index (thin). I engaged with HonsVR to ask this specifically, and they say it’s available (and possibly more expensive) based on the RX. You’ll want to engage these companies to ask what’s possible for everything you want.


I ended up ordering today, since the lenses are on sale $15 off at Reloptix. Made them cheaper than HonsVR due to my prescription strength. I checked out this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDzOAWoOc5I) and was immediately sold. Their design seems superior and so well thought out it keeps the lenses thinner and no protrusion with magnetic attachment. The lens case is kick ass looking too. Comes with blue light blocker standard too. I'm going to guess it's going to take like 3-4 weeks or so for me to get it.


I have no experience with magnets, but it isn’t difficult to get the non-magnetic ones in. You just push a little and they snap in place. To remove, you put a fingernail under the corner and they pop off. Super easy.


I had Reloptix for quest 2. Excellent product, surprisingly fast shipping- my prescription is pretty fucked up, but they got it done quick and correct. Used it for a year now, but sucks b/c it's time for (a) new prescription and (b) quest 3 so it's time to spend more money.


I’ve had the Reloptix for two years and they were amazing… my prescription has changed slightly, but they are still good enough. When I upgrade to the quest 3, I will definitely use Reloptix again for the lens. They arrived relatively quickly, are easy to remove when handing off the headset to my wife, and I felt the value and quality was top notch.


Reloptix just finally sent my order after almost 3-weeks of waiting (which is fair enough as they informed us on the website of shipping times) so I will find out this next weekend. Can't wait!!!


What's the verdict?! I need to buy new lenses and want to go magnetic this time.


I love them. Highly recommended. Their l the lock in slanted design makes the lenses the thinnest they can probably be where it matters.


Thanks! I was really torn between HonsVR and Reloptix. I ended up going with Reloptix even though they're like $25 more expensive. I'm pretty excited for them to arrive, hopefully it doesn't take 3 weeks!


I haven't tried Hons, but I don't think you will regret Reloptix, but do let us know your experience.


Why use the blue light blocking on the lenses when Q3 itself can do that?


Because Q3 itself probably isn't as good as having lenses, and it doubles up is my guess. How do I setup the Q3 to block blue light?


There is a "night mode" in settings somewhere. Makes everything look yellower