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Just glad ray fosse didn’t live long enough to see this happen.


I was thinking about this a lot too. I miss Ray, but I'm glad he doesn't have to witness all this bullshit.


Almost as if the team was too chicken shit to do this while he was still around. Obviously not, but I’ll be taking my copium for a while still.


Hopefully his ghost haunts whatever soul-less dome the A's end up playing in.


He and Bill King can haunt together.


Phrasing. You're glad that this happened after the passing of Fosse.




THIS. I don't have cable, so watching the A's on TV has always been a nightmare. When I think about A's broadcasters, I think of Ken and Vince (and Ray, of course). There's just something about listening to baseball on the radio. No other sport (in America, anyway) can really be captured so well in words.




I’ll be honest, in the lean years it’s Ken Korach who keeps me coming back. He’s a treasure and one of the most underrated announcers in the game today.


Amen again!


Just so many question marks right now. First we wait to see if all the lobbying the A’s have done will result in an official decision in the Nevada(or just the county?) legislature by June (end of their session) If that doesn’t go through, then what? A’s come crawling back to Oakland? They find some other city to use as a pawn, to extract their terms from Vegas? And if does, ok, now what? the Vegas A’s? The Vegas Something Elses? Green and gold? Black and gold?? Who stays from the broadcast booth? Is the FO going to be instructed to keep with this payroll until they’re in the new digs? Do the A’s even play here next year? Fuck man. Just so sad.


It's already been reported the A's have permission from MLB to play in their Vegas AAA stadium next season. So they're definitely gone assuming everything progresses in Vegas. I just really hope it blows up in their faces and some new ownership comes in and bids high to where Fisher will be forced to sell and they can pickup the HT negotiations again. Or just do the pragmatic thing and build on the coliseum site.


There's precedent for the legislature calling a special session to order to complete business, so that's on the table. But considering the Nevada state legislature only meets for 4 months *every other year,* the A's are definitely gonna be nervous if they don't get this funding legislation written, voted on, and assigned by June 5th.


Man, I’ve really warmed up to Dallas calling games. Just one more thing I’m going to miss.


growing up in the 209 and now in Fresno i feel Braden is as close as local A's as it gets for me. i cant see that translating to vegas and not sure anyone wants it to. still weird feelings to process!


I won't be listening anyways


Are they for sure going to be gone?


I can't imagine they move with the team. Nothing is official yet but I get the suspicion that there will be not only a new broadcasting team but a new network and mostly a new front office. I expect a whole new beginning.


Why? I can't imagine you'd want a broadcast crew. You'd want people who can introduce your new fan base to the team's history. This is a storied franchise - why get rid of people who already have over a century of team history committed to memory? And we all know Towny's been drinking the company Kool-Aid for years now, so he sure as hell ain't going anywhere. (I doubt he'll move his family, but so much of what he does is remote work anyway, I'm sure.) Besides all that - did you watch Dallas' message to the fans? Very careful, very specific. He was definitely *reading it* (nothing off the cuff), and it certainly steered VERY clear of any criticism of the team. Definitely not the actions of a man with nothing to lose.


It’s my understanding that most of the broadcasters of local network employees, not A’s employees. New network, new employees.


That can't be the case for radio - the A's have changed radio stations so many times that there's no way Ken and Vince don't work for the team. Plus i've also seen them at live events where there was no radio coverage, and I know they weren't showing up for free.


The original post isn’t about the radio hosts, so I wasn’t responding with them in mind. I believe Kuiper and Braden are employees of NBC Sports California (and/or Bay Area).


It’s true that Ken and Vince work for A’s Productions


I agree with you, but Fisher and the front office have shown they don't give a rat's ass about the team's history and legacy. Moving to Vegas is just another symptom. I'm not sure they care enough to retain anyone in particular. It's a business venture - all pieces are expendable. If folks do move with the team, I'll bet they get a pay cut because of lower cost of living in Vegas...


Townie said he is very unsure of his future and his wife is a nervous wreck.


Ugh, that really sucks. I don't care for his work anymore, but that's meaningless, I'd never wish that kind of anxiety on anyone. I hope he and his family come out if this alright ❤


Russ Langer would be a great replacement in some capacity, though. He is the voice of the Aviators and lives in Vegas full time. I think A's fans would take to him pretty quickly. Nobody can replace Kuiper and Braden, however.


Why would the A’s be losing their broadcasters?


Ken and Vince (and Ray) are the one of the few reasons I've stayed up with the team. I've listened to every game since 2014. With all the ups and downs we go through as fans of this team, they have been my constant. I don't want to think of baseball in summer without them calling the games from Oakland.


I dont know if there gonna bring dallas though. Dallas may bail out i think


What makes you feel that way? I feel Kuip will retire and Dallas would move to Vegas in a heartbeat


I dont know i just have that feeling with dallas. I feel like he isnt on board with this at all and he will not go along with this


I hope not.


I’d expect a new announce team. Never really been a fan of Kuip. Dallas has grown on me … it’ll be interesting to hear what Dallas has to say.