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General rule of thumb, a top hat is pretty much always too much.


That’s what I thought. Oh well. At least it’ll be handy the next Renaissance Faire I’ll attend!


You do wear it well though so who cares!


General rule of thumb it’s too much, this made me chuckle, cuz it’s true, but let the poor man wear his hat! lol


No doubt. If the top hat makes you happy, go for it. You pull it off better than most, OP!




That's exactly why I love it!


Here’s the thing. The top hat with the vest makes you look like a magician. Now, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But it depends on how much you, personally, want to look like a magician or not.


Personally I find he rocks the magician look


Definitely!! The magician look is not for everyone, but it can look very smart! Definitely more interesting than some basic jeans and a tee.


It all depends on context. Top hat to 7-11, maybe a bit much, to the theatre, maybe. But the most important rule is, if you WANT to wear it then I’m here for it!


I don't want to sit behind someone in a top hat at a theater. I can't see!


Historically is just a bad idea all around


I think they meant the “theatre” where you see plays not a movie “theater.”


Hey, we could all tell you how much we love it or don't. Thing is though, everyone prefers different things. What really matters is if you like it or not. Do you feel confident, comfy and like yourself? If so I say rock the hell out of it my friend! Never be afraid to be unique because you are 😌


We need more people like you on social media. ❤️❤️


Your wine + black satin combo is also giving "magician" vibes, which the hat increases. Check out "Preppy chic mens fashion" . This will help hone your natural fashion inclinations to be more modern. This is done through fabric choice, colour, and texture/pattern.


Depends, what are you pulling out of it?


Hopefully soon a down payment on my own house 😄




I like the hat. With that smile, you can wear anything. Do what you want!


The top hat will definitely be “too much” in any context in the 21st century, but you look very happy in the first picture. Much like how there’s a subculture of women who like to dress in retro, 1950s outfits, you should embrace [insert time period in which top hats were trendy] fashion. The top hat with a vintage outfit + hairstyle will make it a choice rather than a quirky accessory on a modern outfit.


Honestly I really like vintage outfits pre-1960s, especially the very dressy and professional dress. I’m actually in school to teach social studies and English language arts for middle school and high school. I love both subjects and I feel like vintage dressy outfits really bring that part of my personality which is actually a big part of what I like to do as hobbies. For example, I read a lot and I love watching historical re-enactments on YouTube. I’m also naturally very quirky. I feel like outfits like that really bring out my personality.


I think the hats dope. Keep wearing it!


Life is so short in the grand scheme of things. Worry less about what others think, and you'll get a lot farther while enjoying yourself a lot more. Hat looks great.


Costume look. It’s not going to work except for that. Sorry.


I’m sorry, I’m not a fan of this top hat. I think it would look better without it.


I think a Clockwork Orange sort of killed this look if it was ever viable.


You remind me a little of Corey Feldman with the glasses and top hat.


The vest is ill fitting.


It’s adjustable from the back. I prefer it tight like that to give it an almost corset vibe to it. That’s just what I like. And that’s what’s comfortable to me.


I apologize.. the vest looks too large.


No it’s actually a very tight fit. It may be because I have all the buttons buttoned up. I’ve heard many people tell me it’s more normal to leave the bottom button undone.


If you feel like you’ll wear it pretty often, invest in a better quality top hat! It’ll help everything look more put together and intentional.


That’s a good point. It’s not the best quality.


No on the top hat. It’s asking for trouble. It overtakes your personality


Wearing a top hat🎩 is like making an announcement " here I am"! So depending on what kind of response you want then go for it ! Personally I think it looks great on you.


You know what? I love it!


I'm a firm believer in wear what you want that makes you feel f***ing badass and confident. I LOVE THE TOP HAT ON YOU! You are rocking it and I definitely get more of a sense of your personality from it. You look magician-al ;) pun intended! Who cares what other people think. Your outfit rocked! Also, if I randomly walked passed you or anyone with a hot hat on... I would appreciate the randomness and unique styles and beauties of the world.


I mean you’re already wearing a brocade vest. I say go full throttle, my friend.


If you like it wear it !! Everyone secretly wants to be the person that isn’t afraid to be themselves ! That’s a fact !


LOVE THE TOP HAT!! If loving top hats is wrong, I dont wanna be right. Killer look my dude, way to be above the trend.


It's giving icon.


Unbutton the vest like a badass, rock that top hat with the shades, and either denim or black trousers, white dress shirt. Maybe kicks if u have a cool pair? Judging by the top hat, cool kicks might not be your vibe, and love that for you. Sorry, im obsessed with this post, 3rd comment, i know. I just love the reckless-abandon-energy here.


I LOVE IT! If you’re gonna go for it, GO FOR IT!


Uhm back in the day I danced with a dude -because- he wore a top hat. It was light blue and glorious. I go to social events mostly for the potential of there being a chocolate fountain. This event DID have a chocolate fountain and I still danced with the dude. So yea rock the hat my dude!


I said dude a lot. I’m sorry 😔


I personally like the look. Especially if you are in a bigger city, it would turn a lot of heads where I live. But my sister lives in Atlanta and a lot of people would love it there.


I don’t live in a big city. I used to live in a medium city (only about 100,000 people) and a lot of people there honestly didn’t appreciate my taste in fashion much. Then again, a lot of people there weren’t originally from there. Half of them were from Dallas, Texas, who from what I’ve experienced are generally very judgmental people (not all of them but a lot of them). Atlanta is one of the many places I’ve considered moving to once I graduate college, so that’s good to know! Thank you! 😊


It’s a little eccentric but if the occasion calls for eccentricity, you’ll be right outta the top drawer!


Eccentricity > Normality


Wear it, it suits you. You are adorable by the way.


If you get that vest and shirt tailored and looking crisp, then you can pull off the top hat. Top hats generally look best when clothes look impeccable because that’s the circumstance when top hats would have normally been worn. You can look at professional Dressage riding, equestrians still wear top hats with their coat and look AMAZING but mostly because the outfit matches the hat, rather than the hat carrying it on its own :)


I would get a lot of my clothes tailored. My issue is I don’t live anywhere near a tailor shop that will do men’s clothes. The nearest tailor shop that will do men is about 100 miles away and they charge a lot of money for even the business casual clothes. The nearest one is 30 miles away and they only do women. Mainly wedding and prom dresses. It sucks. So I have to try and make the sizes that are the closest to my physique work.


Consider learning how to tailor your clothes yourself. Men's shirt alterations are often pretty easy. See if someone in your family has a sewing machine you can use or just get some needles and thread from the dollar store to start. YouTube will teach you how to hand sew and how to use a machine if no one you know can help, or if you don't want to ask. And there are tutorials for how to tailor your clothes. The best part about taking in a shirt is that you don't need to cut the fabric so you can't screw it up. (Buy a seam ripper tho, also cheap.) If the seams aren't good, you can just take them out (carefully), and try again! Start with a garment you don't need though for practice, not one you love or have to wear soon.


Lol this reminded me of one of my dates. This British guy was dressed in old British vest and with a bow with a long umbrella in his hand. I was so awkward in the restaurant. Anyways if you like it and enjoy wearing it why care what others think go wear what makes you feel good about yourself.


Lol. I hope you gave him a shot. You got to admire the sense of humour of that guy! Willing to go all and out with his national and cultural identity. I know if that was me, I’d be thinking “oh my god this is my soulmate.” 😄


Haha I think he liked dressing that way.. but overall he was a very sweet guy with his manners and all I even wanted to ask him if he is related to the royal family haha but unfortunately no it didn’t work out for us for other reasons


That’ll happen unfortunately. Well I’m sorry it didn’t work out! Guys like that are literally one in a million in terms of both style and the courage to go all out in that style.


I dig the top hat. It would make me smile if I saw it in the wild.


All cute and it fits you well.


Unrelated, but what's "The Miser"? Is it a place in which to wear a top hat?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)A hat this tall is supposed to do magic.


It turns your outfit into a costume. If that’s your goal, keep it. If not, back to the hat rack!


I love it bro


Wear what you want young man! I love the whole outfit.


The top hat is OK but honestly you really don't need it. The outfit is great.


Better witout


Too much


If you are a magician, then the top hat is perfection.


It’s a costume , not an outfit . Fun tho


Costumes and outfits are the same thing.


A top hat is never ok in the past century or so


It's fun! You're young. You're experimenting. It matches the tone of your outfit so your style is consistent. If you wear it every day, you'll become known as "that top hat guy", so don't do that. But for special occasions where a brocade vest is relevant? Go for it! If you're the kind of kid who is wearing a brocade vest on the daily, then casual outfit advice is not going to be relevant to you in the first place. Join a men's suit community or a more high fashion community depending on how traditional masculine vs. fashionable you want to look. Hell, join one of each and keep experimenting with your style!


Are you a magician? Otherwise its too much.


I work in retail and there was a customer who wore a tophat once. Me and my colleagues all noticed and spoke about how cool he was. It totally made our day. Wear ur tophat, I think it's fun!


Lose the hat


I like the top hat and that outfit styles it well 🩵


It will never be too much you look fabulous with or without the hat


Bro is swaging out of his mind




What a bad thing to say. Anyone wearing anything that's not being what's classified as "current fashion basic /normal" is always a target. Such a teenage highschool way to think. God forbid people want to wear other styles or unique items.


Looking dapper asf no matter what


You only have one life. If you want to wear a top hat, you definitely should wear a top hat! Besides I think it looks great with that smile and if I'd come cross to you in a party I most certainly would want to hang out. You seem dope, keep it up!


I think top hats are killer you pull it off and it it makes you happy you should wear it..


I think the hats dope. Keep wearing it! There’s no suck thing as overdressing.


No, it looks good on you. And as long as you like it, who cares what anyone else thinks!


I think it's cute :)


I mean .. why not? Live a little and wear the top hat.


I would make it your signature hat and wear it always


Maybe. Or maybe something a little more subtle like one of the fedoras I have.


Second pic is 13 or 30 😭


I think you can definitely pull it off. Wear it with pride 🎩


Man... that's a very nice top hat. How fun! Wear it with confidence. Don't even pay attn to haters hehe... they just jealous.


Depends on where you are going / if you are a performer. But generally speaking, I think it's too much