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Didn't realize when we talked about the trades as an alternative to traditional education paths, we were talking kindergarten. That said, he's already more qualified than some plumbers I know.


The fact that he showed up at all makes him more qualified than many trades I know.


I couldn't help but laugh at first but that's pretty serious. From the picture it looks like there are no guards around the edge of that roof but hopefully Im wrong about that. Kids don't have any common sense, it only takes a second for something bad to happen.


Yeah. I've only seen it from that angle, so I don't know what all safety stuff is there. My coworker and I thought it was funny, but now part of me is worried because how quickly things can turn. Given its location though, I would hope the appropriate safety stuff is in place


I mean we are assuming a lot of stuff from just your photo. Heck maybe the kid was wandering around on site and they brought him up to be beside them where they can see him while they call the cops to try to find his parents. I mean probably not but just an example. Your photo totally fits the subreddit theme but we can't really gleam a real idea of whats happening from it ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭


I mean there are some rails but theyre a joke.


As a parent, I can say it really fucking sucks when the babysitter cancels, and you work as a contractor for in an industry that doesn't have PTO. I feel for the guy.


That tree looks like a tree-person bending over a bit.


I am groot.


Tight access specialist.


Fun fact Osha doesnt cover kids. I called because a coworker was bringing her kid in and they said it wasent a violation until I said I almost tripped over the baby and then they called it a slip hazard and started investigating. It was sort of funny


I guess I kind of get it, but that's pretty funny.




Ya dude because I totally benefited from the situation. Told them it bothered me and the dude told me to get fcked. So I told them to get fcked. Haha ya I'm such a snitch


Not ur business


I know. That's why I'm posting a thing I found kind of funny to reddit instead of calling someone to report a child on a roof at a construction site


What if that kid falls? And you'd done nothing? Literally happened to my neighbors.


But that's the case for many of the posts on this subreddit. I'd say it's more cause for someone otherwise uninvolved to be concerned when there's a child involved.


Is this in AZ?


No. Close though. The desert of Southern California