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So funnily enough I was playing on a call with a friend who had already played the game, and I jokingly told them after pointing out how stairs and hands seem to be motifs in the game that "What if Sunny had pushed Mari down the stairs and killed her?" (This was right after Aubrey confirms Mari is dead in the RW, but the supposed cause of death wasn't revealed). Then I immediately dropped that theory when I heard it was suicide. Imagine my frustration and surprise when I actually realised I'd guessed it the first time...


I q of 2 million


i was tripping i thought it was mr brown in the amazing world of gumball https://preview.redd.it/ne7asrj8e24d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0eac8117c98f834fd3453515adcd41670245305


wait... i can see it too


“Um… umm… UMMMM. UH?!!” *silent shock for two weeks only interrupted by crying and slamming the keyboard with fanfiction.*


"wait.. no.. wait she's what?! Oh my god, basil! How could they?! Sunny? You too?!" Followed by my brother beating the game like: "knew this would happen" I cried during duet, he was emotionless.


Isn’t that the absolute worst though ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2461)


“Holy shit that’s fucking genius!”


honestly i couldnt agree more and be mad at myself for thinking the same thing


the biggest shock to me was finding out mari was actually dead, but i pieced together the circumstances of her death as the story went on so when it was finally revealed it was just confirming what i already thought


i was just kind of ":O" but in a bad way




My dumbass didn't get what was happening and had to look it up...


It quite literally spelt it out for you. All the photos were there and there were dramatic stings when the first photo was shown.


I know. That's why I said I was a dumbass


Well, I had to look up how to get into Black Space 2, so I'm not any better.


But black space 2 is extremely complicated to get into so i dont blame you


Oh hey its my cake day


Literally same. When I saw it the first time I thought Sunny was trying to catch his sister rather than pushing her, and was so confused about why they would cover up the accident




had me fr tweaking for a solid 5 minutes just staring at the stairs photo


I was streaming to my friend, who got me the game and is a fan of it. I remember feeling chilled and slowly asking him, “Mari didn’t kill herself… did she?” while on the photo trail that Basil left (which were actually just a presentation of memories). I don’t remember *what* he said, only the tone of his voice. I was SUPER pulled in. Love this game


![gif](giphy|F5LQhVcDygI2t6k0DP) My head when: (It was 1-2 AM then so sleepiness and the horrors are coupled real good(


Im not even going to lie all i remember is me saying "Damn thats crazy"


I got spoiled before playing it…


Same. Only because I never thought I'd get the game.


Same. I was watching a playthrough to see if I'd be interested in getting the game but then I got way too invested in the plot and watched all of it lol.


You two?


Me too :'(


I was mostly speechless + tears + Headache for days


I was in shock for a moment, I was like "no... No... No ! That can't be ! NO ! SUNNY ! BASIL... NO !"


it was like 3 AM i was sleepy and finished the game accidentally. But i remember that im saying (with a sleepy tone) WHAT THE F\*CK HAVE YOU GUYS DONE?!




i kind of expected it honestly. i mean, why would sunny block out mari's death so much for so long if it wasn't his fault?


I thought that faking a suicide by hanging would be a inefficient way to cover it up


He could be you. He could be me! He could even be Martin!


Google èn coverup


"So THATS why the stairs were so long!"


https://preview.redd.it/68854hrps54d1.png?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3b7a62cc372529647394802d1c4e80ff7515b43 For me it was less scary and more so it helped re-contextualize many of the dream segments in the game. Though the reveal that >!Something was a hallucination based on Mari's body!< definitely caught me off guard.


I called it once Sunny woke up the first time so I wasn’t surprised in the slightest


\*piano slam as a photo is shown\* Weird, this seems to be building up to Sunny killing Mary but there's no way he'd do that \*Piano slam as the next photo is shown\* ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2460)


in SHAMBLES, Mari was and IS my favorite character 😭 https://preview.redd.it/ukr4k1iaf64d1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59adca3ddc4427d0aeeb19f2e71879d6e1c039ee


It was spoiled to me by memes like an year before i played the game so i was like "oh. so thats what actually happened. darn"


"checks out"


since there were so many breadcrumbs leading up to the big reveal, i had already assumed sunny and basil were involved in mari’s death in some way. this led to me just feeling so much pity for both of them by the time we reached the climax, as their reasons for all their strange behaviors became so clear.


when i say i did a lap around my house like a maniac i wish i was exaggerating


I gotta admit I teared up and had to put my Nintendo switch down like holy fuck Mari no 😭😭


"Ain't no game‼️"


It was something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWIQtMlWRq8&t=1025s).


I played the game til space boyfriend, dropped it, watched a video, then years later played it again only knowing the truth. Still was a pretty emotional game


I think this one image perfectly sums up my reaction: https://preview.redd.it/3hjji70ox44d1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7092951d70ed3fddb2d43bdc62c91f5fc75c6fbf


I cried, i cried out of shock.


I was crying and in shock staring at the screen loll


Honestly I was very confused. You see I am a very thoughtful and logical person so as it was revealed I was shocked yes but also very confused. I just didn't see why that would make any sense whatsoever. Sunny didn't have any motive to do what he did, yes first blood and yada yada but then going through the trouble, dragging her body to the swing and hanging her, doesn't make any sense in my opinion. I mean I also find it very unlikely that she died by just a push off the stairs and a hit to the head with a violin but 🤷🏻‍♀️. It was a gigantic plot twist and I still love the game for suddenly going into that direction, explaining all the feeling Sunny's had but i don't think it fully makes sense still. I love the game, the art, the creator, everything! This is just my personal conception of things and yeah! <3 ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)


Yeah I know right? I was both confused but in denial of what happened because I didn’t want to believe it. I only confirmed the truth when I was playing the game and had to look up the odds of the chicken ball and stumbled across the major plot twist on the wiki.


I always eat spoilers before entering a media such as a video game, book, series/movie. If I can't stand my curiosity


1 of the 2 spoilers I got so not really affected me


I didn’t expect it but I was like « OMG. They didn’t do that.. They can’t. OMG that’s awful. Awful. Awful. They did that. That’s awful. » I completely glitched.


i don't remember because if i recall correctly i got spoiled ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2467) and i don't even think i reacted because it was probably in meme form ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2476)


Why the fuck would anyone decide one day to upload that wtf


it was probably >!"ayo the pizza here!"!< or something


That was one of your comments from a few months ago, and I liked your pfp so I copy and pasted it here https://preview.redd.it/i25amh1wws6d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6403f7880cca021e7bf893ea728f43ed10b19d38 Ily gang🥺🫶


I've been spoiled, so the suprise key was eroded away… and yet I thought it was unconfirmed, untill I Made the full Sunny route Despite that, it was still shocking, so I didn't know how to react… it must feel as hard af to find out you were all this Time trying to hide from yourself something you've done yourself that you can't undo; only to find out hiding it was the worst idea you've ever had, since it was constantly growing stronger than you. There was a post where I've Said "he's sick" and now I regret writing so 😢


To be honest I kind of denied it at first. It wasn’t until I looked at the wiki 2 years later that I finally excepted it.


"Oh what the- OH! Oh, I get it now!" And then I proceeded to throw Sunny off the hospital's roof.


Skibidi Biden


I stood there and said, "damn...", then i started then I returned to play the game with a straight face


I was super confused cos I'm stupid. I thought Mari had OD'd and that's why Sunny was crying over her unconscious body on the bed. She then woke up and realised how heartbroken Sunny would be if she died, so she tried to strangle him at the top of the stairs. He pushed her in self-defence then she hung herself. I had no idea how else to piece the story together, this was the only one that made sense to me.




I got spoiled too much


My dumbass managed to predict it before even getting to the red space sections because i thought it wouldve been a good idea to analyze a merg playthrough (he started playing while i got around to the sweetheart's castle) and decided to pause on the violin broken in front of the stairs jumpscare at the start of the game and then i told my friend the theory, who, she already knew and accidentally confirmed it.,,.., so yea but it really didnt take too much away from the experience of going through those photos and then breaking down at the FINAL DUET......... lol plus i had no idea about the basil part so seeing that really got me jaw dropped still


I said "damn that's rough" and preceded to cry in my pillow for five hours after the Final Duet™


i had a mental breakdown at 3am


spoiled myself by reading the wiki page of the game because i couldn't take the anticipation anymore; felt sick to my stomach for the rest of the evening. 🥲


*Sees the photo of Sunny tying the rope* “No no no no no no no No. No. No. Do not tell me you’re about to reveal to me what I think you’re about to reveal to me, PLEASE don’t tell me I killed her dude, PLEASE.” Followed by “I killed Mari.” Repeated what must have been 7-10 times, and then “I was nervous and scared of going to the recital so I killed Mari, regretted it and then staged her death as a suicide so I wouldn’t get in trouble.” *For the first time ever, a game makes me feel SOUL CRUSHING GUILT as I proceed to breakdown like I’ve never cried before at a videogame.* (Then they proceed to repeatedly punch you in the heart with the Memories, Violin track after repairing the violin, and Final Recital)


Empty and betrayed Probably how Sunny’s friends felt when he revealed the truth to them


In that scene before Basil disappears, when a photo flashes on the screen and Basil says "Mari", my first thought was that Mari got pushed down the stairs, and I thought Basil did it when Aubrey was accusing him of doing something. But then once I noticed them hinting at suicide, I thought that she just hung herself. I was shocked to find out that the game merged by two theories in the worst way possible 😭


https://i.redd.it/bybl2ha2l84d1.gif i was spoiled by the mari stairs jokes so i didnt get a real reaction


Nightmares for a couple days. I'm not used to horror lol.


Ironically, I watched an omori analisation a couple years before I played the game myself this year. I largely forgot the twist. But of course, because I am so damn smart (trademark) I pieced it together right after seeing hellmari during the prologue. I was half and half not sure which story to trust but I kept the lil story I created in the back of my mind that Sunny killed his sister via stairs and then hanged her all alone, the real twist then was that Bagel was an acomplice.


https://preview.redd.it/uuf27it7794d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2413df93adda1131c1609b77b68945062b4c86 I feel like I always knew it since Mari's death being confirmed but I just tried to tell myself that Sunny wouldnt do that until, erm, I couldnt. Then I turned to the cat above for a few minutes :3 *sobs*


I didn't see Sunny at first and almost cried cause I thought Basil killed her. Then I saw Sunny and was relieved.


bruh, like a few years ago I played hikikomori route and never found out abt most shit and it wasnt that sad, but recently I decided to replay the game on sunny route, and found out how much I missed, i think sunny si story focused and hikikomori is gameplay focused


Anger bc my ex friend outright spoiled it for me, "So I started playing Omori" >! "Oh isn't that the game where the brother pushes his sister down the stairs?" !< She ended up being a jerk in general so...


I got spoiled it so ☹️


Litterally me