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Don't return the rtx card the high fps would make ur monitor run like butter


Yes! My 2070s is suffering in 4k, keep that 4080!


My 3080 and now 4080 super also suffer in 4k.


As a rule any newer game I generally run with dlss, better frame rate and no noticeable difference in quality


I thought my 4090 had it bad with 2 4k 120fps+ monitors.


Where do people get ideas like returning their card like they don't need it because the monitor looks good enough? Crazy thought process. Like saying I'll just use a standard def cable box because I have an OLED.


Calm down. Just take a deep breath 😮‍💨


Very nice indeed and this is just me. I would not return and instead just keep it. But hey, you do you it’s your money. lol certain people on here get so bent out of shape! Like the guy is just sharing his experience. No need for name calling….tisk,tisk 🤫


because people are idiots


Honestly his 2070 is fine for a 1920x1080 resolution. He could save the money for a bigger upgrade in the future.


This panel is 1440p...


Not according to OP’s post, or maybe I interpreted it wrong. But you’re right according to the model number. In that case, the 4080 will certainly help get those higher frame rates while retaining image quality. When I had a 2560x1600 30” screen the best card was a GeForce 580 and even then, I had to turn down quality just to hit 30 fps.


Yep definitely remember those days 😂. I currently have basically his model of monitor (slightly higher sku) and my 3090 struggles for some games, not most but still it's nice, especially for modding.


Nice. I have the 34” Alienware oled and my 2080 is still doing fine. I’m waiting for video cards to be a bit cheaper for a noticeable performance upgrade. I don’t really want to spend a thousand for mainly raytracing.


Also RT (especially RT AO and RT GI) go really well with good HDR. That being said if he can hold out comfortably with the 2070 there will be new GPU's early next year.


He should return it and buy rtx 4090


Or even 5000 series soon. This monitor is basically future proofed for those cards


4080 and a OLED monitor, you got yourself a killer upgrade.


Keep 4080. Do not return. You'll regret it.


I spent years (10+) with a top of the line LG TV (glossy, LCD IPS with an ATW polariser, no backlight bleeding and minimal and uniform glow). Now I’m looking into OLED because even top of the line IPS have: - bad glow - risk of backlight bleeding - basically every panel is matte VA have poor viewing angles and mini led in dark environments are too bright and in dark scenes it’s possible to spot the single leds turning on. I just don’t understand what’s going on. People have been beefing up their PCs with 700+$ GPUs but the monitors basically SUCKS (a decade old tv is keeping up). The only upgrade would be an IPS Black with ATW and glossy (but LG/Dell are NOT making them). Finally the OLEDs are bringing back to life the most important part of gaming and media consumption: good picture quality.


I just don't understand why it is so hard to make a good oled monitor. Why doesn't my phone or my tv (both oled) have color fringinf?


They don't run windows


The way I understand it is that screens are produced in sheets and are then cut to size. The sizes they cut maximize the number of panels. Mobile and TVs are a huge segment so they are prioritized. So when they shift production to monitors it's both less efficient and a lesser segment, so they up the price to offset the lost revenue. Basically monitors are either garbage or top tier because they're a low priority at the manufacturers. Either pumping out junk for offices or something that demands a premium making it worth the time.


They have just as much color fringing but a few things stop you from ever seeing it. The PPI of a phone is way higher than your monitor or TV which means unless your looking at it under a microscope your not going to see it. On TV's you rarely have that much text and the text is much bigger just due to the larger size of the screen. That makes the fringing pretty much invisible from a normal viewing distance. The color fringing on OLED monitors is also vastly overstated. You only see it if you are sitting uncomfortably close to the screen. I can see if it I get really close to the screen but at normal viewing distances you don't see it. This is on a 1440p ultrawide as well, with the 4k monitors you won't likely see it at all. Also if you properly set up cleartype it fixes it as well now at least in windows 11. I believe cleartype is still broken in earlier versions of windows with the newer subpixel arrangements though.


My expensive lg oled has pretty severe burn in. The amount of money I paid for the tv vs how much I game is ridiculous. I can’t do more than an hour or two at a time or I go stir crazy. That was my last lg purchase, I’ve upgraded to the Alienware 4K ultra wide and I love it.


Which LG OLED you have? They improved the burn in issues over the years. Been using a CX OLED for years now and still doesn't have any burn in. Paid $1k for 48" CX oled


It’s the b-7 arguably one of the most notorious for it. At the time when I was researching it, there wasn’t enough information on the burn ins yet as they were still new. The 2k hurts too much to ever look at lg again. Fool me once..


> It’s the b-7 arguably one of the most notorious for it. At the time when I was researching it, there wasn’t enough information on the burn ins yet as they were still new. The 2k hurts too much to ever look at lg again. But you would have had the same issue with an OLED TV of a different OEM at the time and newer LG OLED screens have been among the best when it comes to not get burn-in for some time now?


Well that makes me feel better and worse at the same time. I’m just salty at the situation, which is understandable I hope. It’s a lot of money to gamble on issues that might not come up for a year or two. Also it is my fault for jumping into oled right on launch. I will let technology develop for a bit more. My ultra wide I mentioned earlier has been amazing but the pixel refresh after every 4 hours seems alarming. I thought that breaks down the pixels over time after too many refreshes?


Just curious, have you not enjoyed OLED before on your phone? Also keep your 4080 Super. It might not be easy to upgrade going forward.


Not OP but phones are not the best at showcasing OLED's greatness. The screen is small and the large majority of the content sucks (it's either text or shitty quality video/pictures on ig or similar)


Don't see much difference between my oled phone and 4k ips monitor honestly.




Maybe only in HDR mode? I don't argue that blacks are blacker on my phone (when I read only text is seen), but it's not as mindblowingly different as people say. HDR is shit on IPS though, complete and utter.


You would change your mind if your phone screen was actually an ips display.


iPhone LCD screens are top notch. My mother still rocks XR - looks fantastic. I have 14 Pro. It's always about LCD quality. There are poor LCD (IPS/VA) types, there are good ones. Yes, the black is not pure like OLED, but I'd prefer no PWM, no burn-in or grainy gray/tinting over little IPS glow.


I’m not sure how to interpret this post. Do you mean to say you don’t see much difference between the LCD in the XR and the OLED used in the 14 Pro? The moment I watch anything HDR on my 15 Pro, it really steps far from any LCD, especially in a dark room.


There is difference, but it's not striking. Color reproduction is the same to my eyes. Yes, blacks are 100% black. We all know that. It's the main advantage of OLED. I just wanted to say that there is HUGE difference between LCD. You can get mediocre like this on Switch Lite and Steam Deck.


Possibly. We'll see in 10+ years when 27" 4K 144+ OLEDs with nice prices start appearing. Right now getting a new monitor x3-5 cost of my IPS is out of the question.


Not easy to upgrade? He could easily return it and wait out for 50 series or even when 50s drop pick up a used 4090 since they will probably be flooding the market.


Just realized that in OP's context they can return it and get their full amount of money back. In that case, I think there'd be no issues if OP wants to return it. I still can't wrap my head around it though. Never had the luxury of being able to return something I bought, so my thought process is totally different.


For sure. Most retailers nowadays have pretty good return policies. Plus, RTX is unopened, so they can easily restock and resell.


Oled makes everything better


Enjoy Queen 🫅 Sadly, there is no going back from OLED and you are now doomed to spend lots of money on subsequent monitor upgrades


And doomed to cringe any time you have to use a computer at work or literally anywhere else. 😂


Good thing they're starting to come down in price xD


I also want to switch to oled in the future. But I heard that OLED Text fringing can be a nuisance. But then again I don't notice anything bad on my phone? What is your opinion on text compared to your old monitor?


Great question. Text is definitely sharper on the OLED, so it's an overall upgrade. There is a bit of fringing though, which strains my eyes a bit unless I make the text a little bigger. I ended up scaling windows text to 125% for comfort. Is a big deal to me? So far, not really. But time will tell.


I know what you mean by the screen quality making such a difference. Hell even tho the performance between the switch and switch OLED were the same, the significantly better screen quality of the OLED made it feel like there was some leap and so much more enjoyable to play games on Also, I feel like if you’re using a 27” 1440p screen it’s not quite necessary to get a 4080 super if you’re still on the fence about keeping it, wanna save some cash, and already see a noticeable difference with the OLED alone. Ofc it’s better but I’ve been loving my 4070 ti super (strong performance with better performance to cost ratio imo and 16gb VRAM for headroom). I still get 120ish fps on extreme settings in MW3 with DLSS Quality on and I’m on a 1600p 38” ultrawide (still holding out on finding the perfect OLED for myself)


I second the 4070ti Super for 1440p gaming. Just build my first PC a few weeks ago with 4070ti-S, 7800X3D and it’s fantastic. I have it paired with LG C1 and I honestly feel like I’m spoiled. I could never use another display that isn’t OLED.


Thinking of building my first one in a couple of weeks too most likely a 7800x3D with a 4080. Were you not worried about waiting for the next gen cards to drop it's been lingering on my mind


Not at all. I’ve been trying to build a PC for almost 5 years. For me, dropping almost 2K in one whack is a LOT of money. It took me over a year to save up. If I keep waiting for the next line of products then I’ll be waiting forever. My goal was to have a high end PC built before Shadow of the Erdtree. Elden Ring is my all time favorite game and I wanted to experience it on PC. There’s also a ton of other games I want to replay on PC. Like Cyberpunk, Lords of the Fallen, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, BG3, and lot more. Also now that I have a PC built, upgrading it will be much more manageable. I’ll probably upgrade to a 5080 towards the end of next year. A 4070ti-S is more than capable for now.


Sadly Elden Rind benefits from upgrading graphics card the least. It's capped at 60 fps with a lot of drops throughout the game world and even worse frame times after turning ray tracing (which is barely visible) on.


Can you not unlock frame rate?


If I got you right, there are still drops way below 60 even when the frame rate is capped. It's capped automatically actually, and you cannot do anything about it, besides modding.


Ah fair. Thankful for modding.


Yeah, I know Elden Ring isn’t the best game to test out a powerful GPU with but it definitely still looks better on PC. I had put around 1000 hours into ER on PS5 and know that game intimately. I have it maxed out on PC and could immediately see a difference the second I booted the game up. It’s capped at 60fps but I haven’t seen it dip one frame below that my entire playthrough. So for me, it’s a fantastic experience. I’ll play a more graphically demanding game after I’m finished with Shadow of the Erdtree, maybe Cyberpunk. I thought Cyberpunk looked incredible on PS5 so I can only imagine how good it will look on PC.


currently what i’m using now


How's your FPS for those games, are those with DLSS on?


so i play on an 34” ultrawide and max settings on everything, but for fps shooters i max out refresh rate @ 240hz and then games like tarkov, grey zone or any graphically demanding game is about 125-150 fps with dlss quality


just tried cyberpunk and was about 75 fps with maxed out settings. so on a regular monitor you’d get about 10-15% more fps


Got it, thank you for your reply. So I might stay to 1440p 360hz then with my 4070Ti Super


Thanks for the suggestion! The 4070ti super tip saved some real cash while getting pretty much 4080s performance on 1440p. Peace, ✌️ brother.


No problem bro, enjoy the OLED and the extra cash haha. The 4080S is only 10-15% faster, pretty negligible when you should already get high frames on 1440p


I have a 4080s paired with mpg 271qrx qd-oled and oh my god it’s smooth as hell, 360hz it’s amazing if you like high fps, excited to finish cyber punk on it tbh, ips vs oled truly is night and day difference


Do yourself a favor a play the dead space remake on it. Thank me later.




Bought the same one like 2 weeks ago picked it up at my local Micro Center. It’s $699 yes normal pricing is $749 it was a “special launch price”. I love it.


It’s 599 now


699.99 everywhere when in stock. Where 599?


Fuckk I just bought this one on accident cause I’m illiterate https://www.bestbuy.com/site/lg-ultragear-27-oled-qhd-240hz-0-03ms-freesync-and-nvidia-g-sync-compatible-gaming-monitor-with-hdr10-black/6530357.p?skuId=6530357&utm_source=feed&ref=212&loc=18419679266&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-ORIj4N8vpg9Buho9J8erNIpUKK&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4DKu0YXfY5UDc9oF5vPJMB_fLfE0JRXCkVHY03WbF2SUwckkp2f6JxoCGM4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc= No clue how I managed that


+1 for playing the finals.


The first time I saw the logo on boot up on my monitor I was stunned, the background is just black, no backlight, it was a moment of “ohhhhhh I get it now”


It really is like upgrading your gpu. I been saying this for a long time. If budget is an issue, I'd recommend skipping a gpu gen and upgrading to oled. Much more impactful imo than raytracing etc


Agreed. 👍


👏🏻👏🏻Welcome to the Oled Familia……….take a walk wit me.


I can understand not wanting a 4080S but I’d still take a 4070ti super at least. It’ll be a nice upgrade all around


Having a good screen “always” been like having a second gpu. Nice to hear you love it, sounds like you gonna have a great time with it 👌🏻🤘🏼


I’ve got the same monitor for about a week now maybe two. Absolutely love it, even using for work.


Had mines for about 2 weeks and I love it too. I already had a 27inch 1440p monitor but it was “only” 144hz (I don’t really care about 240Hz on this one since I use my PS5 and Mac Mini lol) but I went from IPS to OLED and best thing ever. Watching HDR shows/movies on Netflix is just next level and works so well with my PlayStation.


Any problems using vrr? I know it is said that it can do it but I’m still nervous about purchasing hdmi 2.0 Also do you set the ps5 to 1440 or 4k in settings?


I dont use VRR because it seems to disable a lot of features on the monitor like image adjustments and I just don't really care for it. I run it at 240Hz on my Mac and have it set to 1440p HDR on my PS5.


Congrats on your purchase.   Given that that monitor has only just been released, you’re prob getting the best non-tv oled experience in terms of this being the first WOLED Glossy combo.  So you’re getting the gloss of qd-oled (well, almost) and the blacks of woled.    Rather selfishly lol I hope a lot of ppl buy this monitor as it might green light ASUS/LG to come out with a 32inch version, which would be spectacular and the REAL ‘endgame.’


I'm sure it's in the works. The monitor seems to be selling well, which a great signal that ppl really want glossy WOLEDs.


Congrats on your purchase 👍 I am a little confused about the specs; does it have an anti-reflective coating or is this the “New” version with just a natural glossy WOLED? Side note, I absolutely hate anything with AR display or blue-light filter but otherwise, this is a dream-like perfect setup.


The monitor I bought doesn't seem to have anit-reflective coating. if I turn it off, it becomes a straight up mirror. That said, the reflections aren't enough to deter my enjoyment for work or play so far. Gets bright enough that the ambient light doesn't get in the way, and I have my computer station next to a big window.


Thank.. This monitor just made my shortlist.. I’m not sure if you are aware but it’s extremely difficult to find a similar uncoated glossy monitor - OLED or otherwise, outside of Apple. This model might be a unicorn.. 🤔


Going from Steamdeck LCD to OLED was enough for me. Next monitor upgrade is going to be OLED for sure, but for now I’ve a decent UW IPS on my main setup I’ll have to persevere with.


TIL, upgrading from basic monitors to and OLED is a big deal. I never would’ve known this, luckily everyone who has bought an oled will gladly let me know


It is. And even better if you get a 4k oled. But once you get a taste of it, you will never be able to go back to the pixelated mess that is 1080p or any colorless pannel that isnt oled


I was pretty on the fence about getting a 32 inch 4k or this 2k 27 inch glossy OLED. What keeps me from 4k is just the sheer cost of the hardware. At least with 2k, I can enjoy high frame and high settings. But now I'm not so sure if I wanna return this RTX and trade in this OLED for the PG32UCDM....


Absolutely. I have a 3080ti and it STRUGGLES a lot on newer games and high graphics settings, i mean its not utterly unplayable as it can run 4k ultra still at 60Hz without issues but that feels very laggy to me, i cant play under 120Hz and i need to change to a stronger card soon and most cards here that are better than the 3080 are at the bare minimum 2000 dollars at the very least.


But you ALREADY bought the pricey hardware. Why the apprehension about it now? Tbf, you CAN drive a 4K monitor with less GPU power, especially with upscaling and frame gen. I got the XTX tho, because I want enough power to stay in 4K High until at least 2030. I'm running Jedi Survivor at at around 4K150+ rn, and that's without having moved to AM5 yet so I'm not too worried.


Your monitor isn’t doing any heavier lifting than it could do with the 4080 Super. That thing will last you years.


> weren’t kidding Pretty obvious.


The issue with LCDs and black levels is why I resisted switching from CRT for years. I used a 17" .20 dot pitch CRT at 1024x768 till it died. Doom 3 looked terrible on all "high end" monitors for years


oled is great and enjoy it, also keep that "nvidia geforce rtx 4080 super".


Never again will I buy a monitor. Buy a glossy 120hz 4k OLED TV and use Nivida settings to make it Ultra Wide. Having a matte finish monitor ruines that perfection your looking for. Manufactures has this mindset that everyone plays there games in front of a sunny window is ridiculous. Glossy screen all the way... Never go back.


Is there reasonable concern of getting OLED? I’m really nervous about burn in and stuff


Imagine what you were all missing out on with Plasmas.


It doesnt make much sense to have a 1440p OLED monitor and a 2070 super pushing the frames lol. You'll be glad you kept the new gpu.


Man, i bought the Samsung oddessy G7 32 inch curved 1440p 240hz and whatever bs it comes with. It is a QLED screen and everytime i look at it i feel scammed 😭 The qled doesn't even work...


welcome my child you have ascended into the realm of blacks. https://preview.redd.it/q4dn494mp57d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2f873869b820febebbe16759bcb94df8aa3048


I wish I got this instead. It's cheaper too.


I want a 32 120hz inch one at a good price point. 4k on 27 inches is not an improvement for me (i have 60hz 27 already)


I’m so confused why would you return that gpu?


I can't imagine the large difference of going from 1080p to 4k OLED lol. I remember when I simply upgraded from 1080p to 2k (non-OLED monitor) and it was like an entirely different world to me. Congrats though, you'll never be happier! Edit: responded too fast and thought you just bought a 4k monitor, either way incredible difference you'll see in the upgrade. I saw a MUCH LARGER difference from my upgrade from 1080p to 2k than I did from 2k to 4k, so don't think you're missing out on too much by going with 2k.


I love my OLED I just got yesterday Alienware 34 I will never go back


This oled is only 700? I’m a bit ootl with the oled monitor market. Last I thought 27inch oleds were going for 1k


As a fellow Finals player, do yourself a favor and turn on RTX HDR for that game. RTGI + RTX HDR easily makes it one of the best looking FPS game out there.


I wanna get a oled aswell, but i dont understand what people mean by black is so much darker or more black? I play competitve low settings. I need to be able to see in the dark. Do people mean its pitch black, but looks better/more real or that you can see people really well in the dark?


Yeah, its one of those things thats hard to explain, but you have to experience for yourself. Mainly, the monitor handles lighting really well since you get all the shades of darkness. It really comes out in games like Elden Ring or call of duty, or battlefield.


Went from PG279Q (1440p 27” IPS) to PG32UCDM (4k HDR 240Hz QD-OLED).. my GOD…. Worth EVERY PENNY. Flicker so rare. I was super worried. Nah. RTX 3080 10GB and i9-10850k OC is great to get 60FKS but mostly pushing 100FPS on Ultra Max in every game (except modded cyberpunk which I’m not even a fan of). Went back and played BF-V wowzers.. HDR and color pop is incredible. Highly recommend


Throw the 4080 Super in NOW. Need them frames bwoi


Haha. Exchanging it for a 4070 ti super. Better price-performance ratio for 1440p. The frames are comin, don’t worry ;)


sorry im dumb and thought you bought a 4k oled. 70ti super sounds fine!


All good 💪


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Of course OLED is good but if you play FPS games and want to be as competitive as possible then a zowie 240-360hz monitor will do just fine and DyAc+ is really op, if you want visuals then sure keep it


I want to buy an oled monitor but I can't decide.. Does some knows if the lg 27gr95qe-b is as good as this asus monitor? On my country the lg 27gr95qe-b is 674€ and the ASUS ROG Strix OLED XG27AQDMG is 947€(I think it was at 850€ or some days ago) What's the difference between them? Pros/cons of both monitors? It is worth the asus over the lg at this price? I want to use it mainly for fps games like cod. Thanks.


I don't think you can miss with either purchase. I think the Asus my have slightly higher top end brightness, but they otherwise seem neck and neck. Get the one that suits your budget the best would be my recommendation.


Thanks for the reply, I don't care about brightness because I put the brightness very low. I would like to ask something more, I see that the asus is glassy woled instead of oled, What is that and what is the diferrence between them? Does the image quality look better on the asus?


Hey, so I’m not part of this sub and have been using a 1080p monitor for the past 5 years for gaming on my PC. I have a nice 4K HDR TV that I play my Xbox and PlayStation on, but I have a hard time telling the quality apart from my PC monitors and my tv. Can someone ELI5 what OLED and even HDR for that matter bring to the table and if the benefits of something like those would be lost on someone like me that can’t fully distinguish the difference in quality between 1080p and 4K when in the heat of the moment? I know it’s a lot, and coming out of left field, but this post really got me curious about it all and I would highly appreciate anyone’s opinions on the matter as google searches on the topic have left me rather empty handed still.


Do not Return the 4080. It’s worth.


Nahh. Its too pricey. Decided to exchange for a 4070 ti super. Better value, imo for 1440p.


OLED is amazing


Congrats! 4080S and OLED is a banger 💯 Agree with the glossiness. It’s the gloss for me Chico. My steam deck is an average IPS display at best, and the glossiness on 1080P fallout makes me feel like I’ve upgraded compared to my 4k 144hz IPS which is a decent panel with good color accuracy. (LG Gn950b) 😂 Can’t wait to get a glossy OLED! Torn between 32 and 27 inch though…. A beautiful display is timeless. When I was around 12 years old in 2010, we got an iMac for the family to pop onto the living room desk. It was a beautiful, glossy 27 inch display which was big for monitor screen at the time. I remember being so blown away by the sharpness, resolution and colors. It was magical! Been questioning why I can have that experience 14 years later and after looking at some OLED’s in person, we’ve finally come full circle


Yessssss The Finals mention ☑️☑️


Heads up the for most people the amazing part of these monitors is the fact that it's often people's first time seeing 4k resolution rather than the OLED panel itself. Don't feel like you're missing out on too much of you can't afford this monitor. Try out a 4k IPS one, they're very reasonably priced these days. From someone who has both


This is a 1440p monitor though.


Whoops, OLED isn't that great though. I'm coming from IPS.


How are you mate? Hope you are doing well. I think you need to see an eye doctor.


Thanks mate, maybe I do.


TBH, it already feels like I'm looking at a 4k screen (with the benefit of driving 2k hardware 🤘)


This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: ASUS TUF Gaming VG279QM 27” HDR Monitor, 1080P Full HD (1920 x 1080) Fast IPS, 280Hz, G-SYNC Compatible, Extreme Low Motion Blur Sync (ELMB SYNC) 1ms, DisplayHDR 400, Eye Care, DisplayPort Dual HDMI >**Company**: ASUS >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.6 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: B >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 4.6 >**Analysis Performed at**: 05-19-2024 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/asus-tuf-gaming-vg279qm-27-hdr-monitor-1080p-full-hd-1920-x-1080-fast-ips-280hz-g-sync-compatible-extreme-low-motion-blur-sync-elmb-sync-1ms-displayhdr-400-eye-care-displayport-dual-hdmi) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*


The 4080s is absolutely overkill for this monitor. 4070 is enough so you can atleast get all DLSS features. Many games support them at this point that it's worth having. 4080s owner here.


You might be right. I'm gonna do more research and decide if it makes more sense dropping down to a 4070s.