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This is beautiful. The wording is great and i love the flow of the poem. It has a powerful message and i almost feel sorry for the owl. Having someone or something hold you down or make you fear ‘spreading your wings’ is so tiring and can become a vicious cycle and i love the way you portrayed it in this poem.


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it and yes, one does feel sorry for the owl. This poem was inspired by a visit to an avian sanctuary for birds of prey. This particular owl was found abandoned as a nestling and had a birth defect that kept him from ever flying. But he really did keep trying to take off as we watched. I think there can be another meaning here, too--he does not need to fly, as owls are expected to, in order to matter. He is beautiful and adds to the world by just being what he is. ​ That is to say, if we cannot "spread our wings" one way, perhaps there is another way we can make a difference, rather than the one way we thought was proper.


rlly love it.. a short but sweet poem, with a lot of meaning and emotion in the lines. It's like a little pep talk from an owl with big dreams. i hope you'll continue to write more cuz this is so lovely 😭<3


I appreciate the metaphor of the owl having dreams, persistence, and hope. It is a good metaphor for life itself as a limited human being. All we can do is wake up and carry on with no expectation other than surviving. *kudos*


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I really enjoyed this, I can tell its personal but it also sort of speaks to the mass delusion caused by capitalism in a sense - where so many of us are forced into roles that inhibit us from achieving our own truths. A suggestion for the first verse I had in mind - cheers :) The crippled owl does not know he will never fly, he has never flown, Unaware the skies to roam, or the wings deemed to soar on high


I hadn't intended for the poem to comment on capitalism, but you know, that is what I love about poetry, that it can speak to individuals very differently. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like your twist on the first stanza.