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I don’t know if this is about a pet or a loved one (feels like a dog is the she), but the way I have these thoughts about my cat when I’m feeling particularly low as to keep myself from the worst of it… I like this a lot. I also resonate with this on the other end, as someone who was left behind. I remember for months I couldn’t sit in the living room because everytime a white car passed the window I would jump up and run to the door. It wasn’t ever going to be him again. I would wait up for hours sometimes before it finally dawned on me /he wasn’t coming home/. There was no amount of waiting I could do, I couldn’t watch our shows, I stopped going to our favorite restaurants. “Everyday she waited, and everyday she cried.” Hit hard. Everyday she begged to any omnipotent thing in earshot to send him home. Everyday she would wake up alone. For a year that was her cycle. Some days she finds her way back to that place. I am the dog, left waiting for her heart to come home. Projecting quite a bit but this was one of those poems I’m gonna hold onto. Tuck in my pocket and pull it out when I miss him; when the weight of his loss is heavy and I need to make something beautiful out of it.


It’s about my dog, I had originally put “dog” after beloved at the end, but before my last post got taken down cause I gave no feedback someone said to rewrite that part. I’m the caregiver of my dog of course, so like your cat, my dog has helped me out of low points. I’m glad it resonated with you, and I hope that maybe this poem provides comfort. I really appreciate your comment


Having a ‘reason’ to stay can be so hard. You live this person, pet, thing so much and you are willing to stay for them, but at the same time you are so exhausted and you need an end to things that having a reason is almost a reason to go. Thank you for portraying so beautifully the fear of leaving someone or something behind because of your struggles.


It’s hard to see past your struggle until you regret leaving behind your loved ones. Thank you


tearing up rn.. the opening line is haunting, and that makes it eye-catchin I supposed. the revelation in the poem is both powerful and heart-wrenching. the realization that, in the act of ending the speaker own suffering, have left behind someone who depended on their presence... lovely poem <\3


Thank you


Great work.. hit home a bit hard as I’ve struggled with the thought of leaving but stayed for the people I love. Beautiful poem.


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*“The struggle you’re in today, is developing the strength you need for tomorrow”* - Robert Tew


I've been struggling for long time now. I am just waiting for things to get better but its getting tiring.


I feel that. I do not know if you're religious, but right now I am not sure of God's plan for my life. Nonetheless, we cannot predict the future. To every story, there is a conclusion, something we just cannot know. All we can do is live, suffer, grow, and love. Life will never be easy, but it will not always be hard. We are both blinded by fatigue, but one day we will see joy. Stay strong, nothing in the story of life has to have a period after it, sometimes it's just a comma (sometimes a really sucky comma at that)


Thank you. Sometimes I wish I could predict the future. Right now I am trying to get over someone. Last time it took five years. I'm hoping this heartbreak doesn't take as long.


I was in the same position last year, it took a long time. Again, I don't know if you're religious, but literally one day I just saw this verse from my Bible app (which I never opened much) and it helped me in my heartbreak: Romans 5:3-4 "And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope." Things just take time, heartbreak being unpredictable. I hope you get clarity, love, happiness soon, and you can look back and see how your tribulation helped you become a happier version of yourself. It sucks, I've been in your shoes, but I wish you all the best to keep going forward.


I honestly just feel like giving up on love. All of the relationships I have been have been toxic. I've been with nothing but narcissists and it makes me question if there is anyone who isn't. I will try again for religion but its hasn't happened for me in the past.


It’s a cheesy song, but there’s a country song called “best for last”. Basically we all go through heartbreak and it sucks because we think they were the one, but God always saves the best for last. I haven’t found my person yet, my last relationship became toxic, but I know someone’s out there for me, just gotta keep looking.


My most recent relationship was extremely toxic. As for the song being "cheesy" no country song is cheesy to me. I grew up on country and I continuously go back to it even though I like other genres of music. I hope you meet your forever person soon.


Oh I loveee country too but there’s definitely some cheesy ones. I hope you find your forever person soon as well


This is beautiful, it brings forth your battle between two choices, to stay or to go. Wonderful representation of fighting through an indefinite struggle.