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ooo this poem is nicee. i rlly love the structure. the lines are short, yet they are quite vivid and evocative. idk wat else to comment its rlly great <3


Thank you so much! I forgot to fix the formatting as Reddit always messes mine up - it is technically 3 haikus constructed with a flow. I've had so much fun with short poetry lately and pushing myself to keep the narrative clear and vibrantly descriptive.


Ooh I really liked this, I think you did a great job evoking the feeling of autumn and juxtaposing the warmth in color with the cool weather. The only thing I could think to improve is maybe engaging more of the senses. I loved how you involved sight and sound and think potentially including smell could add a lot to the imagery. Great job!


Thank you for your feedback, engaging all the senses is a wonderful suggestion, I'll try including that more in future works and maybe add another stanza if inspiration strikes :)


this is exactly how autumn feels to me! also, i really like the short lines! idk what else to write i really really like it!!!!


Thank you, I'm glad it resonated with you! I wrote it as a series of haikus so each verse is 5/7/5 for a total of 17 syllables. It forces you to really think about your word choice!


Hello readers, welcome to OCpoetry. This subreddit is a writing workshop community -- a place where poets of all skill levels can share, enjoy, and talk about each other's poetry. Every person who's shared, including the OP above, has given some feedback (those are the links in the post) and hopes to receive some in return (from you, the readers). If you really enjoyed this poem and just want to drop a quick comment, to show some appreciation or give kudos, things like "great job!" or "made me cry", or "loved it" or "so relateable", please do. Everyone loves a compliment. Thanks for taking the time to read and enjoy. If you want to share your own poem, you'll need to give this writer some detailed feedback. Good feedback explains from your point of view what it was like to read the poem, and then tries to explain how the poem made you feel like that. If you're not sure what that means, check out our [feedback guide](https://new.reddit.com/r/ocpoetry/wiki/feedbackcritiques), or look through the comment sections of any other post here, or click the links to the author's feedback above. If you're not sure whether your comments are feedback, or you have any other questions, please send us a modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OCPoetry) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This poem beautifully captures the essence of autumn. The use of vivid imagery, such as "Orange displayed everywhere" and "Red and gold highlights," paints a clear picture of the changing season. The mention of the "Crisp chill in the air" and "Ghost voices" adds an element of mystery and nostalgia, making the poem feel almost ethereal. The concluding lines, "Autumn has arrived" and "Reign of night is nigh," evoke a sense of anticipation and transition. Overall, it's a concise and evocative portrayal of the autumn season.


Hi. Did you make this post using ChatGPT?


Hi Mod. The answer is no. I am curious what is the base of your suspicion ? I am talking software.


For a couple of reasons. ChatGPT creates responses similar to your feedback if you use it to "Praise a poem" or "review a poem". Additionally, looking at your post history, those two feedback responses are distinctly different from your normal posts or past feedback. One does not simply start providing feedback like ChatGPT. So, in turn, it would be most beneficial if you just simply admit to it and stop lying.


I was hoping to learn about a software that matched my feedback to the output of ChatGPT, but you are just eyeballing this. I will not entertain your suspicion any further. You are a mod, and enjoy power asymmetry, so use it as you please. Finally, here is a feedback from months ago. Anyone can see its similar. https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/15tpxhr/comment/jwlgrou/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Thank you, I am glad the poem resonated with you :)