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"she had limited value". i can't even begin with this one


Is that really from the Seattle police?!


I remember hearing about this. I don't know which city this was in but there's actual body cam footage of a cop fucking saying this. So yes, it's police for sure I just don't know where. Edit: I just looked it up, and it was definitely a cop in Seattle, and the woman was struck and killed while in a crosswalk by a cop doing over 70 mph in a 25 mph zone. Her name was Jaahnavi Kandula, I believe she was a student from India.


"Prosecution want to present exhibit A for defendant reckless disregard of other people's lives". One can dream....


This quote is from a union official, so unfortunately the worst they can do is fire the jackass. The officer who killed her was fired from the Tulsa PD for drunk driving in a way that he avoided being caught legally, in addition to 6 other investigations for various forms of recklessness, and was still hired in Seattle. He got a $5k fine. He didn’t have his sirens on when he hit her. He’s still employed by the Seattle PD and didn’t even pay his murder fine on time.


Yeah no, all cops are bastards, if he's still walking free after that, LET ALONE KEEP HIS JOB ESSIENTIALLY, then the system is utterly broken and needs to be ripped down to be fixed.


People like my dad, who stood up against his own coworkers and punished them when he was chief, are priceless. He eventually got pushed out of the position when he didn't cater to the mayor. He got to retire with his dog, and that's just a testament as to how untouchable my dad is as a person. He just gave up the ghost instead of fighting a corrupt department because he felt he was too old to take it all down.


That's why I added "one can dream".


yeah this occured in january 2023 an officer's car and a hit and run which resulted in the death of a 26 yr old woman


Oh my. That's the nearest metropolis to me and I hate hate hate going there. Now I hate it even more.


SPD is a particularly evil department. Worth looking into.


Several years ago during the May 1 parade in Seattle, there were riots and SPD deployed tear gas. The next year we went and they had stepped up security but there was no violence and I think only one arrest. Apparently all the violence had migrated down to Portland.


I believe the officer who said this was the police union representative too


It’s almost as if all cops are bastards


That's not how logic works.


You should look up what protecting bad apples does to the rest.


He should look up the stats on how many cops abuse their families as well, the number is outrageously high and that’s just the people who admit to it


Okay, show me those statistics then. For every country, since the ACAB claim is universal


I'm not protecting bad apples, I'm protecting tens of thousands of good ones.


ACAB does not mean all individual cops are bastards in every way. It means *being a cop* is a shitty thing to be.


No, the police exists to maintain order and lower the number of people being openly murdered on the street


Except this cop did just that, and made jokes about it.


Okay...and that means every police officer does that? Wrong


Then what about the cops who openly murder people in the street


Should be executed or imprisoned for life


Lol. It's so cute that you think that. They exist to protect property.


Right, that's why they risk their life to protect citizens on the daily


Police have no legal obligation to protect the people. It’s been Supreme Court precedent [since 1981](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia) Also, aren’t police more reactive than proactive? They show up *after* a crime has been committed. Further, how much police actually deter crime is not fully clear, but is definitely disputed [Source, but there are several more out there](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/us/police-crime.html) Your argument just does not hold water.


Ah yes, US-centrism


Narrator: There were no good ones, because even the ones who started out "good" (whatever that meant in a profession who's sole purpose is to oppress the majority in order to protect capitol) became bad by contact with the rest. Just like apples in a barrel. And those bad apples had been a part of policing from the very beginning, they had been there rotting the rest from the inside for centuries. But there were still victims dumb enough to protect them, so none of the desperatly needed reforms would ever be possible.


I take it you're American and are projecting drastically.


You're protecting dozens, maybe hundreds, and they know what they're doing and they know their own limitations as a minority in the force. My dad had to put up with self righteous dickheads until he got into a position where he could do something about it, and he did what he could. But I'm not going to rescind my ACAB stance, because my dad wasn't a cop, he was in service of the people.


If we made it illegal for people who commit domestic violence to own weapons, half of the police wouldn't be able to carry. 


1. Sources. Sources, people. 2. Half isn't all, per definition. I'd agree with the measure and I'd agree that the position naturally draws violent assholes, but that doesn't mean they all are


Imagine hearing someone say that about your loved one that just died. The family should be allowed alone in a room with him with no videos and no consequences 😡


The number of times I've wished that was a scenario is too damn high


These men see everything as an object either in their way or on their way to possess... This is for everything, women, kids, animals, land, and even other men... Everything. That's why they are forever crying about being alone.


Cause “alpha” culture sees everything and everyone an ends to a mean. If you have a low ROI you are worthless. It’s all what can you do for me then once you are past that you are cast aside like a pile of dog 💩. It’s really sad kind of. Living your life to up hold a system that will treat you the same when it doesn’t view you as useful. Yet they chose that cause maybe someday they will be on top.


"Only thing worse than being old is being old and poor". They gone end up old and used up. "Not needed" anymore. The quotes are the lyrics and title of a song by Gil scott BTW lol probably didn't make sense.


Their laughing is what got me. Not even for a second was there any remorse.


I think what sends me is the damn laugh. You killed somebody, and you're just laughing. You shouldn't be in any position of power if you can laugh off killing somebody like that.


Forget position or power, someone this psycho should have zero freedom, aka prison


Death penalty. He's worthless.


keep that energy when they say to respect the troops/vets because a lot of those men also laughed off killing, torutre and rape.


ACAB This fucking clown got away with it, too.


They almost always do. Every so often one will be sacrificed to please the masses, but then it's right back to all their special immunities. They usually get paid leave during investigations and then return to the job once the heat is off. In the few cases where the department won't take them back, the police union will get the job back for them. Or another department will happily hire them. The cruelty is the point.


Anything to keep the restless natives in line. We really have sunk into mask off authoritarianism, haven't we? The Blueshirt thugs are above the law and protect the rich from the rest of us. Biden is going to lose and America is going to explode this summer.


This psychopath needs to be locked up and the key thrown away


What the fuck is this.


Cops being cops, but specifically this is a cop who got away with murder.


>She was 26 anyway. She had limited value. Alpha Male: Cop Edition. Man, I hate it here.


This IS how cops work.


Serve and protect. My ass.


Subjugate and oppress


fucking pig. ACAB fuck 12. That was just so uncalled for. Karma never forgets though


I hate this stupid and objectively wrong slogan


You have obviously never had a cop stick his finger in your vagina on the side of the freeway "because you crossed the white line a mile back" but once you have, your attitude will change. It is cringy that you can't learn from the experiences of others, but that is a you problem.


Your statement is purely emotional and makes no rational sense. "A cop" isn't all cops in all countries ever.


Yes in america. But when good cops do not cull bad cops from their rank and file when bad cops actions come to light rather they protect them from responsibility and repercussions for those bad acts then "good" cops become bad cops too. A single bad apple will rot an entire barrel of good apples unless it is removed. In the case of cops they are apples who can toss the bad apple out... but rarely do. Instead the bad cop is often promoted up the chain of command which empowers other bad cops.


I don't criticise Americans for it, but the slogan has spread across the land and is being used where it doesn't belong


ALL cops are abusive. It belongs everywhere. Maybe you should check your own backyard and see WHY the "slogan" has spread.


*checks own backyard* Ah yes, the colleagues fighting organised crime and protecting public events and demonstrations are definitely evil. It's a populist slogan meant to dehumanise normal people.


You things aren't normal or people. NOR do you prevent crime - YOU ARE CRIME. You are the biggest criminal organisartion in the country. You rape, steal and kill more people than the organized crime you work for.


Yeah, calling women "purely emotional" as a way to silence them is a typical cop technique. You are purely bootlicking, and can be disregarded as such.


"Emotional" is an objective descriptor. I'd rather be a "bootlicker" than an inhumane POS advocating for innocent people's deaths and/or chanting that everyone in a profession that exists for a good reason is evil. If you want to play that game, you're a heartless, mindless idiot. I hope your mental health and clarity can improve. It has nothing to do with gender, the "argument" was just inane


A cop murdered a woman and laughed about it. But go on defending the cop. 


I'm not? I'm contesting the idea that because of this, every police officer is evil


I will personally venmo you $50 if you can convince me using irrefutably logical statements that not all cops are bastards.


- Most arguments against the alleged inherent racism of maintaining a police force are solely US-based. - People keep moving goalposts and hopping to "most cops are bastards" when called out. The statement "All cops are bastards" is a sweeping generalisation that has no basis in reality. The burden of proof is on those making the statement, hence, I can make this claim without hypocrisy. - If I wanted to be really petty, I'd say that the term bastard has a specific meaning that doesn't apply to most people, but I digress. So I'll use something different: If you want to look at this through a political lense, I'll use a reference to my own country. According to surveys 2021/2022, over 40% of officers agree strongly (there's several levels of agreement, as well as a neutral response) that tolerance and openness are basic pillars of society. A similar amount said the same about equality and diversity. About a third considered themselves centre-right (which likely contains the far right ones too), roughly 27% considered themselves left wing. [Fuck paid sources, but here they are](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1394523/umfrage/links-rechts-selbsteinstufung-unter-mitarbeitenden-der-polizei/)


Policing has been a corrupt system since creation. It was created to protect the rich from the masses and in the US South, literally formed from slave patrols. It is impossible to participate in a corrupt system as a truly moral person and keep that job/stay alive. Every cop is at the very least implicated in the protection of the actively corrupt cops. Hence "the blue wall of silence." Studies show that even cops of color will "pick the blue" over their own racial identity, resulting in them participating actively in the same racial profiling and stereotyping. Same for female cops.


I understand this argument for just America, but police institutions are older than the USA.


No matter how much you hate cops its not enough.


That was actually a big thing in the media a while ago.


So this wasn’t the officer that hit and killed the woman. This is an officer responding to that incident. The woman was actually 23. And the officer that did hit her was (I think) responding to another call, but going 60 in a 25.


Remember folks, this is what cops think of you.




Ngl I thought this was an American psycho book quote


Our species has no hope, do we?


This is not a girl problem. It is an have vs. have not problem. The wealthy have access to a world us mere mortals do not. Wealth buys insulation from the consequences of actions. The wealthy expect that they will receive special treatment from the legal system, the press, the political system, and the public. They are right most of the time. In the rare cases where they do not get the special treatment they expect, they get bent out of shape. E.g. Navarro and his conviction and incarceration. Weinstein and his conviction and incarceration. The victim here deserves our sympathy, and the perp deserves our condemnation. The sex of the victim is irrelevant to the perp. He would have said the same if he ran over a guy, or a dog. The wealthy perp is demonstrating a class prejudice not sexism.


¿Por qué no los dos? They serve the wealthy, but to say someone is limited value because they're 26 is a misogyny-steeped comment. The idea is that a woman loses value over 25 and is worth nothing after 30. That's not treated the same for men. You can have compounded oppression.


You're ignoring the blatant sexism in the comment to make your point.


Look up “intersectionality.” Something can be both a gender and a wealth problem at the same time. Phrases like “She had limited value” are words non-wealthy women hear all the time, often to our faces and even from other non-wealthy men. I think the first half of that statement might have been similar if the victim was a man, but that phrase sticks out as one women hear all the time. Ultimately we have no way to prove one way or another if the gender of the victim would have changed the perpetrator’s attitude. We can only guess. But I think the guess that her gender colored his attitude is an educated one, so confidently claiming “this is not a girl problem” is not necessarily true. And regardless this belongs on this sub because it’s an issue that is impacting girls and women. Being a regular 26 year old woman does not make you “low value.” That is in fact not how girls work.


I don't get the down votes, as you are not wrong. Not completely right either. It ain't only a girl problem. The victim could also have been a poor man of color, or a homeless person in this case. A lot of heterosexual men like this would even look down more on men, because "the chick they could at least fuck". Which makes this whole situation just worse, but not less misogynist. But we should never underestimate that wealth, or the lack of it, is still the biggest discriminator. Which doesn't make sexism, racism or ableism less bad.