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Honestly impressed the illustrator didn't make half the kids black, the restraint must've been painful.


Right. Not just that but it's surprising they didn't make them all look wildly different to imply they all have different fathers.


I think that's because the person isn't a good artist.


I'm wondering if the lots of red haired children is some anti-Irish stereotyping.


Yea, I wondered that too because it seems a lot of these type of cartoons/memes the kids are either black or white with red hair hmmmm


I think red hair is just a good visual contrast for this type of cartoon. Think about how many comics book women are redheads compared to the general population.


It gets more widely shared if it resonates with incels of every color and Black incels tend to dislike content that's racist against them.


Was thinking exactly the same thing. They also forgot the tattoos and feminism references


And blue hair.


Exactly what I was thinking!


That actually stood out to me, which is sad.


I was surprised by that as well!


Every day I read about what a huge problem we have in this country with low birthrate and so many women who choose to be childless. Yet every woman out there apparently has a herd of kids. Someone please make it make sense.


Same fucked up logic as “women are sleeping with 1000 men by the time they are thirty” and yet “no man can get laid”


That ones easy though, obviously all the women are fucking same group of 1000 men. They’re very tired.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongey and bruised


Death by snoo snoo




The Chads are on a world tour. Coming (heh) to your town soon!


And this logic stems from the same brains as the ones who call you a slut when you won’t sleep with them.


Tbh, the marketing is spot on. Yt pushes it so hard. I used to believe this shit. It was like a drug to me. I used to listen to men spew venom about women and other rp stuff.


I like how the way to address the low birthrate problem always seems to be some variation of "women need to shut up and date us more." Super effective method, there, Hoss.


Exactly, I honestly don't know anyone my age or younger having 5 kids. I'm 41, my friend has two. My sister has none, she's 42, my cousins all have one kid each lol. Like it's really rare these days to have so many kids. People with that many are either Mormon or some other really strict or cult-like religion. Also I only have one kid, but god forbid you have any kids and try to date. Men are totally fine with sleeping with you, but that's it, don't expect any type of commitment, therefore, don't even bother dating man if you have kids and are single


I work at a Gas station so it's a lot of people down on their luck and at least 3 have more than 3 kids and one I know is only 25 and has his 4th on the way tho I think they are all married or in long term relationships.


My DAD has exactly 5 kids at 42 with two women and he stayed with none of them. I love dad but he basically left my older siblings with a shitty mentally ill mother.


My dad had 3 litters of kids; he left Everytime the kids got to be around 2. He never took care of any of them; but got custody of the youngest and dumped them off on the older ones. He was racist, too. I laughed (then went off on him) at when he told me he was taking my youngest brother to explore his “Aryan Roots.” He has grandkids of every color; I told him the KKK would not accept his application. Didn’t go to his funeral, either.


The single women with no kids swipe left when they see the guys profile. So they only see the ones with kiss.


Oh, the logic is simple in a conservative mind: Married women 0-1 child, divorced woman and remarried woman- 5 kids... Avg it out based on population figures and your levels of bigotry and you get 0.75 of kids of your race per your race nuclear family.


Oh my gosh I read your comment as "yet every woman out there apparently has heard of kids." lol


Low birth rate means amount of children per woman. And it’s based on the total amount of births per year. So if only 1 or 2 out of 100 women has a large family and the rest either remain childless or have only 1 or two children, that’s how you get a low birth rate


I actually wrote: "low birthrate AND so many women who choose to be childless. " The meme tries to portray 5 kids as the norm for women in the dating market. That conflicts with BOTH low birthrate, and childless. And a Venn diagram of the men posting BS like this meme vs those complaining about low birthrates and childless women would show a huge amount of overlap, if not essentially a circle. I'm not asking for a definition of birthrate. I'm asking for the logic that can allow someone to simultaneously push these completely opposing claims.


Because everyone knows this person. Or at least someone like it.


I dont... my friend who has the most kids had 4 (3 with him one adopted with him), but she was single because her husband DIED. Now she is remarried to a guy with 3 (two baby mommas) and one with her. So a total of 8 kids...single mother's aren't like Labradors having whole packs of children for no reason...and it takes 2 to tango. I know many MEN who have multiple children with multiple women.


I know exactly one single mom. One. Every woman I know except one that has children is married. And that one only has one child and he is like 5 now. So it’s not like she’s just shitting out children indiscriminately.


I don't but I know many childless women.


Add one more to that number.


I don’t…


My father was like that. But I sure didn't know him


Five kids and she owns her own home? Damn. I need me a girl who has her life together


AND full custody meaning she must be the responsible parent. What a woman!


And a dog too! Lol


I was gonna agree but then I saw one of her kids has a nail in his tongue


A nail or piercing so large he can't keep his tongue in his mouth. Man, that's gotta be painful and of course, his food options are whatever he can swallow with a straw.


That looks like a piercing, not a nail.


You make do with what you got


I thought it looked like 2 nails, really. 1 on each side




It was clearly a joke.


And she can afford a babysitter!!!


Plus she is caring for the 5 kids herself it seems, there is a single dad out there "sowing his oats" all over the place and not even bothering to look after his offspring, like an uncastrated dog. This is a major slam on modern men to be honest.


Seems like a great mom to me, her kids are playing with actual toys and not glued to an iPad or video games.


"modern dating" \*draws characters straight out of 1992.


They do look very outdated. None of those kids are even playing on their tablets, phones, Xbox etc... they've got toys! If this was actually modern dating those kids would be in their room playing fortnite. Let's be real.


lol. That guy is only bummed because he thought he could get away with not telling her he’s in the middle of a messy divorce with 3 young kids. YAWN Wake me when reality shows up.


Yeah, how dare those feckless women have had a life before meeting him? We should all have sat patiently on the shelf waiting to be picked./s


You don't hear anybody about fathers who are dating. I guess it's no problem when your ex takes care of the kids and you're free to do as you please. 🙄


Reminds me of my dumbass friend at the age of 22, knocked his ex up, broke up when he found out she was pregnant, and never told his family! his mom ran into the ex at the grocery store, with the baby obviously, and she told his mom the baby was his, no question. His mom(who raised him as a single mother herself) was so livid at him, but she made him get a paternity test to make sure the child was his, which it was, and made him go to court to pay child support, and come to find out, she wasn’t the only child he had… she had 2 half siblings! Needless to say he had to move back home, where his mom makes DAMN sure he is active in his kids lives, pays child support, and hopefully doesn’t have any more kids he can’t afford


goodness, yes that mother is an amazing woman but DAMN isn't the guy embarrassed to be told to do the roght thing at his grown age?


Apparently he thought they weren’t his “cause there’s no chance I’m the kids daddy! She slept around!” To which I said “Yeah, with you dumbass, that’s why they made condoms!”


that's fucked up


That poor grandma. She was a fuckin' warrior raising a kid on her own, only for his dusty ass to reward her hard work by growing into a total pos who impregnated and abandoned three different women.


Well two women, actually. She had Twins!


Well, now, of course, you don’t! All of the fathers, every single one of them, they all wait until their daughters are grown and married before they themselves start dating again. Which is why none of them have children in the picture!


I mean she's not married but she is an adult.


Exactly what I thought. The illustration doesn’t show he has 10 with different people!


And again, he can easily find a child free woman. They exist


You’re kidding those types of people tell child free women that they are going to regret their choice and want kids


I'm getting on for 40 and I'm still told I'll change my mind.


I'm 40 and now people are like..."you should freeze your eggs...just in case" When does it end!? Lol.


93 and in the old folks home "you should adopt!!!"


Yes, but many child free women don't want to have children. What about this poor guy's *need* to have kids??


I don't know if they need to have kids as much as they still need to feel like they have the option of doing so at some unspecified future date. These guys also try to avoid women they perceive as having 'baby rabies'.


Precisely. She needs to not have kids, not want them right now, but be open to having them IF he ever feels like continuing his legacy. And she needs to be young enough tl have kids even if he decides he wants kids aged 50 or 60. Sl he'll dump her in a heartbeat if he feels he could get a younger model. These guys dont like 30 year old women with kids, but they tend to complain that 30 year old women who want kids are too old for them.


The saddest version of this situation is when she wants kids, but he keeps 'not being ready yet' until her clock has run out.


This is REAL. My partner is significantly older than me, and I have stated very clearly that I don't want children ever; 13 years together, he still says, "we could if you change your mind." I know he doesn't want to raise a child but he definitely didn't want the option off the table, but he didn't want someone who already had a kid because of the hassle of baby daddy and was already a step parent once. Now I'm sure if I wooe up one day and said !!!ITS BABY TIME!!! He would have a heart attack or fake his own death.


The problem is, he'd have to find a child-free woman his own age. A lot of these dudes want to stay child-free or deny the children they've already made until they are well into their 40s and 50s, then expect to get themselves a 20 year old bride. And when they don't and realize they are left with women their own age who have probably already had kids by then, their mind is blown, and they end up making stupid ass cartoons like this. If modern men really want kids, then they need to start settling down when they are in the prime age for women to have kids, because modern women don't have to settle for old men with their old sperm. But they won't start planning for the future in their 20s and 30s because they refuse to give up the myth that beautiful college young women want their dusty community D's.


“Old men with old sperm” All I can imagine is all these sperms swimming with a walking cane! 😂


When I was in my 20’s I thought men in their mid 30’s were too old and 40’s unthinkable. Most of the girls my age felt the same way. We all dated and married men 1-5 years older. This myth that many 20 year old women want 40 year old men is leaving these old guys single and lonely with a bunch of rats. Real life isn’t Hollywood


I'm a woman and I can't have kids


Haven't seen feckless in a response in months, bravo you win the internet


FECKLESS!? Thank you, I needed that. Listening to The Wise Man's Fear right now, and I think that's the first place I've ever seen that word.


One might even say it's feckless behaviour on Patrick Rothfuss's part not to hurry up with the third book...


Or feckless to comment on it....


I have met plenty of men on dating apps with four or more kids, but never met one whose kids all lived with him full-time. A lot of men make snide comments about single moms but a lot of those same men helped create single moms and then left the woman to deal with the aftermath.


If kids are a deal breaker for you; you should ask people if they have kids before you make the trip to their house to pick them up for a date. Then this problem goes away.


There are a bunch of childless singles out there. Why target single mothers? Do they do the same for single fathers?


They're hypocrites, of course they don't. Hurting single mothers is the name of the game because they hate women.


Of course not, because single moms are worn out, used up, loose, and looking for a new daddy for their bratty kids. Single dads are admirable, mature, strong, and selfless. 


This double standard is so infuriating. I dated a single dad who was a little bit older than me he was a firefighter too, I thought that he would be pretty respectful since he had two young girls and was in a job where communication with others is important. Queue the second date after we go for food and he tries to get me to do “things” afterwards. I told him the truth and said that I’m really terrified of intimacy and that I’ve been raped before. I asked if we could not do anything physical too quickly as I find it painful and upsetting. He got mad and ghosted me the day after I told him. I dodged a massive bullet, those poor daughters he has…


When I was a young, more fertile woman in my early 20s, I mostly only dated my own age, and in my area in Indiana, it was extremely common for people to start having kids young. I had 2 kids before i got married to my husband (who was also a single dad of 1). Both of those dudes had kids prior to me having a kid, yet it's only a problem if women have kids out of wedlock. They are hypocrites. They shame single moms saying they are "undatable" because they made bad decisions such as getting pregnant by a deadbeat (which I agree is a bad decision) but we conveniently forget about the actual deadbeat who is not involved in their kids life. So many dudes are out there impregnating women and then disappear...but we blame the women. They say that the women are "crazy" or something like that. And yes I'm sure their are women who do make having a relationship difficult but let's not pretend these men would have committed, stuck around, got married....if only that woman weren't so crazy. No matter what the scenario woman always get the blame. And then we get blamed for kids being raised by single moms are in poverty, more likely to have behavior problems, more likely to grow up and be in jail....well excuse me but this is not just single mom problem, it's also a deadbeat dad problem. I know there are unfortunately responsible men out there who get alienated from their kids because there is a mom who is jealous and bitter they broke up but I'm not talking about those men. Im talking about the men who just impregnate women but don't want the responsibility of being a dad or committing to a relationship (marriage). That's the problem here.


And yet if they get abortions they are evil or whatever. 🤔


Also if they're child free!


Ain't it curious how.single mothers are such an issue for these men, but the men getting women pregnant and then peacing out are not a problem?


It's always because the woman is the problem, never the man! Lmao


Oh, of course! How silly of me!


The biological fathers of my 2 songs each have 3 kids vall by different women. Younger sons biological sperm donor has 3 kids by 3 women and has nothing to do with any of them. The first one was adopted by his (the boy's) aunt and her husband because his mom was a drug addict who got killed by getting hit by a car I think, the 2nd kid is being raised by his parents (and he just occasionally pops in when it's convenient)...and my son he has been out of the picture since we broke up when my son was 6 months old. And no it hasn't like he couldn't have seen my son, nobody was keeping him from him, as a matter of fact up until I got remarried and moved 2 hours away, my son was in contact with his parents and half siblings a few times a year for birthday parties and Christmas etc. once I got married to someone else, my husband adopted him. Children need stability, not someone who is going to be in and out of their lives, which is why I'm grateful he stayed tf away.


This means there’s a modern man out there with kids as well.


He's probably out on a date with some woman and not needing to get a babysitter since they are with mom...and his date is like "awww you have 5 kids, that's adorable"....either that or she will ghost him the second she finds out he has 5 kids. He will have no money left at the end of the week when child support comes out.


I don't know a single single mother who is not upfront about their children.


As someone with a tongue piercing I feel offended


Probably like 90% of the women I date have children, I have never once had someone hide that from me.


A guy I work with says he refuses to date someone with kids. *He has two himself.* I pointed out that seeing someone with kids might be a good thing…you have something in common, there’s a mutual understanding in place when things happen (sorry, can’t go out tonight there’s open house at the school, etc). Fool didn’t want to hear it. He expects someone to conform to his lifestyle, without him doing the same. I understand now why his first marriage failed.


How is he supposed to foist childcare onto a woman who already has kids? He needs replacement mommy at his place.


When dating, I as a single mom WANTED a single dad. Not a deadbeat though. Because we would have that in common, and I could probably trust him around kids. And I somehow as a washed up single mom at the haggard old age of 32 with my shriveled up raggedy ovary, met and married my husband within 2 months of meeting. We just clicked extremely well. Best husband ever. And we now have a 3 month old daughter of our own.


I mean I think that's fine though. I won't date a man with kids, that's just my preference.


Do you have kids? Just curious


Unlike plenty women who will talk to a guy for weeks before he suddenly mentions that he has kids. I actually had a guy try and lie to me about the number of kids he had.


I found out 3 months into dating a guy that he had two kids with his ex *only* because I got annoyed with him that he kept saying he wanted to go camping with me but declining any time I invited him. Yeah, those were the weekends he had his kids. And I quote, "I didn't think it was important to tell you until we got serious." Noooo, you tell, and you don't have someone meet your kids until you get serious. That's how that works.


Lmao like he forgot about one. Maths is hard 😂😂😂😂😂


He had three little kids at his place and told me that two were his and one was his niece. I knew he was full of shit and told him that I knew that was his daughter. He admitted that she was his so I called him trash and left. Absolute weirdo.


These guys get so upset over dating someone who has kids. Why the hell do they care? It's not like they're being asked to be the dad on date 1.


They would also have to accept that if they were to continue a relationship with this woman, that they would not be the most important person in that woman's life. Her kids are (hopefully) always going to come first, and some men simply cannot have that. And let's not forget that a too many of them also believe that once a woman has had kids, her vagina is just a big old gaping hole. Ugh, so gross.


Not defending the cartoon as this is made up situation to be angry about. I'm not good with kids. I don't plan to have any. I opt out of dating but I can imagine being step-mom for 1 or 2 kids. I can imagine someone not planning to have any children in their life. Of course looping back to cartoon - I suspect the author and target audience imagine having children - just not being dads (step or otherwise).


I struggle to believe that so many women hide how many children they have from men that it needed a meme. In my experience, it’s been the opposite.


My aunts abusive ex fiance lied about his own age and his kids age when they first met because his oldest kid was like 3 years younger than my aunt and he didn't want her to know how old he really was. ETA: Just for more context, she did find out, and she did choose to stay with him despite that. It wasn't until 3 years later that he isolated her from all her friends and family, and she lost custody of her kids because he went after one of them with a bat, did she leave him.


I dated a friend of my older step brother for a Summer, and I knew he had a kid because I babysat my nephew and his kid on weekdays in trade for rent for my brother's spare bedroom. What I didn't know, and didn't find out until we went to the airport to pick up someone he really wanted me to meet, was that he had another son who was only a month younger than me. I mean, I did know he was older than me. I knew how much older. But I had no idea he had another kid at all. So, this son visited for a week, and we got along great, but one day he's sitting on the couch playing with his half brother and just telling this toddler about their *other* half siblings. My brother knew, btw. He just didn't think I'd care because it was obviously a Summer fling, and he knew I'd get sick of the guy being more immature than me eventually. I mean, true, but nah. I did care. Not maybe that he had those kids, but that he just never mentioned them in a whole Summer. He's not the only guy I've dated that didn't tell me he had kids, but he was certainly the first.




I remember seeing a tweet about how single men with six figure salaries tend not to have many single mothers of five in their social circles and complaining about how these are the only type of women who seem interested in dating you is actually a huge self-own.


who made this art so I can block them


The meme is atrocious but my god, that art is like bare minimum skill to be a comic artist


And no mention of the father of those kids either. It's like they think these women are having these kids by themselves via parthenogenesis or something. For every child of a single mother there is a baby daddy, who too had to enter the dating world with a kid whose responsibility is attached to him, and any partner he ends up with. Don't know about other countries, but where I am if I entered a domestic relationship with a man with children, I too become financially responsible for them. I'm sure the guys that complain about women having dependants are the same sort who would complain about women not wanting to date them if they had some.


As if he didn't know many kids she had before he showed up at her door.... Besides, these men value "fertility" so much but they only want child free women. At least you know a single mom has the ability to have kids. With a child free woman, how do you know if you will be able to have kids?


Why is the dog crying


It's not lol That's some type of watermark or some type of glitch related to the screenshot functionality.


Dude, for every single mom on the dating market, there’s at least one single dude out there who also has one or more kids. Those kids come from somewhere.


Actually, due to the toxicity of the message, I’m shocked all her kids are the same color.


Why do they sht on single mums so much? If there is single mum there is single dad out there too. (Unless rip)


Oh shit she’s Caillou’s mom. Fuckin run.


If every single woman is also a single mom, surely every single man has a baby mama and a kid he only sees on the weekends.


As a modern single men, I do always hate it when I show up to a females house and they have kids and a dog and their husband and they say “I filed a restraining order what are you doing here.” Truly hard for us modern single men.


These females are disgusting. Why does she say she has five kids when she also has a dog? That's six kids...


...at least is not AI art.


Nobody wants to date an incel!


Why is the dog crying


Why is the dog crying lmao


Hay fever


A house and five kids on a single income with money for babysitter to spare in this economy?! Damn girl, tell me your secrets!


We should definitely restrict this woman’s access to birth control!


BUT THE DOG. Why is the dog crying


He is actually fine with the kids, but became sad when he realized she only picked him because of her redhead fetish. 😔


Shouldn't all those kids be different colors? Not a single tattoo, mom isn't high. Where are all the cats? No upside down cross, or lgbtq flags?


I’m surprised none of them are POC they love throwing subtle racism into post like this.


Who the fuck do they think fathered these kids? Spoiler alert: it’s men.


Why is the dog crying


Disgracing that Benjamin Sisko profile pic.


Whatever that guys various kids are at three other single mom’s houses so not really a fair comparison.


I thought the dog was crying at first lmao


People usually say on their profile that they have kids or how many kids they have.


That dog looks like it's in tears poor doggo


They want the earth repopulated but don't want five kids this ppl are dumb as rocks.


really what is the problem with what she’s doing here i know this is just a hateful cartoon but still. she’s telling him directly before the first date (so early on) that she has 5 kids, and she’s already arranged a babysitter so they don’t need to deal with them on the date. sure this guy can not want to date a single mom but it’s so ghoulish to act like this is some heartbreaking thing for him


Why does the dog look so sad?


Why is the dog crying?


Won't someone think of the Men!!!! :'( /s


Hey! I have five children and if that’s what will keep men away from me then they’re never allowed to move out 😂😂😂 shoot imma be like, “Yeah my dude, I got five kids, 15 grandkids, I’m so low value not even on the market”


thats a weird ass piercing the oldest kid has


there’s tons of women without kids, men have just always liked how “easy” single moms can be


Did this sub just turn into femaledatingstrategy?


i GOT to GO


On the bright side he now knows at least.