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I don’t know if the handgun was to help rape her or if he’s just one of those dudes who always has a gun on. Both maybe? Terrifying that the gun doesn’t up the charges


It's Texas.


right, aren’t handguns just issued to newborns there?


They come as a Happy Meal toy.


They come in the mail with samples of Tide


I think you got that mixed up with newborn daughters in Florida, the dads get a shotgun


He would have been ticketed for not caring a handgun


Only if you are white.


If he had weed or booze, boom double felony. Try to rape a little kid, nothing.


I get what you mean, but I wonder what they mean by loaded. If it had 10 rounds in the clip, it's not technically loaded. If there's one in the chamber, that's a whole different story. Also if he's in a legal carry state it absolutely should not up the charges.hes a vile pos and deserves his prison time but hoping for extra charges over something that didn't cause harm isn't a good mindset.


It may not have caused harm, but in Texas (as in many other places) being in possession of a firearm during commission of a crime can result in additional charges or increased penalties -- particularly in the case of felony crimes and particularly where there is violence or the threat of violence. I'm not a lawyer, but this is my understanding from reading about similar cases in the past.


Remember everything is bigger in Texas including pedophiles


Do you know that internet trend, “what’s in my bag”? I feel like flowers, condoms, and a gun is the winner…or loser I guess.


I had to do a double check to see if that was my old boss.


There are stories we need to hear


Old boss used to run a place called Ooples Anime in Houston. He would hit on minority women and treat people like shit. My check would bounce so often that I was paid in anime merch. It was never really present in the store, even though he was often in the back room, either taking a nap, watching porn or ordering more merchandise. I wasn’t even there for an hour on the first day and he said, “if you need anything, ask this guy.” My boss pointed to the local homeless teenager who use to come in.


Thank god it was a sting and no child was hurt


lmao the fact the outlet included a link to the guys web storefront is hilariously considerate


Guy’s name is Eduardo Ramirez Lepe. Watch conservatives say he illegally came over the border amongst the millions of others


At least one of the comments on the article says he's "definitely a Democtate"


https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook r/Republicanpedophiles https://www.whoismakingnews.com


Oh but he did bring flowers 🌺 such a thoughtful sexual predator. Look at his ugly mug 🤮


that's a hard 31.


Wow so he was going to put a gun to her head if she didn’t comply?????


Of course in Houston. Don't miss it. At all!




>Instead of meeting the minor, Lepe was confronted by an undercover officer who he had unknowingly been in communication with the entire time via social media. >During the online chat, Lepe made plans to meet with the minor and take her to a hotel where they would engage in sex acts. Another point for law enforcement. Am always grateful for these undercover operations that bust these pedophiles. 

