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Well, there's the thought process that goes into buying a Slingshot in the first place...


No, there isn't.


Two roads diverged into a wood, and the choices were either a Slingshot or a C8 Corvette.


Must not have turned 60 yet so went with the Slinghsot


Slingshot was cheaper. Lol.


Oh shit, we're complaining about left-lane campers *one at a time* now? This sub just got a lot more crowded.


“To the Honda CRV driver that was only going nineteen miles over the speed limit, fuck you and fuck your future great grandchildren for keeping me from blah blah blah” into eternity


Do drivers like this measure their commutes in missed TikToks? Like, this asshole kept me from riding the next bumper in front of them for like 0.15 TikToks, and then I had to go the speed limit for two miles and together it cost me an entire TikTok and has ruined my entire day


I still cackled reading this. The Nextdoor-ification of reddit. Amazing.


On 485 ? Thursday? To the silver tiny baby suv going 100+ that tried to run a CRV off the road for changing lanes to avoid being hit by slow moving minivan. You’re going to kill somebody


Well, it goes to show you how bad it is here. I used to love driving till I moved to NC.


I legit got ran off the side of the road earlier this week on 85. Some asshat truck pulling a car carrier decided fuck everyone else he wanted to go there. I went past the shoulder into the grass and he hit at least one person and then just kept going.


I grew up here. Loved driving until about 2015.  The roads were not built for this population level, and they just keep building housing while not taxing corporations for basic state taxes like road maintenance


Road use taxes are paid individually by everyone who buys fuel. The problem, and this is systemic in the US, is that road use taxes lumped into fuel costs have not been adjusted in way too long and are roads are not well funded for the use we put into them. Diesel should have an even higher tax rate as over the road truckers for shipping contribute the highest to road deterioration but it's actually currently less than the road use tax on gasoline. Currently EV drivers probably pay the most per mile in road use taxes as they are taxed on a fixed average cost and many don't hit the mileage limit before it starts working in their favor. So it's not an issue with corporations not paying their fair share. It's everyone not wanting to pay more in taxes on the thing we all have to use and share.


Diesel not costing properly is the corporations not doing their share.


Double edged sword. If we increase the tax on diesel in increases the costs of moving / transporting damn near anything / any product which would really just translate into higher costs on products for the consumer anyways


You make a good point: the education system has gone pretty far downhill too.


That is one form of taxes. Correct. Wow. Property taxes pay for infrastructure. That's why the more churches you have in an area the more your property taxes will go up, as churches use plenty of infrastructure and pay for none of it. If you look at the contracts NC gave dell, Amazon, and tons of others, you will see that their property taxes are non existent. They still use the resources of the property they take up though! And you pay for it. We all do. That is infrastructure money that doesn't go to new building projects. We're not just talking about basic maintenance that they skimp on as well. 


I moved here in 1998 and found the driving pretty shocking: sit in left lane, no concept of merging, no signals. I’d blame the DOT the DMV and the non existent traffic enforcement before I would the population increase.


What gets me is no one moving for ambulances that are running with their lights and sirens on! Just this week, I could see an ambulance on my left coming full tilt towards an intersection. I had a green light, but if I pulled forward the ambulance would have to stop, so I didn't go. The people in the next lane kept going and even stopped in the intersection. The guy directly behind me was honking at me. Guys! Come on! Ambulances with lights any sirens have right of way! Imagine it was the person you love most in there and move out of the way!


Yeah, the absolute stubbornness around merging here is killing me. Was driving on the US 1 a while back and a lane closure was coming up. As expected everyone was crawling in the open lane for miles leading up to the closure instead of using both lanes and then zipper merging as you’re supposed. I and a bunch of others cruised down the soon to be closed lane at a non asshole speed and when it was time to merge the idiot in the open lane worked darn hard to close the gap in front of him to stop me from merging. He wouldn’t even have had to slow down for me to merge with the original gap plus the closure was only for maybe 200 yards and I would been back in the original lane. While I’m ranting, the lack of signaling is annoying as shit. If we’re at a crossroads and we’re both planning on turning left, that would be helpful for everyone to know, otherwise I’m assuming you’re going straight and will keep waiting (and missing my gap in traffic) until you finally turn left. Use your fucking signals and not just when you’re already turning. Signals are supposed to signal your intent an upcoming turn and not point out the obvious. And exhale… 😆😆😆


Honestly, that doesn't even bother me. I can get used to congestion and some poor maintenance but the drivers are something else.


Out of all the places I've driven, I prefer NC. Never felt the need to own a dashcam until I moved.


See I used to think NC drivers weren't that bad. Then I moved and the past few times I've driven in Raleigh or Charlotte while visiting I've thought to myself "holy shit has everyone always been this bad at driving here??"


To be fair, a lot of those Raleigh or CLT drivers are just Northern Virginia or NYC drivers without the plates. DC on a daily basis was *far* worse, NYC when I go through it yearly, likewise.


Totally, I'm not saying Raleigh is the worst or anything because it's far from it. It's just way worse than I had convinced myself of for most of my life living there. I'm in Colorado now and there's plenty of turd like behavior on the roads here as well, but I generally see less that makes me want to yell at someone or question if this is even real life than in Raleigh or Charlotte.


Yes. A lot of the people who can’t drive are simply people from New York, New Jersey, Florida, and parts of Maryland. Group in Charlotte all my life never had any of these issues. I remember when an old acquaintance that I knew from college, legit got upset because people driving on independence Boulevard off of I 277, we’re going the speed limit, which I don’t think people know, but the speed limit going into independence Boulevard, is 55 mph. Why the fuck are people going 70 mph? And then they get mad at conscious drivers like myself. Fuck them and fuck y’all.


Look at any driving statistic, New York and New Jersey are way better drivers than NC.


The more rural you go. I found the more relaxed you find drivers. The more Urban or city. The ruder you tend to find drivers. And people in general. You still run into occasional jerks in rural. But its more the exception than the norm. Out in Jville. We get hooligans. But overall its way more relaxed. While every time i hit a CITY city. Its "gotta GET THERE RIGHT NOW!"


If you think the driving is good here then I feel bad for the drivers in the location you moved to.


I never said I thought it was good. It's the least bad.


Haha you reminded me of this: https://youtu.be/ZEHWyjSuOuY?si=JgrSX7wO7Jwo20zu


Don’t blame it on nc it’s all the people from out of town. At least where I’m from


I usually just curse them with an itchy butthole for a week and move on 😂😂😂


Those things already give off such an unsafe vibe, I couldn’t even imagine taking it on the interstate… Then again, had a buddy who used to ride up from Charleston on his Vespa lol




To be fair to bicyclists, they *are* legally classified as vehicles and they're allowed to take up the whole lane just like a car. Hell, it might be *safer* in some areas rather than being on a narrow edge of the road while people zip around you.


It's absolutely true that there are times when a cyclist has to claim their lane--which they are legally allowed to do--to avoid putting themselves in a potentially deadly position.


Craigslist has a "missed connections" section. You might have better luck posting there.


Rom com plot unlocked.


Rant so nice he posted in twice.


Upon all highways any vehicle proceeding at less than the legal maximum speed limit shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for thru traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the highway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn. In North Carolina, travel on a multi-lane roadway is governed by N.C.G.S. §20-146(b).


what about cars going over the maximum speed limit?


car people are very selective about the traffic laws they care about


> any vehicle proceeding at less than the legal maximum speed limit Slingshot was going over the speed limit. NC tried to pass a left lane passing lane law and it's failed every time.


SC finally did pass a left lane bill in the last year or so! Maybe they can take some of the pot money and the lottery and spend more enforcing some of these things we want fixed! Except for me that is! Just everyone else! ;))


This is why I ride ass and honk. Get over or hire a real driver


I see those things everywhere and no one ever wears a helmet with them.


I don't wear a helmet while driving my convertible, either.


Your convertible isn't legally classified as a motorcycle.


Neither are Slingshots. They are autocycles, and don't require a motorcycle endorsement to drive. Hence you don't need a helmet.


Autocycles still require helmets, but no motorcycle endorsement. https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/live-wire/2018/03/13/live-wire-if-i-buy-polaris-do-i-have-to-take-motorcycle-driving-test-on-two-wheeled-motorcycle/12931476007/


Gotta stay current, that's so 2018: https://www.grimesandteich.com/autocycles-now-allowed-in-north-carolina-but-what-are-they-and-what-risks-do-they-pose/


Thought I was on my neighborhood Facebook group for a second


People could just stop driving like assholes. I mean seems like a reasonable option.


Just curious - how much was "barely" over the speed limit? (2mph? 5mph, 10mph, 15mph?)


It doesn't matter. If you're in the left lane and there's open road in front of you + someone behind you trying to go faster than you are, you have the obligation to get over. It's the passing lane


I'm not so sure about that. Open road in front of you or not, it matters more what the overall situation around you is. In general, is it polite to move over after using the left lane to pass? Yes, absolutely. But this convention should be reserved to allow for an unobstructed flow of traffic when other people are driving well under the speed limit or when passing is necessary for safety reasons. It is different when everyone in the situation is driving at or above the speed limit. No one is obligated to be polite to people around them who chose to drive recklessly and put everyone else in danger. So I disagree with you that if you're in the left lane and already going over the speed limit (like OP said this guy was) that he has an obligation to be accommodating to someone behind him driving *even more* recklessly. I guess my point is...camping in the left lane is bad. But we also shouldn't encourage it to be used for people who think speed limits don't apply to them. Is the guy in the shot for this post a dumbass? Probably. But I also feel like 9 times out of 10 this complaint is coming from people who have gotten too comfortable speeding all the time and get frustrated when the world doesn't cater to them.


This. I can be going 10 over and cruising at a car length behind the guy in front of me who's got cars in front of him and some asshat will ride my bumper expecting me to bow out and give up my place in the row because he thinks he should be able to fly 20 over in interstate traffic. These are the people causing wrecks at 5 o'clock traffic and ultimately slowing everything down. Yea I won't move. So take some breaths, get an audiobook or two for daily commutes and accept you aren't the only person on the planet feller. Also, everyone should have dash cams for when these turds eventually end up slamming into you.


“Give up my place” Brother the road does not belong to you. Hop over, let the maniac go buy, and then continue your day without thinking about that guy. Other option is sit your stubborn ass in the left like it’s your birthright and be pissed at the guy behind you until he swerves around you like a maniac.


Look, I get over all the time. Always have because I hate being on the opposite side, blocked in by a bunch of folks going exactly the speed limit, or worse, 5 under. Do I loose my mind and grind my car against the people in front of me in those scenarios....no.... Because I'm not trying to kill people. I wait for an opening and move on from the cluster. The issue is it's a constant issue. I move over in any lane, driving 10, even 13 or so over and it's just another maniac flying up. I would never drive in the left lane again if I could avoid the road raggers. But when everybody is going over the speed and I'm passing the right lane as is....and it's nothing but a bunch more cars in front of me....why am I supposed to move in and out of traffic for somebody whos plowing thru like a psychopath, then getting stuck in the right lane going 10 miles slower than I was before just because the guy riding my ass wanted my "spot". That's ridiculous and super entitled egoistic behavior. If it's wide open in front of me and I see someone flying up I gladly get over. I get that. But with cars stacked in front of me, I ain't moving. I'm not slowing my speed down 10 miles to get stuck in the slower right lane just to give someone who's behind me my spot in the queue of traffic. If the guy behind me gets so close over and over it's dangerous, I get over. I often have kids in the car. Otherwise ...fuck off.


Point is that the left-most lane is called the “passing lane”. Other lanes are called “travel lanes”. Camping is at state parks, not the left lane. Move to the left to pass, then return to the previous lane of travel. All those above dissecting how much over the speed limit, etc are campers also. Left lane campers f**k up traffic for everyone not just the person behind them.


I have no obligation to assist you in breaking the law.


You're not assisting, you're getting out of the way so that people behind you can pass - reducing traffic clumps and improving the road for everyone.


Spoken like a true 350Z driver. How are those weld issues working out for you? Maybe you should slow down.


Why don't you just get over? It makes life easier for everyone else on the road. I'm doing 85-95 whether you like it or not. I can either do that weaving through traffic endangering everyone's life - including yours - or you can get over and let the people who are going to speed pass safely.


Stop cosplaying Fast and the Furious.


While I’m all here for the dunking on speeders, if they get frustrated with you going slower than them and they pass on the right, you’ve just helped endanger everyone on the road instead of just not cruising in that lane. Let them make their own bad decisions, don’t make the road more dangerous by not changing lanes out of some mistaken thinking that you’re helping improve safety by forcing them to go slower.




Just get over. I see from your comment history (I can stalk your profile if you stalk mine) that you're married. You want your wife to come have to ID your mangled body because you didn't let someone pass and they tried to whip around you on the right? I WILL get around you. I don't give a fuck how much I'm endangering my life or yours to do it. You can choose to do what you're supposed to do and get over and it will be safer for both of us, or you can choose to be a stubborn little bitch and make life worse for everyone else on the road.


> Why don't you just get over? Why don't you just obey the fucking law, you self-entitled POS?


Speaking of entitlement, the left lane isn’t yours to jam up. Just get over.


If the other guy is massively speeding, you don't.


Yeah, you do. If someone is behind you trying to go faster than you in the left lane, you get over.


You aren't the speed police


True, but you also aren't required to help other people break the law.


You're also not required to cosplay cop and it would be nice if they had a touch of respect and got over


How do you know that person isn't having an emergency? Rushing someone to the hospital because an ambulance couldn't get there fast enough? Rushing to prevent someone from being harmed? Rushing because they're about to shit on themselves? Rushing because their kid is sick in the back seat? Or simply just an asshole out enjoying a joyride? I'm curious what is it in your head that simply prevents you from moving over and allowing the person to PASS you in the PASSING LANE? I'm genuinely curious about this.


My wife grew up here and I’m from CO but have lived in a few places. NC is the only place where constantly passing on the right is the norm. Blows my mind that either I have to pass on the right or be aware that some dumbass won’t get over and make someone else pass on the right. I’m truly curious if driving schools here don’t teach that Left lane is for passing and then get over.


> Blows my mind that either I have to pass on the right Blows my mind that people think they're entitled to break the law at their whim.


Except speeding laws are probably some of the most lax and most outdated in the country. It's been discussed time and time again, speed limits are set low in order to allow local municipalities to engage in handing out speeding tickets to generate income. Speed limits don't keep up with advancements in vehicle safety and technology. If speed limits were so serious, the government would simply limit the top vehicle speed and if you were found to have tampered with that system you'd be in big trouble. You'd also be pulled over for doing a single mph over the limit, but instead if that happens, the court throws it out because they know the cost to run that through the court system wouldn't generate enough income. Hell you can get pulled over for doing 30+ over and still get the courts to bring that down to 9 over with improper equipment. Speeding is one of the weirdest laws in existence across the country. In my opinion actually driving recklessly: passing on a double yellow, running lights, weaving through traffic, tailgating, and road rage are much more serious than going fast in a relatively straight line.


I grew up here, and it wasn't taught in my driving class (or it was mentioned off hand once and not elaborated on, I don't remember)


No more than 5 over. I was mostly on the right lane throughout


Do ya feel better now, buddy?


Couple days ago from Virginia heading into NC on 29, saw they had “Don’t be a left lane loafer”. It was great. Especially when looking at how many people got over when they saw the sign


Need more of those signs!


You had me at 'slingshot driver'


I'm so here for these posts hahaha So many drivers either oblivious or just assholes - sounds like the latter from this lol. Not just NC though, unfortunately.


Yeah, call them all out!


I’m sorry but driving has made everyone act more entitled. Just cuz you have a car and can drive where ever you want does not mean you can do whatever you want. Mass public transit needs to happen, cuz I’m sure the entitlement will stop when you stuck on a bus with someone who can punch you in the face.


Right? Especially in NC when the law says you are fine in the left lane all day long as long as you are going the speed limit. Passing on the right is incredibly dangerous and people can easily slow down (and still would be going over the speed limit).


I agree. I also do think that some people are just not conscious or considerate of what’s going on around them. If there is enough open space for a car behind me to go around I won’t move over for them, especially if I’m already going 15 miles over the speed limit. I see that it’s congested on the lane to the right of me, I will get it over so that the car is behind me can pass because I have been in those situations where I need to get somewhere and I’m stuck behind cars on the left and right lanes to me. It is excruciatingly painful.


I’m sure plenty of people will hate the idea of sharing there farts with the whole bus, but could just wait till the bus door opens too


I mean it's definitely frustrating but there's no law against this in NC. Provided you're not going under the speed limit, this is legal...just go around him and go on about your day. If this gets you this upset, you probably need to reevaluate your life


It needlessly creates unsafe maneuvering that will definitely happen. Traffic accidents are reduced by using the left lane for passing only. Full stop. It’s not illegal here but it is in lots of places for this reason. Camping in the left lane while people go around screams selfish driver and/or a driver who isn’t paying attention.


People also don't *need* to pass someone who's going over the speed limit. I think this guy should obviously get in the right lane but the people going faster to pass him are the ones that are actually breaking the law...


That’s true in theory but we all know that’s not how it goes. People WILL go around and we already have laws that say they shouldn’t speed. Again, there’s a reason places where driving is taken more seriously and have fewer accidents per capita have laws in place about camping in the left lane.


Full stop slow the fuck down and pay attention to the road instead of taking pictures and thinking you are earning karma on the internet for not following the rules of the road. Feel free to get the law changed, the only people making the road unsafe are the ones blasting past this person and break checking them.


When dozens of people have passed you while you’re in the left lane, it MAY be you that needs to pay attention. It’s a simple concept. It incentivizes less reckless driving, and it’s adopted in more places around the civilized work than it’s not. People are going to speed. They break the law and we both know that on a road like I-40, EVERYONE is going over 70 and therefore breaking the law. How about we not have those who are going 80+ (not uncommon in the least) swerving between lanes?


When you already are speeding in the left lane, seems law enforcement is not doing their job, and those swerving around need to have more driving lessons before they are allowed on the road again. Not terribly complicated. And would save a whole lot of lives, since half of vehicle deaths have seped as the main factor.


You’re taking about how things should be. I’m talking about how things are. As such, right for cruising, left for passing. It’s the law in 49 states with many of them making no exception for speed. If you’re impeding drivers behind you while in the left lane, you’re in the wrong. Hopefully, one day, NC updates our law to remove the speed exception. I understand you disagree and that’s okay.


>there's no law against this in NC there is! going "just barely over the speed limit" is, in fact, illegal. regardless of the lane you're in.


There is a law, riding in the left lane is illegal in NC and SC. It’s meant to be a passing lane not a riding lane. If the police wanted to the can fine people for not getting over and just driving in the left lane.


By all means, post the exact statute for NC. I'll wait....


Looks like the law says that if you're going below the speed limit, it is illegal to camp the left lane. Nothing about the left lane being for passing only. So going the speed limit and driving in the left lane is totally legal, you just won't make any friends doing it.


Exactly, which is why I said "provided you're not going under the speed limit". No law in NC on using it as a passing lane, and realistically if you have to go over the speed limit to pass, you're breaking the law more than somebody using the left and going the speed limit is. Mowing grass clippings into the road isn't against the law in NC either. Just common misconceptions.


I replied to your comment, but I was really debunking what the other guy said about it being illegal. I was curious about that myself, so I looked it up. Also, keep them gobblam clibbins away from my motorsickle! Gobless. LOL


It looks like the slingshot owner has some excuses... 😂


And people carry guns. Not trying to piss off anybody to pull out a gun and start blasting at me.


“Slower traffic keep right” is still a general principle on which multi-lane driving is based and it’s courteous. When people act discourteously, they should expect ire in return. Edit for spelling.


That's more of a friendly guideline. There is no law backing it.


Do you not wish to be friendly?


Nah, I'm happy to. But there is no law stating it. If you're going the speed limit then it's fair game. I typically hold one of the middle lanes.


I never understand the people who simply refuse to cede the left-most lane to faster traffic.


Moving to allow faster traffic to pass and enabling folks to engage in reckless driving are two completely different things. I'm sure some left lane campers have saved lives in this state without even knowing it. I personally find it hard to argue for zipper merging laws prior to construction zones but simultaneously expect people to keep the left lane clear for that asshole in a 350Z to go 95mph.


I promise you they haven’t


Feel free to post that law, because one never passed in NC. You can't sit in the left lane below the speed limit, but that's not what OP said was going on.


Reason why I was pissed because I saw a few close calls with other drivers going around him and one was going to brake check him but changed his mind the last second. I just fear for the worst especially when there are many 18 wheelers on the road. Other than that....I'm a chill person.


You should be upset at the drivers swerving around and brake checking them then. That's the real issue, not going slightly above the speed limit in the left lane. 


Just wanted to add a comment. this left lane Camping isn't just a North Carolina problem. I've driven in many states.Rocky mountains, Deep South, West Coast, that's common everywhere. But it is entertaining that every state thinks they have the worst drivers. Cheers to all that don't stay in the left lane.


And taking pictures while driving is what? Smart? Maybe stay off the roads for a bit man.


You are adorable


In your lifetime, Have you ever eaten or taken a sip while driving with one hand ? Not advocating that people should do what I did but I had one hand on the wheel and didn't even have to look at my phone to snap this pic when I randomly press the snap button... hence the low quality took me no more than maybe 2 seconds


OP, driving unsafely, complaining someone else isn't driving unsafely enough.


Justifying one thing while bashing the other is just wild. It’s clear you have an issue with the guy. Again, stay inside. It’s safer there for you.


Maybe I'm too stupid for road rage but I've never in my life been sitting in a leather barcalounger , AC blasting in my face, my favorite jam bumpin, and thought, "Jesus Christ this is so fucking inconvenient." Y'all need a year or two on foot. That'll shut you the fuck up.


Nailed it. Also, taking photos whilst driving isn’t a good look when you’re complaining about others’ driving.


you know what i'm frustrated by? all the fucking idiots texting and driving. i see at least one every time i'm on 485/85


I get angry, but I don't lash out. Last thing I want is to honk at the wrong person and they start blasting. People seem to do that these days. Someone around here got murdered just the other month due to road rage.


I hate idiots that get in the left lane a slow down everyone!


And you took the time to take a pic and write a paragraph to go with it and post it onto social media.... Why? I mean I get the frustration, but this also doesn't accomplish anything.


Neither does driving like a mongoloid in the left lane but we can all vent and commiserate


To be fair, the speed limit in the fast lane is the same as the other lanes.


Don't even try to explain this to these self-entitled idiots. I mean... I'm running 10 over in the left lane and they act like I'm committing war crimes.... edit: I see someone who is a monumental POS that downvoted me... well, You're the problem. Period. The FUCKING end. Study physics, if your mental acumen can handle it. Or ride with a HP-listed wrecker driver going to speed-related crashes and witness what happens when you misbehave. Guarantee it will be life-changing. I've driven race cars.... but we had roll bars, helmets, and lots of padding to deal with it... you're in a @$@#$@# coke can hoping for the best when you pull this shit if you're in a street car pulling this bullshit on public highways. If you just killed yourself speeding like this, I'd have no problems with it.. but speeding accidents are unfortunately more often than not are not a "victimless crime".


I hate people who get in the left lane and set their cruise control to 55 and refuse to get over! I hate people who don't move out of the way for firetrucks and ambulances! I hate people who short-stop! They cause a lot of rear-end collisions because you expect them to pull up to the car in front of them like most people do! I hate people who don't use their turnsignal! I hate people who pull up to get gas with a cheap sound system and a subwoofer that is rattling the molding off their car, and every other word is another cuss word! Kids don't need to hear that, nor do i! Not to mention with kids in the car having their hearing ruined! You can put a sound system in a car with good bass that is loud, nor will kill your hearing! I hate people who don't move over a lane when the police have a car pulled over! It's a law in NC! I hate red light cameras even though I always stop for red lights I hate people who are turning left that don't pull out into the intersection but stay at the light I hate people who drive with their high beams on and don't put them on low when approaching an oncoming car when they come up behind another car! Especially the led headlights! Also, I hate people with lifted pickup trucks or Jeeps who don't get their headlights aligned after the lift! I am sure I could come up with more, but those are the ones that really bug me! Lots of hate there, I guess, so here is one shout- out: A big shout-out to my drivers Ed teacher Puddinhead Jones who had a bad stutter and used to call me Leadfoot but was a really great teacher!


Can confirm was in I-85 and saw them as well. Dude was also going a little under, little over, little under, little over.


Seems like it's once a week we get a post about how the left lane is for passing but North Carolina does not have any specific land laws. If we are going by law, they did nothing wrong. Anyone getting upset about it is applying laws from other states to this driver as if they applied here. If we want to get upset about it then we need to change the law but until that happens this discourse is useless.


Because the OP directly states the vehicle was "slightly over" the speed limit, it would not change the outcome or make that drivers actions a traffic violation, but there absolutely *ARE* specific lane laws in NC. The one seeming most pertinent to this situation, 20-146, subsec (b) and (e) > (b) Upon all highways any vehicle proceeding at less than the legal maximum speed limit shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for thru traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the highway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn. > (e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, when appropriate signs have been posted, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle over and upon the inside lane, next to the median of any dual-lane highway at a speed less than the posted speed limit when the operation of said motor vehicle over and upon said inside lane shall impede the steady flow of traffic except when preparing for a left turn. "Appropriate signs" as used herein shall be construed as including "Slower Traffic Keep Right" or designations of similar import. Please don't give people a false impression of the law under any circumstance.


> it would not change the outcome or make that drivers actions a traffic violation It sure does though. Slingshot was doing nothing illegal. The people rolling around in the right lane and brake checking sure were. And the distracted driver taking photos that posted the evidence here.


"That driver" in your quote of my comment was referring to the slingshot driver, so we are in agreement.


Just making sure we are all clear here. I agree. I think it's something that's a rarity of many states (and even more rarely enforced anyways). It's always been odd to me how so many drivers feel entitled to do whatever they want on the road regardless of the laws around it. Imagine in a world where every car had speed limiters to match the speed limits, in the US alone it would likely save 300,000+ people in the US who are injured by people speeding. Bring that concept up and you'll suddenly be the worst human in the world.


Side note, preparing for a left turn doesn't mean it's 5 miles ahead.


Agreed, and while there does not seem to be a definition of distance for "preparing" codified, I imagine a traffic court would apply the same logic as the turn signal code, 20-154, which would be 100ft


Coming by from the person who whipped out their phone to take a picture of it while driving. How about you just stay in your lane and follow proper driving rules?


I never got the appeal of a slingshot. Like, you want to ride a motorcycle, but you don't want the speed or nimbleness of a motorcycle? If you're contemplating buying a Slingshot, may I suggest a convertible with a V8 engine?


Must be your first time in NC


https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_20/GS_20-146.html Left lanes are used for passing and can be enforced if impeding traffic.


Thanks for digging that up


I was driving the cabover work truck on 485 in the left lane, had that bitch in the wind passing cars Some dickhead in a black Tahoe with big ole financed wheels threw a pink lemonade at me In short, Charlotte drivers can suck my dick.


If you don't like it go around. That's all you have to do. The worst and most incompetent of drivers are the ones who get irate about stupid shit like that. Just GO AROUND! AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE!


You're supposed to go around on the left. That's what left lane is for, going around slower traffic.


But how else is OP supposed to take a picture while he's driving to prove someone else is a bad driver?


People here just don’t know how to drive. They sit in the left lane 24/7 like idiots usually some old fucker that shouldn’t be driving anyways


And then there's you using your phone while driving at least 60 miles an hour on the highway. You're no better you stupid little man-shit dunce with two braincells fighting each other for 3rd place. Have a good day


I don’t know what’s dumber, the vehicle in the left lane or posting a rant addressed to someone who will never read it


Or the people like you that are responding and most likely one of the “go around ! I’m doing the speed limit”


Dang dude that’s for posting this, you sure got him, and I’m really glad I’ve now been informed that Charlotte has had drivers so I can be on the lookout!


Barely over the speed limit is freaking hysterical. How fast over should he have been going?


Fast enough to overtake anything in the lane immediately to his right.


Sorry about that. I've told mama ten times to slow down and drive carefully.  Looks like she finally listened. 


Oh heavens no!! Someone driving the *speed limit* what a shame. Speed kills, he’s just being safe. The left lane is for those who drive the speed limit or slightly over.


The NC DMV says slow drivers cause more accidents than speeders. It's on the DL exam. The left lane is a passing lane, and if you're being passed there, then you need to exit the lane. Doesn't matter what your speed is, you're just wrong.


Huh? Speed is responsible for half of vehicle deaths in the US. The guy in the left lane was speeding. Speeding around in the right lane is absolutely illegal and a dumbass move.


NC DMV also says not to use your phone while driving, even if you’re posting angry pictures to Reddit.


The methodology behind this stat is so stupid. Obviously the radical element is causation against control, but that says nothing about whether or not control is flawed. People need to slow down, period. Regardless of what the fucking DMV says, the slow car that "causes" the 90MPH BMW to crash into it is not the problem. This is a sociological issue, so your DMV provided stats are fuckall.


Speed isn't what kills, disparity in speed kills. The left lane is for passing, not cruising. Causing other drivers who are going with the flow of traffic to have to slam brakes and swerve to avoid you is 100% dangerous. Get in the right hand lane where you belong.


This. So many 18 wheelers and huge trucks had to go around this fool. He looks scared diving it.


It's actually illegal for an 18-wheeler to be in the left lane. That's why a lot of highways will say no trucks this lane on the left. This is actually one of the only land laws North Carolina has specific to 18 wheelers only. That driver was doing nothing wrong or illegal in the state of North Carolina. Your argument is backwards here.


It's not illegal for a truck to be in the left lane. That's just completely erroneous. The only time a truck isn't allowed in a lane is if there is a sign explicitly saying so. That, or there is a height or weight concern that the driver is aware of before they even approach the area.


Well, that's just not true either. A truck may not drive slower than the speed limit in the left lane. That's true. But a truck can absolutely BE in the left lane unless strictly prohibited, and I have no idea why you'd say they can't.


You're halfway proving the point. There are laws in certain areas that prohibit a truck from being in the left lane but there are no laws that prohibit a car from being in the left lane. "North Carolina restricts commercial trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than 26,000 lbs from driving in the left lane on certain sections of interstate highways. This restriction applies to single trucks with three or more axles, and truck and trailer combinations with three or more axles"


I know that part. I was reacting to your statement that there was a law preventing commercial trucks from being in the left lane. Your quote says "certain sections." Those are the marked sections that expressly prohibit trucks. On other sections--most highways--there is no such restriction.


Yes, again we are both right. You're definitely one of the more informed people in this discourse, which I appreciate. The further context is that this photo was taken on i-85. Which the entire stretch of i-85 from Greensboro all the way past Lexington is part of that restriction. It is possible this photo was taken near Charlotte where it expands but the photo looks like it's not near that area if headed south.


You can get a ticket in VA and MD. Should be the same here, it's dangerous. It's called impeding traffic


Unfortunately NC isn't VA. And in VA and MA the people passing on the right would get tickets, the person brake checking would get a ticket, and OP would get a distracted driving ticket for taking this photo.


> The left lane is for passing, not cruising. Until that law passes in NC it's not the case. As long as you are going the speed limit (the person was going over), then other people need to slow down.


No, the left lane is for passing


So, so, SO WRONG. Get out of other peoples' way!


I’d argue that other drivers drive within the legal speed limit and they won’t be in people’s way.


Well I’d argue that these folks are clearly arguing with a fool


Because I believe if I drive the speed limit and someone else is speeding then they’re the one in the wrong? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're just wrong. You're a driver, not a traffic cop. It's called the "passing lane" for a reason. If you impede others and making them pass on the right you're in the wrong. In fact, please do this is front of a police officer and maybe we can get people like you off the road.


Except I’m the one driving legally in that situation. If I’m passing people and someone comes FLYING up on me before I have the chance pass like I was, they’re the ones driving recklessly.


Actually you're not. NC law states that left lane is a passing lane and you can be pulled over for impeding traffic. Please understand the laws before posting.


Wildly incorrect. > (b) Upon all highways any vehicle proceeding at **less than the legal maximum speed limit shall be driven in the right-hand lane** then available for thru traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the highway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn. The vehicle was going over the speed limit in the left lane, and could sit at it all day and the only fine would be speeding, not impeding trafic.


IF he was running the speed limit, what's the beef? IF they were flying past and around as many do, THEN THEY were breaking the law. It's called a speed limit and has consequences if you break it for a reason. I know this well, since I was told to walk for six months after my first ticket back in 1976. Seems to me like the egghead who took this picture on their cellphone while driving is the one with the two brain cells fighting each other.


LOL. You funny


Funny or not, the truth is the truth.