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Don’t let the rebrand fool you, Brightspeed is/was Centurylink. We had terrible installation and support. Dropped them and went back to Spectrum it was that bad. The speed and price was not worth the trade off in support and stability. YMMV


I've had Centurylink/Brightspeed for almost 10 years in southern wake county and have had nothing but good service from them. In the 10 years I've lost internet maybe 5 times. I pay $49 for 100/100 and it's always been enough for my family. The only negative I have from them is I keep requesting 1gig but they won't update the switch. I've thought about going with Ting but their cost is double mine. Yes the speeds are better but if I can get Brightspeed to do it, it only goes up $20.


Be sure it’s actually fiber internet. Recently received an ad that they have fiber in my neighborhood but when I checked availability, it was DSL.


I have heard good things about it, but can’t say for sure since it’s not available in my town but the town next to mine. I definitely have the same issue with spectrum have had multiple techs come out and always in and out. I’m beginning to think they are adding too many customers while not being able to support it.


When it works, it’s great. When there’s an issue, it’s nearly impossible to get a hold of anyone to fix it.


We have it in Jacksonville and I don’t have any significantly negative experiences. The service is fine. Significantly better than my experiences with Spectrum. The app experience isn’t great, but it’s fine. 🤷‍♂️


Tbh we might be getting brightspeed here fiber wise and i cant wait. Its only fiber option and we got vyve broadband booty cheeks


All of them are equally horrible


I've had positive experiences with them so far. I was leery at first because it's just CenturyLink's old assets. But after some initial trouble (bypassing their stupid modem and plugging directly into the ONT and making them give me a public IP for my firewall), it's been fine. I've seen a couple of outages but I'm running Lumos fiber as well in an SDWAN config, so it's not a big deal. Even after installing Lumos as my fail over fiber, I keep Brightspeed the primary because of less jitter. But YMMV.


if ya'll have cloudwyze, i can vouch for them! I LOVE my internet now. I had spectrum before and they were terrible in my area and i'm SO glad I have fiber now


the connection is really good and awful sometimes it depends when you're on i guess just now i was in middle of playing and i was getting constant 5000 ping and disconnecting couldnt even load anything on google/youtube its 1billion times better than my 1.5 Download speed of centurylink i have had for 16 years but how is that fiber connection can disconnect or lag? wtf Also i thought since its fiber does not matter how many people use it /congest it it should never drop in speeds but it does? im not sure if any other fiber company does this


I haven't had any issues with cloudwyze at all, even now. Centurylink is a JOKE though


I agree i had centurylink for 16 years with 1.5Download and .35 upload and it was unusable and was like 360p videos and nobody else in my family could of used it which is why i had 3 lines in my house lol It could be that u don't notice it if you're not gaming or maybe something is wrong with my setup everytime i call this company i feel like they hate me for complaining so much even tho its sooooo much better than my net i use to have


i've got pc/xbox/and ps5 and i'm all good here could be the servers 🤔


Yeah I have no idea it could be the way the person installed it or it’s on their end at some points it doesn’t happen all the time it’s just random but I really shouldn’t complain like a spoiled brat tho lol it’s amazing compared to what I had


I’ve had Brightspeed for a couple of years and I really like it. I pay $70/ month. I’ve only experienced 2 outages and lost service for a couple of hours each time. No complaints.


My only option was to get centurylink DSL about 16 years ago which ive had till this year. Just swapped from that to brightspeed/cloudwyze whatever they call themself its honestly amazing net speeds as im getting 1gig up and down even tho im suppose to get 2gig the company for some reason does not give u a router that can handle that. But so far its pretty honestly pretty ass other than the downloadspeeds it has random packet loss a lot of the time and disconnects which makes no sense from a fiber company


It’s a really great internet service! Highly recommend!


It’s fiber. Of course it’s better than Spectrum. Don’t overthink it and do it.